Best Wishes to All for the Merriest Blue Xmas and a Bountiful Blue Wave New Year

Christmas is upon us once again, and families around the nation – and the world – are sharing in the warmth of the season. It’s a time to be grateful for good fortune, but also to be thoughtful and generous to those enduring more difficult circumstances. For in the end, we are all one family and we rely on one another for support and inspiration.

Donald Trump Hugs Christmas Tree

However, it cannot go unnoticed that this is the first Christmas since Donald Trump was impeached, making him the first reality TV game show host to have achieved that dishonor. And he can’t stop whining about it. It’s also the first Christmas since he declared himself The Chosen One and basked in the praise of being called the Second Coming of God by some of his worshipful cult followers. He was even hailed for having fulfilled the biblical prophecy of the gods by a Fox News “judge.” Behavior like this makes one wonder whether Trump’s dimwitted cult followers are watching the holiday classic “It’s a Wonderful Life” and thinking that the evil Mr. Potter is the hero.

Trump promised during his campaign that “If I become president, we’re all going to be saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again.” It’s that heartwarming 1930’s German-style totalitarianism that makes him think he can decide what we are ALL going to say. And it’s all the more meaningful coming from a greedy, lustful, gluttonous, wrath-filled, narcissist who insists that he has never had to seek God’s forgiveness because he’s never done anything wrong. And three years later, Trump is still taking credit for restoring the right to say “Merry Christmas” that no one has ever actually stopped saying. Just last week Trump told disciples at his cult rally “Let me begin by wishing you a ‘beauta-few-woodlook.'” (File that under “WTF” with “covfefe”). He went on to say that…

“Do you remember? They were trying to take Christmas out of Christmas. You remember? They didn’t want to let you say merry Christmas. … They’re all saying merry Christmas again.”

Well, do you remember? Because if you do you’re suffering from the sort of false memories that plague paranoid schizophrenics. And to be clear, nobody has ever been offended by a Christmas greeting. And nobody has ever said “happy holidays” or “seasons greetings” with an intent to offend. To the contrary, it is said out of respect for the many faiths that are held by the American people in a country where religious freedom is cherished. We are – or aspire to be – a diverse and tolerant nation.

So in the spirit of the season, News Corpse would like to continue its holiday tradition by presenting a musical gift that is truly inclusive and welcoming. This is for all of those who are not huddled around a dead tree today, buried in colorfully wrapped packages. It’s for the cynics who won’t accept the notion that the birth of an alleged savior is an excuse to exchange material goods or fruitcakes that nobody likes. It is for the forsaken and forlorn, the outcasts and rebels and nonbelievers who are puzzled by the greed and commercialism that permeates the season. And yes, it’s for those who still believe that peace and goodwill are morally superior to profit and oppression. Here is Miles Davis and Bob Dorough performing the heartwarming traditional Christmas ballad Blue Xmas:

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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4 thoughts on “Best Wishes to All for the Merriest Blue Xmas and a Bountiful Blue Wave New Year

  1. Hope you enjoy your holidays, whatever they may be & however you shall spend them.
    Thank you for the Miles Davis version “Blue Christmas”! Never heard/seen that one before. It’s very interestingly different ~ actually like it better than the original. 😉 {Maybe cuz’ for me, it’s relatable?}
    I couldn’t help but notice, while buying Christmas gifts for those who’d have none (mostly children & some homeless dogs), that Trump’s bullshit tariffs on China are still hurting/costing us – not China – much more. Sure it didn’t hurt him any tho!
    Wonder when he will be giving the middle income folks a financial break? Like, ending his stupid tariffs & raising minimum wages? As if he even cares! HE HAS GOT TO GO!! Hope his new year sux & brings all that he fears it might! (Yeah, I know – not to charitable of me, but I save that for those who really need it.)

  2. Thanks for the video, Mark! Bob Dorough, for those too young to realize, was one of the primary songsters behind Schoolhouse Rock, and it’s a pleasure to hear him in his prime.

    Just what was needed to forget the Tyrant’s disingenuous greetings for holidays he is too moronic to understand the true meaning of. Oh crap…..

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