Donald Trump Celebrates Christmas with a Flurry of Fawning Tributes to Himself – As Usual

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Especially if you’re Donald Trump and you can fill it with the glory and adulation that you feel you so richly deserve. Which is precisely what he did for most of the morning on this Christmas day.

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Trump Christmas Tree

Trump’s yuletide greeting this year actually represents a bit of a departure from his standard holiday wishes for his perceived enemies to suffer eternal damnation, such as his message last year when he spread the joy of the season by…

Saying This: “Merry Christmas to all, including…the THUGS we have inside our Country [who] are looking to destroy our once great USA. MAY THEY ROT IN HELL. AGAIN, MERRY CHRISTMAS!”

It just makes the heart tingle, doesn’t it? But Trump took a different path this year. Instead of reaching out to Satan for help corralling his adversaries in Hades, he chose to pay homage to himself with 33 posts on his failing Twitter ripoff, Truth Social that either exalted himself or disparaged his foes.

Out of those 33 hostile posts only one delivered to his cult disciples the message that he claims was prohibited prior to his recovering it: Merry Christmas. However, Trump’s greeting was something less than genuine considering that he couldn’t be bothered with a fresh salutation, so he merely reposted an old greeting from 2018.

Among the other 32 posts, Trump bragged about his fake “Patriot Award” from Fox News, took a childish swipe at Obama, lauded his phony border wall that Mexico didn’t pay for, furthered his threat to annex the Panama Canal, linked to an article praising his “ultimate virtue,” hyped his deplorable, unqualified Cabinet nominees Kash Patel and Pete Hegseth, affirmed his plans for a mass deportation of undocumented immigrants/refugees, and insulted Biden as “President in Name Only.”

SEE ALSO: Some Democrats are Planning to Boycott the Inauguration of Trump. Here’s a Better Idea!

UPDATE: Trump posted a few more self-exalting messages on Christmas day, including this rambling excretion of bullpucky that is spine-chilling proof of his dangerously demented mind and cognitive decline.

Despite Trump’s annual festival of spitting venom, News Corpse would like to continue its holiday tradition by presenting a musical gift that is truly inclusive and welcoming. This is for all of those who are not huddled around a dead tree today, buried in colorfully wrapped packages. It’s for the cynics who won’t accept the notion that the birth of a messenger of peace and love is an excuse to exchange material goods or fruitcakes that nobody likes.

It is for the forsaken and forlorn, the outcasts and rebels and nonbelievers who are puzzled by the greed and commercialism that permeates the season. And yes, it’s for those who still believe that peace and goodwill are morally superior to profit and oppression. So we leave you with Miles Davis and Bob Dorough performing the heartwarming traditional Christmas ballad Blue Xmas. And Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All!

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Fox Nation vs. Reality:
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Fox News Embarks on a Campaign of Shameless Exaltation of Donald and Melania Trump

From its inception 28 years ago, Fox News has relentlessly pursued its mission to advance the interests of ultra right-wing politicians and policies. That mission has been unencumbered by the principles of ethical journalism or honesty. The network’s objective of promoting arch-conservativism on behalf of the wealthy and corporations has been paramount in their “reporting” at all times.

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Donald Trump baby with Fox News logo

With the emergence of Donald Trump and the cult that has arisen around him, Fox News has managed to do what many may have thought impossible. They got even worse. Their devotional embrace of Trump has exceeded the adulation of history’s most notorious cult leaders. Fox News has helped Trump to prove that he was right when he said that he could “shoot someone on 5th Avenue” without losing any support. And as a result of Fox’s reverential propaganda, Trump’s clan regards him as their only source of truth.

SEE THIS: IT’S A CULT! Poll Shows Republicans Trust Only Criminal Messiah Trump to Tell Them the Truth

This week Fox News has outdone itself. On Thursday their Fox Nation streaming network aired an awards ceremony wherein Trump was declared the “Patriot of the Year.” To be clear, that’s a choice that is honoring a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, draft dodger, who incited a coup, and said he would terminate the Constitution, as the most patriotic person in America. You have to wonder who the runner-ups were. Steve Bannon? Vladimir Putin? Hannibal Lector?

This award could be in appreciation of Trump’s nominees to his still forming administration. At least 14 of them (so far) are Fox News hosts, contributors, or frequent guests. Among these unqualified, morally bankrupt appointments is his embattled nominee for Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth.

