It’s a terrible thing to see the United States being put to shame by a “leader” who is quite obviously incompetent, self-motivated, and willing to bring untold harm to the nation in order to pacify his own ego and fear. Unfortunately, that’s what America is suffering through as Donald Trump’s psychosis gets ever more severe and destructive.
On Tuesday morning Trump unleashed the sort of tweetstorm that is sadly becoming routine in his demented presidency. In three tweets (here, here, and here, if you really want to see them) Trump has affirmed that he is incapable of performing the duties of his office. And the best way to present this evidence of pure insanity and paranoia is just to put it forward unedited. Hold tight:
The Phony Witch Hunt continues, but Mueller and his gang of Angry Dems are only looking at one side, not the other. Wait until it comes out how horribly & viciously they are treating people, ruining lives for them refusing to lie. Mueller is a conflicted prosecutor gone rogue….
…The Fake News Media builds Bob Mueller up as a Saint, when in actuality he is the exact opposite. He is doing TREMENDOUS damage to our Criminal Justice System, where he is only looking at one side and not the other. Heroes will come of this, and it won’t be Mueller and his…
….terrible Gang of Angry Democrats. Look at their past, and look where they come from. The now $30,000,000 Witch Hunt continues and they’ve got nothing but ruined lives. Where is the Server? Let these terrible people go back to the Clinton Foundation and “Justice” Department!
Needless to say, there is nothing either true or coherent in that twisted tantrum. There are no “Angry Dems” on the staff of special counsel Robert Mueller. Although there are more than sixty-five million of them throughout the country, and millions more independents and woke Republicans. And the only lives that are being ruined are the ones of those who willfully broke the law and lied about it to investigators.
Naturally, Trump has to blame the free press for the crime of reporting what is actually happening. But for him to effectively call Mueller the devil (if that’s the opposite of a saint) is an extreme line that he has not previously crossed. The accusation that Mueller is damaging the criminal justice system makes no sense whatsoever. Particularly since Mueller is a life-long Republican and his office is overseen by Trump’s own appointees at the Justice Department.
Finally, the now comical cries of “Witch Hunt” ignore the fact that many “witches” have already confessed, and dozens of indictments have been issued to others. But Trump persists in mindless blabber about “servers” and the cost of the probe (which has already been more than paid for by the estimated $46 million in asset forfeiture from Paul Manafort).
This latest tweet-burst only affirms that Trump is frightened and in an acute state of panic. As well he should be. But by being so transparently afraid and desperate he is only making matters worse for himself. It’s a pitiful display of cowardice in the face of his overwhelming anxiety driven by the knowledge that he is trapped by his own criminality and ignorance. And it’s nothing less than he deserves.
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Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Hair Moronikus Corruptus added a fourth tweet about a half hour ago, and it’s even more deranged than the last ones!
“Acid washed,” huh, Milord? Sorry, I believe that’s YOUR brain.