Never let it be said that Republicans are afraid to march into controversy no matter how unpopular or self-serving. They have spent decades proving that there is noting too asinine for them to pursue with gusto and shamelessness in the face of universal criticism.
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Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas helpfully demonstrated that reputation for abhorrent audacity on Thursday as he packed his bags and jetted off to the balmy climes of Cancun, Mexico, while his constituents were freezing and dying, back home. While Texans were suffering without power, heat, food, or water, Cruz was languishing in the sun at a luxurious resort. As CNN reported…
“Sen. Ted Cruz and his family flew to Cancun, Mexico, he confirmed in a statement to CNN, as a winter disaster in his home state left millions without power or water. Cruz, a Texas Republican, said in the statement he flew down for a night because his daughters ‘asked to take a trip with friends.'”
It was clever of Cruz to blame this fiasco on his minor children. He’s learned a lot from his crush, Donald Trump (aka Cadet Bone Spurs), about evading responsibilities. Likewise, Cruz is beginning to master outrageous hypocrisy. CNN also reported that “In a radio interview Monday, Cruz told people to ‘stay home’ and not ‘risk it. Keep your family safe and just stay home and hug your kids.'” Good advice – for the little people.
This sort of insensitivity is nauseating on so many levels. It is an affront to the people who made the mistake of voting for him. It exposes his callous disregard for people in distress. Just the horrid optics of this behavior alone would have prevented a decent person from boarding that plane with his privileged family.
Naturally, Cruz has his defenders and apologists. They begin with the right-wing media that has so staunchly propped up Trump for four excruciating years. Fox News has been busily blaming green energy for Texas’ problems. And the arguments trotted out to justify Cruz’s vacationing were predictably galling. Let’s start with the ultra-conservative Newsmax:
Newsmax guest suggests Sen Ted Cruz "may have a better opportunity" to communicate and "get things done" remotely than in Texas
— Jason S. Campbell (@JasonSCampbell) February 18, 2021
So the Newsmax crowd believes that Cruz was selflessly relocating to a better command post to help his fellow Texans? To be sure, there are problems with power and communications in the state. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t places were those resources are available. And even if they weren’t, Cruz could have gone to a neighboring state rather than a ditch the country. Not even Cruz tried to peddle that nonsense excuse. In his statement he admitted that he was going on vacation.
Moving on, Longtime Trump shill and election fraud felon, Dinesh D’Souza, had a similar take on how Cruz was acting in the interest of his constituents. “What could @tedcruz do,” D’Souza tweeted. He elaborated saying that…
“If he were here in Texas? I’m hard-pressed to say. If he’s in Cancun, that means he’s not using up valuable resources of energy, food and water that can now be used by someone else. This is probably the best thing he could do for the state right now”
Wasn’t that thoughtful? By skipping out Cruz left a bounty of power and other resources for some other fortunate family. I hope they realize how lucky they are to be in Texas consuming Cruz’s share of the food and energy, while he’s sacrificing on their behalf in Cancun.
Finally, uber-jerk Ben Shapiro managed to pound out another of his painfully illogical diatribes. He observed that…
“It’s not a real time crisis that Ted Cruz, the senator from Texas, can do anything about […] Do they expect Ted to go there with, like, a blowtorch and start defrosting all of the pipelines?”
Shapiro is right. Cruz would have been utterly useless had he remained in Texas. But then he was equally useless in Cancun. His uselessness has nothing to do with where he is physically. That’s just the way he is anywhere. For an example of a Texan who contributes to his community, see this from Beto O’Rourke:
We made over 151,000 calls to senior citizens in Texas tonight. One of our vols talked to a man stranded at home w/out power in Killeen, hadn’t eaten in 2 days, got him a ride to a warming center and a hot meal. Help us reach more people, join us tomorrow:
— Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke) February 18, 2021
In the end, the notion that Texas is better off when Ted Cruz is far away is difficult to argue with. But that being the case, he shouldn’t be representing the state in any official capacity. And the same goes for the rest of the Republican wankers who believe that government shouldn’t be helping people. Any political party whose philosophy rests on the jungle theory wherein everybody fends for themselves fails to understand why there are governments at all.
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The fact that Ted Cruz is useless in any real way & no help to the suffering of his people of Texas is a given.
His daughters asked permission for them to go with friends to Mexico. They didn’t ask, “Daddy, please take us to Cancun.” There was akready adult supervision on the trip. So let’s just admit it ~ Ted wanted to be in sunny, warm Cancun & not in the freezing cold disaster currently in Texas, so he invited himself along on the trip with daughters’ friends.
How can he possibly relate to his constituents back home if he jumps on flight to balmy 84° in Cancun, rather than see & deal with what folks back home are going thru? What a jackass! But we knew that already.
I’ll bet if a Dem in Congress did that, Cruz would be the 1st & loudest, calling out the Dem for it.
Then we get THIS bullpuckey from the Stupidest Man on Twitter, Charlie Jerk. All of the ReichLying Seditionists once again defending their own — and we ALL know how they would have reacted had this been Biden. GOP Hypocrisy is eternal.
The list of people defending Ted Cruz are as useless as he is so they totally get it!
It’s hard to believe that humid produced this type of “scum” exists. AND a senator. I’m no ain’t by far but when we have a NewYork crisis , most people need the reassurance from ou senator that he “gets it” I can’t imagine a senator leaving for vacation in Mexico. Terrifying!
The only things Ted Cruz has visibly done is shut down the government, done a filibuster and contributed to the incitement of insurrection. Obviously he hasn’t done anything to help in the past or present. Anything associated with him has been negative.
Newsmax is FULL of s*it and should NOT exist anymore. Someone MUST put that bulls*it, lying, disloyal, un-American, anti-patriotic, worthless, so called, fake a*s “network” OUT of existence. It MUST be cancelled for ALL it’s b.s. It’s VERY existence must NOT be allowed to continue.