MORE HERE: CNN Report: Trump’s Nominees Are Largely Fox News Alum, Mar-a-Lago Patrons, and Billionaires

As if that weren’t enough, Fox News also invited Melania Trump on to chat with the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends (Hegseth’s old haunt). That segment actually turned out to be their version of a right-wing Home Shopping Network where viewers could purchase grossly overpriced trinkets designed by Melania herself. Who wouldn’t want a $90.00 Christmas tree ornament by the woman who once said “Who gives a f**k about Christmas stuff?”

This combination of Trump getting a made up award by his Fox News disciples, and giving valuable airtime to Melania to cash in on the rubes who watch Fox, is just the beginning of the media supplication to Dear Leader Trump and his attempt to transform the United States into an authoritarian dystopia. And if you think it’s bad now, just wait. Or better yet, don’t wait – RESIST! If there is one thing that Trump has shown us throughout his public life, it’s that he is incompetent and defeatable. LFG!


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Fox News Hack Jonathan Turley Likens Trump’s ‘Rot in Hell’ Christmas Message to – ‘Die Hard’?

Christmas at Mar-a-Lago is celebrated in a profoundly different and disgusting fashion than it is in the rest of America, or the world for that matter. A holiday whose branding for a couple of thousand years has been “Peace on Earth and Goodwill Toward Men” (and now women, too), is seen by Donald Trump and his fetid family as just another day to unload acrimony and loathing.

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Fox News Sad

Trump confirmed his perverse perspective on Christmas in a holiday message that he posted to his failing social media scam, Truth Social, on Christmas day. It was brimming with the “mirthful” malice of someone suffering from acute animosity and debilitating depression.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump is Whining (Again) About Having a Blue Xmas – Poor Thing

Trump’s greeting to his faithful cult followers was a steaming stew of self-pity and political poison aimed at his perceived enemies, aka the majority of the American people. Trump raged

“Merry Christmas to all, including Crooked Joe Biden’s ONLY HOPE, Deranged Jack Smith, the out of control Lunatic [and] World Leaders, both good and bad, but none of which are as evil and ‘sick’ as the THUGS we have inside our Country [and] so much more, [who] are looking to destroy our once great USA. MAY THEY ROT IN HELL. AGAIN, MERRY CHRISTMAS!”

Nothing warms the heart at Christmas time like being told to “ROT IN HELL” by an aspiring dictator/messiah who abhors the faithful he has somehow persuaded to worship him. His message also reveals his hatred for American leaders who he regards as more “evil” than the savage tyrants he admires and hopes to emulate, such as Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping, etc.

If that weren’t bad enough, one of Trump’s most devoted defenders came to his rescue after the hellish greeting he delivered. Jonathan Turley, a professor of law at George Washington University, and a Fox News contributor, offered a patently absurd commentary that he thought would slap a happy face onto Trump’s tirade. Turley wrote that…

“Trump’s message of ‘May They Rot in Hell…Merry Christmas’ is to holiday greetings what Die Hard is to Christmas movies: a matter of considerable interpretation for those of us stuck in the Peace-on-Earth or even just Ho-Ho-Ho mindset.”

WTF is Turley talking about? There is absolutely nothing that is remotely similar in his ludicrous musing. On the one hand we have Trump’s purposeful and personal condemnation of people with whom he disagrees to the realm of Satan. On the other hand is a cinematic crime drama intended for entertainment purposes only. The film’s only villains are fictional terrorists who are trying to kill innocent people. Trump’s foes are his actual fellow Americans who have political opinions intended to help people by expanding healthcare, providing food, prohibiting prejudice, reducing gun violence, creating jobs, mitigating climate change, etc.

How are those things related in Turley’s crackpot cranial cavity? His bizarre comment can only be seen as a desperate and lame and blatantly political attempt to salvage Trump’s already festering reputation. And this isn’t Turley’s first such embarrassment. He was also one of Trump’s Senate impeachment defenders. It’s astonishing that someone with Turley’s bias, incoherence, and ignorance is still employed by a reputable academic institution. Although it’s not surprising at all that such idiocy is welcomed on Fox News.

UPDATE: The day after Christmas Trump again condemned to Hades his perceived enemies saying that, “Biden’s Flunky, Deranged Jack Smith, should go to HELL.” It’s just more evidence of his fear of being convicted for his felonious acts.


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Crybaby Trump is Whining (Again) About Having a Blue Xmas – Poor Thing

On this Christmas Day, most of the American people who celebrate it are gathering with their families, exchanging gifts, and finding gratitude for their good fortune, even when circumstances might make that difficult for some. It’s a day for accentuating the positive and giving thanks.

