This is a quick update to the story about Sean Hannity making an appearance with Donald Trump at Monday night’s cult rally in Missouri. Fox News finally issued a statement on Hannity’s violation of Fox’s policy. But it was a weak attempt to sweep the whole matter under the rug and fails to hold Hannity (or Jeanine Pirro, who also stumped with Trump) accountable.
The entire statement from Fox said said that:
“FOX News does not condone any talent participating in campaign events. We have an extraordinary team of journalists helming our coverage tonight and we are extremely proud of their work. This was an unfortunate distraction and has been addressed.”
So this was merely “an unfortunate distraction” rather than an egregious breach of journalistic principles? And it merited only this powder-puff, wrist slapping that was more complimentary and prideful than punitive. What’s more, Hannity posted a brazenly dishonest tweet (which he later deleted but is preserved here) that incredulously claimed that his stage show was unplanned:
Yeah right. He was literally featured in the White House press release saying that he would be a “special guest.” at the rally. Is he trying to tell us that he was the only person who didn’t know that Trump would call on him (and Pirro) to speak? Maybe his dimwitted audience on Fox News will fall for that. But the rest of us are laughing our butts off.
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.
UPDATE: A reporter from CNN asked some of Hannity’s colleagues about this and they are “outraged” that he stumped for Trump and that the company won’t do anything about it.
Fox News is getting ethics?
And Sean Hannity is telling the truth?
Hold on!,, The earth is about to stop spinning on its axis!!!
Well at about 1000 MPH at the equator, things may get a little breezy out.
So in this one case Hannity says he was 100% truthful, which indicates he knows all his other “Tweets” are never truthful. He’s still got a huuuge brown nose from when Trump stops short, and Hannity jams it up his rectum. Hannity does have Trump’s short-fingered little hand up his backside so Hannity keeps smiling. Watch for Hannity to enter ‘politics’, now that the ‘bar’ is lowered to the dirt. Blatant lying repeatedly is how all Family Values Republicans raise their brats, look at who they picked to lead our Nation. The Great Lie about WMDs in Iraq, along with all of Dick Cheney’s threats of “mushroom clouds” here inside the US, due to Saddam, proves the extent of the FVRs willingness to kill 4,500 American Troops, along with over 100,000 Iraqis. When will our Nation hold those Liars accountable for the $2 Trillion wasted as well?