Donald Trump held another of his campaign style rallies on Saturday evening instead of attending the annual White House Correspondents Dinner, as almost every other president has done. The reason is his obvious fear of encountering real journalists, even in a friendly, social environment. So he fled to the safety of an auditorium full of his precious deplorables who he could depend on to stroke his fragile ego.
The speech was fairly typical Trumpian blather that ran through his greatest hits like a Top 10 radio station. But following the catastrophically embarrassing spectacle he unleashed a few days ago on Fox News, the similarities are hard to ignore. The “interview” on Fox and Friends was really just a thirty minute psychotic episode by Trump that even the “Curvy Couch” potatoes were frantically trying to interrupt and put an end to before Trump totally flamed out.
They were too late. And now Trump has repeated that disaster before a live audience that was broadcast in its entirety on (only) Fox News. Trump rambled on incessantly, often making little sense, and frequently repeating his litany of lies that his disciples devour like famished piranha. What follows is just a taste of Trump’s latest deranged quotables:
On Immigration: “These people pouring across are votes for Democrats. They’re not voting for Republicans. A lot of times they don’t even know what they are doing or why they are doing it.”
Of course, undocumented immigrants are not voting for anybody. There has never been any credible evidence of such voting, even by Trump’s own disgraced (and disbanded) election integrity commission.
On Border Security: “And if we don’t have border security we have no choice. We’ll close down the country.”
We will? And how exactly will we do that? Under what authority?
On Education: “Nobody knows what a community college is.”
Except that everybody knows what a community college is. Whenever Trump says that nobody knows something, he means that he didn’t know it.
On Democrats: “A vote for a Democrat in November is a vote for open borders and crime.”
Trump often says that Democrats are pro-crime and supporters of illegal drugs and gangs. It’s an absurd charge that only affirms how delusional and hateful he is.
On Patriotism: “We’re going to be proud of America again.”
If a Democrat had said this the right-wingers would have gone completely berserk. In fact, when Michelle Obama talked about being proud of America, that’s just what the GOP did.
On Diversity: “Are there any Hispanics in the room? Not so many? That’s okay.”
He sounded so disappointed. You have to wonder whether he was asking so that he could have them deported.
On the V.A. Secretary Debacle: “I know things about (Sen. Jon) Tester that I could say too. And if I said them, he would never be elected again.”
Here we have Trump making vague accusations of some heinous secret that he doesn’t bother to back up. It’s pure McCarthyism.
On North Korean De-nuclearization: “One of the fake news groups this morning, they were saying “What do you think President Trump had to do with it?” How about everything?”
Setting aside that Trump is once again taking full credit for something he had little to do with, in this case it hasn’t even happened. And it may never happen.
Corey Lewandowski Speaks: “Thank you for supporting Donald Trump as our next president of the United States.”
“Our next president?” That shows how stuck these numbskulls are in campaign mode.
And finally, Trump bravely addressed the matter of Russian collusion in a way that would make any crackpot conspiracy theorist weep with admiration. He was attempting to dismiss news reports that the Russian lawyer who met with his son and other campaign operatives was actually a Kremlin spy. So he portrayed it all as a plot against him:
“She did that because Putin and the group said that ‘This Trump is killing us. Why don’t you say you’re involved in government so that we can go and make their life in the United States even more chaotic.'”
Having zero evidence of this wild claim didn’t stop Trump from feeding it to his hungry cult followers. And besides, what could possibly make Trump’s circus of pandemonium more chaotic?
Trump suggests Russian lawyer who met with Don Jr and others in Trump Tower was planted by Putin to discredit Trump, because Putin knew Trump would be so hard on Russia!
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) April 28, 2018
The day after Trump melted down on Fox and Friends, Kellyanne Conway appeared on the same program to lavish praise on his ravings and even announce that he wants to come back every month to do the same thing. Ironically, Democrats want him to that also. But he apparently wasn’t waiting another month. Instead he booked this hall in Michigan and repeated the rhetorical mayhem all by himself. Can America really stand three more years of this?
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