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Donald Trump, Santa, Coronavirus

That, however, does not appear to be the situation on this holiday morning at Mar-a-Lago, the luxury resort/home of Donald Trump who, despite his trappings of wealth and privilege, remains perpetually grounded in grievance and malice. And his family seems to have completely disappeared. The angst that he is nursing today was previewed in his Christmas Eve prayer for relief from his legal liabilities…

SEE THIS: Trump’s Craven Christmas Prayer for Presidential Immunity and an End to Yuletide Witch Hunts

Now that Christmas is upon him, Trump went out of his way to deliver a message to his glassy-eyed cult followers that was fraught with the festivity that marks this Season of Joy. Or at least what Trump, in his perverse perspective, thinks is festive. He posted the following holiday greetings on his failing social media scam, Truth Social

“It’s hard to have a truly great Christmas when you have a Crooked and Incompetent President who wants to put his Political Opponent in jail, and who has been working hard (for a change!), illegally using all of the levers of Law Enforcement, to do so. We are in the fight of our lives to save our Country from MADNESS & DOOM. MAGA 2024!!!”

That’s so sad. Trump is having a hard time making Christmas great again. Which is ironic since he frequently brags that, before he came along, no one was allowed to say “Merry Christmas” at all.

As is often the case, Trump’s blather generally describes himself better than it does the targets of his seething animus. In this case, his complaint about a “Crooked and Incompetent President who wants to put his Political Opponent in jail” could not be more descriptive of Trump if it had been written by Hillary Clinton.

Trump’s crookedness is evident in the 91 felony charges that are currently pending against him. His incompetence is demonstrated in virtually everything he does, including his deadly mismanagement of the COVID pandemic; his failure to stop immigration with a vanity wall that Mexico never paid for; his never materializing infrastructure plan; likewise his nonexistent healthcare plan; his adding trillions of dollars to the national debt with tax cuts for corporations and the rich; and his three years of raging about the 2020 election being “rigged and stolen,” and promising irrefutable evidence, despite never providing a shred of his alleged proof.

SEE ALSO: Trump’s Derangement Spirals Ever Downward as He Impotently Promises to Prove His Innocence

As for Trump’s complaint about who “wants to put his Political Opponent in jail,” that’s another hallmark of Trumpism, who campaigned on locking up Clinton and went on to call for incarcerating dozens of others he regards as enemies, including the press.

Trump closes his holiday harangue by fear mongering that “We are in the fight of our lives to save our Country from MADNESS & DOOM!!! (Note the three exclamation points). What could be more in the spirit of the season than threatening to wage war on fellow Americans who he accuses of being insane harbingers of the Apocalypse? No wonder he’s finding it “hard to have a truly great Christmas.” For him it must be torture.

Nevertheless, News Corpse would like to continue its holiday tradition by presenting a musical gift that is truly inclusive and welcoming. This is for all of those who are not huddled around a dead tree today, buried in colorfully wrapped packages. It’s for the cynics who won’t accept the notion that the birth of a messenger of peace and love is an excuse to exchange material goods or fruitcakes that nobody likes.

It is for the forsaken and forlorn, the outcasts and rebels and nonbelievers who are puzzled by the greed and commercialism that permeates the season. And yes, it’s for those who still believe that peace and goodwill are morally superior to profit and oppression. So we leave you with Miles Davis and Bob Dorough performing the heartwarming traditional Christmas ballad Blue Xmas.

And Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All!!!! Even the Trump-fluffers and Biden haters at Fox News…

WOW! Fox News Exposes Biden’s ‘Freak-O-Rama’ Plot to Swap Christmas Cheer with Marxist Hate

UPDATE: Trump is getting worse as the day goes on. He posted that Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco lied to ABC News when she denied that President Biden ever talked to her or Attorney General Merrick Garland about his case or Hunter Biden’s. “What a complete lie,” Trump said, “He speaks to them all the time.” Of course he has no proof of that whatsoever. It’s just his fevered imagination inventing his own lies.

He also posted a Christmas greeting to the savage dictators that he admires and prefers to Americans, saying “none of [them] are as evil and ‘sick’ as the THUGS we have inside our Country. Then, referring to the Americans, he added, “MAY THEY ROT IN HELL. AGAIN, MERRY CHRISTMAS!” That was followed the day after Christmas by Trump again condemning to Hades his perceived enemies saying that, “Biden’s Flunky, Deranged Jack Smith, should go to HELL.” He’s clearly consumed by the fear of being convicted for his felonious acts.

