WATCH Trump’s Attorney General Nominee, Pam Bondi, Threaten to ‘Prosecute the Prosecutors’

During the first occupation of the White House by Donald Trump, he distinguished himself by having the highest turnover in his Cabinet and White House staff in history. Despite bragging that he would hire “only the best people,” he ended up hiring people that he later fired because they were, in his own words, “incompetent, stupid,” and/or “losers.”

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Fox News, Pam Bondi

Things are not getting off to much of a better start as Trump begins to put together the team for his next reign of error. Before a single confirmation hearing has been scheduled, Trump’s choice for Attorney General, Matt Gaetz, has withdrawn his name from consideration due the flood of allegations of his criminal sexual misconduct and flagrant dishonesty. And the fate of Trump’s pick for Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth, is facing a growing barrage of similar allegations.

SEE THIS: One Down: The Demise of Matt Gaetz’ AG Aspirations Spells Trouble for Pete Hegseth at Defense

Within hours of the Gaetz nomination being scrapped, Trump announced his replacement for the post, former Florida state Attorney General Pam Bondi. The announcement was made, as usual, on his failing Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, which appears to also be his official platform for presidential press releases. The notice listed some of Bondi’s experience as a prosecutor, taking credit for Florida’s middling to poor record on drugs and crime. It also addressed a familiar theme in Trump’s repertoire of whining…

“The partisan Department of Justice has been weaponized against me and other Republicans – Not anymore. Pam will refocus the DOJ to its intended purpose of fighting Crime.”

Let’s set aside the fact that there is no evidence whatsoever of the Justice Department being partisan. To the contrary, it has also prosecuted several prominent Democrats, including President Biden’s son, Hunter. But if fighting crime is actually what Trump wants from his Justice Department, they can start with his own record of 34 felony convictions and 54 still pending charges.

What Trump doesn’t bother to mention about Bondi is that she was on his defense team during his first impeachment trial for attempting to pressure the president of Ukraine into investigate Biden, withholding U.S. security aid, and obstruction of Congress. He also didn’t mention that she accepted an illegal donation from him, then dropped out of a lawsuit against his fraudulent Trump University.

MORE HERE: Donald Trump Caught Outright Lying About ‘Donation’ To Florida Attorney General

Furthermore, Trump’s assertion that Bondi wouldn’t be “weaponizing” the Department of Justice herself has no basis in reality. She actually made the opposite case last year in an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity that…

“When Republicans take back the White House – and we will be back in there – you know what’s gonna happen? The Department of Justice, the prosecutors will be prosecuted, the bad ones. The investigators will be investigated. Because the deep state, last term for President Trump, they were hiding in the shadows. But now they have a spotlight on them and they can all be investigated. The house needs to be cleaned out because now we know who most of them are.”

That’s right. Bondi actually took the position that under her leadership, if confirmed, she would favor prosecuting the career attorneys at the DoJ who would be working for her. That’s gotta be unsettling from both a professional and a personal perspective for the staff at the Department.

Finally, Bondi would become another member of Trump’s Fox News Cabinet being cast by the former reality TV game show host. According to Media Matters, she has made 64 appearances on Fox News since January 2023. That’s about once every week and a half. Which is why Trump nominated Bondi to begin with. She holds the single most important qualification to Trump: He’s seen her face on TV.


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Trump FREAKS OUT Over Jack Smith’s Documentation of His Crimes – But Doesn’t Dispute Any of It

The incompetence and ignorance of Donald Trump has been on public display for many years (decades?) now. The monumental failures in his business affairs, political pursuits, and personal life have become legendary. However, there is one area where he has been remarkably successful: Delaying legal accountability for his multitude of crimes.

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Donald Trump, coronavirus

Trump has already been convicted of 34 felonies. But that’s just the tip of his illegality iceberg. He still has 54 felony charges pending. And there are also the civil offenses that he has been found liable for, including financial fraud and sexual assault. There are so many legal quandaries that he has to sidestep that he sometimes loses track of his excuses and deflections…

SEE THIS: WHOA! Did Trump Just Admit that He’s Guilty and is Whining that He Couldn’t Make a Plea Deal?

On Wednesday the federal court in D.C. unsealed a filing by Special Counsel Jack Smith in the case involving Trump’s criminal participation in the January 6th insurrection and associated efforts to undermine democracy. The filing is a 165 page document containing damning evidence of Trump’s treasonous guilt and callous amorality.

