Happy Easter from Donald Trump During a Pandemic

On this holy day for America’s Christian faithful, Donald Trump has spent the day demonstrating just how important the holiday is to him.

Donald Trump, Twitter

As usual, Trump was manning his Twitter machine and blasting out a flurry of frantic tweets that mainly expressed his rage and hostility and ignorance. It’s hardly what you would call piety. For instance…

Congress was too distracted? Trump himself said he was too distracted to deal with the coronavirus. In other words, he was admitting that he chose to prioritize his impeachment over the lives of the American people.

This is Trump celebrating that there are disaster declarations in all 50 states. That isn’t winning. By definition, it’s a disaster! But Trump’s mind was on his mortal enemy, the free press.

Trump, who said that he takes no responsibility for the management of the coronavirus crisis is shifting that responsibility to others.

For the record, there was no China ban. More than 40,000 came into the country after the alleged ban. Also, Trump just retweeted a message advocating that he fire Dr. Anthony Fauci.

To be clear, Trump is “working hard” to slander the media for telling the truth about him. He warned us that he would do this. When asked by Lesley Stahl why he attacked the press, he replied “You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all, and demean you all, so when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you.” And there you have it. That’s Easter in the Trump White House.

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2 thoughts on “Happy Easter from Donald Trump During a Pandemic

  1. Trump should be “working hard to expose the corruption & dishonesty” of his own Administration! Name any 1 area this admin. has played a role in, where there’s been NO corruption or dishonesty involved. (Take your time…) Don’t feel bad if can’t think of 1 ~ was a trick question cuz’ here isn’t anything! Trump & his “unprecedented” everything, to extremes even, is leaving fresh stinky sh*t everywhere their hand has been. Opposite of ‘the Midas touch’ is, ‘the Trumpian touch’!
    Opposites seem to be the common theme for Trump & Rethugs in general…what they accuse others of, they are secretly doing, or have done. Trump may be new to the game, but he’s a natural. Rethugs have been doing it consistently for at least 3 decades & maybe longer (that’s just how long I’ve been consciously making note of it).
    For Trump to expose the corruption & dishonesty in his Regime, he need only look in mirror. “Exposed.” In all its grotesque ugliness, from inside, out.
    Why do people who hate this country & its gov’t run for office to be part of it?
    Why are we surprised when these as*holes then dismantle & destroy all that was once good about the USA? They claim to be so patriotic, wrap themselves in the flag & pretend to be what they are not. They are NOT honorable Americans who love this country & all it stands for! Quite the opposite! Actions speak louder than words ~ yet they baffle many with their bullshit so well, that people don’t notice their actions don’t match.
    “Your actions speak so loud that I can’t hear a word you say.”

  2. THIS tweet from Terrorist Donnie really sickens me:

    My deepest sympathies go out to Frieda Chera and the family of the late, great, Stanley Chera, one of Manhattan’s most brilliant real estate minds. Stanley was charitable, kind, and a wonderful friend. He will be truly missed!

    I am aware of no other time that Terrorist Donnie chose to offer “sympathies” to ANYONE. Except, of course, when the victim contributed to his financial well being, whether by donations or by his real estate interests. Since that, naturally, is the only thing Terrorist Donnie ever gives a flying f*ck about.

    We also note that Terrorist Donnie avoided mentioning that Chera died of that “Democrat Hoax,” the Coronavirus. Of course, if he HAD, that would mean acknowledging a) it exists and b) it affects Tyrant Worshipers too.

    Your thoughts?

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