The consensus opinion following last week’s marathon impeachment hearings is that Donald Trump was badly hurt by the testimony from credible career diplomats and national security professionals. He was shown to have committed something on the order of bribery or extortion by withholding congressionally appropriated military aid from Ukraine unless they agreed to help him smear Joe Biden.
That consensus was manifest in much of the media, including among some Republican pundits and expert analysts. The one outpost that stubbornly refused to see reality was, not surprisingly, Fox News. They obediently carried out their mission to protect and defend Dear Leader Donald Trump, and to dismiss and malign his critics. Along with misrepresenting what witnesses like Dr. Fiona Hill and Alexander Vindman told the House Intelligence Committee, Fox News shills gleefully propagated ludicrous conspiracy theories that were concocted by Russia and intended to harm the United States.
It’s one thing for Fox News – the Ministry of Propaganda for the Trump regime – to advance conservative political positions and promote Republican officeholders and candidates. It’s another thing entirely for them to help a hostile foreign country to undermine the interests and welfare of America. But that is precisely what they and many GOP politicians have been doing.
One exception to the wingnut groupthink on Fox News is Andrew Napolitano. He’s a former judge, a stalwart Republican, and Fox’s senior legal analyst. And after paying close attention to the testimony delivered throughout the past week, he enumerated what he believes the Democrats will put forth in Articles of Impeachment in an interview with ReasonTV:
“One is bribery…The second charge will be high crimes and misdemeanors, election law violation. The third crime will be obstruction of justice. The fourth will be interference with a witness, and the fifth may be lying under oath.
Napolitano was not just speculating as to how Democrats might proceed. He gave his own opinion of Trump’s legal jeopardy going forward saying that “The evidence of his impeachable behavior at this point, in my view, is overwhelming.” He further noted that Trump has failed to offer any coherent defense. The President, in fact, is prohibiting those he claims would exonerate him from testifying. They include Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, and Vice-President Mike Pence. You can be certain that if those people could help Trump prove his innocence he would drive them to the Capitol himself.
However, before anyone gets the idea that Fox News is cracking the door open to the possibility that Trump is guilty and deserving of impeachment, it needs to be pointed out that Napolitano has not been allowed to offer this assessment on Fox News. He had to go to ReasonTV to present these views. His absence on Fox following the hearings has been profoundly conspicuous. It’s almost as if Fox News doesn’t want their viewers to hear the opinion that Trump’s actions warrant impeachment. Ya think?
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.
Unfortunately, it’s all moot because the Republicans in the Senate aren’t going to do a damn thing about it! Our last line of defense is 20 election and if there isn’t a blue tsunami then our democracy is lost! Imho.
The Democrats and Independents have to come up with some guts and glory and take our country back from Trump and his bag of tricks.
In Response to judge Napolitano who stated that it was established that president Trump was guilty of bribery, he was watching a different hearing than I was. Also, his comments about the president did not offer a defense, as a judge he should have stated that the president does not need to defend himself, the hearing need to show he is guilty, I do not believe it was shown. Allow the voters, not the media, Adam Schiff, who is bias or all of these “experts “ to decide in the polls in 2020.
With all the help from overseas that this country gets with its elections, it will be hard to credit the results of the next election.
And hard to know exactly who the president is working for! Gee, what happens when more than 1 foreign country is illegally interfering in US elections, in order to put in office the man they can (& do) all manipulate? Are there percentage points applied to each country?
Up to now, only 1 rule has prevailed. That’s the rule that says NO ONE is to interfere in our elections & that US candidates must not accept any help from foreign nations in our elections. It is very clearly AGAINST US LAWS! Any attempt to sabotage our elections is to be reported immediately to the FBI.
Then came the biggest criminal ever to be put in the Oval Office — that warped little pus-bag, Trump.
So, now what? Do we need new laws? I think not. What we need is to remove anyone who cheats & breaks the law in order to be put in office. Sounds simple, right? Should be. What’s the problem here? We have seen & heard Trump invite other nations to interfere in our elections, to help his side of course.
Need more? We have now seen & with much evidence from many sources, including Trump’s own doctored transcript of his phone call on July 25th, that he did bribe/extort the new President of Ukraine to assist him in illegally influencing the 2020 election. With a huge, “Or else.” This is illegal in so many ways that there shouldn’t be any doubt of his leaving office ASAP! There is more proof than usually needed. Yet, I think we all expect that the crooks of his Party, in the Senate, are going to condone the cheating, extortion, conspiracy & obstruction of justice & violate their own oaths of office, to make their “trial” into a fictional theatrics display of the worst kind & then claim Trump is not guilty of anything. That’s beyond belief!
Trump’s guilt is known, tho not spoken, thru Mueller Report, but no consequences, due to Billy Barr – dirtiest scum of the DOJ & also cuz’ of bunch of pansy-ass Dems in the House, who did nothing to follow up on that report, despite it being their job. (Thanks alot, Ms. Pelosi.)
Thinking he had green light to do it again, the day after Mueller testified before Congress, Trump makes his call to try & extort Ukraine’s President into helping him cheat 2020 election too. “Nice.” Now, here we are. Tons more proof than is needed; testimony by honorable career diplomats & civil service all saying the same things & more who want to testify – others who don’t, but must be called to do so anyway. “Hostile witness” is what they’re called in regular court cases.
Why even have an election? Think we know the outcome. And all the criminals in his Party should be voted out of office ASAP! Why? Because it will be thanks to them that a man found so guilty, 2x really, will not be punished in any way – which makes the whole Republican Party just as guilty as he is! When all is said & done, that isn’t the worst of it.
The very worst of it is that we have 1 political party that is so corrupted, that they are destroying US Democracy, rather than saving it, when the most important time in our history is upon us! Our Founding Fathers surely did not envision a time when the Parties would throw it all away over any 1 man holding the Office. Nor did they foresee a weak, ineffectual opposing party. And for certain, could not imagine an electorate so stupid by choice, to believe the lies of media & a liar-in-chief, that 40% of the people would vote the man back into office a 2nd time! What kind of party would even run the criminal guy a 2nd time? Oh wait, I know, a criminal one.
And hard to know exactly who the president is working for! Gee, what happens when more than 1 foreign country is illegally interfering in US elections, in order to put in office the man they can (& do) all manipulate? Are there percentage points applied to each country?
Up to now, only 1 rule has prevailed. That’s the rule that says NO ONE is to interfere in our elections & that US candidates must not accept any help from foreign nations in our elections. It is very clearly AGAINST US LAWS!