The filing features, in part, Trump reportedly saying “So what?” after being told that Mike Pence was in danger at the Capitol; his disregard for election results, telling his daughter Ivanka that “It doesn’t matter if you won or lost the election, you still have to fight like hell;” and his staff advocating violence to prevent Joe Biden from being certified as the winner, saying to “Make them riot.”

In response to this bombshell legal brief, Trump took to his failing social media megaphone, Truth Social, to make a wholly impotent case for his innocence. There’s just one problem. He didn’t bother to actually make a case at all…

“Democrats are Weaponizing the Justice Department against me because they know I am WINNING, and they are desperate to prop up their failing Candidate, Kamala Harris. The DOJ pushed out this latest ‘hit job’ today because JD Vance humiliated Tim Walz last night in the Debate. The DOJ has become nothing more than an extension of Joe’s, and now Kamala’s, Campaign. This is egregious PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT, and should not have been released right before the Election. The Democrat Party is turning America into a Third World Country that tries to censor, harass, and intimidate their Political Opponents. What they have done to our Justice System is one of the Great, All Time, Tragedies.”

It is difficult to ignore the fact that there is nothing in that rant – or the other six posts he made on this subject – that actually claims that he’s innocent. He doesn’t even bother to dispute the factual findings in the filing. His entire defense is to just whine about alleged election interference, weaponizing government, polls, the debate, prosecutorial misconduct, and timing. All of which he manages to get completely wrong.

It is not election interference to submit legal documents in a case that has been ongoing for months. It is not weaponizing government because there is no proof of any political influence in the filing. It is preposterous to cite his debate with Kamala Harris as having anything to do with this action by the court. Likewise, it’s absurd to bring up election polls, most of which show him trailing Harris. And Trump’s allegation of prosecutorial misconduct is unsupported by any facts – or reality.

Finally, Trump’s complaint about the timing of the filing ignores the fact that the timing was all his doing. This could have been all wrapped up months ago, but for Trump seeking multiple delays that have resulted in the filing coming at this time.

The delay tactics by Trump are actually another indication of his consciousness of guilt. An innocent person would have wanted his name to be cleared as quickly as possible. But Trump knows that he’s guilty, so he has been determined to put off his inevitable convictions in the hopes of getting reelected and dispensing with the cases and/or pardoning himself.

But Trump failed to think it through. And he underestimated Smith. So now he’s crying about a variety of legally irrelevant issues that can’t possibly help him to avoid his dire future. Of course, all of this rests on Harris prevailing in November. So it’s up to the American people to turn out for the rule of law, for democracy, and for the well being of every citizen on so many other issues. LFG!


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WHOA! Did Trump Just Admit that He’s Guilty and is Whining that He Couldn’t Make a Plea Deal?

Donald Trump has already secured his place in history as the first, and so far only, president to ever have been indicted for, and convicted of, felony crimes. He is scheduled to be sentenced for his 34 financial fraud convictions in November. Then he still has 52 more felony indictments that are pending.

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Donald Trump, Prison

In addition to those criminal counts, Trump was also found civilly liable for defamation and sexual assault. And he has been prohibited from operating a charity in New York after his was found to have committed fraud. And his phony university was shut down and ordered to pay millions in restitution to his victims. Trump is a one-man crime spree. And yet he has been arguing that he should have “total immunity” to commit any crimes he wants.

SEE THIS: Here’s a Summary of the Crimes Trump’s Lawyer Tells the Supreme Court He Has Immunity to Commit

On Friday morning Crybaby Trump addressed reporters at his Palos Verdes, California, golf resort to act out some more of his paranoia and victimhood (video below). Most of his remarks were standard rehashes of his cult rally speeches. However, there was one bit that was surprisingly newsworthy, despite the media’s abject, albeit predictable, failure to notice. Trump was engaged in another tedious tantrum about the justice system when he griped that…

“The only one they don’t make a plea deal with is Trump. They go after their political opponents. Especially when they haven’t done anything wrong. So more charges were dropped yesterday in Atlanta, Georgia. It’s all politically inspired. It’s all against their political opponent.”

REALLY? Trump is upset that prosecutors didn’t cut a plea deal with him? While those negotiations are generally confidential, it’s a safe bet that prosecutors did offer Trump some sort of deal, and that he refused because he is psychologically incapable of accepting any responsibility.

More to the point, plea deals are entered into when a defendant agrees to admit guilt to some part of the pending indictments. So Trump’s disappointment at not getting a plea deal suggests that he might have made such an agreement on certain terms and accepted some measure of guilt.

