With only three weeks left until Election Day, Donald Trump is continuing his tour of ultra-friendly media venues where he knows he will be shielded from any difficult questions by the slobbering sycophants who preside over the brazenly partisan love fests. By contrast, Kamala Harris is fanning out across the nation, doing interviews with a wide variety of politically diverse hosts and audiences.
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However, somehow, even with the benefit of appearing only before adoring cult followers, Trump still manages to humiliate himself by failing to provide coherent responses to comically Nerfball questions. Even worse, he keeps delivering profoundly disturbing messages that affirm his aspirations to become America’s first openly fascist dictator who hates this country and its people.
SEE THIS: Traitor Trump Says that Americans Who Oppose Him are ‘a Bigger Enemy than China and Russia’
On Wednesday morning Trump appeared on what was billed as a Fox News “town hall” that would feature an all woman studio audience and address women’s issues. It was hosted by the network’s notorious Trump-fluffer, Harris Faulkner. But as might be expected, it was actually an hour long Trump campaign infomercial that he got for free, courtesy of his Ministry or Propaganda, where he knew that there wouldn’t be any inquiries that might rattle or confuse him. And yet, they still did.
Since Trump is a feeble and cowardly narcissist who thrives on constant, unflinching adulation, the producers at Fox News made sure that there would be only Trump supporters in the audience. Which made it possible for him to dodge, deflect, lie, and weave, in order to avoid being responsive, or even rational. There has already been a fact check of his infomercial that found at least 19 flagrant falsehoods.
Trump’s derangement was nowhere as evident as in his reply to a question about previous remarks he made where he called Americans who disagreed with him “the enemy within” who were “more dangerous than China and Russia.” He went farther to say that these “radical left lunatics should be easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military.” So he is proposing to use the military against his political foes. In the town hall/infomercial, Trump doubled down saying that…
“It is the enemy from within. And they are very dangerous. They’re Marxists and communists and fascists, and they’re sick. I use a guy like Adam Schiff. They made up the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. It took two years to solve the problem. Absolutely nothing was done wrong. They are dangerous for our country. We have China, we have Russia, all these countries. If you have a smart president, they can be handled. The more difficult are the Pelosis. These people they are so sick and they are so evil…They were saying I was like threatening. I am not threatening anybody. They are the ones doing the threatening…They’re the threat to democracy.”
Check out how Harris Faulkner frames Trump's "enemy from within" comments in this town hall.
"They're using your words to say that you are not for crime and keeping particularly women safe in ads."
Trump: "They are dangerous for our country… they are a threat to democracy." pic.twitter.com/FKG5aYOPp3
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) October 16, 2024
No one should be fooled into believing that Trump has the slightest idea what the words Marxist, communist, or fascist mean. He just uses these terms the way a seven year old would use “poopyhead.” But more to the point, Trump is lashing out at Democrats like Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi because they revealed his traitorous misconduct that got him impeached twice. He is making it clear that the people he thinks should be “handled” by the military include congressional representatives elected by the voters.
Trump apparently doesn’t see how that kind of hostile rhetoric is threatening. And he has been even more direct in his threats against fellow citizens and the press. He has called Americans who dare to defy him “vermin.” And he calls the press “the enemy of the people.” So make no mistake, if Trump gets his way he will seek to punish those he regards as insufficiently worshipful and, if he deems it “necessary,” he will order the military to round them all up and in some manner dispose of them. And “them” means YOU!
- Totally Deranged: Trump Gets Hopelessly Lost in His Own Warped ‘Weave’ of Lies and Deflections
- Trump Now Says that Obama Will Vote for Him – His Dementia is Getting Worse by the Minute
- Tyrant Trump Demands ALL TV News Licenses Be Revoked and Kamala Harris Concede the Election
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Looking forward to the Kamala interview in Faux today soon.
The worst thing here is that if people actually paid attention, God Moronikus’s credibility would have disappeared months ago.
But no one does. His worshipers hear only what they want to hear so they can remain convinced he’s a great statesman and worthy of their eternal worship. We pay no attention because we know exactly what shit leaves at both ends.
And the media doesn’t pay attention because they just want to know what “accent” Kamala will use this week.
This is just terrifying….
MAGA rubes can’t identify irony. They’re also unable to show/feel gratitude or empathy These omissions in their character will come back to bite them like the VENOM of their SNAKE.
Because of this, they have missed EVERY opportunity to recognize the irony of Trump’s favorite poem, “The Snake”, being recited at his cult rallies.
When the losers realize that they have been abandoned, they will ask him WHY. His response might be something like THIS: “I told you who I was. You KNEW who I was. You were repeatedly warned about who I was. I am “The Snake”.
If you willingly and willfully give your money, your life and your soul to a (human?) SNAKE, you will get exactly what you deserve… NOTHING!!!
Well said!