James O’Keefe Allegedly Plotted To Incite Violence Against Police, Blame Protesters

Following reports about the Ferguson, Missouri police officers who were wounded by gunfire last week, Fox News and other conservative media outlets immediately began demanding accountability for the assault from the criminal perpetrators, whom they identified as President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder. They described Ferguson protesters as “government-sanctioned mobs” with a bloodlust against cops, and charged that Obama and Holder were Chief among those [to] blame for fomenting an environment like this.”

Setting aside the deranged attempt to link the White House with a crime in a St. Louis suburb, the allegators™ at Fox had no evidence that the shooter was even associated with the protesters. The lawyer for the suspect, now in custody, says that his client had been involved in a dispute unrelated to the protests and was not aiming at the officers when he fired. The fact that he was shooting a pistol more than 120 yards from the police line gives credence to that claim. Will Fox News apologize to the President for their unwarranted accusations?

Fox News James O'Keefe

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An article in the New York Post today may shed some light on the assertions that citizens peacefully protesting discrimination are covertly engaging in anti-cop violence. The article reveals an alleged plot by right-wing activist James O’Keefe to frame protesters for inciting violence. The article’s source is a top O’Keefe staffer who was fired for refusing to participate in the unethical scheme. From the Post:

“[Richard] Valdes said [O’Keefe’s organization, Project] Veritas assigned a Muslim undercover agent pretending to be anti-cop to attend protest meetings and utter the following statement: ‘Sometimes, I wish I could just kill some of these cops. Don’t you just wish we could have one of the cops right here in the middle of our group?'”

When the prospective mole refused to go along, O’Keefe fired Valdez for “being unwilling to strong-arm the guy to do his dirty work.”

This incident brings into question previous allegations of anti-cop sentiments among the protesters. A few weeks ago Fox News heavily promoted a video that allegedly showed a splinter group of protesters in New York chanting that they wanted “dead cops.” There was never any attempt to identify those people or establish their connection to the main group of protesters. Might they have been a parade of O’Keefe flunkies trying to create a false narrative?

O’Keefe is no stranger to fabricating events that advance his dishonest and partisan agenda. His prior exploits have resulted in his arrest and conviction for unlawful acts in the office of a U.S. senator, a $100,000 judgement against him for defaming a former ACORN lawyer, and a sleazy plot to seduce a CNN reporter aboard his “Love Boat.”

This new gambit is particularly repulsive as it seeks to inflame emotions and incite actual violence. While it is unlikely that any committed activists for police reform and equal treatment will be persuaded to assault police officers, there are hostile elements on the conservative side that may hear about O’Keefe’s endeavors and decide that they can push the effort forward themselves by acting out in public with the hope of protesters getting the blame.

O’Keefe continually demonstrates that he is a despicable human being whose only goal is to hurt innocent people. This example of dangerous and dishonest behavior is only the latest proof that he has no credibility or integrity. And the same is true for any media organization that provides a platform for his vile antics.

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5 thoughts on “James O’Keefe Allegedly Plotted To Incite Violence Against Police, Blame Protesters

  1. When is this pos going to be arrested, convicted and jailed for all of his criminal activity?

    • As soon as Fox understands that it is criminal activity, which isn’t going to happen because to Fox, this is legitimate research. Of course, if O’Keefe turns his diseased mind to a conservative sacred cow (the Koch Brothers?), then we’ll see some action. Maybe…

  2. Is this a case of attempted entrapment?

  3. Nothing this corrupt, ethically bankrupt, waste of space does would surprise me. Nothing Fox does to twist the narrative to fit their biased, ultra conservative point of view would surprise me either. What infuriated me during the protests was watching videos of the cops ignoring looting and vandalism, actual criminal activity, while arresting peaceful protestors exercising their legal right and responsibility to stand up against injustice.

  4. Fox News is the “Der Stürmer” of our time working for the Republican Party (aka Koch et al)

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