The Trump Regime Wants to Abolish Judicial Review and the Constitution’s Separation of Powers

The reprise of Donald Trump’s occupation of the White House is extraordinarily significant from a historical perspective. Setting aside his appallingly apparent lust for authoritarian power (which we shouldn’t do), he has achieved a few firsts that the American people must not diminish or forget.

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Donald Trump, Constitution

For instance, Trump is the first convicted felon to be elected president. He’s also the first adjudicated rapist, the first to advocate censorship of the free press, the first to openly praise and support fascist dictators, and the first to accept bribes through his hotels and golf resorts, and other phony business ventures (Trump Media, Trump coin, etc.).

SEE THIS: The Grifter-In-Chief: Will Donald Trump Divest From His Bribery Platform, Truth Social?

Another constant in the cavalcade of Trump’s criminality is his flagrant hostility toward justice and the rule law. Trump shares his hatred of law enforcement with all of the organized crime gangs that preceded him, and for the same reasons. None of them want to be held accountable for their wrongdoing.

It has been less than three weeks since Trump’s inauguration, and he has already been spanked by the courts multiple times for exceeding his authority. In one case his deadline to force for federal employees to resign was delayed. In another his attempt to end birthright citizenship was blocked. Most recently his order to shutdown the US Agency for International Development (USAID) was halted, and his cronies prohibited from accessing or retaining any data that they had collected.

It was the latter ruling that triggered the Trump team to escalate their war on the judiciary. Trump’s co-president, Elon Musk, was compelled to speak out on his own propaganda platform (Twitter/X) saying that “A corrupt judge protecting corruption. He needs to be impeached NOW!” And that “I’d like to propose that the worst 1% of appointed judges, as determined by elected bodies, be fired every year. This will weed out the most corrupt and least competent.”

Musk’s proposal to annually fire judges at the whim of partisan elected representatives is a blatant assault on the independence of the judiciary. But it isn’t surprising that he has no respect for these pesky details that form the foundation of America’s justice system, and that prevent him from acting out his tyrannical fantasies.

Joining in on the judge bashing is Vice-President JD Vance. He tweeted a message that demonstrates just how clueless about the law a Yale Law graduate can be after he’s been indoctrinated into a cult. He wrote that…

“If a judge tried to tell a general how to conduct a military operation, that would be illegal. If a judge tried to command the attorney general in how to use her discretion as a prosecutor, that’s also illegal. Judges aren’t allowed to control the executive’s legitimate power.”

JD Vance posted this decree essentially advocating for the elimination of the constitutionally co-equal judicial branch of government so that Trump can reign as a tyrant.

News Corpse ( 2025-02-09T17:58:39.379Z

Every word of that is nonsense. None of what he claims is illegal violates any law. To the contrary, if a general, an attorney general, or any other executive branch official, were to engage in conduct that is contrary to the Constitution, they can be ordered to stop the offending conduct and be punished, if necessary, in accordance with the law. Any other interpretation would be a de facto authorization for the president – or any subordinate he designates – to violate the Constitution at will.

This rant by Vance essentially decrees that the constitutionally co-equal judicial branch of government is irrelevant and that Trump is free to reign as a tyrant. To be sure, that’s precisely what Trump aspires to. But it is not remotely permissible in a constitutional republic with clear delineations outlining the separation powers.

So neither Trump, nor Vance, nor Musk, nor anyone else in the Trump Mob, can ignore judicial rulings. Neither can they unilaterally impeach or otherwise intimidate or remove judges who don’t rule in their favor. And it is a frightening feature of the current state of America that anyone actually needs to be reminded of that.


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Trump’s Anti-American ‘Enemies From Within’ Comment was ‘Speaking From the Heart’ per JD Vance

Every liar has a tell. And Donald Trump is no exception. For those interested in the secret indicator that reveals when Trump is engaging in blatant bullshittery, look for this unfailing signal that he sends every time he is deliberately deceitful: Are his lips moving? That’s all the experienced truth-seeker needs to know to spot when Trump is spinning yarns.