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Fox Nation vs. Reality:
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

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Trump’s Craven Christmas Prayer for Presidential Immunity and an End to Yuletide Witch Hunts

It’s Christmas time, and Donald Trump is joining in on the festivities with caroling in the spirit of the season. Except he’s not getting the words exactly right. “Hark the heinous angel,” whines Trump petulantly about losing an election three years ago and being held accountable for inciting an insurrection and trying to undermine democracy.

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Donald Trump Christmas

As is his tradition for the holidays, Trump is filled with anger and animosity toward everyone who he feels has failed to be sufficiently worshipful toward him. The wannabe messiah who pretends to have liberated Americans to say “Merry Christmas,” has a rather bizarre impression of what that means. Meanwhile, President Biden and his family gather together to celebrate the joy that this season brings, despite Fox News mocking them for it…

SEE THIS: Fox News Exposes Biden’s ‘Freak-O-Rama’ Plot to Swap Christmas Cheer with Marxist Hate

On the day before Christmas, Trump took to his failing social media scam, Truth Social, to spread the hatred in his heart. Rather than thinking about family or gifts or world peace, Trump was consumed by the fear of his mounting legal tribulations. He wrote that…

“I wasn’t campaigning, the Election was over. I was doing my duty as President to expose and further investigate a Rigged and Stolen Election. It was my obligation to do so, and the proof found is voluminous and irrefutable. Therefore, among other reasons, of course I am entitled to IMMUNITY. ADDITIONALLY, I DID NOTHING WRONG. Stop the Witch Hunt NOW!”

How inspiring! It’s difficult to tell exactly what Trump was yammering about. But a little research reveals that he was upset with recent developments with regard to his indictments for election interference. His attorneys filed a motion the day before asking that the charges be dismissed. As reported by CNN

“Donald Trump urged a federal appeals court to throw out the federal election subversion criminal case in Washington, DC, again arguing in a filing late Saturday that he is protected under presidential immunity.” […]

“The filing reiterates what the former president’s lawyers have repeatedly asserted – that Trump was working in his official capacity as president to ‘ensure election integrity’ when he allegedly undermined the 2020 election results and therefore has immunity.”

Trump’s legal arguments have all been rejected in prior court proceedings. But that doesn’t stop him from repeating them again, hoping for a different outcome. He also isn’t deterred by the sheer absurdity of his claims. How can he assert that he wasn’t campaigning, and that the election was over, when everything he was trying to do was aimed at overturning the certified election results?

What’s more, Trump’s claims of “presidential immunity” are so preposterously broad that they would indemnify a president from any crime, including murder. Does he really want to set that legal precedent while Joe Biden is still in the White House? Not that Biden would ever do anything like that, but in Trump’s mind, and the minds of his glassy-eyed cult followers, it’s more grist for their crackpot conspiracy theory mills.

Trump’s post also regurgitates his frequent claim to have “voluminous and irrefutable” proof of election fraud. It remains a mystery as to why he has declined to present any of it after more than three years and 60+ court cases. Equally mysterious is Trump’s argument that prosecuting him is unconstitutional. His filing makes the ludicrous assertion that…

“Before any single prosecutor can ask a court to sit in judgment of the President’s conduct, Congress must have approved of it by impeaching and convicting the President. That did not happen here, and so President Trump has absolute immunity. [and that Trump’s indictment] threatens to launch cycles of recrimination and politically motivated prosecution that will plague our Nation for many decades to come.'”

Where Trump gets the idea that Congress must impeach and convict a president prior to any prosecution is anyone’s guess. It’s certainly not anywhere in the Constitution. Nor is his nonsensical notion of immunity. However, he is reminding everyone that he was impeached twice and the second time he was convicted by a majority of the Senate – including seven Republicans – but short of the necessary two-thirds.

More troubling is that Trump is asserting that presidents are above the law and free to commit crimes at will with total impunity. Once again, is he comfortable with Biden having that power? Furthermore, the only party threatening “to launch cycles of recrimination and politically motivated prosecution,” is Trump. And he has done so explicitly.

SEE ALSO: Trump Literally Pledges to Stage ‘RIGGED’ Trials to Punish Democrats for Upholding the Law

This is Trump’s Christmas message to his flock. And as with everything else, it is all about Trump. In the midst of the season of giving, Trump can think only of himself. There are no well wishes of joy and peace, and no photos with loving family and excited grandchildren. There is nothing that reflects the harmony and hopefulness of the holidays. In Trump’s demented mind there is only hatred and vengeance. So Merry Christmas to MAGA, and all a good fight?


