The best evidence that Fox News is not a credible news enterprise is the fact that they don’t have any actual journalists on staff or news bureaus. They never break stories, just disgorge biased commentaries about stories from other sources. Their programs are hosted by entertainers and opinion mongers.
One of the worst examples of “reporting” comes from Fox’s Peter Doocy. Not only does have no journalism education or training at all, he’s a product of nepotism, being the son of Fox and Friends co-host Steve Doocy. And Fox News named this low achiever a White House correspondent following the election of Joe Biden.
Doocy has has attended the daily White House press briefings that have been reinstated by Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki after the Trump administration halted them. His performance there has been, to be generous, underwhelming. His questions are purposefully loaded, but poorly constructed and easily rebutted. And there is no better example of that than his question on Wednesday that resulted in this exchange (video below):
Doocy: You’ve been telling migrants for a month now that now is not the time to come. But they are coming in bigger numbers every day. So do you have a messaging problem?
Psaki: I would say that in the last administration we had a morality problem. Children were being pulled from the arms of their parents and kids were being sent back on a treacherous journey. That’s not the approach of this administration.
Nice try Doocy. Psaki’s instant response effectively defused Doocy’s attempted gotcha. And she did it by reminding people of the “morality problem” that was integral to virtually everything Trump did.
The notion that an American president has a “messaging” strategy of any kind with migrants is bizarre. They are not the audience for presidential communications and can’t be expected to comply with advice or demands that emanate from the White House. They didn’t during the Trump administration, and they won’t now. They are often desperate people driven by fundamentals of humanity like fear, poverty, and hopes for a better life. Doocy doesn’t comprehend that. But Psaki does. She elaborated saying that…
“We made a policy decision that that was the right, humane step to take. But I think it’s also important for people to understand that the vast majority of people who come to our border are turned away, are sent back to their country. We’re talking here about unaccompanied children. What our focus is on is ensuring that there are safe places for these kids to go where they have access to educational resources, health and medical attention, legal assistance as needed, and that we can expedite the vetting so that they can get to families and sponsors where they have their cases adjudicated.”
That’s the difference between an administration that has compassion for people in distress, and the Trump model that was based on fomenting hatred and division. It’s the difference between understanding the value of immigration versus an America First xenophobia. It’s the difference between seeking solutions rather than political wedge issues. And Psaki is masterfully demonstrating how a competent, caring, knowledgeable press secretary does her job. Something we haven’t seen for four long years.
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Asked if the Biden administration has a "messaging problem" resulting in more migrants arriving at the border, White House press sec. responds, "I would say that in the last administration we had a morality problem."
— ABC News (@ABC) March 10, 2021
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.
Liberal butt hurt is a terrible thing.
Hey Chip ~ Liberals aren’t the ones being butt hurt. Immoral minority, aka – Rethugs – hurtin’ & lookin’ really, really bad, due to their own behavior & shitty choices. Too bad, so sad, when they have to lie & cheat to even have chance of winning an election!
And the stark contrast between all that Biden is & does, compared to that imbecilic grifter-in-chief that still has GOP by the balls…that’s gotta’ hurt, Big Time!
I almost feel sorry for Peter Doocy. He has an asshole for a father, and wants to be just like him. So he’s been sent to the White House on a mission to “own the libs” and finds himself up against Jen Psaki, whose brain is way larger than poor Peter’s, as is her vocabulary. She doesn’t need to confront him nor to belittle him, she just answers his stupid, loaded questions with cogent, articulate replies. She’s actually quite nice to him, which must drive him crazy, as it deprives him of the Fox sound bites he craves.
Hey Chip ~ Liberals aren’t the ones being butt hurt. Immoral minority, aka – Rethugs – hurtin’ & lookin’ really, really bad, due to their own behavior & shitty choices. Too bad, so sad — when they have to lie & cheat with voter suppression tactics, to even have chance of winning an election.
And the stark contrast between all that Biden is & does, compared to that imbecilic grifter-in-chief that still has GOP squeezed by the balls…that’s just gotta’ hurt, Big Time!