Adam Schiff Shames the GOP for its ‘Willingness to Debase Themselves in the Service of Trump’

From its inception, the Cult of Trump has been fueled by a Republican Party that is cowardly or corrupt, or more accurately, both. They were too afraid to hold Trump accountable when they had the opportunity during his two impeachments. And ever since they have remained terrified of invoking his impotent wrath or that of his glassy-eyed disciples.

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Donald Trump, Adam Schiff

Consequently, Trump remains the leading candidate for the GOP’s presidential nomination. And most of the other candidates have promised to support him, even if he is convicted of any or all of the 91 felony counts currently pending against him in his four criminal indictments. They are so proud of their fealty to the Party’s mob boss that they made their devotion known on national television.

SEE THIS: GOP Debate Affirms It’s a Pro-Criminal Trump Cult that Wants to Put a Felon in the White House

On Sunday morning Rep. Adam Schiff was interviewed by Jen Psaki on MSNBC. And he had some pertinent points to make about the Republican embrace of purposeful and depraved lawlessness. Psaki approached the discussion with a question about the GOP’s enthusiasm for shutting down the government. She specifically referenced Marjorie Taylor Greene’s utterly inane promise to halt critical federal activities – including Social Security and veterans benefits, law enforcement, financial aid for low income families, etc. – if her colleagues refuse to go along with her obsession to impeach President Biden for no discernible reason…

Psaki: Shutting the government down has implications on the public broadly. What is your reaction to her tying a government shutdown to an impeachment inquiry?
Schiff: It just shows the extreme lengths they’ll go to carry water for Donald Trump. They’ll shut down the government. They’ll do whatever they can to initiate an impeachment of Joe Biden. And part of the motivation here, of course, is to distract from Donald Trump’s multiple indictments. Part of it is to somehow try to dilute the stain of Trump’s impeachments. But the common denominator is just this unswerving, undeniable willingness to debase themselves in the service of Donald Trump. (Emphasis added).

Indeed, debasing themselves has become a routine part of today’s Republican Party. Whether they are defending the violent January 6th insurrectionists, seeking to criminalize abortion, organizing book bannings and beer boycotts, imposing racist restrictions on voting, and as always, kissing Trump’s – let’s just say ring. Schiff then continued…

Schiff: I think that many of them would like to shut down the government anyway. This will just give them further leverage to try to shut down the government, having failed to default on the nation’s credit. Many see this as the next demonstration of their commitment to god knows what. So I fear that we are on a path to government shutdown because there are enough members of the Republican conference who want it, and Kevin McCarthy will do whatever it takes to remain Speaker one more day, or one more week. That’s his sole motivation.

Clearly Kevin McCarthy and the Republican Party has given up entirely on advocating an agenda that has any appeal to the American people. They are wholly focused on slandering Biden and his family over baseless allegations for which their evidence is so thin that even some at Fox News aren’t buying it. Meanwhile they are propping up Dear Leader Trump whose crimes are well documented and mostly affirmed by other Republicans and members of Trump’s staff. All they have left is Trump worship and Biden hatred.

SEE ALSO: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

Democrats, on the other hand, are delivering for the American people on matters of great importance, including jobs, reducing drug and healthcare costs, restoring the nation’s infrastructure, supporting abortion rights, mitigating climate change, and defending democracy around the world. It’s a platform that broad majorities of the public support in principle. Democrats just need to better connect the dots between their popular policies and their President. Then let Republicans continue to sabotage their own electoral prospects by clinging to their abhorrent agenda and a soon-to-be convicted criminal candidate.


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Tucker Carlson of Fox News Attacks Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre in a Brazenly Racist Rant

Fox News long ago established its place in the media as the home of America’s bigots and unabashed hate mongers. It regularly airs stories that are riddled with racist rage, while simultaneously insisting that racism doesn’t exist, and that anyone who disagrees is – that’s right – a racist!

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Klan

Secure in his position as Fox News’ Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson devotes much of his program to demeaning people of color as “dirty,” and “ignorant,” and as threats to “decent” Americans and to America itself. His promotion of the overtly racist “white replacement theory” is a staple feature of his show.

RELATED: Tucker Carlson of Fox News Fears Democrats are ‘Importing New Voters’ to ‘Replace’ Him

On the Tuesday night episode of his “White Power Hour,” Carlson unleashed another hateful harangue. This one was aimed at the incoming White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, whose foreign sounding name he childishly mocked with a terrible French accent.

