Fox News Edits Trump Video in the Same Way that They Accused CBS, Which Trump Said Was Illegal

The bar for hypocrisy by Donald Trump and his MAGA media apologists has been set so low that a cockroach couldn’t limbo underneath it. But that doesn’t stop them from trying. Case in point… Fox News has been revealed to have engaged in behavior that they previously castigated CBS for, even though CBS did not do what Fox alleged, but Fox did.

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A couple of weeks ago, Vice-President Kamala Harris was interviewed on CBS’ 60 Minutes. This interview has been an annual tradition for presidential candidates of both parties for fifty years. This year, however, Trump chickened out, which was probably a rare wise decision on his part given the increasing frequency of his abhorrent commentaries and humiliating mental glitches that has caused him to cancel multiple media events.

SEE THIS: Scaredy Trump Has Retreated to the Safety of His Fox News Bunker While Canceling Other Media

Following the Harris interview, Trump lashed out at CBS with a preposterous accusation that the network had improperly edited the discussion in order to make her look better. Trump raged that the interview was “A giant Fake News Scam by CBS & 60 Minutes…which is totally illegal.” He called for CBS – and all the other broadcast news networks – to have their licenses revoked (FYI: broadcast TV networks are not licensed by the federal government). But even that wasn’t enough to satisfy him. He also demanded that Harris drop out of the race.

MORE HERE: Tyrant Trump Demands ALL TV News Licenses Be Revoked and Kamala Harris Concede the Election

As it turns out, there is a network that improperly edited a campaign event for a presidential candidate. And no one will be surprised to learn that it was Fox News and the candidate was Donald Trump.

Trump staged a totally phony photo-op at a barbershop in the Bronx. The shop, and all of those present in it, were pre-screened Trump supporters. And now the segment that Fox News produced there has been exposed for its blatant deceit. As reported by CNN

“Trump was seen taking questions and making small talk with Black and Hispanic barbershop customers and workers [but] Fox edited out many of Trump’s rambling comments and false claims. Participants had to repeatedly follow up when Trump meandered away from the original point of their questions.

CNN reported that the editing by Fox News deliberately excised some of Trump’s most noxious comments. They included his repeating the nonsense about Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, eating cats and dogs, his incoherent rambling in response to a question about taxes, and his gushing praise for Hungarian dictator, Viktor Orbán.

A Fox News spokeswoman admitted that the barbershop segments “were pre-taped and edited…for time and clarity.” Which, according to CNN’s analysis of the raw footage, is false. There was a clear attempt to alter the impression made by Trump at the fake campaign stop. However, Fox’s excuse is exactly what CBS said about its editing of the 60 Minutes segment, which Trump insisted was illegal. So it’s apparently okay for Fox News to do it, but a criminal offense if CBS does.

An attorney for CBS replied to the threat made by Trump to sue the network, saying that…

“‘It begs logic to argue that 60 Minutes hid the first part of the Vice President’s answer to the question,’ [CBS SVP Gayle C.] Sproul wrote. ‘It did not. The public is aware of that part of her answer because 60 Minutes itself publicly distributed it by providing it to Face the Nation for promotional purposes and posting it on X and other 60 Minutes-branded social media for the same reason.'”

This isn’t the first time that Fox News has manufactured such a brazenly biased charade and passed it off as “news.” They recently aired a program that they promoted as a citizens town hall with Trump. However, the audience was stacked with MAGA devotees whose questions were marinated in a glutinous purée of adoration for Dear Leader.

SEE ALSO: Fox News Hosts a MAGA-Only ‘Town Hall’ that is Actually a Lie-Riddled Trump Campaign Infomercial

The fact that Fox News is so committed to shilling for Trump and other MAGA Republican politicians and policies is not exactly a new discovery. But the fact that they are so bad at it after so many years of practice is pretty pathetic. And as their partisan goals get farther from reach – such as Trump’s candidacy – we can expect them to crawl even farther out on the limb of dishonesty and journalistic misconduct.


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One thought on “Fox News Edits Trump Video in the Same Way that They Accused CBS, Which Trump Said Was Illegal

  1. If tRump manages to get to the WH we can kiss off all national media except Faux News which will become the Russia Today of America.

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