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Donald Trump, JD Vance, Dr. Evil, Mini-Me

As Election Day draws nearer, Trump is unloading ever more flagrant falsehoods whose distance from reality is growing exponentially by the hour. His desperation is driving him to concoct increasingly bizarre tales intended to invoke fear among his glassy-eyed cult disciples. In Trump’s most recent rants there are more murderous migrants, more conniving communists, and all manner of monsters lurking in every shadow. Most of whom he says are fellow citizens who dare to disagree with him.

SEE THIS: Traitor Trump Says that Americans Who Oppose Him are ‘a Bigger Enemy than China and Russia’

On Fox News Monday morning, Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, was interviewed by Bill Hemmer. And the discussion addressed some recent comments Trump made about Americans who he has deemed “the enemy from within.” According to Trump, these are not clandestine figures who have embedded themselves in our communities waiting to pounce. Nope. They are his political foes who can be our family, friends, neighbors, and even elected representatives.

Trump told Fox News’ Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, that these imaginary scoundrels “should be easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military.” So Trump is now promising to use the U.S. military against American citizens who don’t support him. This emerging threat sparked the following exchange on Fox between Vance and Hemmer…

Hemmer: He’s asked about this ‘enemies within’ comment. And I’ve read all of it. I’ve listened to all of it. It’s hard for me to know what he really means about it. But that’s not my question. My question is ‘Why is that necessary’?
Vance: Well, first of all, Donald Trump is unfiltered. I think it’s one of the reasons the campaign has gone well is because he’s not doing a basic campaign strategy. He’s not just running on slogans. When people ask him questions he speaks from the heart. And sometimes that means he’s gonna talk about issues that the mainstream media isn’t focused on.

So according to Vance, maligning fellow American citizens – even those serving in elected offices – as “enemies” is okay because it comes from Trump’s alleged heart? Never mind that there is no rational way to justify the accusation. It’s purely a derogatory and childish insult that has long been a core defect evident in Trump’s severe personality disorder. And that’s from the heart, as well as documented by psychiatric health professionals, including his niece, Mary Trump.

Vance says that Trump “isn’t running on slogans.” You mean like “enemies from within,” “build the wall,” “drill, baby, drill,” “lock her up,” “make America great again,” etc. And Vance defends Trump by claiming that he is “unfiltered.” That’s a fault, not a virtue, for civic leaders who ought to have refined diplomatic skills in order to be effective.

However, Trump’s unfiltered state has provided some grotesque examples of his rancid mindset that makes him utterly unfit to serve in any office. Such as, just this week, his calling Kamala Harris a “sh*t” Vice-President, and his fixation on Arnold Palmer’s junk, and that January 6th was a “day of beauty and love.” Do we really want a leader who is that unfiltered?

Vance never actually answered Hemmer’s question about why it would be necessary for Trump to use such preposterously provocative language. He just offered his obsequious defense and asserted that Trump was right to say these things because they are from his heart. Which, in its own way, is informative and useful. Because, if for no other reason, it tells us something about the sickly condition of Trump’s heart.


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Jimmy Kimmel and Tim Walz Make it Abundantly Clear Who the Weird Ones Are in This Election

When Kamala Harris chose Gov. Tim Walz to be her running mate, she was impressed with his record as a progressive leader who made great strides in his state, and whose experience as a legislator, a veteran, a teacher, and a football coach, appealed to a broad swath of middle America.

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Fox News, Kamala Harris, Tim Walz

In addition to those assets, Walz had a way of speaking that average folks could relate to. For example, his off the cuff observation that Donald Trump and JD Vance were “weird” connected so authentically with millions of people that it instantly became the most vivid descriptor of the MAGA party’s presidential ticket. It was such a apt epigram that Fox News and the GOP had to invent a contrary, albeit lame and baseless, comeback…

SEE THIS: WTF? Fox News and GOP Clown Comer Launch a Gross Attack on Tim Walz and His ‘Scary Family’

On Monday night Walz was a guest on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” where he had another opportunity to display his homespun relatability. During the course of the conversation, Kimmel played a montage of Trump responding on several occasions to the charge that he and Vance are weird. Clearly he was disturbed by it. But it was impossible to see his responses as anything but…well, weird. Which Walz himself noticed and had the perfect reaction…

“If you have to tell people numerous times you’re not weird, you might be weird.”