That prospect is a far cry from Trump’s incessant babbling about “witch hunts” and “weaponization of justice,” and accusations of corrupt and/or racist prosecutors, judges, and jurors, who all have political motivations that he has never been able prove. But he wasn’t through. Trump went on to say that…

“We won the case, the big case, The one they said, the big case, the big case. completely won that case. The documents case in Florida. The case was thrown out. The deranged Jack Smith, deranged prosecutor.”

No one will be surprised to learn that Trump is lying again. The case to which he is referring is the one where is charged with stealing classified documents, hoarding them at Mar-a-Lago, and lying to the FBI about having them. He did not win that case. In fact, it has not been tried. The Trump flunky judge presiding over it dismissed it on a technicality that is so preposterous that it will likely be overturned and result in her being removed from the case.

So in that brief statement by Trump, he not only misrepresented his legal tribulations, but also implied his own guilt and potential willingness to plead to it. Which further validates what has always been the most dangerous threat that Trump faces: His own big mouth. So keep talking, Donnie.

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SMART POLITICS? As Election Day Nears Trump Reminds America of His Sexual Assault Judgment

There a lot of important issues to be addressed in this election season. They include abortion, immigration, the economy, gun safety, and the climate crisis. And due to Donald Trump’s overt authoritarian aspirations, even the stability of American democracy is up for debate.

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Donald Trump, Pervert

Trump, however, is focused on an entirely different set of priorities, ranging from his obsessive delusions of the 2020 election being “rigged and stolen” from him, to fear mongering about migrant criminals, creeping communism, and World War III. It’s a basket of deplorable nonsense that he is desperately struggling to stir up into some sort of manufactured, existential threat. But he just ends up making himself look ever more deranged.

SEE THIS: TRUMP IS TOAST: The Washington Post’s Laundry List of Trump’s Increasingly Bizarre Claims

On Friday morning Trump called a press conference (although he left without taking any questions), to discuss his appeal of the civil judgment against him for defaming and sexually abusing writer E. Jean Carroll. It’s an appeal that has no rational legal basis and is likely to be quickly dismissed. It’s just another attempt on Trump’s part to throw a monkey wrench into the judicial process, and to delay any possible legal consequences for his wrongdoing.

A more interesting question is, why is he making such a public display of this matter now? The only foreseeable result is that it will remind the American people that he is a flaming misogynist and an adjudicated rapist who defamed his victim. Is this really the subject that he wants on the minds of voters a few days before his debate with Kamala Harris, and just two months before Election Day?

Apparently so. Despite the memories that Trump is reviving, he still felt compelled to complain about some vaguely referenced folks who he believes were rude in some unexplained way to judges that he admired. Specifically, Palm Beach Trump flunky, Aileen Cannon. And to that end he whined that those critics should face legal consequences for daring have opinions that he didn’t approve of.

“That’s what the [Department of Defense] should look into. The legality of these people taking a brilliant judge and demeaning her. And taking other people that are fair and solid and demeaning them. It’s called ‘playing the ref.’ Nobody did it better than the late, great Bobby Knight, basketball coach. He would play, he would scream at those refs.’

[…Whereupon Trump goes off script to ramble about Knight for a while, and then…] These people are playing the ref when they are allowed to call for a recusal, impeachment of a judge. Because they’re not getting their way.”

So Trump thinks it should be illegal to criticize judges. Something he does repeatedly. He relentlessly berates them with vicious diatribes, calling them everything from “corrupt” to “deranged,” and even going after their families in a way that put them at risk of harm. He has accused them of being biased, and of coordinating with the White House to destroy him. None of which he can supply any shred of evidence for. And he has also impotently demanded that they be recused and/or impeached when he doesn’t get his way.

To make matters worse, Trump’s remarks during his press avail were profoundly unhelpful to his cause. He insulted his own lawyers as they stood docilly behind him, saying that “I’m disappointed in my legal talent, I’ll be honest with you.” Then he went on to complain that his lawyers didn’t bring up the “Monica Lewinsky type dress,” that never had any relevance to the case. His lawyers must be so proud.

Trump’s cult disciples might not regard what he’s doing as “playing the refs.” They will probably think that he is playing 3D checkers with this preposterously hypocritical harangue. Fine. Maybe Trump thinks so as well. And if he wants to plant in people’s minds the image of him as an abuser of women just prior to the election, I’m all for it. At least it’s the truth.


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LOCK THEM UP! Trump Demands that People Who Desecrate the Flag Go to Jail – Like His Followers?