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Fox Nation vs. Reality:
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WOW! Fox News Exposes Biden’s ‘Freak-O-Rama’ Plot to Swap Christmas Cheer with Marxist Hate

The tireless “journalists” at Fox News have managed to snag yet another exclusive story with the potential to blow the roof off of the White House. President Biden is once again being held to account by the intrepid Fox News sleuths for the corruption that is emblematic of the empire of criminality that Fox has built from the detritus of their perverse imaginations.

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Fox News, Christmas, Coronavirus

This latest bombshell has nothing to do with their prior scoops that uncovered such atrocities as Biden riding a bicycle, or Biden eating an ice cream cone, or Biden lounging at the beach, or Biden creating 14 million jobs and a thriving economy. And let’s not forget the scandalous, impeachable revelation of Biden loaning his family money and them having the audacity to pay it back.

SEE THIS: Desperate Republicans Seek to Impeach President Biden Because – His Brother Repays Loans?

What’s wetting Fox’s panties now is that the First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden, helped to stage a musical performance at the White House that featured a diverse cast of talented dancers celebrating the traditional Christmas Nutcracker story (see video below). The HORROR!

Fox News host Laura Ingraham was so outraged by this spectacle that she devoted a prolonged segment to what she called “The Biden Freak-O-Rama.” And throughout her anti-Christmas condemnation of the footloose folderol, the chyron contained an ominous message reading “Out With Christmas Cheer, In With Marxist Hate.” With that lead-in Ingraham raged that…

“They’re reaching out to the flag burners and the America haters. If you felt embarrassed and angry to see this type of woke nonsense at the White House during a time Christians have considered holy for 2,000 years or so, well, that’s the point. They wanted to offend you. They did it on purpose because they think their supporters like that sort of thing. They do.”

That’s right! Colorfully attired tap dancing characters from heartwarming holiday fables are now synonymous with Marxists and flag burners. And you better get used to it because, according to Ingraham, Democrats and liberals are doing it intentionally to offend American Christians. Ingraham never explains why Democrats would want to deliberately offend such a huge swath of the nation’s voters, but rational explanations were never a part of the Republican/Fox News mission. That would require some measure of reason and honesty that is anathema to these MAGA-nuts.

In support of her dystopian misinterpretation of the unsweetened Nutcracker, Ingraham brought in Donald Trump’s Senior Fascist Advisor, Stephen Miller. And as expected, Miller agreed with, and elaborated on, Ingraham’s deranged denunciation of the Democratic display of despicable dancing…

“They hate normal. So when you look at these Antifa protests, when you look at these radical left women’s marches, when you look at these open borders marches, what do you see? You see people with purple hair and pink hair and a thousand face piercings and horrendous tattoos and bizarre outfits. You don’t see normal people, family people, people who build communities and pay taxes, and make things work. So this is just another example. The weirdness of it. The bizarreness. The freakishness…is the point.”

What’s truly sad is Miller’s nightmarish hallucinations wherein he sees only scary people with brightly colored hair, and “a thousand face piercings” (which would be quite a sight), and other manifestations of what he regards as abnormal, but which are, in reality, common exercise of self expression, independence, and liberty.

Somehow Miller, who seems to oppose personal freedom, manages to filter out all of the millions of other ordinary American women who choose to take part in their democratic society and have a say in improving it for everyone. Miller sees them all as freaks of some other species who hate the “normies.” That’s a common thread in the MAGA-verse…

SEE ALSO: Fox News Attacks Kamala Harris Over Fake War on Gas Stoves and Says Democrats ‘Hate Humans’

The opinions expressed by Ingraham and Miller are in line with most of the GOP confederates who see monsters crouching in every shadow and blame all of their irrational fears on Democrats and President Biden. It must be a truly horrific existence for them. It’s just too bad that they have a platform with which to infect so many other gullible people who have their own bigoted predispositions to hate anyone they deem as different than themselves. And for God’s sake, don’t ever dance in the White House.


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Donald Trump’s Cup of Christmas Jeer is Predictably Brimming with Hate and Ill Will Toward All

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” And what could be more heartwarming and chock full of the seasonal spirit than a Christmas greeting from that perennial spreader of yuletide joy, Donald Trump? This is, after all, the Xmas savior who made it possible for Americans to once again say the words “Merry Christmas” after the dark ages when it was prohibited by pagan liberals.