Indeed. In just the same way that Trump has to repeatedly tell people that he isn’t racist, or stupid, or greedy, or sexually abusive, or afraid, or lying, he finds it necessary to try to convince people that he isn’t weird. That’s a hard case to make when the evidence of all of the above is so abundant.

Later in the interview, Kimmel gave Walz an opportunity to address the weirdness issue in a more serious way…

Kimmel: Why do you think the ‘weird’ label stuck to Republicans?
Walz: I was talking about the behaviors of being obsessed with people’s personal lives in their bedrooms and their reproductive rights. Making up stories about folks legally here eating cats and dogs. They’re dehumanizing. They go beyond weird. Let’s debate policy.

Walz barely scraped the surface of Trump’s weirdness. He left out Trump’s obsession with Hannibal Lecter, his fear of batteries and sharks, his belief that windmills cause cancer, his suggestion to nuke hurricanes, his bleach injection cure for COVID, his insistence that he won in 2020 and is ahead by far in all the polls now (he’s definitely not), his narcissistic delusion that he is everyone’s favorite president, and so much more.

When considered in its entirety, “weird” seems hardly sufficient to describe what Trump is.


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Moving the Needle: The Vance v Walz Debate Firmly Established that Trump is Full of $#IT

Historically, vice-presidential debates have had little impact on the outcome of an election. They serve mainly as an opportunity to showcase the judgment of the presidential candidate in choosing a competent, qualified partner, and potential successor. And on that scale, Kamala Harris hit one out of the park.

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Donald Trump, JD Vance, Dr. Evil, Mini-Me

The much anticipated face-off between Gov. Tim Walz and Sen. JD Vance provided an excellent display of the personnel decision making capabilities of their respective bosses. Harris chose someone with experience, honesty, and moral character. And Donald Trump chose a cheap replica of himself, with the same shameless facility for disseminating falsehoods as his master, who has made a career of it.

SEE THIS: OUCH! Trump’s Flagrant Lies About 14,000 ‘Criminal’ Migrants Gets a Devastating Fact-Check

The likelihood that this debate will defy history and change the course of the campaign is minimal. But it is not nonexistent. There is a possibility that the needle could be moved a point or two, which is all that’s needed to affect the result of a close race. And Vance seemed to be doing his best to achieve that movement, but in favor of his opponent, Gov. Walz.

In a debate where there was little that would be remembered afterward, Vance managed to come away with most of the memorable moments. For instance…

Walz directly asked Vance whether Trump had lost the election in 2020. A simple question that Vance was unable to answer.

Vance brought up the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), saying that Trump had “salvaged” it when it was “doing disastrously.” In reality, Trump had repeatedly tried to repeal the broadly popular plan and, having failed to do so, reduced its promotion budget and shortened the open enrollment period in an attempt to sabotage it. He never had an alternative proposal despite numerous promises to deliver one.

Vance claimed to have never supported a national abortion ban, despite being on record saying literally that “I certainly would like abortion to be illegal nationally.”

Vance tried to erase his now infamous comments about legal Haitian migrants eating cats and dogs. Then he whined about being fact-checked and, in an effort to redeem himself, he lied some more about an immigration statute that had nothing to do with the Haitian migrants.

Vance engaged in some flagrant revisionist history, asserting that Trump respected the traditional peaceful transfer of power after his loss in 2020. Apparently Vance forgot about the deadly January 6th insurrection that was incited by Trump, who still praises those convicted as patriots and promises to pardon them.

There was quite a bit more that Vance distorted, such as his silence on Trump labeling climate change a hoax, and Trump’s pledge to have legally and economically destabilizing mass deportations of immigrants, and Trump’s neglect to respond to Iranian attacks on U.S. soldiers.

