There is nothing Fox News likes better than inventing pseudo-scandals to malign President Biden and other Democrats. That’s mainly because they can’t find any actual scandals to pin on Biden and company. As a result we are subjected to feigned outrage over obvious contrivances such as Hunter Biden’s laptop, or gay Legos, or armed IRS Agents hunting down middle-class families.
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On Monday evening’s episode of the Jesse Watters program on Fox News, the dumbest man on TV pontificated profusely on what may be the most heinous offence ever committed by an American president. Joe Biden actually had the audacity to take a few minutes out of his day, while campaigning on behalf of Democrats in Oregon, to visit a local ice cream parlor for a sweet treat. And who better than Jesse Watters to expose Biden’s ill manners?
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While on the campaign trail, reporters asked Biden to address the inflation that the U.S. – and every other country in the world – is enduring. Biden gave a sound and succinct reply – something that Donald Trump and Republicans are incapable of – then resumed enjoying his tasty dessert. And that heinous act of barbarism triggered a rather bizarre response from Watters:
Biden: Our economy is strong as hell – the internals of it. Inflation is worldwide. It’s worse off everywhere else than it is in the United States.
Watters: A man should never lick an ice cream cone in public. A man can only eat ice cream on vacation. I guess Biden’s always on vacation, so it makes sense. But if a man needs to eat ice cream in public, he should scoop it out of a bowl with a spoon.“The President of the United States licking things, especially ice cream, is childish. It’s frivolous and it’s too casual a look for the country. Biden’s brain freeze will live in infamy. Just like Bush gave up golf after 9/11, Biden should give up ice cream after the recession. You’re not at a birthday party, Joe.
Fox News host Jesse Watters is really upset about President Biden eating ice cream.
— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) October 18, 2022
First of all, Biden is correct. The efforts by Republicans and Fox News to blame Biden for what is a worldwide economic problem is deliberately dishonest. They cannot, of course, rationally blame Biden for the inflation in France or Japan. But they persist in false accusations that something Biden did produced the inflation in the U.S. Although they can’t specify what he is supposed to have done. In reality, he’s done quite a lot that is beneficial to the majority of the country.
RELATED: For Those Wondering What Biden and Democrats in Congress Have Been Doing the Past 16 Months…
However, Watters didn’t linger on the question about the economy, which does have some significance to most Americans. Nope. He dived immediately into the reprehensible ice cream atrocity by Biden. And Watters labored mightily to nail what was so hideous about it. After all, everyone knows that “a man should never lick an ice cream cone in public.” And that “a man can only eat ice cream on vacation.” And even then he must “scoop it out of a bowl with a spoon.” Otherwise, he is being “childish,” “frivolous,” and “too casual.”
How can President Biden hope to relate to average Americans when he so brazenly breaches the behavioral standards that are core to the American character? What other political figure would ever do such a thing? And who can blame Fox News for featuring this depravity, which they have done before? Well, there is this…
Fox News is APPALLED that President Biden had some ice cream. Really? Don't tell them about this…
— News Corpse (@NewsCorpse) February 27, 2024
More of Jesse Watters’ Asininity:
- Desperate and Dishonest Fox News Hack Says Fetterman ‘Is For Castrating Kindergartners’
- Boring Biden? Fox News is Very Upset that Biden Isn’t a Hyper-Psycho Drama Queen Like Trump
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I really wonder about Watters’ sanity.
These lowlife hacks at Fox Spews are really grasping at straws now. If i was guessing at the size of Watter’s brain, i would say it would be about the size of a flea’s brain or maybe smaller than that. If Mr. Biden had an ice cream habit like mine, they would have so much to report they would have to let their despicable rival OANN to help them out. I eat ice cream every night of the year after dinner… This is childish reporting at it’s worst by these useless networks. Incompetence is the name of the game at Fox Spews, OANN, and NewsspewsX. The ignorant MAGAts that watch this useless and harmful load of sewage need to get a damn life!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesse is a maga dead-ender! I’m sure his Dear Leader Trump never had an ice cream cone. What a maggot brained ahole!
How did he feel about Trump constantly eating Big Macs? He must have been really upset!
And speaking of Big Macs, i was hoping TUMP’s steady diet of those greasy things would have taken him out by now. One could have only hoped…