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Donald Trump, Santa, Coronavirus

It’s inspiring that Trump had the spiritual fortitude to express his thoughts on this Christmas Eve while suffering the tribulations that he has been subjected to by the “Deep State” Grinches who are constantly persecuting him. Just a few days ago the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection that he incited released its final report, along with criminal referrals of Trump and his treasonous elves to the Department of Justice.

RELATED: Crybaby Trump Throws a Tantrum in Response to the House Select Committee’s Criminal Referrals

Despite having to bear his cross, Trump took the time to reach out to a weary nation on this hallowed day. He posted his celebratory tidings on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, saying

“Merry Christmas to EVERYONE, including the Radical Left Marxists that are trying to destroy our Country, the Federal Bureau of Investigation that is illegally coercing & paying Social and LameStream Media to push for a mentally disabled Democrat over the Brilliant, Clairvoyant, and USA LOVING Donald J. Trump, and, of course, The Department of Injustice, which appointed a Special ‘Prosecutor’ who, together with his wife and family, HATES ‘Trump’ more than any other person on earth. LOVE TO ALL!”

“Hark the heinous angel…” whines petulantly about perceived enemies while exalting himself as “Brilliant” and even divinely “Clairvoyant.” In his evening epistle Trump rattles off the list of his political peeves. As always, he leads with the ominous “Radical Left Marxists.” Then he pivots to a crackpot conspiracy about the FBI that was run by his own appointed director who reported to his Attorney General.

Furthermore, Trump would never forget to malign the “LameStream Media”. Nor will he fail to insult the current President Joe Biden as “mentally disabled.” And finally, Trump unleashes a Christmassy attack on what he childishly calls the Department of “Injustice,” and disparages the Special Counsel Jack Smith, and his wife and family, who Trump in his paranoid derangement imagines “HATES ‘Trump’ more than any other person on earth.”

RELATED: Trump Admits He’s Guilty in a Fear-Drenched Rant Attacking the Special Counsel as a ‘Monster’

Gives you goose bumps, doesn’t it? But then this is the guy who celebrates the season by selling holiday themed wrapping paper in fundraising emails that say “Let’s Go Brandon,” a popular chant in Trump World that translates to a more obscene message of “F**K Joe Biden.” So now you can wrap your children’s gifts in a festive political profanity that embraces the true spirit of a Trumpy Christmas. And yet, while he desecrates their faith, and violates all of their principles, so many evangelicals, sanctimonious Republicans, and other supposedly pious Christianists still think that Trump shares their religious beliefs. Now that would be a real Christmas miracle.

UPDATE: On Christmas morning Trump added two more posts grossly glorifying himself and his imaginary “achievements” during his occupation of the White House, while disparaging America today as a dystopian hellhole. Happy Xmas, everyone. [Update addendum: Trump posted four more Xmas comments, all whining about how horrible America is for not sufficiently worshipping him]

Nevertheless, in the spirit of the season, News Corpse would like to continue its holiday tradition by presenting a musical gift that is truly inclusive and welcoming. This is for all of those who are not huddled around a dead tree today, buried in colorfully wrapped packages. It’s for the cynics who won’t accept the notion that the birth of a messenger of peace and love is an excuse to exchange material goods or fruitcakes that nobody likes. It is for the forsaken and forlorn, the outcasts and rebels and nonbelievers who are puzzled by the greed and commercialism that permeates the season. And yes, it’s for those who still believe that peace and goodwill are morally superior to profit and oppression. Here is Miles Davis and Bob Dorough performing the heartwarming traditional Christmas ballad Blue Xmas:

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly.

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And check out my books on Amazon:

Fox Nation vs. Reality:
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

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Merry Christmas From Bad Santa Trump and Wishes for a Happy Blue Year

Christmas in 2021 is the second holiday season that is burdened by the COVID pandemic. And yet, the enduring spirit of the American people shines through the gloom and casts a glow of hope for better days ahead. It is that persistence of optimism and compassion that inspires a weary nation to persevere and even celebrate good fortune as we find it.

Donald Trump, Santa, Coronavirus

However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t Grinches around who seek to rain on our parades. They are mostly impotent purveyors of pessimism and selfish, parochial interests. And leading the March of the Misanthropes is the one and only (thank god) former reality TV game show host, Donald Trump.

On this day of merrymaking and family festivities, Trump felt compelled to post a video (via his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill) of President Biden and the First Lady taking heartwarming phone calls from children about the NORAD Santa Tracker. But instead of a joyful clip that honored the occasion, Trump chose one that featured a reference to a vulgarity aimed at the President.

