Operation Warp Speed: Another Trump Scam That Failed It’s Core Mission

It’s been five weeks since Election Day. And having abandoned his presidential duties, Donald Trump spent most of that time challenging the results of the election because he is too egomaniacal to accept that Joe Biden beat the pants off him. Meanwhile, the American people were suffering from a surging pandemic that Trump appears to have forgotten.

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Donald Trump, Coronavirus

Trump’s plaintive whining consisted entirely of preposterous allegations of election fraud for which he had no proof whatsoever. That’s why he lost nearly all of the 50+ lawsuits he filed. Then, on Tuesday morning, Trump finally focused just enough of his feeble attention on the coronavirus pandemic to lather himself with undeserved praise. “From the instant the coronavirus invaded our shores,” Trump bragged, “we rushed into action to develop a safe and effective vaccine at breakneck speed.” Of course anyone who was paying attention knows that that isn’t remotely true. In fact, beginning in January, Trump was effusively thanking China and its President Xi Jinping for his “hard work” and “transparency” with regard to the coronavirus:

Trump continued showering praise and admiration on Xi for several weeks thereafter. All the while Trump was lying to the American people that COVID-19 was no more harmful than the common flu, and that “It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.” Now, a quarter of a million deaths later, we are suffering through the worst days yet.

In those early days Trump already knew what he was saying were lies. He revealed in tape recorded comments to Bob Woodward – for his book RAGE! – that he knew even then just how dangerous the virus was. So it’s especially grotesque that Trump is now taking credit for moving rapidly to contain the virus. “From the instant the coronavirus invaded our shores,” Trump tweeted, “we rushed into action to develop a safe and effective vaccine at breakneck speed.”

For the record, Trump’s vaunted Operation Warp Speed wasn’t launched until May 15, 2020. That’s five months into the pandemic. That project was intended to “accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics,” and to “have substantial quantities of a safe and effective vaccine available for Americans by January 2021.” But as it turns out, the vaccines were developed on a timeline that the scientists and pharmaceutical companies laid out before Trump’s “Warped” initiative. And the companies bringing the first vaccines to market didn’t even participate in the project.

What’s more, the administration’s agencies responsible for managing the pandemic refused to obey Trump’s irresponsible dictates, such as approving products before the election. And as for alleged “presidential leadership,” Trump hasn’t even attended his Coronavirus Task Force meetings in more than five months. But in honor of himself, Trump posted a propaganda video intended to disparage critics of his vision and genius:

Most of the quotes in Trump’s screed made one of two points: 1) That his critics were foolish to doubt his goal for a vaccine by the end of 2020. But that was the general consensus prior to his involvement. And 2) That his critics erred by saying that most Americans would not be vaccinated before the middle of 2021. But that’s still the best estimate, even by Trump’s own people. And somehow, Trump seems to think that what took place were superhuman feats that no one but he could have pulled off, despite his virtual absence from any part of the process.

If anything, Trump’s involvement only made things worse. he repeatedly downplayed the serious nature of the threat. He mocked common sense safety protocols such as wearing masks and social distancing. In a recent revelation it was learned that Trump “passed up a chance last summer to buy millions of additional doses of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine, a decision that could delay the delivery of a second batch of doses until the manufacturer fulfills other international contracts.”

So in one fell swoop Trump’s incompetence has betrayed both his “America First” and “Operation Warp Speed” initiatives, which were phony to begin with. And that is, in summary, the tale of Trump’s incompetent and negligent mismanagement of what has become the worst human catastrophe in a century. This will be his legacy for all time. Well… this and his fascist, aspirations of tyranny driven by lies, greed, and the unchecked power of a mad cult leader. Historians and satirists are gonna have there hands full for years to come.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Republicans on Fox News Favor ‘Faith Based’ Elections Over Actual Democracy

For over a month now, Donald Trump has been stubbornly insisting that he won the election, despite Joe Biden receiving seven million votes more than Trump and a 306 to 232 electoral college victory. Defying reality, Trump continues to whine about alleged voter fraud for which he has no proof. He’s already lost about four dozen lawsuits for lack of evidence.

