The all-consuming cult mentality that dominates the followers of Donald Trump has long been a feature of the messianic hold he has on his flock. It’s characterized by an innate gullibility that requires them to surrender reason and principle. It’s why they obey his orders to ignore what they see and hear from any source other than Dear Leader.
It’s also why they will justify anything he does as being perfect and irrefutable. They ascribe to him a measure of divine infallibility. That includes his frequent lies that now number more than 16,000. It includes his abhorrent polices such as caging babies. It includes his vocal advocacy of neo-Nazis and grabbing women by their genitals. In their eyes, whatever Trump does or says is as unassailable as the word of God.
Consequently, anything that Trump does must be interpreted as not only proper and appropriate, but excellence in its most absolute form. Perfection, as in his infamous phone call. That was evident in the remarks by Trump’s Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney, at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Friday. Mulvaney had this to say about his sanctified boss (video below):
“He flew to India, did a day and a half of work, flew back, did not sleep on the flight home. And I know that because he’s emailing and texting and taking phone calls. They land about 7:30 in the morning on Wednesday, he did that press conference Wednesday night – the thing that you saw for an hour – he had not slept for a day and a half, two and a half.
“And I remember at the end of the day we’re sitting in the Oval Office and I’m like ‘Boss, you gonna be going up now?’ ‘Nah, I’m gonna work for a little bit yet.’ ‘You know, I’ve got 25 and 30 year old people who work for me who weren’t on the trip with you who haven’t shown up today.’ He’s like ‘Yeah, I’ve only got eight years. I’m gonna get as much out of it as I possibly can.'”
Seriously? First of all, the United States has never had a president who has been so demonstrably lazy. He doesn’t begin his work day day until 11:00am. He refuses to sit through daily briefings. He insists on what his staff calls “executive time,” that consist primarily of tweeting and watching Fox News. and he has spent a record amount of time on the golf course (usually at his own properties) that accounts for upwards of 20% of his time in office. Just through 2019 he has played 333 rounds of golf.
More to the point however, the fact that Mulvaney can portray Trump’s lack of sleep as something positive is proof of the severity of Trump cultism. Lack of sleep is not an indicator of strength. It’s an illness with severe consequences. Sleep deprivation diminishes mental acuity, produces hallucinations, and causes anxiety and psychoses. There’s a reason that it’s often used as a form of torture. So no one should be impressed that Trump doesn’t get sufficient sleep. They should be worried that he isn’t competent to perform the critical duties of his office. Trump isn’t competent to perform those duties even with a full night’s rest.
If Trump is suffering from insomnia, it would important to know what is causing it and how it’s affecting his work. Among the common causes of insomnia are anxiety, stress and depression. It can also be brought on by some medications, such as Adderall. All of these potential causes would apply to Trump. And his other observable psychological conditions (narcissism, paranoia, anti-social personality disorder, etc.) would only exacerbate the risk of him remaining in office. So what Mulvaney is celebrating as some superhuman quality in Trump is far more likely a flashing red warning signal for catastrophe.
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.
Here is Trump's chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, describing Trump as having a severe & debilitating illness.
Sleep deprivation diminishes mental acuity, produces hallucinations, & causes anxiety & psychoses. There's a reason it's used as a form of
— News Corpse (@NewsCorpse) February 29, 2020