Trump’s Anti-American ‘Enemies From Within’ Comment was ‘Speaking From the Heart’ per JD Vance

Every liar has a tell. And Donald Trump is no exception. For those interested in the secret indicator that reveals when Trump is engaging in blatant bullshittery, look for this unfailing signal that he sends every time he is deliberately deceitful: Are his lips moving? That’s all the experienced truth-seeker needs to know to spot when Trump is spinning yarns.

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Donald Trump, JD Vance, Dr. Evil, Mini-Me

As Election Day draws nearer, Trump is unloading ever more flagrant falsehoods whose distance from reality is growing exponentially by the hour. His desperation is driving him to concoct increasingly bizarre tales intended to invoke fear among his glassy-eyed cult disciples. In Trump’s most recent rants there are more murderous migrants, more conniving communists, and all manner of monsters lurking in every shadow. Most of whom he says are fellow citizens who dare to disagree with him.

SEE THIS: Traitor Trump Says that Americans Who Oppose Him are ‘a Bigger Enemy than China and Russia’

On Fox News Monday morning, Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, was interviewed by Bill Hemmer. And the discussion addressed some recent comments Trump made about Americans who he has deemed “the enemy from within.” According to Trump, these are not clandestine figures who have embedded themselves in our communities waiting to pounce. Nope. They are his political foes who can be our family, friends, neighbors, and even elected representatives.

Trump told Fox News’ Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, that these imaginary scoundrels “should be easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military.” So Trump is now promising to use the U.S. military against American citizens who don’t support him. This emerging threat sparked the following exchange on Fox between Vance and Hemmer…

Hemmer: He’s asked about this ‘enemies within’ comment. And I’ve read all of it. I’ve listened to all of it. It’s hard for me to know what he really means about it. But that’s not my question. My question is ‘Why is that necessary’?
Vance: Well, first of all, Donald Trump is unfiltered. I think it’s one of the reasons the campaign has gone well is because he’s not doing a basic campaign strategy. He’s not just running on slogans. When people ask him questions he speaks from the heart. And sometimes that means he’s gonna talk about issues that the mainstream media isn’t focused on.

So according to Vance, maligning fellow American citizens – even those serving in elected offices – as “enemies” is okay because it comes from Trump’s alleged heart? Never mind that there is no rational way to justify the accusation. It’s purely a derogatory and childish insult that has long been a core defect evident in Trump’s severe personality disorder. And that’s from the heart, as well as documented by psychiatric health professionals, including his niece, Mary Trump.

Vance says that Trump “isn’t running on slogans.” You mean like “enemies from within,” “build the wall,” “drill, baby, drill,” “lock her up,” “make America great again,” etc. And Vance defends Trump by claiming that he is “unfiltered.” That’s a fault, not a virtue, for civic leaders who ought to have refined diplomatic skills in order to be effective.

However, Trump’s unfiltered state has provided some grotesque examples of his rancid mindset that makes him utterly unfit to serve in any office. Such as, just this week, his calling Kamala Harris a “sh*t” Vice-President, and his fixation on Arnold Palmer’s junk, and that January 6th was a “day of beauty and love.” Do we really want a leader who is that unfiltered?

Vance never actually answered Hemmer’s question about why it would be necessary for Trump to use such preposterously provocative language. He just offered his obsequious defense and asserted that Trump was right to say these things because they are from his heart. Which, in its own way, is informative and useful. Because, if for no other reason, it tells us something about the sickly condition of Trump’s heart.


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3 thoughts on “Trump’s Anti-American ‘Enemies From Within’ Comment was ‘Speaking From the Heart’ per JD Vance

  1. If anyone is the “enemy from within” it’s tRump. Actually he is also the enemy from outside since he is a Putin puppet.

  2. “Are his lips are moving?” Good to see you use the same high quality of work in your editing that you use in researching and writing your stories.

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