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Donald Trump Hugs Flag

Meanwhile, Fox News remains steadfastly on Trump’s side, disseminating blatant lies and conspiracy theories in support of Trump’s manic delusions. On Monday morning Fox hosted disgraced former GOP Speaker, Newt Gingrich to advance the phony election fraud story (video below). The segment was intended to bolster the vain hopes of glassy-eyed Trump cultists, and on that measure, Gingrich did not disappoint with this ludicrous diatribe:

“This election is gonna come down to turnout. The objective fact is, I believe Trump probably did actually carry Georgia.”

There is an obvious logical flaw in that commentary. Notice that Gingrich is describing what he “believes” as an “objective fact.” Beliefs are, by definition, not facts. It’s like saying “there’s a pink elephant in my living room, and if you don’t believe me, just ask him.” This analogy also works because Newt’s contention that Trump won Georgia is about as real as that elephant. Gingrich continued…

I believe that the election process is a mess. I really wish the governor would call a special session to clean it up. And the Republicans simply have to turn out more votes than Stacey Abrams can steal.”

There he goes again, relying on his “beliefs” to justify complex and expensive legislative activities for which there is no discernible reason. Even worse, Gingrich is now accusing Stacey Abrams of committing felony election fraud – without a sliver of evidence – for an election that is still a month away. And he continues further…

“Every person who’s worried about the future of the country, from a conservative standpoint, has to go vote. And that’s the number one challenge. Not the debate or the arguments. Just getting people to vote in this runoff.”

That’s the sort of inspirational rhetoric that Republicans specialize in. Never mind making persuasive, logical arguments based on facts and reason. Just drag your bones to polls and place your mark on the bottom line like you’re told to do. Be good sheeple and Dear Leader will reward you in the Beyond World.

It’s notable that nobody on Fox and Friends bothered to challenge Gingrich’s lies and irresponsible guidance. Even though Fox News called the election for Joe Biden way back on November 7, and Georgia’s votes have been counted three times without any change in the outcome. The “news” reported on Fox is disposable if it doesn’t affirm the fantastical beliefs of the Trumpists. That’s the “Faith Based” model of journalism that dominates the right-wing media. And Gingrich, and his Fox Friends are merely the televangelists of this pseudo-spirituality.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Trump Toady ‘Judge’ Jeanine Pirro Binges On Bill Barr Beat Down

There is one constant that can be relied upon when trying to predict the maniacally psychotic behavior of Donald Trump. He will always turn against everyone eventually, no matter how devoted and subservient they have been. It doesn’t take much more than a trivial disagreement with Dear Leader to trigger his wild-eyed wrath.

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Jeanine Pirro Fox News

Trump has already run a fleet of busses over his closest advisors, including such high profile former officials such as his chief of staff, defense secretary, attorney general, secretary of state, national security adviser, and FBI director. He’s even abandoned his Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) which he now routinely lambastes as “unwatchable,” as he did yet again on Sunday morning:

Despite his newfound animosity toward the “news” network that put him in the White House, Trump continues to hype his favorite bootlickers on Fox News. He posts videos of Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Lou Dobbs, etc., almost daily. High on that list of sycophants is Fox’s “Judge” Jeanine Pirro. And on Saturday night Pirro unleashed a rabid diatribe against the latest Trump flunky to fall out of favor with his master, Attorney Genuflect, Bill Barr. This was almost certainly under orders from Trump who is livid that Barr recently stated publicly that “we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.” Truth be told, neither has Trump. He sure hasn’t presented any evidence in any of the dozens of lawsuits he’s filed and lost.

On the latest episode of her weekly screech-a-thon (video below), Pirro began with a ten minute monologue pummeling Barr for what she and Trump perceive as betrayal of the cult and its messiah. Her tirade included a tedious list of hysterical questions to which she demanded immediate answers. The connecting theme in all of these cranky queries is that they are premised on provable lies:

  • On election night, with the President comfortably ahead in many swing states, why was the counting stopped?
  • Why were observers not permitted to reasonably observe ballot counting?
  • Why were observers removed from counting areas?
  • Why did counters cheer when Republican observers were removed?
  • Why were windows boarded up in Detroit so that observers could not observe?
  • Why, when observers were allowed to reenter, was there an unusually large number of ballots with an unusually high percentage of 90 and above for Joe Biden?
  • Why was there a failure to match signatures on mail-in ballots?
  • Why was there a destruction of mail-in ballot envelopes which must contain signatures?
  • Why does the Voter Integrity Project in Georgia estimate over 20,000 people that no longer meet residency requirements?
  • Why are there statistical anomalies in the chain of custody breakdown?
  • Why are there record numbers of dead people voting?
  • How is it that ballots in pristine condition, without creases suggesting they had not been in mail-in envelopes, as required by law?
  • Why is Joe Biden the first candidate to lose Florida and Ohio and still become president?
  • Why were 18 of the 19 bellwether counties historically indicative of a presidential win won by Trump?
  • How is it that Biden underperformed Clinton in New York, Chicago, and L.A., but won in the swing state’s cities?
  • How is it that Joe Biden underperformed with African-American voters everywhere but in those swing states?
  • Why is that ballot watchers in Philadelphia were not allowed to meaningfully observe to the point where they had to get a court order?
  • How is it that the New York Times and Jimmy Carter and James Baker all agree that absentee ballots are the largest source of fraud?

The answer to nearly every single one of these questions could be “WTF are you talking about? That didn’t happen.” Pirro’s inquiries are nothing more than an annoyingly articulated elaboration of Trump’s tweets and the raving madness of fringe Trump cultists trying to invent controversies where none exist. But here’s a more relevant question: If any of the allegations premised in Pirro’s questions were true, then why didn’t Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, present evidence of them in court?

The rank stupidity of Pirro mirrors that of her hero and Crackpot-in-Chief. Like Trump, she is so dense that she will recklessly cast off loyal allies over petty grievances. And in this case, Pirro nicely sums up her disdain for Barr in the last thirty seconds of her segment, scowling that “You, Mr. Barr, are so deep in the swamp you can’t see beyond your fellow reptiles.” Which is a sentiment with which at least 80 million Americans heartily agree.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Flailing Trump Plots Revenge Against Republicans Who Accept That Biden Won

The madness of wannabe dictator Donald Trump continues to spin perilously off of the cliff’s edge of sanity. It’s been a month since election day and Trump persists in his deranged fantasy that he won the election and that Joe Biden and the Democrats pulled off a massive fraud that produced millions of fake votes and involved thousands of conspirators.

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Donald Trump Zombie

How this alleged scheme managed to work without any leakage of evidence, mistakes by the legions of conspirators, or confessions by whistleblowers is a deep, dark mystery. And yet, that’s precisely what Trump wants his glassy-eyed disciples to believe.

On Saturday morning Trump took to his Twitter machine to pound out more whining paranoia about his victimhood. He began by asserting that if Georgia Governor Brian Kemp would demand signature verification it “will show large scale discrepancies” and a Trump victory in the state. Never mind that there have been three vote counts in Georgia already and zero discrepancies have been found. Also, Kemp doesn’t have the authority to call for the signature verification that Trump is demanding.

Following that, Trump expressed his surprise that some Republicans have conceded that Biden is the legitimate winner and the President-elect. Trump responded to an article in the Washington Post that surveyed GOP members on the subject and found that “Just 27 congressional Republicans acknowledge Joe Biden’s win over President Trump a month after the former vice president’s clear victory.”

Trump’s surprise appears to be more than simple curiosity. He’s asking his Twitter followers to provide him with a list of the offending Republicans. This is troubling on several levels. First of all, since Trump is too fragile a snowflake to read the article himself, doesn’t he have staff that could read it and provide the information he seeks? Secondly, He’s been fighting for a month now despite the election having been certified and his lawyers having lost 39 out of 40 lawsuits (so far). Third, if he really thinks the Washington Post is “Fake News” why does he care what they published?

Finally, Trump’s interest in a list of the GOP members of Congress who he believes betrayed him by acknowledging reality can have only one purpose. He intends to dispense some sort of revenge. This would be consistent with his tyrannical style of “leadership” wherein loyalty to him (not the country) is paramount. He is aiming a thinly disguised threat as his own party confederates for their failure to show unflinching faith in Dear Leader.

This is the behavior of a desperate and frightened cretin whose fate is settled, but refuses to accept it. Everyone but Trump knows that this election is over. And his stubbornness just makes him look all the more pathetic and detached from reality. In this state Trump represents a clear and present danger to America. Hopefully he can be restrained for just 46 more days.