Jean-Pierre is a prominent Black American who has succeeded through hard work, intelligence, and integrity. She will become the first out lesbian and Black woman to hold this post. But to Carlson she is “shallow, nasty and partisan,” just like her predecessor, Jen Psaki. Carlson elaborated on his rancid rhetoric (video below) saying that…

“Karine Jean-Pierre is our first out LGBTQ+ White House Press Secretary and that’s all you need to know. It’s a good thing, shut up and celebrate. That’s why she got the job. She’s in the right group and so the Biden administration, which thinks exclusively in terms of groups and never in terms of individuals because individuals are messy and inconvenient, the group is all that matters.

“This is exactly how they pick Supreme Court justices or vice presidents or members of the Federal Reserve Board. […] It’s really simple, show us your picture and we’ll tell you if you’re qualified for the job.”

So Carlson started off maligning LGBTQ+ people, then segued to insulting a trio of Black women: Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, Vice-President Kamala Harris, and Federal Reserve Commissioner Lisa Cook. Does anyone think it’s a coincidence that Carlson’s vitriol is reserved for three distinguished Black women?

RELATED: Tucker Carlson of Fox News Says Biden Chose Ketanji Brown Jackson to ‘Destroy’ the Supreme Court

Carlson then went on to play a video that in his Confederacy-craving brain exposes Jean-Pierre as a race whiner who isn’t satisfied with the crumbs that Klan cronies like Carlson cast her way:

Jean-Pierre: When [Obama] got elected I think people thought we were in a post-racial America, and we were not. I think what we learned was that racism was very much real, and still very much around. And the obstruction that he saw, the horrible racist rhetoric of having a Black family in the White House, was very clear. You felt the hate and you saw the hate. I just think that America has a big problem with race. And it’s very real.
Carlson (laughing maniacally): Yeah, they keep electing Obama and promoting me, despite the fact that I have no qualifications to do the job.

Carlson has adopted the patently absurd notion that the election of Barack Obama as President was the end of racism in America. He is deliberately ignoring the reality that Obama’s election actually fueled the rise of bigots who crawled out from under their rocks to attack him as a stupid, socialist, Muslim from Kenya who hated white people.

What’s more, Carlson’s condemnation of Jean-Pierre as having “no qualifications to do the job” is another example of his flaming bigotry. Jean-Pierre was the Principal White House Deputy Press Secretary from day one of the Biden administration nearly a year and a half ago. Prior to that she had years of experience as a press spokesperson, media analyst, and university lecturer.

The only thing that Carlson can focus on is that Jean-Pierre is a Black woman who once called Fox News a racist network, a charge for which there is abundant evidence. And the proof of prejudice at Fox could not be better demonstrated than by the bitterly prejudice tirades of Carlson himself.

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Laura Ingraham Whines About Ex-Biden Aides on TV to Her Fox News Panel of Ex-Trump Toadies

The ease with which the squawking heads at Fox News discharge blatantly hypocritical commentaries can sometimes be riveting to behold. They appear to have no comprehension whatsoever of just how extraordinarily they contradict themselves, often in the space of single sentence.

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Fox News, Laura Ingraham

On Friday’s episode of “The Ingraham Mangle,” Laura Ingraham sought to express her outrage about a couple of aides to President Biden leaving the administration to take jobs at MSNBC. Ingraham’s anger was a rehashing of the familiar and tedious Fox News narrative that the media is overrun with liberals. That’s a great point as long as you ignore the top-rated cable news network, Fox News, as well as all the conservatives on CNN and the broadcast news networks. CBS, for instance, recently hired Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s former chief of staff. And CNN just added Trump-fluffer Jason Miller to its roster.

RELATED: Stephen Colbert Hysterically Rips His CBS Bosses for Hiring Lying Trump Flunky Mick Mulvaney

Nevertheless, Ingraham was compelled to unleash an irate oratory (video below) in response to the news that Biden Press Secretary Jen Psaki was leaving the White House, and that her successor would be Deputy Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre. Ingraham ranted that…

“Psaki, [VP Harris spokesperson] Symone Sanders, they go to MSNBC. And now they have just a direct line to another outlet, CNN. So there was a lot of comments online about what, well, talk about being in bed with the press – the press and with politicians. I mean, this is now taking it a step further.”

Really? Ingraham is AGHAST at the thought of a media professional pursuing her post-White House career by accepting work at a media company. What an abomination! And what makes Ingraham’s ire all the more preposterous is that she is dumping this diatribe on her panel that includes Jason Chaffetz, a retired Republican congressman, and Kayleigh McEnany, Trump’s former press secretary. Both of whom left their partisan political positions to join Fox News.