This year’s most profligate proponent of law and order – former reality TV game show host and convicted felon, Donald Trump – is staking out a principled claim on justice that should make his glassy-eyed cult disciples twitch with nervous tension. Not that they aren’t already an angst ridden flock of freaks with acute anxiety disorders.

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Donald Trump Hugs Flag

Trump has resumed his role as a call-in co-host on Fox News where his slobbering sycophantic pals on Fox and Friends provide him with free airtime to unload his mendacious musings. It’s an open forum for rage-casting and unhinged bashing of Democrats, especially the presumptive nominee for president, Kamala Harris.

SEE THIS: Fox News is Officially an Arm of Chinese State Media, Regurgitating its Attacks on Kamala Harris

On Thursday’s program, Trump held the “Curvy Couch” potatoes enrapt in his uniquely incoherent rambling. He predictably whined about his legal tribulations that he now blames entirely on Harris, who he slanders as “a radical, left, not very smart person.” Which is such a “smart” way of articulating that alleged thought. He also told his cult not to bother voting for him because he already has all the votes he needs. Another “smart” move on Trump’s part.

However, perhaps Trump’s most bizarre bit of blather was his lecture on the legal consequences of flag desecration. Trump offered his opinion in response to Americans protesting Netanyahu and the war in Gaza, some of whom burned flags. He said that such behavior should be severely punished, and anyone who disagreed with him is “stupid.”

“I think you should get a one year jail sentence if you do anything to desecrate the American flag. Now, people will say, ‘Oh, it’s unconstitutional.’ Those are stupid people. Those are stupid people that say that.” [and that] “Putin and President Xi of China, all over the world they’re watching this. Kim Jong Un […] That wouldn’t happen in their countries. It’s impossible for that to happen in their country.”

First of all, the Supreme Court has ruled that flag burning is, in fact, protected speech under the Constitution. Not that Trump cares about the Constitution. Secondly, Trump’s use of brutal dictators as examples of appropriate responses to such speech is typical of his own totalitarian aspirations. He hopes to impose the same sort of oppression here in America.

But what makes his remarks so astonishingly preposterous is that his own cult followers are the worst offenders of flag desecration. The United States Flag Code states in part that…

  • “The flag should never be used as wearing apparel.”
  • “The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.”
  • “The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever.”

Anyone who has seen the videos of Trump’s traveling salvation shows knows that his cult shows up regaled in flag attire. They wave flags defaced with his scowling mug and other representations of his MAGA movement. And Trump himself markets products (shoes, NFTs, bibles, etc.) with Old Glory plastered on them. Should everyone – including Trump – be incarcerated for a year for these offenses?

And that’s not all. What about the violent insurrectionists, that Trump calls “hostages,” who used flags on poles to attack police officers on January 6, 2021? Should they get an additional year added on to their sentences for rioting and assault?

Don’t expect Trump or any of his surrogates to answer these questions. They really couldn’t care less. Trump’s only purpose in proposing this is to attract attention and to tickle the fury of his feeble-minded fans. And if there were any justice, Trump would already be in prison for crimes much worse than the flag desecration he’s exploiting now.


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Felonious Trump Says Uniting the Nation Means Giving Him the Freedom to Commit Crimes at Will

On the same day that the MAGA Republican National Convention began in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a shamelessly biased judge in Florida dismissed the case against Donald Trump wherein he was charged with stealing classified documents, hoarding them at his Mar-a-Lago home/hotel, and lying to the FBI about having them. It is a ruling that is steeped in the sort of sophistry that defines cult worship.

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Donald Trump

Judge Aileen Cannon has been serving as Trump’s de facto lead defense counsel from the start of the trial. And now she has, in effect, unilaterally acquitted Dear Leader as his coronation to become the Republican nominee for president becomes official, and just 48 hours after he received the stigmata by having had his ear nicked by a crackpot’s bullet. Which, of course was all President Biden’s doing…

SEE THIS: MAGA World Blames Biden and Democrats for the Violence that Trump Has Incited for Years

America has never before suffered the indignity of a former, or gawd forbid future, president being charged with 88 felonies. And the genuflecting GOP isn’t the least bit ashamed of embracing a candidate who is a convicted felon, financial fraudster, and adjudicated rapist.