UPDATE: Trump followed his morning tweets with a couple in the afternoon that attacked the GOP governors pf Georgia and Arizona, tarring them with the unspeakable insult of being like “Radical Left Dems.” He is totally freaking out.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Shill Sean Hannity Defends Trump Family’s Criminal Grift Operation

There is no one on Fox News who has been a more servile toady to Donald Trump than Sean Hannity. Well, maybe Jeanine Pirro. Okay, maybe Lou Dobbs. Perhaps Maria Bartiromo. Alright, never mind. Let’s just say that there are a lot of Trump toadies on Fox News and Hannity is one of them.

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Fox News, Sean Hannity, White House

Hannity does have the distinction of often being referred to as Trump’s “shadow” chief of staff. They reportedly talk every night after his program. And Trump posts clips from show almost daily. That occurs even while Trump attacks Fox News as “unwatchable” and “worse than CNN.”

So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Hannity launched yet another shamelessly dishonest defense of Trump and his thieving family on Friday night. This episode of Hannity’s Trump-Fluffing Hour included a segment about one of the many lawsuits that are pending against the “law & order” president. This one concerns charges that Trump misused nonprofit funds to enrich the Trump family (again). Specifically, the lawsuit alleges that Trump’s Presidential Inaugural Committee paid grossly inflated rates to hold an event at the Trump International Hotel in Washington.

Hannity’s lying diatribe began with his patented feigned outrage against the media, saying that…

“The mob has been caught again tonight pushing yet another anti-Trump hoax. this time now about Ivanka Trump, who was this week abusively deposed in a lawsuit filed by the District of Columbia against the Trump Inaugural Committee from 2016. That suit alleging that the Inaugural Committee spent a million dollars to rent event space at the Trump hotel – by the way, that deal was way before he even considered running for president – which plaintiffs claim was above the market rate.”

First of all, Hannity’s characterization of the deposition as “abusive” is an invention of his hyperactive imagination. Secondly, Hannity’s assertion that the deal for those rates was made “way before [Trump] even considered running for president,” is preposterous. How could they have made a deal with the Trump Inaugural Committee way before there was any consideration of a campaign? And finally, during the segment Hannity displayed a tweet by Ivanka that was supposedly proof that there was no wrongdoing:

What both Hannity and Ivanka are missing is that the lawsuit is not alleging that the rates charged by Trump’s hotel were inflated – although they obviously were. The lawsuit charges that it was improper for the nonprofit inaugural committee to pay those inflated rates to Trump’s own hotel for a private affair that wasn’t related to staging the inaugural activities. It is a violation of the law that requires nonprofits to use their funds for their stated public purpose, not to benefit private individuals or companies.

What’s more, Ivanka’s supposedly exonerating tweet has a subject line that says “buyout minimum.” What does that have to do with hotel room rates? And even her reference to “market value” doesn’t absolve her of any impropriety because the rates charged to the inaugural committee were far above market rates.

All of this proves that Hannity’s purpose was solely aimed at providing false cover for the Trump Crime Family to enrich themselves. And it doesn’t matter to Hannity or Trump or Fox News that none of their justifications are truthful. After all, Fox News literally argued in court that they have no obligation to tell the truth because no reasonable person takes them seriously.” And during this same episode of Hannity’s program he confessed that…

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

‘COVID 4 ALL’: The Healthcare Plan From Trump and Fox News

The United States is notching ever higher records for coronavirus infections, hospitalizations, and deaths with each passing day. And experts predict that this winter it is likely to get worse before it gets better. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is furiously tweeting deranged rants about having won an election that he decisively lost to Joe Biden. In fact, Trump’s last 100 tweets have all been about what he calls the “election hoax,” but not one tweet about the pandemic that is hurting so many millions of Americans.

Donald Trump, Fox News, Coronavirus

Naturally, Fox News is fulfilling its mission to serve as Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda. They are supporting his delusional election victory fantasies. They malign Biden and other Democrats at every opportunity. They are even attacking Dr. Fauci. But worst of all, they persist in disinforming the American people about the deadly pandemic that is ravaging the nation. No wonder studies have proven that watching Fox News actually increases coronavirus fatalities.

