Lyin’ Trump Steals Credit for ‘Moderniz[ing] Our Nuclear Arsenal’ From President Obama

As if things weren’t crazy enough. Donald Trump is now stirring up a nuclear crisis with his infantile feud with North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un. This whole affair isn’t much more than a battle between two narcissistic dictators. Unfortunately, the lives of millions of people who probably couldn’t care less about these maniacs rests in the unbalanced psyches of two emotionally stunted children of privilege.

Obama Trump Tweet

So what does Trump do after threatening to start WW III because he felt disrespected by Baby-Kim? Well, among other things he commences to puff up his chest with empty boasts that stink of lies. In this case, as is often the case, it occurred with the posting of comment on Twitter:

Anyone who is not in a vegetative coma recognizes how disturbingly delusional that is. Trump has only been in office for about six months. During that time he has been consumed with scandals related to his finances and his unsavory connections to Russia. One thing he certainly has not done, is anything related to the nation’s nuclear arsenal. There has been no legislation, no directives to the Pentagon, and no guidance to the Secretary of Defense. Nothing. Period.

Sometimes Trump makes unsupportable comments like this that rest on a kernel of truth that has been grotesquely mangled. But on in this instance there isn’t even an inkling into what he’s talking about. His bragging is purely self-aggrandizement based on nothing but his fertile imagination. You have to wonder what he thinks is different about our nuclear assets today than six months ago?

If you’re looking for any evidence of a presidential initiative to modernize America’s nuclear arsenal, you’d have to look at what President Obama did last year. Last October the New York Times reported that the “The U.S. is planning a trillion-dollar modernization of its nuclear forces over the next few decades.” So any progress in our nuclear defense profile is the work of Trump’s predecessor. And even that will be taking decades and likely shows no change during Trump’s brief and unproductive presidency.

Trump’s incessant self-glorification frequently borrows from the achievements of others. He pretends that the performance of the stock market is his doing despite not having passed any legislation that impacts the economy. He contends that higher wages came with his election. Although that was mainly due to increases in the minimum wage that he and Republicans opposed. Whatever positive movement has occurred in the past few months did so irrespective of Trump’s presence.

On the other hand, the failures that abound are easily attributable to him. Whatever weakness there are in ObamaCare are the result of his deliberate attempts to sabotage it. As the environment becomes ever more at risk, it’s due directly to his mismanagement of the EPA. And the war stance that is now threatening this country and the world was wholly manufactured by Trump himself. In fact, he even predicted it in this tweet from August of 2013:

That’s good advice. We should be prepared. And we should take whatever legal actions are available to us to mitigate the risks he is describing. They include congressional actions to restore the balance of power, indictments, and impeachment. The sooner the better.

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