In this polluted political environment that Trump is accepting his clan’s consecration with the humility of a preening prima donna. On his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump posted a comment intended to display a sympathetic side of him that is unexpected – that is rarely seen – that doesn’t exist. It was his attempt, in the wake of a shooting by a fellow Republican, to suppress his decades long reputation as a hate-mongering divider, and to portray himself anew as a saintly uniter. He wrote in his typically long-winded style that…

“As we move forward in Uniting our Nation after the horrific events on Saturday, this dismissal of the Lawless Indictment in Florida should be just the first step, followed quickly by the dismissal of ALL the Witch Hunts — The January 6th Hoax in Washington, D.C., the Manhattan D.A.’s Zombie Case, the New York A.G. Scam, Fake Claims about a woman I never met (a decades old photo in a line with her then husband does not count), and the Georgia ‘Perfect’ Phone Call charges. The Democrat Justice Department coordinated ALL of these Political Attacks, which are an Election Interference conspiracy against Joe Biden’s Political Opponent, ME. Let us come together to END all Weaponization of our Justice System, and Make America Great Again!”

Did you catch Trump’s call for harmony in that commentary? If not, it may be because it was wrapped in his obsession with himself. To Trump to “move forward in Uniting our Nation” has nothing to do with compassion for others, or moderating his insults and rage, or refraining from lies about his perceived enemies. Unity is solely a function of granting him immunity from any and all crimes he has committed or will commit in the future.

Even in this supposed petition for peace, Trump characterizes the well documented charges against him dishonestly as “Witch Hunts,” with dismissive and infantile nicknames for them all (“January 6th Hoax,” “Manhattan D.A.’s Zombie Case,” “New York A.G. Scam,” “Fake Claims about a woman I never met,” “Georgia ‘Perfect’ Phone Call”).

Trump then goes on to lie, saying that “The Democrat Justice Department coordinated ALL of these Political Attacks.” Actually, only one of the cases he listed was filed by a Justice Department prosecutor. The rest were all state cases that were not coordinated with the feds in any way. What he is really looking for is the absolution that he believes was granted by the Supreme Court’s ludicrous ruling that presidents are entitled to immunity for crimes that they actually commit.

SEE ALSO: Total Insanity: Trump Says the Supreme Court’s Immunity Decision is a ‘Total Exoneration’

Yet still Trump pretends to seek unity by asking “Let us come together to END all Weaponization.” Does that include the GOP Speaker, MAGA Mike Johnson, shutting down the phony inquisitions by Reps. James Comer and Jim Jordan? You know, the ones who have been humiliating themselves in hearings that not only failed to turn up any evidence against Biden or his family, but their own witnesses actually cleared them of any wrongdoing.

Naturally, Trump’s plea to unite by ending all “weaponization” means only that which is directed at him. He still insists that the rabidly partisan Republicans in Congress continue to persecute Biden, his family, and his administration. They just tried, and failed, to have Attorney General Merrick Garland arrested for contempt of Congress because he refused to acquiesce to their…let’s say witch hunt to smear Biden.

That’s the true nature of Trump’s idea of unity. It doesn’t include finding common ground with Democrats. It has nothing to do with lowering the temperature after the shooting in Pennsylvania. It isn’t even about what benefits the Republican Party. As is evident in his Truth Social post, it is wholly built around whatever is in Trump’s personal best interest. Nothing else matters to him. Nothing. That’s it. Will voters – even Republicans – fall for it? We’ll see.


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Total Insanity: Trump Says the Supreme Court’s Immunity Decision is a ‘Total Exoneration’

This week the MAGA members of the Supreme Court released their decision on whether or not a president is entitled to immunity for any crimes he or she may have committed. On the surface it seems like a trick question because because how could anyone rationally argue that a president should have license to break the law?

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Donald Trump

And yet, that is precisely what the conservative majority on this Court has said. It is a brazen handout to their Dear Leader, Donald Trump, in order to provide him the absolution of autocrats to ignore any laws that they find inconvenient. And with regard to Trump, that’s a shitload of laws. The degree to which this ruling defiles American principles was spelled out by one of the dissenting justices…

SEE THIS: Justice Sotomayor’s Blistering Dissent to the Supreme Court’s Gift of Immunity to King Trump

As for Trump, his notorious inability to comprehend simple subjects was on display in a comment he posted to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. His celebration of the gift bestowed upon him by the unjust Justices demonstrated once again how pitifully ignorant and/or dishonest he is. He wrote that the ruling was…

“TOTAL EXONERATION! It is clear that the Supreme Court’s Brilliantly Written and Historic Decision ENDS all of Crooked Joe Biden’s Witch Hunts against me, including the WHITE HOUSE AND DOJ INSPIRED CIVIL HOAXES in New York. [and that] I was Totally and Completely Innocent from the beginning of this Giant and Highly Illegal Scam.”