On Friday morning the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends delivered yet another segment that trivializes the coronavirus. This time they melded it with lies about Biden as well. Co-host Brian Kilmeade sought to criticize Biden’s recent remarks about his intention to ask Americans to wear masks for the first 100 days of his administration. That’s a small sacrifice that is estimated will save up to 70,000 lives and would culminate just as vaccines are expected to become available to the general public. Apparently that’s too much to ask of the pseudo-patriots who believe that such a request is an imposition on their freedom to infect and murder their fellow Americans. Here’s just a taste of Kilmeade’s rant:

Let’s breakdown this dishonest, dystopian diatribe.

“You people want to go down with a fight, that’s the American spirit.”

Kilmeade is apparently referring to the mask resisters and the bar owners who refuse to participate in a real world solution to this health crisis. So Kilmeade glorifies violence as a response to common sense public safety regulations. He continued…

“Number one, the President-elect, if he becomes President of the United States…”

Notice that Kilmeade is questioning whether Biden will ever be sworn in as president. He’s pacifying the Trump cultists who still believe that millions of votes were manufactured by thousands of conspirators who managed to keep the whole criminal conspiracy secret without even a shred of evidence escaping. He continued…

[Biden] “…cannot mandate masks for 50 states.”

Here Kilmeade is inventing an outrage where none exists in reality. Biden has never proposed mandating masks for all 50 states. What he’s proposing are mandates for federal facilities and requests for cooperation from governors and for citizens to voluntarily comply. He continued…

“Thirty seven states already have mask mandates.”

This is actually true. That’s a milestone that should be acknowledged for Fox News. However, Kilmeade thinks that 37 states are enough, even though it means that 13 states – all with Republican governors – still do not have mask mandates. That means tens of millions of people in states where the pandemic surge is at its highest point. But Fox isn’t concerned about that. He continued…

“Nobody’s gonna make you put a mask on in your car, or sit alone on a beach, or in your backyard. So good luck with that.”

This is another strawman argument that isn’t being proposed by anyone. He continued…

“We’re already doing almost everything they told us to do. So I don’t know what he’s talking about.”

This is half true. Kilmeade certainly does not know what Biden is talking about. As for the other half, Many Republicans and Trump supporters are pointedly not doing what they are asked. And at the beginning of this rant Kilmeade praised them for it as a demonstration of the American “fighting” spirit. He continued…

“The election’s over, as they try to find out what actually happened.”

Finally, Kilmeade threw in a last jab at the election results. Notice that, even though he concedes that the election is over, he contradicts himself by implying the opposite – that we still don’t know what happened. We do. Trump lost!

This segment is typical of what Fox News presents to its viewers throughout the day. They simply don’t care that their lies are producing more grief and hardship, so long as it reinforces the lies dispensed by Trump. The negligence, incompetence, and deliberate malfeasance of Trump has resulted in an unprecedented human catastrophe. And Trump is personally responsible. But so are the Republican politicians who haven’t had the guts to oppose him. And so are the bootlickers at Fox News who have eagerly backed him up.

And let’s not forget the glassy-eyed disciples in Trump World who blindly embrace everything he says. They are the sheep who allow him to pretend to have a base of support to carry out his atrocities. They nod along obliviously very much like this inadvertently accurate meme posted by the MyPillow con artist and Trump backer, Mike Lindell:

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Tucker Carlson of Fox News Aims Ludicrous Attack At Dr. Fauci, Thumps Trump Instead

For most of the last eleven months, Fox News has been pretending that the coronavirus was nothing to be worried about. They opposed responsible limitations on social and business activities and mocked safety protocols like wearing masks. Those are positions they share with Donald Trump whose gross negligence, incompetence, and deliberate malfeasance has resulted in the preventable deaths of more than 270,000 Americans.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump

Consequently, studies have proven that watching Fox News actually increases coronavirus fatalities. The same finding was shown in a study specifically focused on Sean Hannity. But never let it be said that Tucker Carlson wasn’t up to a challenge to determine which Fox News host is the worst blight on society.

On Wednesday evening, Carlson aired a segment prompted by a new report that places the introduction of the coronavirus to the U.S. a few weeks earlier than previously thought. The report published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases found that “SARS-CoV-2 infections may have been present in the U.S. in December 2019, earlier than previously recognized.”

