Trump Makes a Pitifully Impotent Attempt to Drive a Wedge Between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden

The desperation in Donald Trump has been oozing out of every pore in his corpulent body ever since Kamala Harris became his opponent for the presidency. Trump was primed to run against Joe Biden with a barrel full of age-related assaults that he must now discard. He never had a substantive argument against Biden or a truthful one for himself.

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Consequently, Trump is now left with nothing but his babbling diversions about Hannibal Lecter and his hostile and tiresome taunts at the press. He spent his recent cult rally in North Carolina – where he promised to focus on economic issues – flailing wildly with infantile insults at both Biden and Harris, whom he is now trailing in most polls.

SEE THIS: Trump is Losing to Kamala Harris, Who He Says is Dumb, Low IQ – What Does that Say About Trump?

On Thursday morning Trump took to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, to resume his barrage of incoherent blather aimed at Harris and Biden. In a psychotic rant Trump alleged that there is some sort of division between the President and the Vice-President. Of Course, it is another figment cooked up in his perversely warped imagination. He wrote that…

“Kamala Harris wants NOTHING TO DO WITH CROOKED JOE BIDEN. They are throwing him out on the Monday Night Stage, known as Death Valley. He now HATES Obama and Crazy Nancy more than he hates me! He is an angry man, as he should be. They stole the Presidency from him — ‘It was a Coup!'”

First of all, any assessment by Trump of what is going on in the personal lives of Democrats must be taken with a shipload of salt. That’s especially true of his musings about the upcoming Democratic National Convention (DNC). He obviously has no sources or insights into internal Democratic affairs.

For the record, Harris has scheduled Biden to speak on day one of the DNC during a celebration of the President she has served loyally for three and half years. It will be a tribute at a time reserved for honors. By comparison, here are the people that Trump scheduled at the RNC for what he calls “Death Valley”: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Sen. Ron Johnson, Sen. Tim Scott, Virginia, Sen. Marsha Blackburn, Gov. Glenn Youngkin, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem. They will surely be thrilled to find out just how lowly he regards them by having scheduled them there..

To make matters worse for Trump, Harris and Biden made their first public appearance together since the passing of the torch on the same Thursday morning. And Harris was not shy about expressing her admiration and appreciation for her boss. She introduced him saying that “I could speak all afternoon about the person that I am standing on the stage with. [Extended ovation] Our extraordinary President Joe Biden.”

And the feelings were mutual. In his remarks Biden praised Harris as “an incredible partner…She’s gonna make one hell of a president.” But he also found time to taunt Trump as “The guy we’re running against…what’s his name? Donald Dump?”

Trump’s characterization of Biden as hating Harris and Obama and Pelosi is just more evidence of his acute derangement, which is getting worse by the hour. Meanwhile, both Harris and Biden are campaigning in an environment of joyfulness that the nation finds endearing and a great relief from the animus of Trump & Co. Plus, like much of the English language, Trump is proving that he doesn’t have the slightest idea what the word “coup” means. It was Biden who chose to step aside and endorse Harris. And it looks like it was another brilliant decision on Biden’s part.

Trump is the coup plotter – and the convicted felon – and the sexual abuser – and the financial fraudster – and the serial adulterer – and the wannabe dictator. And for some gawdfersaken reason, he is also the choice of the Republican Party to be their standard bearer and lead them to another humiliating defeat in November. Let’s wish them all the best in that pursuit.


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