What is “clear” is that Trump has no understanding whatsoever of the law or how to interpret a judicial ruling. There was nothing in the court’s decision that even approached a finding of “exoneration,” “total” or otherwise. Merriam-Webster defines exoneration as: “To clear from a charge of wrongdoing or from blame : declare innocent.”

However, the ruling does not confer innocence on the president/defendant. What it does is to declare that a he or she cannot be prosecuted for any acts that are deemed to have been “official,” a vague term that has no strict definition in the law.

So the decision merely shields a president who breaks the law from prosecution under certain circumstances. It does not declare that he or she is innocent. In fact, that president can admit to being guilty and still suffer no legal consequences. Which Trump has actually done…

SEE ALSO: UH-OH: Trump Just Admitted He’s Guilty of Falsifying Records to Cover Up His Hush Money Payments

Consequently, Trump’s assertion that the ruling “ENDS all of Crooked Joe Biden’s Witch Hunts against me” is manifestly false. All of Trump’s pending indictments (none of which were instigated by President Biden) remain in effect, although some modifications might be necessary to weed out any tangential matters that might be construed as “official.” The vast majority of the charges involve private acts related to his election campaign or his businesses. And even regarding the allegedly “official” acts, they may still be crimes for which he is guilty, even if this preposterous ruling prevents him from being prosecuted.

Trump’s exclamation of exoneration and innocence is typical of his refusal to accept responsibility for his criminality. In his toxically narcissistic mind he is a perfect being incapable of wrongdoing. And, sadly, his cult followers feel the same way. Which emboldens him to commit more crimes that he will say he is innocent of. Yet somehow the media isn’t covering him as the dangerous and mentally deficient candidate.


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From Hush Money to Flush Money: Trump’s Felony Convictions Trigger ~50% Truth Social Stock Flop

It has been nearly a month since Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in order to cover up his affair with adult film star, Stormy Daniels. Trump and his team have been frantically reacting to his being the first former president ever to be convicted of felonies by alternately whining that the system is “rigged” against him, and/or bragging that it’s all going to be a huge benefit for him. Which means that he doesn’t really believe either of those scenarios.

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Donald Trump, Stock Market

In the wake of his convictions, Trump has been shaken by the reality that he is facing potentially severe consequences when his sentencing is handed down next month. He’s behaving like a desperate reality TV show character who is scared witless and is grasping at any notion that will relieve his fears. He is even lashing out at supporters, including his Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News…

SEE THIS: TRUMP IS RIGHT! In a Mad Rage, Felon of Foy Declares that ‘Nobody Can Ever Trust Fox News’

However, Trump’s problems are not confined to his legal dilemmas. In the few short weeks since he was convicted, his financial fortunes have taken a significant hit. The stock for his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, has lost nearly 50% of its value, declining from about $52.00 on the day his verdict was announced, to about $27.00 now. The most recent drop came after early investors unloaded their shares on the first day they were allowed to by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

“The share price of Truth Social owner Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) slid by more than 17 percent in after-hours trading on Tuesday, showing that investors were wary of additional shares being approved for resale by the Securities and Exchange Commission and possibly diluting their holdings — and more generally that there’s just not a very strong business case for the outfit’s once-soaring share price.”

That decline is just what has occurred since Trump was convicted. The stock is down even more (66%) from its $80.00 high three months ago. All of this means that the value of the enterprise to Trump is shrinking by the day. And he is subject to a share lock-up that prohibits him from selling any stock until late September. By then it could – and should – be essentially worthless.

Trump’s Truth Social has never been a a good business or investment. It has been unable to attract or maintain a significant user base. It has failed to produce sufficient revenue to remain in business. It has been horribly mismanaged by incompetents and criminals. What follows are some of the reasons that anyone succumbing to the scam was foolish and destined for disaster…

Are Trump’s Nazi Videos and Hateful Posts Why Truth Social Lost $327 Million and 19% of Users?
In the just first quarter of 2024 TMTG lost $327 million on revenue of less than $1 million. Which makes its stock valuation of $6 billion something of a joke. What’s more, Truth Social lost nearly 20% of their active users in the past year.

Trump’s Truth Social is Revealed to Be Another Terribly Risky Trump Scam – By Its Own Prospectus
A quick look at the company’s prospectus should frighten off any astute investors. It is exposed as “a high-risk, speculative operation with few hard numbers behind it. It’s already the subject of subpoenas, from regulators and a grand jury, even though it’s barely off the ground.”

