Anyone who listens to Donald Trump for any length of time has to wonder why he bothers to run for office, or even live in the United States. His speeches are a non-stop torrent of antipathy toward the nation that he repeatedly demeans as “failing,” and disparages most of its residents who he regards as “animals.”
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The only time Trump ever says anything good about America is when he’s lying about his abysmal stewardship of it, or when he’s lauding the “very fine people” who promote neo-Nazi initiatives and confederate statues. He has adopted a rather bizarre campaign theme that is overtly anti-American and relies on tearing down the country in the most vile terms. For instance, he posted the following absurd pitch for votes on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social:
MORE HERE: Trump’s 2024 Campaign Theme: America Sucks. Vote Trump, What the Hell Do You Have to Lose?
Now that the 2024 presidential race is in full swing, Trump is slithering farther out on the limb of sanity as he becomes utterly incapable of dealing with his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris (who for some reason he keeps calling “Kamabla”) And on Wednesday, while Harris and her new running mate, Tim Walz, were out stumping across the country, Trump did another one of his lazy Fox News phone-in “interviews” in his jammies, from his Mar-a-Lago bunker, with the sycophantic Trump-fluffers on Fox & Friends. It consisted of the typical and tedious playlist of substanceless blather that Trump has been spinning for months.
Much of Trump’s whining was related to the recent volatility in the stock market. Trump has been ranting that it’s all President Biden’s fault. Or even Harris’ fault. And he repeated his prediction that a Democratic victory would result in a market crash worse than 1929. Of course, he’s been making the same ludicrous prediction since 2015. But now he is purposefully trying to create a panic by fear mongering that the world is coming to an end. In the Fox segment (video below) Trump warned his glassy-eyed cult followers that…
“Our whole country, our whole system is gonna collapse. Even the talk about her has driven the stock market down. You know when the stock market goes down, when you see it go down, that’s because she gets a decent poll number. She gets bounces in the poll, the market goes down. The stock market will collapse like in 1929 if they’re elected.’
Needless to say, that is all pure Trumpian bullshittery. The market did go down after some polls showed Harris tightening the race. But the market went back up after some more polls showed her taking the lead. Obviously, stock market performance has little to do with election polling. But Trump is desperate enough to exploit anything in order to avoid facing the reality that he’s a loser.
SEE THIS: Trump is Trying to Provoke Panic Over a Common Stock Market Drop to Save His Failing Campaign
There is, however, some good news that Trump provided in this Fox segment. Just prior to his wacko statement above, Trump said that…
“If [Harris] does this to America, every one of us are either gonna be leaving or we’re gonna be living like dogs.”
Trump claims that when the stock market goes down, "that's because [Harris] get a decent poll number."
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 7, 2024
Is that a promise? Will Trump, and every one of his cult disciples, really leave if Harris wins the election? That would be a fantastic addendum to the Democratic victory. It would be so much winning. And those of us who remain will “be living like dogs.” Which, if Trump knew anything about a dog’s life, would be pretty damn sweet. There’s even an old saying – “It’s a dog’s life” – that is used to describe times of pleasantness and leisure. Which the country, and the world, would enjoy in abundance if Trump and his ilk would just go away.
- Fox News Runs a Hit Piece on Tim Walz that the Kamala Harris Team Could Run as a Campaign Ad
- Trump Chickens Out of the Debate with Kamala Harris and Proposes a New One on Fox News
- Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All
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