For his part, Trump’s live “truthing” of the debate consisted entirely of insults, allegations of bias, and empty declarations of imaginary victory, but not a single fact. Meanwhile, the primary surrogate for his campaign, Vance, was pitifully inept and even counterproductive. That might cause a rational candidate to reconsider offers to engage in further debates. However, Trump is standing firm on his cowardly refusal to debate Harris again. He posted a fear drenched rant on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, saying that…

“Lyin’ Kamala just put out a request for another Debate because they lost so badly tonight…and I’m not looking to do it again, too far down the line. Votes are already cast — And I’m leading BIG in the Polls.”

Of course, Walz did not lose the debate with Vance. And it is hardly to late for Trump to debate Harris again. Trump debated in late October in both his 2016 and 2020 races. And finally, Trump is not “leading BIG in the polls.” In fact, he isn’t leading at all. He is trailing Harris in nearly every recent poll. Which is just another blatant lie that certifies him as the master of mendacity and misinformation. It’s a distinction that he will likely retain for many years to come.


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Tough Guy JD Vance Dares Nut Jobs to Come to His Rally and Try to Assassinate Him

The 2024 presidential campaign has suddenly taken on a new topic of discussion. It has consumed the commentaries of the candidates, as well as much of the media coverage. But what’s peculiar about it is that it isn’t really anything new. In fact, it is something that has been present for months, even years.

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Donald Trump, JD Vance, Dr. Evil, Mini-Me

This emerging topic has to do with the profusion of hostile and inflammatory rhetoric that has the potential to incite violence. And now everyone seems to be talking about it. Never mind that Donald Trump has been disgorging incendiary rants since the inception of his political career. It is only now becoming newsworthy, in part due to the recent incidents involving Trump and a couple of crazed, gun-toting individuals. Incidents that Trump immediately exploited with hostile and inflammatory rhetoric:

SEE THIS: Trump Blames the Alleged Assassination Attempt at His Golf Course on Kamala Harris and Joe Biden

On Tuesday morning, Trump’s running mate, JD Vance, joined in the exploitation at a campaign event in Michigan. During his speech he predictably sought to blame Kamala Harris and other Democrats for ramping up the rhetoric that he claimed would result in violence. It was a purely political accusation that had no foundation in reality. But it was only the beginning for Vance. Escalating his own bombastic blather, Vance said that…

“With close to 500 patriots in the state of Michigan in this building right now and outside, I’d like to see an assassin try to come in this room. They’ve come in the wrong place, if you try to walk into this place right now.

Seriously? Vance is issuing a straightforward invitation to some other crazed individuals who would take his words as a challenge. They might believe that answering that call could make them famous. And while Vance might think that he’s taking a macho stance against political hitmen, he’s actually just fomenting potential tragedies that would get innocent people killed.

Contrary to Vance’s phony bravado, it would not be impossible for a gunman to gain entry to one his campaign events. And if he came armed with an assault weapon, he could do an enormous amount of harm to innumerable people before any of the “patriots” in the room could stop him. So Vance is putting the lives of many others at risk in order to make himself look like a tough guy.

Vance’s provocation is just another type of inflammatory rhetoric. But it would have the same dire consequences. Trump and his confederates couldn’t care less about the welfare of others. And their complaints about hostile dialog is hypocritical in the extreme.

No one has spewed more incendiary – and utterly dishonest – words than Trump himself. From his calling Harris a “Marxist, communist, fascist,” to asserting that the Democrats want to “destroy the country,” and that if they are elected “there will be no country,” to charges that the left favors “murdering babies after they are born,” to claiming that Democrats want “open borders” to allow “criminals and mental patients to pour in,” so they can wreak havoc and vote for more Democrats.

Trump’s ravings are nothing short of insanity. Meanwhile, the things that he complains that Democrats are saying about him are not remotely comparable. For instance, saying that Trump is a threat to democracy is not inflammatory rhetoric. It’s the truth! and Trump’s own words and actions confirm it.

