Trump and Fox News Attack Kamala Harris for Praising Diplomacy that Freed Prisoners From Russia

Late Thursday night President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris welcomed three Americans back home who had been imprisoned in Russia on trumped up charges. It was an occasion that inspired pride and gratitude across the nation for the historic diplomatic achievement that made it possible for these families to be reunited in freedom.

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Kamala Harris, Donald Trump baby

Sadly, there were pockets of unpatriotic dissenters who weren’t particularly happy about any of this. And no one will be surprised to learn that Donald Trump and Fox News led the contingent of malcontents that found only gloom in the news that the rest of the country celebrated. They have a distinct predilection for opposition to anything benefitting their political foes, no matter how good it is for the country.

SEE THIS: Fox News is Officially an Arm of Chinese State Media, Regurgitating its Attacks on Kamala Harris

Trump has provided an abundance of evidence of this compulsively anti-American psychosis that has infected the MAGA movement. And on Friday morning he confirmed it with a post to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. It came in the form of Fox News meme that declared “Kamala Harris ripped for word salad about ‘diplomacy’ as she makes unscripted comments.”

The first notable dishonesty in the graphic that Trump posted was what was left out of the title. It linked to a Fox News article that offered a bit more detail about the source of the allegation that Harris was “ripped.” The full headline read “JD Vance rips Kamala Harris for more word salad — ‘significance of the power of diplomacy'” So for some reason they found it necessary to hide the fact that it was Trump’s weird VP running mate that was maligning Harris.

More to the point, the complaint that Trump and Fox News have about Harris’ remarks is profoundly petty and a deliberate misinterpretation of reality. Harris’s comments were a gracious and appropriate compliment praising the work of those who secured the freedom of the unjustly held prisoners. She said that…

“This is an extraordinary day and I’m very thankful for our president. This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy and strengthening alliances. This is an incredible day and you can see it in the families and in their eyes.”

Word Salad? Trump doesn’t know the meaning of the words. Literally. Despite the fact that his public statements are – as he might describe them – the best word salads ever at a level that no one has ever seen before.

In the hours since the release of the former prisoners, Trump has only briefly expressed any gratitude. And even that was just to preface his criticisms. However, he has disgorged a flurry of furious complaints and insults. He said that “Our ‘negotiators’ are always an embarrassment to us!” He falsely implied that the Biden administration paid for the release and was encouraging future hostage taking. And he described it as “a win for Putin.” Which is peculiar because that should be something that Trump would approve of, given his allegiance to, and infatuation with, the the Russian dictator.

Trump’s hostile reaction to any good news for America that occurs while Biden is still President, is as abhorrent as it is predictable. He has a confirmed “Blame America First” mentality. In his twisted mind, anyone other than him is an idiot who hates the country. And if you’re looking for a good example of projection, you just found it.


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