Last week Donald Trump continued down a path of implicating himself in impeachable crimes. During an interview with ABC News he admitted that he would take dirt on a political opponent from a hostile foreign government, which is against the law. He also falsely accused his White House counsel, Don McGahn, of committing perjury, which is obstruction of justice. And he’s asserting that he has secret agreements with North Korea and Mexico, which are illegal if not ratified by Congress.
Trump is nearly incapacitated by his fear of being held accountable for the crimes that he knows all too well he is guilty of. And this is causing him to become more desperate with each passing day. So now he is trying to find some comfort by cowering in the slimy warmth of the Trump-fluffing media that he relies on for emotional support. And they are cooperating by telling him he is beloved by the American people.
The only problem with that is that even their reassurances are pitifully weak. They come in the form of reports on polling of Trump’s approval. But those numbers are historically negative. Nevertheless, when they reach what are considered “highs” for Trump, he celebrates, even if they are dismally low in reality:
“The latest Polls find 51% of Americans approve of President Trump’s Job Performance. Last month a Democrat Pollster said President Trump’s approval rating has been the most steady of any President in history!” @OANN
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 15, 2019
“With over a 50% Approval Rating at this point in his Presidency, analysts believe re-election in 2020 looks (very) promising!” @OANN Hey, we have accomplished more than any President in the first 2 1/2 years, WHY NOT?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 15, 2019
Despite the Greatest Presidential Harassment of all time by people that are very dishonest and want to destroy our Country, we are doing great in the Polls, even better than in 2016, and will be packed at the Tuesday Announcement Rally in Orlando, Florida. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 15, 2019
Two of those tweets cite the One America News Network (OANN), a struggling conservative outfit that is trying to appeal to the right-wingers who think that Fox News is a bastion of liberal propaganda. Trump begins by saying that “The latest polls find 51% of Americans approve of President Trump’s Job Performance.” But there is only one poll that has ever had him that high. It’s the notoriously disreputable Rasmussen poll that Trump hypes on a fairly regular basis. But even Rasmussen shows that Trump cannot sustain that level of support.
Then Trump finds joy in a report that a Democratic pollster said that his polling has been historically steady. That’s actually true. It’s been steadily horrible. He has never cracked 50 percent by any credible pollster and currently resides in the low forties by most surveys. And the report that he’s referring to is not complimentary to him. Which may be why he didn’t link to it. It says essentially that he’s in a rut where no good news helps him and no bad news hurts. In other words, his cult is still a glassy-eyed horde of blind devotees, but everyone else hates him.
Finally, Trump claims that his current polling is “even better than in 2016.” That’s just another lie by the lyingest president in history. His approval ratings in 2016, if anything, were slightly higher than where they are now. But for the most part they’ve been, as he said above, steady. He has lost support among the working class, women, and minorities, and particularly in the states that gave him his electoral college victory.
Consequently, Trump is resorting to fear mongering. In another Saturday morning tweet Trump warned that “if anyone but me takes over in 2020…there will be a Market Crash the likes of which has not been seen before.” That actually sounds more like a threat than a prediction. But it’s consistent with the malignant narcissism that is ravaging his diseased brain.
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In his dementia, only Trump can save us from a catastrophic collapse of civilization. Because he’s so beloved by the entire universe. These are the ramblings of a sick mind that can’t cope with the reality that he is the least popular president ever and that he’s very likely to be impeached and imprisoned. And the closer he gets to his inevitable fate, the worse these sociopathic symptoms will become. So buckle up, America. It’s gonna be bumpy ride.
If any American voter forgets the fact it is the “Family Values Republicans” that bragged about what a great Business man he is, and would be for our Nation it means they’ve been in a coma. They chose him as the “be best” of all Republicans, women and men both so they nominated him. If you vote Republican you will approve of him and them. Do the best thing for America, and don’t vote Republican in any election, they need their noses wiped in their own mess.
If any American voter forgets the fact it is the “Family Values Republicans” that bragged about what a great Business man he is, and would be for our Nation it means they’ve been in a coma. They chose him as the “be best” of all Republicans, women and men both so they nominated him. If you vote Republican you will approve of him and them. Do the best thing for America, and don’t vote Republican in any election, they need their noses wiped in their own mess. Silly puppies.
Unfortunately his supporters are as delusion (almost) as he is! They devour right wing propaganda and believe everything Faux News tells them! They believe in ever stupid conspiracy theory put out be Alex Jones and his ilk! Hopefully, some of the non—voters get up if their comfy couches and vote next time!
I’ve always been more afraid of his supporters than of him.
Trump is a straight up criminal sob! He is unfit for office and everyone except for his deluded idiot followers knows it!
If 10,000 angels are dancing on the head of a pin, and the 10,001st came on board, would the others fall off? If treaties with sovereign foreign nations illegal if not ratified by Congress, are they still illegal if they don’t exist? trumpty-kins has done more to advance existential philosophical debate than Sarte ever did.
D*mn! That’s “Sartre”, you stupid keyboard!
Fellow, comenters, sorry about the double posting, a bit old, fat fingers, and slower than my keyboard. Today it’s reported our Nation’s Intelligence Agencies are ‘adjusting’ a bit of Russia’s electric grid to let them know, it’s not beyond our capabilities. Misinterpretations these days, under the ‘divine leader’ and his petulant tweets, may be our downfall. Fortunately, the prospects for the Russians to re-install their puppet over our United States is less every day. Vote, vote for all of us, vote to keep our children free from Foreign interference. It can happen , yet we can also stop it.