Trump has yet to accept the results of the 2020 election that he lost. He incited a deadly insurrection and assault on the Capital in order to undermine democracy and maintain power. He proposed having the military shoot protesters. He aligns himself with foreign enemies like Vladimir Putin, and advances their anti-American agenda. He literally called for terminating the Constitution…

SEE ALSO: Trump Literally Calls for Termination of the Constitution and FREAKS OUT Over Bogus Fox News Story

Trump and Vance, and the Republican Party at large, all want to silence Democrats and others who disagree with them. They demand that only Democrats tone down their rhetoric, but that Trump et al should remain free to rant hysterically at will. Needless to say, that isn’t gonna fly with either Democrats or the majority of the American people. And provocations like the one that Vance just made will only serve to drive the MAGA party farther into the fringes. Hopefully, however, it won’t produce any more harm in the interim.


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From Cat Ladies to Cat Eaters: The Trump Cult is Sick, Twisted, and Totally Removed From Reality

The madness of the Donald Trump cult seems to descend to ever new lows with each passing day. It’s a social phenomenon that occurs occasionally when society’s most gullible rubes are persuaded by fear mongering and ludicrous lies to follow a wannabe messiah who doesn’t care about anything but himself.

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Donald Trump Zombie

As Kamala Harris is preparing for the upcoming debate with Trump, the former reality TV game show host and convicted felon, Trump, is whiling away the hours posting absurdities on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. And unfortunately for him, his electoral prospects are becoming as dim as his business ventures…

SEE THIS: Circling the Drain: Trump’s Truth Social Craters Since the Kamala Harris Speech at the DNC

On Monday morning the Church of the Demented Don waded hip deep into a new crackpot conspiracy that may be recognized as the most deranged nonsense of Trump’s political career. Which is really saying something. In short, the Trumpists are pushing an entirely fabricated fantasy involving Haitian immigrants in Ohio stealing and eating people’s pets.

Often with ridiculousness like this, it is propagated by online trolls and foreign governments hoping to interfere with the election on Trump’s behalf. That may also be true in this case. However, these sickly and racist allegations are most prominently being pushed by the biggest wigs of the Republican Party, including Trump’s VP running mate JD Vance, Stephen Miller, Elon Musk, Rep. Jim Jordan, Rep. Mike Collins, and of course, Catturd. [Note: late additions include Sen. Ted Cruz and Don Trump. Jr.]

Needless to say, none of it is true. The Springfield News-Sun investigated the matter and reported that “The Springfield Police Division said Monday morning they have received no reports related to pets being stolen and eaten.”

Apparently checking with the local police department was too much trouble for the GOP “leaders” who want the American people to trust them with the future of the country. What does that tell us about everything the GOP investigates, including their probes of President Biden, and Hunter Biden, and VP Kamala Harris, and Gov. Tim Walz, etc. ad infinitum.

Republicans even set up a House Committee on the Weaponization of Government. Which surprisingly, was not a committee to investigate such matters, but to actually initiate and engage in them. And they exploited their power as the majority party in the House to launch political attacks, wasting untold hours, and millions of dollars, to achieve nothing at all. Well, except a shipload of bad publicity for themselves and their bogus probes.

MOPRE HERE: Weaponizing Congress? GOP Hack Comer Launches Phony Probes Into Both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz

Ironically, the only validated instances of bizarre animalistic dining has come from the Republican camp. It was RFK, Jr who admitted that he had an appetite for a dead bear cub that he found on the highway. And he decapitated a beached whale, and tied the head to the roof of his car, for purposes that we can only imagine.

Now, after JD Vance’s humiliating assault on “childless cat ladies” backfired so horribly on him, the GOP is backing off their efforts to malign cats and switching to protecting them from imaginary immigrant diners. And these are the wackos that seek to control government and make decisions for the American people. They can’t even decide what’s for dinner in a way the remotely resembles normal human behavior.


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REALLY? JD Vance on Fox News: Polls are ‘Fake’ and ‘the Trump Campaign is in a Very Good Spot’

The delirium that has set in at the Donald Trump campaign is reaching ever deeper depths as polling and enthusiasm for Kamala Harris grows. In the mere three weeks that she has been a candidate, the joyful campaign of Harris has raised record amounts of money, signed up tens of thousands of volunteers, and inspired a nation that is anxious to move past the doom and gloom that Trump has made his hallmark for nearly a decade as a political grifter.

