The Trump Effect: GOP Officially Supports Degrading Remarks Toward Women, Minorities

This election cycle has seen more than its fair share of unconventional occurrences. It began with a record seventeen Republican presidential candidates who, one-by-one, were struck down by a vulgarian throwback who rooted his campaign in lies and juvenile insults. The feral tactics of Donald Trump did more to validate public ignorance and rudeness than any politician in modern times.

Donald Trump Effect

Even worse, Trump’s overt hate mongering made it safe for racists, misogynists, and xenophobes to come out from the crevices in the floorboards and promote their bigotry with pride. Leading by example, his offensive attacks have been directed at women, Muslims, Latinos, and pretty much anyone with whom he had a disagreement. The KKK is bragging that they can use Trump for outreach to recruit new members, and other white supremacists have been campaigning for him in the primaries.

Much of Trump’s rhetoric revolves around a generalized disgust for what he calls political correctness. But his misinterpretation of term is really just his desire to be crude and insulting without consequence. And now that he has introduced that theme to his fans in the public and the press, the Republican Party is lining up behind it as well.

This weekend at the Nebraska Republican convention, the delegates were presented with an opportunity to make civility and respect for others a part of their party’s platform. The opportunity came in the form of a resolution condemning “degrading remarks toward women, minorities and other people by Republican elected office holders or party officials, including candidates for president of the United States.”

On its face this seems like it should be an uncontroversial proposal. Who would be in favor of degrading remarks toward women and minorities? Of course the answer to that question is “Donald Trump,” who has made such conduct his trademark. And this was so well recognized by the delegates at the convention that they actually quashed the resolution in an apparent attempt to protect the presumptive nominee of their party. Let’s repeat this for clarity: The delegates to the Nebraska Republican convention voted against condemning degrading remarks toward women and minorities.

To make matters worse, the delegate leading the pro-degrading movement was state school board member Pat McPherson, whose own background is littered with smarmy behavior including inappropriate behavior towards a woman, repeated references to President Obama as “a half-breed,” and charges of third-degree sexual assault. Seems like just the right person to kill this resolution and advance the Trump campaign.

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There is something terribly wrong when a state party platform refuses to pass a resolution that condemns offensive. And it’s especially disturbing when the reason for that refusal is that it would reflect poorly on your party’s candidate for president who traffics in such remarks regularly. However, that’s where Trump has led his party, a party that is now on record as officially supporting remarks that are degrading to women and minorities. Congratulations.


6 thoughts on “The Trump Effect: GOP Officially Supports Degrading Remarks Toward Women, Minorities

  1. I think News Corpse just needs a hug,because you are so sad!!!!!,and treated SSOOO unfairly,awww its okay!!!hee hee ha ha!!!

    • I guess by your way of thinking, as long as offensive language is not aimed at you, there is no problem. But if someone dares to call you an ignorant moron or a mentally deficient cretin, you could just ignore it and not have a feeling of striking back. Right?

      • And that attitude is very familiar to all of us.

        Positively Trumpian.

  2. Oh, the Rethuglicans will definitely support a resolution that condemns offensive language. Of course, that will be a part of a demand that Democrats do it, and no one will ever make such a demand of one of their own. And if Democrats do make such a demand of Rethuglicans, then that’s totally unfair, and Democrats are seeking an unfair advantage. That’s today’s political system in a nutshell, people. Hope you enjoy.

  3. RANDY ON- nice use of the theme song to Hee Haw. Tells a lot.

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