Everyone knows by now that the phrase “Let’s go Brandon” is used by Trumpian trash as a euphemistic substitute for “F**k Joe Biden.” And Trump thought it was appropriate to showcase this crass expression during a Christmas event with kids. How charming and mature of him. At least Biden kept the spirit of the season wholesome by blithely dismissing the profane insult and continuing the jolliness.

In addition to that depraved display of decadence, Trump also posted his own personal wishes for a merry Christmas. At least he took the time to… Oh wait. It turns out that Trump’s Christmas message was actually the same one he delivered last year placed over video that mostly exalted himself. Here is his “new” message for 2021:

And here are his remarks at the national Christmas tree lighting of 2020:

Apparently Trump couldn’t be bothered to come up with anything new to say that was heartfelt and relevant to what’s going on now. This recycling of used blessings is more in line with a war on Christmas than a celebration of it. It’s the sort of disdainful attitude that is presented by Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) every year at this time. This year Fox News observed the reason for the season by reporting on a Santa shortage and the national travesty of their fake Christmas tree burning down. They are always such an abundant source of holiday cheer.

Nevertheless, in the spirit of the season, News Corpse would like to continue its holiday tradition by presenting a musical gift that is truly inclusive and welcoming. This is for all of those who are not huddled around a dead tree today, buried in colorfully wrapped packages. It’s for the cynics who won’t accept the notion that the birth of a messenger of peace and love is an excuse to exchange material goods or fruitcakes that nobody likes. It is for the forsaken and forlorn, the outcasts and rebels and nonbelievers who are puzzled by the greed and commercialism that permeates the season. And yes, it’s for those who still believe that peace and goodwill are morally superior to profit and oppression. Here is Miles Davis and Bob Dorough performing the heartwarming traditional Christmas ballad Blue Xmas:

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump Celebrates the Season with Blatant Christmas Lies and Rancid Antisemitism

“Tis the season to be…” jawing hatefully about Jews and spewing self-serving falsehoods about Christmas. At least that’s how Donald Trump is spending his yuletide days as he makes the rounds of right-wing media to keep himself uppermost in the minds of his cult disciples.

Donald Trump, Santa, Coronavirus

Trump might be worried about the fact that his holiday “Sexual Predator Tour” with Bill O’Reilly is the season’s biggest flop. Or he may be trying to deflect from the news that his Fox News propagandists have revealed his dereliction of duty as his StormTrumpers assaulted the Congress. Or maybe he is upset at having his flagrant deceptions about the January 6th insurrection that he incited being “honored” with PolitiFAct’s “Lie of the Year” award.

Whatever the reason, Trump took to the airwaves to try to restore his irredeemably tattered reputation. And predictably, his desperate efforts only made things much worse. It began with an appearance on the Trump-fluffing Newsmax network for a softball interview with Mike Huckabee, a former GOP governor and pastor. Huckabee began by falsely claiming that “Americans went through a long period where people quit saying ‘Merry Christmas.’ It was all ‘Happy Holidays.’ You deliberately changed that.” To which Trump replied…

“When I started campaigning I said ‘You’re gonna say Merry Christmas again…They are saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again. That was a big part of what I was doing.”

So Trump is bragging that he sought to force people to recite a salutation that many of them don’t subscribe to. And this is something he regards “a big part” of his fetid White House occupancy. He was also proud of his theocratic order to “cancel” anyone who disagreed with his religious mandate saying “Don’t shop at stores that don’t say ‘Merry Christmas.” And he added absurdly that “Whether you’re Muslim, whether you’re Christian, whether you’re Jewish, everyone likes Christmas.” Like a mental patient having a vocal seizure, Trump said “Merry Christmas” eight times in this brief clip.

For the record, people were neither prohibited nor inhibited about saying “Merry Christmas” in the years prior to Trump’s unfortunate candidacy and election:

Following his visit with Huckabee on Newsmax, Trump called into the ironically named “Unholy” podcast. It was there that he felt comfortable enough to repeat some of the overtly anti-Semitic views he has held for decades. Without prompting, Trump unleashed this mess of bigotry:

“People in this country that are Jewish no longer love Israel. I’ll tell you, the evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews in this country. It used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress. And today I think it’s the exact opposite. And I think Obama and Biden did that. And yet in the election they still get a lot of votes from Jewish people. Which tells you that the Jewish people, and I’ve said this for a long time, the Jewish people in the United States either don’t like Israel or don’t care about Israel. I mean, you look at the New York Times, the New York Times hates Israel, hates them. And they’re Jewish people that run the New York Times. I mean, the Sulzberger family.