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Donald Trump, JD Vance, Dr. Evil, Mini-Me

For months Trump has been posting the results of polls that showed him leading President Biden. Every poll released that had him ahead was featured on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. Trump made sure that each opportunity he had to brag was prominently noted and promoted. However, since Harris has entered the race, Trump has been conspicuously silent with regard to election surveys. He’s either shut up entirely, or is resorting to dismissing them as “rigged” and/or “fake.”

SEE THIS: Polls Show Trump Losing to Kamala Harris Now, So He’s Calling them ‘Fake’ and ‘Dishonest’

So it should come as no surprise that Trump’s Mini-Me, JD Vance, is parroting his stance on polling. In a panic, Vance rushed to his safe place at Fox News where he was greeted with a question that was uncharacteristically challenging. Fox’s Shannon Bream asked Vance why “every other poll that’s been released has shown great momentum in [Harris’] direction?” After suppressing his shock and swallowing hard, Vance replied/lied that “There are a lot of polls showing her stagnating or leveling off.” Those must be the polls conducted by MyPolling, an election denying subsidiary of MyPillow.

Vance then sputtered desperately some rote responses that had no resemblance to reality: “We can’t worry about polls. […] The media uses fake polls to drive down Republican turnout and to create dissension and conflict with Republican voters. […] The Trump campaign is in a very, very good spot.”

So now they are suddenly not worrying about or interested in polls? Now the polls are fake and engineered to harm Republicans? And this abrupt about-face occurred spontaneously three weeks ago? Prior to which the polls were all irrefutable as they registered unabated adoration for Hair Trump. According to Vance, the media now has some sort of bias in favor of Harris that they didn’t have for Biden.

What’s more, Vance expresses his consecrated confidence that Trump’s crusade …er… campaign is in tip-top shape and bound for glory. His evidence of that must be the reception that Trump is getting at his recent cult rallies…

Later in this interview Vance told Bream that “If you talk to insiders in the Kamala Harris campaign, they’re very worried about where they are.” And you can count on the validity of that due to Vance’s well known connections to Harris and Democratic insiders. They like nothing better than disclosing internal secrets and dissing their candidate to their GOP opponent.

If this is the best that Trump and Vance can do, they are going to suffer an even more devastating defeat than previously imagined. And this was with Fox News. Wait until they are interviewed by legitimate journalists, if they ever allow that to happen. In the meantime, settle in for a season of MAGA dishonesty and delusion as their Dear Leader stumbles into well-deserved obscurity behind a curtain of shame.


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Fox News Runs a Hit Piece on Tim Walz that the Kamala Harris Team Could Run as a Campaign Ad

It’s only been a couple of weeks since President Biden passed the torch to Vice-President Kamala Harris. And in that short time, Harris moved at lightening speed to assemble her campaign team, raise record amounts of money, and establish herself as the candidate with the greatest enthusiasm and momentum. Naturally, this is driving Donald Trump crazy(er).

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Fox News, Kamala Harris

Perhaps the most highly anticipated undertaking of her aborning campaign has been who she would select as her vice-presidential running mate. Now that question has been answered with the announcement that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz would join the ticket. Harris had a remarkably strong roster of prospective candidates, so she could not have made a bad choice. Of course, whoever she chose was certain to be tagged as a radical leftist by Trump and his Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News.

SEE THIS: Fox News is Officially an Arm of Chinese State Media, Regurgitating its Attacks on Kamala Harris

Shortly after the announcement by Harris, Fox News wasted no time living down to their expectation as a flagrantly biased mouthpiece for MAGA media. Fox host Kayleigh McEnany (who is Trump’s former press secretary) rushed to put out a hit piece on Walz to define in the worst possible light before much of the nation got to know him. It was McEnany’s attempt at a brutally disparaging profile that would leave Walz a broken man and destroy the Harris campaign. Or at least she thought so. It went something like this (video below)

McEnany: “Facts still matter, so let’s look back at his record.”
Not a bad start, actually. But there was more to come.