This news triggered Carlson’s hyperactive outrage sensors that lit up with alarms pointing at renowned epidemiologist, Dr. Anthony Fauci. And in an effort to malign the good Doctor’s reputation, Carlson played a video from January 22:

Dr. Fauci: From what I can see right now they are really being much, much more transparent than what happened with SARS where they really kept back information for a while. It was embarrassing to them. They’re really transparent now. They put the sequence of the virus up on the public database right away. So in that respect they’ve been transparent.
Carlson: “They’re really transparent now,” says Dr. Anthony Fauci. Now, in a well-functioning country, a line like that would make certain that you’d never work in public policy again.

First of all, Dr. Fauci was explicit in noting that his comments represented “what I can see right now,” and addressed specific database information with which China had been transparent. What’s more, little was known about the origins and the spread of the virus in those early days, and even now the knowledge of it continues to be fluid and expanding. But Carlson is dishonestly holding Dr. Fauci to a narrowly tailored statement made eleven months ago.

If Carlson truly believes that having made the remarks that Dr. Fauci made in January disqualify him from public service, then he must have the same opinion about Trump. Beginning in January, Trump was far more obsequious toward China and its president Xi Jinping. And without any of the qualifications that Dr. Fauci used. Trump simply expressed his unreserved praise and admiration for Xi, and did so on multiple occasions:

As late as February 29, Trump was still impressed that “China seems to be making tremendous progress. Their numbers are way down.” And in his own remarks, Trump relentlessly downplayed the known dangers of the virus:

  • “We have it very much under control in this country.”
  • “It’s going to be just fine.”
  • “It’s one person coming in from China.”
  • “We’re doing a great job with it.”
  • “It’s going to have a very good ending for us.”
  • “We’re in great shape.”
  • “We have 12 cases – 11 cases, and many of them are in good shape now.”
  • “Just stay calm. It will go away.”
  • “You have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.”
  • “It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.”

Most of those remarks were made when Trump already knew they were lies. He revealed in tape recorded comments to Bob Woodward – for his book RAGE! – that he knew just how dangerous the virus was, saying that…

“You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed. And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flus. This is deadly stuff. […] I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down.”

So while Carlson is surely to arrogant, oblivious, and steeped in Trump-worship to notice, his analysis clearly paints Trump as a reckless source of disinformation who has surrendered his right to engage in any public service role, including (especially) as president. That’s something that most Americans already knew, and contributed to Trump’s reelection defeat. But for Carlson and his viewers it’s a rather new concept. Too bad most of them are too far gone to comprehend it.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News is SHOCKED that Biden’s Press Team Has Experience in the Press

Among the atrocities that Donald Trump visited upon the presidency is his utter disregard for institutional knowledge and professional expertise. His record of executive appointments is riddled with incompetents, some of whom never served a day in the field for which they were given managerial authority by Trump.

Joe Biden, Donald Trump Baby, Fake News

Trump himself is just such an amateur (dare we say apprentice), a government virgin who assumed office with nothing on his resume to recommend him for a job running massive bureaucracies. To the contrary, his past was rife with failure after failure of small businesses and vanity branding ventures. He was fueled by nothing but arrogance and ego as he asserted that he knew more than the generals, doctors, and economists who would report to him.

That standard of ignorance was hailed by Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News). And their indifference to ineptitude is carrying over to their coverage of the incoming administration of Joe Biden. To illustrate that, Fox did a story about Biden’s communications team that faulted them for having experience in communications. But Fox wasn’t just concerned about relevant experience. They were also troubled that the “Biden WH communications team raises questions over revolving door with liberal networks:”

“A statement released Sunday touted that ‘for the first time in history, these communications roles will be filled entirely by women.’ But what also stood out was that several of the new members had deep ties with Democratic administrations as well as mainstream media outlets.”

Holy Shitake Mushrooms! Fox News has discovered communications staffers for a Democratic president who previously worked in communications and for Democrats. That’s what sent Fox News into a tizzy? It should be noted that each of the examples that Fox used in their story were actually people who have worked in similar jobs for previous administrations. They were not merely pundits or talk show hosts. They briefly held positions in the media as analysts in between regular gigs in government. They include…

  • Jen Psaki, Biden’s Press Secretary, who previously served as White House Communications Director for Pres. Obama, and was a spokesperson for the Department of State.
  • Symone Sanders, chief spokesperson for Kamala Harris, who previously served as national press secretary for the Bernie Sanders campaign.
  • Karine Jean-Pierre, Principal Deputy Press Secretary for Joe Biden, who previously served as regional political director for the Obama White House Office of Political Affairs.

