Tyrant Trump Demands ALL TV News Licenses Be Revoked and Kamala Harris Concede the Election

Ordinarily, a presidential candidate would conduct their campaign in a manner that would amplify his or her most appealing character traits and suppress or minimize those most likely to alienate or repulse voters. But the campaign of Donald Trump is, to say the very least, anything but ordinary.

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Donald Trump Tyrant Dictator

During his short career in politics, Trump has managed to project an extraordinary variety of repulsive traits. They include his rancid prejudices (racism, misogyny, xenophobia, etc.), his pathetically infantile responses to well deserved criticism, his pitiful ignorance of life in America (government, history, law, culture, etc.), his noxious and delusional narcissism, and perhaps most troubling, his affinity for foreign dictators that mirrors his own authoritarian aspirations. The latter he actually said aloud to his Fox News pal, Sean Hannity…

SEE THIS: Trump Cloddishly Dodges Hannity’s Softball Questions About Whether He Would Be a Dictator

Now, as Election Day draws nearer, Trump is continuing to emphasize the personality defects that repel the most people. In a series of utterly unhinged rants on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, Trump lashed out at the media that he despises with rhetoric that confirms his dreams of tyrannical power. It was an absurd extension of his previous outburst threatening to revoke the broadcast license of CBS for airing a 60 Minutes interview of Kamala Harris. Now he is including ALL broadcast networks. He began by bellowing

“A giant Fake News Scam by CBS & 60 Minutes. Her REAL ANSWER WAS CRAZY, OR DUMB, so they actually REPLACED it with another answer in order to save her or, at least, make her look better. A FAKE NEWS SCAM, which is totally illegal. TAKE AWAY THE CBS LICENSE. Election Interference. She is a Moron, and the Fake News Media wants to hide that fact. An UNPRECEDENTED SCANDAL!!! The Dems got them to do this and should be forced to concede the Election? WOW!”

Needless to say, Trump has no evidence that CBS altered anything that Harris said in the interview, other than routine editing for time. Trump is manifesting figments of his severely perverse imagination. Furthermore, there would be nothing illegal about such editing if it did occur. Consequently, Trump’s demand that Harris “be forced to concede the Election.” is what psychiatrists would describe as “NUTZ!” It’s an impotent demand that Trump is making because he knows that he is losing. But he was just getting started. He continued his rant saying that…

“60 Minutes is a major part of the News Organization of CBS, which has just created the Greatest Fraud in Broadcast History. CBS should lose its license, and it should be bid out to the Highest Bidder, as should all other Broadcast Licenses, because they are just as corrupt as CBS — and maybe even WORSE!”

Once again, CBS did nothing wrong. But Trump’s “solution” to what his diseased brain is concocting is to revoke the licenses of ALL broadcast networks. Because that’s precisely what his idols (Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, etc.) would do. Never mind that networks are not licensed by the federal government, only individual stations. What Trump is proposing is, nevertheless, an open assault on the First Amendment of the Constitution and contrary to American principles. But why would Trump care about that now. He never has before. Then he wound up by saying that…

“With me, 60 Minutes does the exact opposite! They take everything I say, realize how totally BRILLIANT it is, and take it out. So, with Kamala they add, with ‘TRUMP,’ they delete. Like the Democrat Party, THEY ARE A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!”

Once again, Trump is suffering from bizarre hallucinations. He didn’t do (aka chickened out of) the 60 Minutes interview this week, so there was nothing he said to delete, and certainly nothing that was “brilliant.” Even if he were referring to an interview from 2020, it was Trump who cut it short, walking out before it was completed. Lately he has been demanding that Lesley Stahl apologize to him for something that she never said in that interview.

What Trump is whining about in these comments should be a bright red flag for American voters. Trump is promising that, if returned to power, he would abuse it in the same way that his totalitarian heroes do. And if he would abuse power to oppress the media, he would abuse it to oppress every other institution – and even individuals – that he finds objectionable, or that are insufficiently worshipful of him.

That should be the message that Americans take into the voting booth this year. And they must vote for Harris and Walz if they want to preserve America’s free press and, even more foundational, America’s democracy.


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5 thoughts on “Tyrant Trump Demands ALL TV News Licenses Be Revoked and Kamala Harris Concede the Election

  1. In any normal, rational family, he would already be institutionalized! I cannot understand how his family can just stan by and watch him sink ever deeper into dementia! What ever is left of his brain must have gotten infected by RFK’s brain worms!

    • When Trump heard that Kennedy was getting attention from the press asking questions about the brain worms, his attitude was “How dare you!” Then the reaction of Trump taking back the spotlight by calling a press conference and telling them that a doctor had told him that he had brain worms. He also told him “What big, sleek, brain worms you have! I’ve never seen such beautiful brain worms. Sir, how do you do it?

  2. Isn’t it illegal to incite catastrophes that put Americans at risk? Trump is a danger to humanity, the environment & DEMOCRACY.

    In 2021, his cult was dying from COVID misinformation Now, they’re not only dying from stupidly believing Trump over FEMA, they’re now drinking raw milk!!!

    Hey… It’s not KOOL AID, but it’ll due!

    When people CHOOSE to REFUSE any help ~ whether it’s a vaccine or FEMA assistance ~ they are simply UNWORTHY of any help.

    Instead, we need to focus on helping the Haitian Americans who are being persecuted by MAGA & hurricane victims who are simply trying to help each other in a time of crisis.

    Their ignorance of actual SCIENCE as well as their anger towards the people who have tried to save their lives, like Dr. Fauci and President Joseph Biden, makes them UNWORTHY of any help offered to them.

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