Trump’s Truth Social Reports Massive Losses and Warns that it Could Go Out of Business
A Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing by the company reveals its financial frailty. The report paints a pitiful picture of the enterprise’s prospects going forward and reveals that it has lost $31.5 million since it opened for business just two years ago.

Trump Crime Syndicate: Investors Arrested for Insider Trading in Failing Truth Social Scam
Trump’s associates in his truthless, anti-social media venture were arrested and charged with insider trading. Reports indicate that “the three individuals together made more than $22 million in illegal profits.”

Truth Social Disease: Ads on Trump’s Twitter Ripoff are Mostly Scams and Trump-Fluffing Merch
Advertisers are afraid of their ads being juxtaposed with hate speech and other noxious content. Consequently, the only advertisers who are willing to shell out are sketchy scammers, conspiracy theorists, and junk peddlers.

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Newsmax Host Berates Jurors for Not Exposing Themselves to Deadly Threats From the Trump Cult

Three weeks ago Donald Trump was unanimously found guilty by a fair and impartial jury of his peers on all of 34 felony charges brought against him. It was a clean sweep for the prosecution, a bitter disappointment for the defense, and well deserved comeuppance for Trump, who is now the first ever former president to have become a felon.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, QAnon

Ever since then, Trump and his mouthpieces in the MAGA media have floated a stream of preposterous excuses for why their Dear Leader was convicted. And it will surprise no one to learn that none of those excuses included the fact that the documentary evidence, and the testimony provided by his closest associates, was solidly against him. It was so solid that he didn’t even testify on his own behalf. And he isn’t doing any better in the court of public opinion…

SEE THIS: LOCK HIM UP: After Guilty Verdicts, Poll Finds that More Americans Say Trump Should Go To Prison

On Monday morning, the rabid pro-Trump propaganda outfit, Newsmax, took a break from adorations of Trump to focus on denunciations of his perceived enemies. That group now includes the citizens who served on the jury that convicted him. Newsmax host Greg Kelly launched a repulsive rant implying something nefarious was afoot because the the jurors had not granted any interviews with the press since the verdict. Kelly complained that…

“It’s been THREE WEEKS since that Jury ‘convicted’ Trump. Why aren’t they doing the TODAY SHOW? Where is the 60 Minute ‘sit-down’?? And don’t give me this ‘they’re afraid of MAGA’ nonsense. The Jurors who convicted GOTTI and Whitey Bulger gave interviews. WEIRD!”

WEIRD? Why so? What’s weird about it? Is Kelly suggesting that there is some sort of cabal by the jurors to shun the media? And what does he think their motive would be for doing that? Are the Today Show and 60 Minutes in on it?

Let’s make this simple for Kelly and the glassy-eyed Trump disciples who watch his program. The jurors are indeed afraid of disclosing their identities to the small but dangerous community of MAGA crackpots. Although Kelly dismisses that notion out of hand with a ludicrous analogy, the jurors have a great deal of justification for that fear. Felon 45 and his StormTrumpers have demonstrated repeatedly that they are capable of, and anxious for, violent retribution to avenge their messiah.

Kelly’s claim that the Trump jurors would not be legitimately afraid to give interviews because the jurors who convicted mobster John Gotti had done so is a pretty poor excuse. First of all, a google search turned up no evidence that a Gotti juror ever spoke to the press. Perhaps it requires a more extensive search, but if it occurred, it shouldn’t be that difficult to find. So it’s a fair assumption that Kelly is lying.

What’s more, whether or not a Gotti juror spoke to the press is entirely irrelevant in this case. Gotti would have gained nothing by murdering a juror or jurors after the verdict was already handed down. And he was not a populist politician with a legion of psychotically worshipful fanatics who would be hungry for revenge against private citizens who had no power over him or them. So what would be the point?

In addition to that, Gotti was convicted in 1992, 32 years ago. He never had mindless minions who could be triggered by his troubles to step out on their own to seek revenge. There wasn’t an Internet facility for anti-social media that drove doxing and other forms of violence and harassment. Trump, on the other hand, has cultivated all of that. And the results have already produced tragedies, such as the January 6th insurrection on the Capitol that Trump incited.

In short, the Trump jurors actually have a lot more to fear now than the Gotti jurors did then. But Kelly couldn’t care less. He is actively advocating for their identities to made public. Why? The only plausible reason would be so that they could be targeted for harassment or worse. Ironically, Kelly is the one who is acting as a de facto mob enforcer, who wants to crush the enemies of the crime boss he serves. And he’s using his platform on Newsmax to achieve that horrific end.