McEnany: “Walz’s first executive order as Governor was to create a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Council.”
The HORROR! Walz is in favor of non-discrimination in the workplace and housing. Just like most Americans, and even Fox News. Someone needs to tell McEnany about the Fox News Corporate Responsibility Report that boasts that the company is “committed to diversity from the very top.”

McEnany: “He also supported open borders.”
As “proof” of this McEnany played a video clip of Walz pointing out that Trump’s border wall is a costly and useless vanity project because anyone could climb over it with a common ladder.

McEnany: “And he pushed socialism.”
Then McEnany played a video of Walz not “pushing” socialism at all. In fact, he was mocking right-wing hacks who attach that label to any policy that benefits people, such as school lunches and public libraries and interstate highways.

McEnany: “Oh wait, and there’s more. He signed an executive order protecting gender affirming care, or surgery, for minors in his state.”
So now McEnany is appalled that Walz supports freedom – that’s right, freedom! – for parents and families to make their own choices about healthcare, rather than government forcing its mandates on them.

McEnany: “And in 2020 he was the Governor of Minnesota during the George Floyd riots that burned part of Minneapolis to the ground. It was so bad that Walz himself callout his own response.”
McEnany is criticizing Walz for condemning the violence and having the integrity and honesty to accept responsibility for any faults in the state’s response. That refreshing display of decency in a politician is anathema to MAGA Republicans, but will likely endear Walz to most voters who appreciate the strength in honesty and humility.

This Fox News segment could be edited into a Harris campaign ad without much work. It shows Walz to be a man of honor with principles that are closely aligned with a majority of the American people. And while Fox News is trying to stuff a well-rounded Walz into a their pre-fab, square hole spin that any Democrat is a “far left radical,” Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance (who Trump is already regretting) continues to make a fool of himself…


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Fox News is Still Pushing the Lie that the 2020 Election Was Stolen that Cost Them $787 Million

Two years ago Fox News agreed to a record setting settlement with Dominion Voting Systems for engaging in blatant defamation against the company. The settlement came after pre-trial discovery that uncovered abundant and unambiguous evidence of Fox News executives and hosts blatantly lying about the 2020 presidential election being stolen from Donald Trump.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, Lies

Two years later, and after having to fork over $787 million bucks, Fox News is still disseminating the same lies. These were not merely differences of opinion. There were documents that proved that Fox personnel were making public comments on the air that were diametrically opposed to what they were saying to one another in private.

SEE THIS: In Dominion v Fox News, Network Cries ‘We Can’t Make People Think We’ve Turned Against Trump’

This deceit and hypocrisy is still going on today. On Sunday morning, Fox News Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, interviewed Trump’s running mate, JD Vance. In the course of her questioning, she asked him about the repeatedly debunked allegations of election fraud in 2020…

Bartiromo: President (sic) Trump continues to say that the 2020 election was stolen. He told me that again in this interview. How comfortable are you, in terms of the progress being made by the RNC and republicans, saying that, in fact, we will have a fair election this November?
Vance: Well, I think we’re making a lot of progress, Maria. […] The basic principle here is every American citizen’s vote should count. but if you’re not an American citizen, and you’re not casting a legal ballot, you’re vote shouldn’t count. Right? It’s sort of common sense that the Republican Party believes in. And interestingly, the Democrats seem to want illegal aliens to have the right to vote.

Notice that Bartiromo’s reference to Trump regurgitating his “Big Lie” was not to illicit a response to that flagrant dishonesty, but to deflect to a more vague inquiry about fair elections. In effect, she was validating Trump’s utterly fictional premise that the 2020 election was stolen. And consequently, she was implying that there would a be similar act of election theft in 2024.

