Fox Family Values: Tucker Carlson Viciously Mocks Media and – Biden’s Marriage?

It goes without saying that there are a lot of repulsive cretins on Fox News. But even in that maggot infested bog there is no one who competes with Tucker Carlson as the undisputed King of Sleaze. His facility for falsehoods and pious prattle is unmatched by mere mortals.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson

On the Tuesday night episode of Carlson’s White Power Hour he sought to malign the free press that he regards as “the enemy of the people,” just like his crush Donald Trump does. Carlson bellowed maniacally that “the people who run [America’s institutions] are rotten.” Not just some of them, but “all of which are corrupt.” And he singles out one institution as “looming above the rest [as] our most corrupt institution: The mainstream news media.” He elaborates that…

“The media are more crooked than Jimmy Hoffa ever was. They’re more dishonest than your average bribe-taking building inspector in Queens and more treacherous than the Mafia. They make cops in Tijuana look trustworthy. You’ll get fairer treatment from an inner-city DMV than you would from CNN.”

Let’s set aside for the moment Carlson’s asinine analogies comparing the media to murderous organized crime figures. More repugnant is how his sanctimonious verbal assaults rely entirely on offensive stereotypes and racist dog whistles? It’s integral to his hallmark brand of hate speech.

However, Carlson’s sour soliloquy does hit some sweet spots, albeit inadvertently. In a moment of unintended self-reflection, Carlson articulates the best description of himself saying that “Dumb and conventional now pass as impressive.” He continues seemingly still determined to define himself and his Fox News confederates:

“Yes, the news media are profoundly dishonest. All of us lie from time to time, that’s the human condition. Imagine, though, if lying was your job. Imagine forcing yourself to tell lies all day about every subject in ways that were so transparent and so outlandish that there is no way the people listening to you could possibly believe anything you said. Then imagine doing that again and again and again every day of your professional life for your entire life. Could you do that? […] you’ve got to respect those skills.

You don’t need to imagine any of this. Just watch five minutes of any Tucker Carlson program if you have the stomach for it. And remember that Fox News lawyers actually argued successfully in court that Carlson cannot not be held liable for the lies he tells because he “cannot be understood to have been stating facts,” and that “given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer ‘arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism’ about the statements he makes.”

In other words, no reasonable viewer would believe Carlson’s BS. That’s according to the Fox News lawyers speaking on Carlson’s behalf. The problem is that Carlson doesn’t have any reasonable viewers. So the cult disciples he’s disinforming on a nightly basis will blindly buy into whatever he says. And among the nauseating absurdities he unleashed in the same episode was this sarcastic grotesquery:

“The Bidens affection is totally real and in no way part of a slick PR campaign devised by cynical consultants determined to hide the president’s senility by misdirection. Their love is as real as climate change.”

Technically, since climate change is undeniably real according to the vast majority of credible scientists, Carlson is actually affirming the authenticity of the Bidens heartwarming romance. Which is something that’s been conspicuously absent from the White House for four chilly years. Carlson’s smug dismissal of marital affection may be more than naked hostility. It may just be another sad and thinly veiled confession about the hollowness of his own pathetic life.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.


9 thoughts on “Fox Family Values: Tucker Carlson Viciously Mocks Media and – Biden’s Marriage?

  1. “…Imagine, though, if lying was your job. Imagine forcing yourself to tell lies all day about every subject in ways that were so transparent and so outlandish that there is no way the people listening to you could possibly believe anything you said. Then imagine doing that again and again and again every day of your professional life for your entire life. Could you do that? […] you’ve got to respect those skills…”

    It kinda’ sounds as if *ucker Carlson had a moment of self-reflection about his life/career?!? Ends it suggesting he deserves respect for what he does daily. Hah! Fat chance, *ucker!

  2. Hey there, MarkNC…
    This is totally off-topic, but just wanted to tell ya’ something & this is suitably empty comnents, so…
    I just spent about 90 mins reading unread NewsCorpse articles from Sept29/30 & some in Oct & Nov — I was in & out of hospital alot over that time & deleted a ton of emails, but had saved yours each time I got out, thinking I’d have time to read them. Well, never did get time cuz’ as in & out of hospital 4x between 9/39 & T’giving. They got buried at bottom of long list of emails that came in later — mid-Nov & beyond. Just found & read all the NewsCorpse I’d saved from hospital trips (deleted rest of emails incl. all other “newsy” dailies I get). There were some more notable ones in there ~ 1st debate night/day after…Few dates in Oct. as DT was “losing it”…& right before Election + right after… & other dates thru Nov. You “nailed it!” ahead of time in predictive way on some major stuff. Trip to read ones from back then, knowing what we know now! 9/29 & 30th as Trump stubbornly refused to condemn violence (Proud Boys) ~ “sounded like he was their commander, instructing them”, I think you said. A few other times when – looking back now – easy to see ex-prez was indeed setting up for events that occurred after 11/3 & on 1/6, since B4 & of course, after Election Day. You predicted a few of things spot-on, B4 they came to be. I guess based on your skills of observation & insight.
    I’m glad I did save those & found them 2nite — once I began reading ’em, my butt was glued to chair until I finished them. It was cool! The backlog stopped early Dec when I must’ve just picked up with then-current ones again. I still miss a few days at times when ill, but try to catch up quick as I can cuz’ news does not wait! Have to pick & choose from my emails of news sites & blogs. You are 1st, then William Rivers Pitt, on Truthout — my “must reads”! (He too, has great insight & writing skills + has very interesting “way with words” that I really like!) After you 2, I jump around & hit the ones I can with time I can make for it — couple @ Common Dreams & DailyKos, then on to ‘alt. news’ sites, etc. No way to read it all when more news always coming in & no shortage of asses doing assinine things! MSM news I just catch on TV late into the night. I don’t know if you ever look back at yours around profound dates, but you may want to check you out if have spare time. (Ha-ha! Right?) I don’t know how you do your blog…keep it up everyday! I never could, even IF I learned to write well. (Never comes out the way I wanted it to.) So, I’ll just be a reader, consuming, voracious reader! I’m better at doing that. Glad I found those saved NC’s from pre & post election & read ’em looking backwards.
    “Keep it up, smartypants.” And I mean that in the nicest of ways…. Sunny?

    • That ?mark was a sun icon when I typed it in there…

    • Thanks so much for your kind words. And I hope you stay well.

  3. Thank you — I hope to, once this goes into remission! I feel very thankful that everytime I go in, when they test for Covid (1st thing for all patients) I test squeaky clean. THAT’S something I do not want to get! If it doesn’t kill ya’, finding that 30% of those who survive it have various health probs that can drag on for months afterwards. They don’t know why or if it will be chronic thing, yet. “Chronic” is a real PITA ~ wouldn’t wish it on anyone else. Changes everything & can be so hard to diagnose & treat. Hoping for vaccines to work & that we can get them done soon! This virus is too smart & is mutating quickly + many variants turning up. Scary stuff! I pray you stay safe & healthy….

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