Just in case anyone was worried, the Perpetual Outrage Factory known as Fox News is functioning as expected during the devastating winter storm that has battered much of the country.
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It must be terribly difficult for Fox News to scrape up – or manufacture – derogatory stories about President Biden these days. The President and the Democratic Party have scored a remarkable number of victories during the first two years of his presidency. They include the Infrastructure Bill, historic job creation, strengthening and expanding NATO, nearly 100 judicial appointments, the gun safety bill, record investments to address the climate crisis, legislation to advance U.S. microchip production, and enhancing veterans’ healthcare. All of which were welcomed by most Americans, and opposed by most Republicans.
RELATED: For Those Wondering What Biden and Democrats in Congress Have Been Doing the Past 16 Months…
Consequently, Fox News has been reduced to fabricating fictional tales of imaginary abominations in order to stain the stunning record of achievement by the Biden administration and Democrats in Congress. And what Fox has latched unto in this holiday season is the atrocity of the Biden family taking a {gasp} vacation! As reported by Fox News’ Senior “Stupid Son of a B*tch,” Peter Doocy with commentary by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Cancun)…
Doocy: The President has a lot on his plate, and for the next few days he’s gonna be dealing with all of it from afar. Because the First Family stayed here at the White House for Christmas, but plans tomorrow to fly to vacation for the rest of this year and the beginning of next year in St. Croix.
Cruz: Enjoy St. Croix.
Enjoy St. Croix. ??? https://t.co/RTuMZLSlTj
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 27, 2022
Oh, the horror of Biden and his family spending “the rest of this year” (all of four days) in a distant land that is as far from Washington, D.C. as San Antonio, Texas. Ironically that’s the same state that “Cancun” Cruz fled from when his constituents were freezing to death last year. And this is what has Fox News steaming mad, despite never having criticized Donald Trump, who spent more time away from the White House than any president in history. Usually at his own resorts where he profited from the stay by gouging staff and Secret Service for accommodations.
Fox News covered the same horror story on their website where the headline read “Biden vacations in Virgin Islands as Americans face problems at home.” Who wants to tell Fox that the Virgin Islands are a U.S. territory and are therefore “home.” What’s more, a vague headline saying that “Americans face problems” could be attached to virtually anything that any president does at any time. Which would make all vacations impossible.
As for Biden, before leaving for his vacation he did what presidents do under these circumstances. He approved an emergency declaration for the affected regions of the country, and he authorized FEMA to coordinate disaster relief efforts. And the week before the storm hit, the Biden White House spoke to 26 state governors in afflicted regions, and he warned citizens to take precautionary measures because the coming storm is “dangerous and threatening.”
The seething panic at Fox News is how they typically respond to anything that Biden does or says. They are in a constant state of “Freak Out” no matter whether the issue is Biden helping Ukraine to defend itself from Russian invaders, or Biden falling off of his bicycle. It’s just what they do. For example, we’ll leave you with these previous outrage triggers that set off the snowflakes at Fox News…
- Fox News is OUTRAGED that President Biden Secured the Release of Brittney Griner
- Fox News Hack FREAKS OUT Over President Biden Eating Ice Cream at a Campaign Stop
- Fox News Fear Mongers that Biden’s IRS Agents Will ‘Hunt Down and Kill Middle Class Taxpayers’
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