Vance, of course, totally bought into Bartiromo’s narrative. Why shouldn’t he? He was asked a leading question by a biased Trump flunky, and he happily took the bait. But that’s not all. Vance furthered the dishonest narrative by extending the lie to accusations that undocumented immigrants were somehow responsible for stealing elections. And of course, he accused Democrats of advocating for that. Vance has no evidence to support those reckless and dangerous assertions, and neither does Bartiromo, who didn’t bother to point out that Vance was making stuff up.

Clearly Fox News has learned nothing from their having to pay out hundreds of millions of dollars for purposefully lying. Except maybe that they refrained from attaching their lies to a specific entity that could make a claim of defamation. They are more careful now to sanitize their deceit to avoid legal liability. But they are no less deceitful.

And yet, Fox News – and Trump and his MAGA team – will continue to pursue this path of pernicious lies, despite the fact that their efforts are obvious and tired rehashes of tactics that have failed in the past. They have nothing of substance to make their case, so they resort to desperation and fear mongering. And while it is surely not going to work, it is going make the next few months more annoying as these weirdos wallow in the slime.


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Dear Leader Trump Brags that His MAGA Cult is Beating the Failing Republican Party

The looming threat to democracy in America posed by Donald Trump and his tyrannical aspirations continues to smolder among the glassy-eyed disciples who have pledged themselves to their malignant messiah. It’s a movement that resembles most closely the reigns of the fascistic tyrants that Trump idolizes and strives to emulate.

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Donald Trump Rally, Sieg Heil

On Saturday Trump held the latest of his traveling salvation shows in Ohio, ostensibly to boost the struggling campaign of Republican senatorial candidate, J.D. Vance. But one would be hard pressed to find much expression of support for Vance during the hour long harangue. In fact, Trump’s introduction to Vance could hardly be characterized as complimentary when he said that “JD is kissing my ass, he wants my support so bad.”

RELATED: Wannabe Kingmaker Donald Trump’s Latest Endorsement (Vance) Reveals His Big Fat Flaming Ego

True to form, Trump spent nearly the entire time exalting himself, disparaging his foes, lying profusely, and vilifying America as “a nation in decline,” and awash in crime, corruption, and cultural depravity. To be fair, those are all subjects that he should be well acquainted with.

Trump’s allegiance to other Republicans is always conditioned on their demonstration of unflinching adoration and loyalty to him. So even though Vance has previously described Trump as “noxious,” “outrageous and offensive,” and “an idiot,” Trump can forgive him if he kneels to kiss his posterior.

However, at the same time Trump also used this rally speech to distance himself even farther from the Republican Party that he is supposed to be leading. At one point he explicitly distinguished support for him from that of the GOP saying that…

“We got 12 million more and we lost. We didn’t lose. We lost in their imagination. And we’re leading Biden now in all the polls and we are leading also all Republicans by record numbers. The Republicans are not doing too well.”

Let’s just set aside Trump’s initial concession that he lost the 2020 presidential election, and his clumsy attempt to recover and reiterate the “Big Lie” that he won. His criticism of the Republican Party seems to suggest that he isn’t actually affiliated with it. He is bragging that his MAGA cult is beating the GOP, and that the GOP, in contrast to whatever he is, is “not doing too well.”

That’s nothing new for Trump. He has been a fierce critic of his own party’s members and leadership from his first day’s as a candidate. It’s not because he is an independent thinker and places principle above party. It’s because he places himself above everything. He recently commented on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, that “Without the Rallies and, even more importantly, the Endorsements, most [Republicans] would lose.”

Trump is not nearly as popular as he thinks he is. His approval rating is a dismal 34%, well below President Biden at 45%. And a recent New York Times poll shows that voters prefer Biden over Trump by 45% to 42%, in a hypothetical 2024 matchup. What’s more, a poll in July found that “Close to half of Republican primary voters want someone other than former President Trump to run in 2024.” Perhaps it’s because of his rampant criminal activities.

RELATED: LOL: Sean Hannity Thinks He’s Helping Trump By Scrolling a Long List of His Crimes on Fox News

So as usual, Trump is living in a alternative universe of delusion and self-glorification. Which is conveniently in sync with his cult devotees. Like the this who was ecstatic that her savior spoke to her…

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