However, what really makes this hypocrisy stand out is that Fox News never had a problem with the Trump administration using Fox as a “revolving door” recruiting station. Since Trump didn’t actually know anyone with relevant skills or experience in the critical government posts he had to fill, he plucked his staff from among the people he enjoyed watching on Fox. for instance…

  • State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert
  • Former Deputy Assistant to the President Sebastian Gorka
  • Former National Security Advisor John Bolton
  • White House director of strategic communications Mercedes Schlapp
  • Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson
  • Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell
  • Deputy National Security Advisor K. T. McFarland

That’s just a sampling of nearly two dozen Trump staffers poached from Fox News. Most of these Fox News hires were not assigned to media jobs in the White House. They served in national security, the Pentagon, and other cabinet departments. What’s more, Trump employed other Fox stars like Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs as his members of his “shadow” cabinet.

So while Fox never complained about its own inbred shills becoming Trump staffers in jobs that had nothing to do with the media, they are aghast at the notion of experienced media professionals performing media functions in the Biden administration. And that’s just the beginning of the torrent of criticism that Fox intends to rain down on all the other Biden appointees who actually have the ability to perform the jobs they are hired to do. It’s a concept that has been forgotten after four years of Trump’s circus of sycophants and supplicants.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Why is Trump Bragging that He Presided Over the Biggest ‘Election Hoax’ Ever?

Nearly a month after election day Donald Trump is still dodging reality as if it’s an Elm Street nightmare that threatens his mortal soul. He refuses to accept that he lost to Joe Biden by a decisive margin that has been validated by every state election official, Democratic or Republican. But his rage-drenched panic has suppressed any rationality that might have been hiding in the crevices of his diseased cranium.

Donald Trump Pacifier Fox

Trump’s psychotic behavior threatens to undermine the nation’s faith in democracy. It’s a form of sabotage that Trump is engaging in that would be described as treasonous were it done by an American agent of a hostile foreign power. It is profoundly disturbing for the President of the United States to repeatedly make baseless accusations of criminal election fraud against the FBI, the Justice Department, Homeland Security, governors, secretaries of state, poll workers, the media (including Fox News), and various Democrats and Republicans.

In a fit of desperation, Trump has resorted to his favorite attack strategy that consists solely of crying insolently that he is the victim of a “hoax.” He’s done this so often that it has become a laughable farce that no sane person takes seriously. Trump has recycled this lame complaint from use during the “Russia hoax,” the “impeachment hoax,” the “sexual harassment hoax,” the “Ukraine hoax,” the “tax returns hoax,” and most recently, the “coronavirus hoax.”

Which leads us to the “election hoax.” Trump has been pushing this for several months. It has taken many forms as he endeavors to plant these seeds of nefarious deeds into the pliable minds of his cult disciples. His Twitter feed is littered with examples like…

What Trump fails to notice about this Twitter tantrum is that everything he’s alleging occurred under his watch. If this is the biggest election scandal in history, then he’s responsible for permitting it to happen. There were plenty of opportunities to tighten up election security in the past four years, but he and his GOP confederates in Congress refused to take any action. Except, that is, to suppress voting in communities that were predominantly Democratic and people of color. So any complaints Trump has about the execution of this election should be addressed to himself.

Even worse, Trump also fails to notice that he is portraying himself as pathetically weak. He is whining petulantly about being beaten by a cabal of opponents that he routinely characterizes as frail, crazy, sleepy, or otherwise inferior to the Mighty Trump. His tormentors are mainly Democrats and administration underlings, many of whom are his own appointees. Add to that thousands of co-conspirators who are all exceptionally adept at keeping secrets. There’s no leaking, no mistakes, and no whistleblower disclosures of any evidence of this allegedly massive conspiracy of election fraud.

The U.S. president is commonly referred to as the leader of the free world. It’s a position of unparalleled global power. But Trump acts more like a helpless infant who can’t successfully fend off a rag-tag gang of elite politicos and nerdy journalists. And yet he wants people to respect and fear him as a Mussolini-esque strongman who can best any foe and produce so much winning that you’ll tire of it. Well, he surely has made people tired of his whining and excuses for failure. So maybe he can take some solace in that as he skulks off to sulk in his bunker.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

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