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LOCK HIM UP: After Guilty Verdicts, Poll Finds that More Americans Say Trump Should Go To Prison

Even before Donald Trump was found guilty on 34 counts of felony falsification of business records (in his so-called “Hush Money” case), he and his MAGA media minions were salivating over the prospect of his conviction. That’s right. They were convinced that it would result in some sort of alternative universe backlash and that his popularity would skyrocket.

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Donald Trump, Prison

Never mind that at the same time that Trump was supposedly happily embracing the legal catastrophe he faced, he was also engaged in daily diatribes against the court, the judge, the prosecutors, the witnesses, the jurors, the Department of Justice, and the Biden administration. All of whom he sought to blame for his circumstances that he portrayed as both awesome and abominable.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump Whines that ‘I Am a Political Prisoner,’ then Proves He Has No Idea What that Means

However, a new poll was released after the verdict was handed down that may conflict with Trump’s delusional appraisal of his situation. And the findings are not merely that Trump is guilty, but that he deserves his next term be one that is behind bars. As it turns out, the nation’s voters may not be as anxious to board the Trump train as he thinks…

“In the wake of former President Donald Trump’s felony conviction last week for falsifying business records to hide a hush money payment to a porn star, President Biden (46%) now leads his Republican rival (44%) in a two-way race for the White House for the first time since October 2023, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll” [and also that] “more Americans think Trump should get a prison sentence (43%) than think he should not (40%).”

Uh-oh! A plurality of the American people think that Trump should be sent to the Big House, not the White House. And it’s even worse than it seems. While the 43-40 split may not appear to be a significant difference, many of the 40% who did not agree that Trump should go to prison still believe that he committed a serious crime, that he should be held accountable, and that the verdict was fair…

[More people – a 51% majority] think the New York jury reached the ‘right verdict’ in Trump’s hush money case than think the verdict was ‘wrong’ (30%). Likewise, more Americans than ever (54%) now believe Trump committed the crime for which he was on trial.” [Also] “Overall, 52% say Trump’s conviction was a ‘fair outcome meant to hold him accountable for his own actions’; just 35% who say it was ‘an unfair outcome meant to damage him politically.'”

So Trump still maintains his base – and ceiling – of cult disciples at about 30%. Everyone else thinks he’s guilty and that some sort of punishment would be appropriate to hold him accountable. And that’s just with regard to the just concluded case in Manhattan. It doesn’t take into consideration the three other indictments he’s facing in Washington, D.C. (for inciting an insurrection), in Florida (for stealing and lying about classified documents), and in Georgia (for election interference).

Trump apologists on Fox News and elsewhere are at a loss for any rational explanations to arrive at some form of exoneration for him. They all sing from the same hymnal that their Dear Leader is a victim of nefarious forces bent on destroying him and America. For example, Jonathan Turley, the Trump-fluffing law professor who frequently waxes idiotic on Fox News, had this to say…

“It would be absurd to sentence him to jail. He is an elderly first offender. Non-violent crime. In a very controversial prosecution.”

First of all, the only thing controversial about Trump’s prosecution is that he has become the first former president to ever be convicted of felony crimes. The jury voted unanimously 34 times to convict him. Apparently it wasn’t controversial to the people who saw all of the evidence and swore to uphold the law.

Secondly, many first offenders are sentenced to prison. And that includes Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer. And Cohen’s conviction and sentence were for crimes related to the very same ones that Trump was convicted for and, in fact, initiated.

Finally, Turley’s assertion that Trump shouldn’t get a prison sentence because he is “elderly” is especially telling. If Trump is unfit to serve time for crimes he committed, how can Turley – or any voter – regard him as fit to serve in the White House?

In the meantime, Trump is continuing behave as if he’s daring the judge to incarcerate him. In a speech to his cult followers at a Las Vegas rally on Sunday, Trump spoke out in defense of his fellow criminals that assaulted Congress on January 6, 2021. He said that…

“Those J6 warriors. They were warriors, But they were really more than anything else — they’re victims.”

Just as a reminder, we’re talking about violent mobs that put 140+ police officers in the hospital, battered down doors, broke windows, vandalized the seat of American democracy, and threatened the lives of members of Congress and their staffs. And Trump has variously described them as FBI operatives, Antifa agitators, and hostages. But now he says that they were “warriors.”

Which makes them, in fact, an army of insurrectionists who had declared war on the United States with an invasion of its government facilities. And it was all at the direction of now-convicted felon Donald Trump. So do you think he should be sentenced to prison? That shouldn’t be a controversial question for most Americans.


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