Trump’s assertion that “evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews” is not only a disgusting lie, but it fails to note the reasons for evangelical support for the Jewish state. Their interest is based on the biblical prophesy that Jesus will return after the the apocalypse and the annihilation of Israel. They are literally rooting for Israel’s destruction.

Even worse is Trump’s claim that “It used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress.” Trump is rehashing an old trope that Jews control the government. But oddly, he seems to be suggesting that that was a good thing and he laments that Obama and Biden put an end to it.

When Trump whines about Jewish people not liking Israel, what he is really complaining about is that they don’t like him. He even expressed his dismay that he could only pull about 25% of the Jewish vote. Then he closes with another old anti-Semitic trope that Jews control the media (i.e. the New York Times), and therefore, the media should be promoting what Trump mistakenly thinks are Jewish interests.

These heinous remarks by Trump are nothing new. They represent the views he has espoused for many years. And the Republican Party is fully on board with this blatant prejudice. It is a repugnant platform that delights the neo-Nazi and racist hate groups that comprise so much of Trump’s cult and the GOP base. And it is sad that Trump would exploit the holiday season to advance these loathsome views.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Peter Doocy and Fox News Probe the Burning Issues: Biden’s ‘Armageddon’ and Flaming Christmas Trees

Never let it be said that Fox News isn’t on top of the most pressing issues of the day. For example, it’s the network whose leading story for three days was the conviction in a county court of a former TV star for faking a hate crime. Meanwhile, they ignored the United States Supreme Court’s decision to allow Donald Trump’s White House records to be handed over to the congressional committee investigating his role in the January 6th insurrection.

Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

The editorial mission of Fox News has two basic objectives: 1) Manufacture frightening scenarios that it can associate with the Biden administration and/or Democrats, whether or not they are true. And 2) Feature trivial distractions if no such fear mongering stories are available.

On Sunday, CNN’s Brian Stelter provided a chilling supercut of Fox News presenting their vision of America in a catastrophic decline due to the deliberate mismanagement of “evil” President Biden. It featured terrifying clips of hate monger Sean Hannity warning that Biden is mentally incapacitated; the Fox and Friends “Curvy Couch” potatoes screaming that Biden is killing the economy and American families; professional liar Kayleigh McEnany ranting about inflation surging “just in time to ruin Christmas”; and the ever bombastic queen of box wine, Jeanine Pirro, exclaiming frantically that “This country is going to hell in a handbasket”. To which Stelter reasonably replied that “I would be so scared to leave the house if I watched that all day.” Watch the Fox News hysterics for yourself…

For the record, while there are surely challenges that the nation faces, there is also an unmistakable “Biden Boom” underway. But Fox News isn’t about to let reality interfere with their dramatization of dystopian dread. So Fox dispatched their White House wanker, Peter Doocy, to annoy Press Secretary Jen Psaki. And Doocy leapt straight into the meat of the day’s most pertinent issue:

“We’ve seen an arsonist burn down a half a million dollar Christmas tree in New York City back on the streets. Does the President think that’s good governing?”

That’s right. Fox News is still obsessing over the torching of their beloved fake Christmas tree by a mentally challenged homeless man. Doocy’s dumbfounding question (with an emphasis on the dumb) revealed that he has no comprehension of law enforcement matters. The President is not involved in state criminal affairs. And if Doocy was just looking to find out out if Biden approved of setting Christmas trees ablaze, what on Earth did he think Psaki would say? Did he think she would celebrate the act of arson? So Psaki politely put Doocy in his place – again:

“I think I’ve spoken for the President’s concerns about retail theft. If you have specific…any actions we’ve taken for specific cases, I would point you to the local police departments or the Department of Justice.”

Fox has tried to portray this as an attack on all of America, akin to 9/11. Even though it was just a case of random vandalism that roasted a holiday decoration that Fox says cost them $500,000.00. If that wire frame simulated shrub cost a half million dollars, Fox got royally screwed. The real tree that adorns the White House this year only cost $139,000.00, and that’s $30,000 less than the tree the Trumps got in 2019. Which is just more proof that Democrats are far better at managing money than Republicans.

Maybe Doocy should start an investigation into who ripped off Fox News for that now ashen plastic tree. Was it insured? How much did the replacement tree cost? Is it fireproof? Enquiring minds want to know.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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