The problem that Ingraham has with Jean-Pierre – who will become the first Black, and first out lesbian, to serve in this role – is that her partner, is CNN correspondent, Suzanne Malveaux. Ingraham believes that that relationship will intrude on her White House duties, despite the fact that there’s been no evidence of that prior to this while Jean-Pierre has served as deputy press secretary. Still, we can expect that Ingraham will be just as disturbed about the relationship between Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his radical, insurrectionist wife, Ginni. Right?

RELATED: Fox News Totally Ignores Story About Ginni Thomas Texting QAnon Nuttery to Mark Meadows

After fuming over Jean-Pierre and Psaki and Sanders, Ingraham turned to McEnany for insight about politicos taking media jobs. And as one of them, her views should be enlightening. However, McEnany didn’t live up to the hype…

“Yes. I have a feeling CNN will be called on often. So too will MSNBC, among other friendly outlets. Also, the sneaking suspicion – just a guess – that KJP, Karine Jean-Pierre, may end up at CNN, rather than MSNBC like her two colleagues, cause three Biden officials at MSNBC would be quite a lot. But you’re right. This administration is kind of rife with these conflicts. But how can you not be with 99.9% of the press is, in fact, liberal, is this revolving door between liberal outlets and the press room. And softball questions. And not asking follow ups. There’s no Jim Acostas in that room, or Kaitlin Collins shouting questions.”

OMG! The press secretary might call on reporters from MSNBC and CNN. What’s the world coming to? Apparently McEnany has not watched a press briefing since leaving her post. Jen Psaki has called on a broad variety of reporters that included Fox News hack, Peter Doocy – every single day. And what she means by her references to Jim Acosta and Kaitlin Collins is anyone’s guess. Does McEnany think there aren’t enough reporters in the briefing room shouting questions?

RELATED: SRSLY? Kayleigh McEnany Tells Fox News There Were No Crises When Trump Was President

The dismay expressed by Ingraham and McEnany over the “revolving door” between the White House and the press is hypocritical to the extreme. Especially when you know that Fox News has spun that door more than any media enterprise in history. For the record, a current list of Fox Newsers who were previously (and likely currently) political operatives includes Ari Fleischer, Mike Pompeo, Dana Perino, Larry Kudlow, Trey Gowdy, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Karl Rove, and even renowned political analyst, Lara Trump. As Ingraham so aptly observed: “Talk about being in bed with the press.”

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Trump is Outraged Over the DHS Disinformation Board – Because He Spreads So Much of It

Last week the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, announced to Congress that the DHS had established a new working group whose purpose is to monitor foreign sources of disinformation that pose a threat to national security. And within minutes Republicans and Fox News pundits blasted the Disinformation Governance Board (an admittedly discomforting name) as an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” that would suppress free speech.

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Trump Lies

The predictably alarmist and fact-free response by the GOP and their own Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) deliberately misrepresented the mission of the new group. Their response was, in fact, disinformation, although not the sort that this group would be involved with. For the record, the group’s purpose was accurately described in a report by the Associated Press:

“The Department of Homeland Security is stepping up an effort to counter disinformation coming from Russia as well as misleading information that human smugglers circulate to target migrants hoping to travel to the U.S.-Mexico border. […] DHS said in its statement that the board will ‘protect privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties’ as part of its duties.”

Clearly the role of this operation is focused on foreign sources of disinformation and has explicitly ruled out any activities that would infringe on anyone’s civil liberties. Donald Trump, however and as always, was undeterred by reality, He was also afraid of being left out of any opportunity to grasp at media attention over manufactured crises. So Trump unleashed his own hysterically over-the-top criticism saying that…

“Just revealed that the Biden administration, on top of all the other horrible things happening to our Country, will be putting a longtime political operative in charge of censoring Free Speech. They don’t go after Facebook, Instagram, China’s TikTok, or any of the others that are so unhinged, corrupt, or Radical Left. Our Fake News Media refuses to cover the facts as our Country spirals into Hell!”

Trump’s complaint was posted on his TRUTH Social twitter clone and reposted by a cult follower on Twitter. Presumably because he knows that such disinformation will be eagerly embraced there. So he’s comfortable slandering Nina Jankowicz, who will be heading the Disinfo Board.

RELATED: Trump Declares that ‘I Am Not Going Back On Twitter’ After the Elon Musk Takeover

Jankowicz has a distinguished record as a disinformation expert. Her resume on Wikipedia notes that she “was a Fulbright fellow in Kyiv, working with the foreign ministry of Ukraine. She has also served as a disinformation fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center and as supervisor of the Russia and Belarus programs at the National Democratic Institute.”

White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, was asked about Jankowicz in a decidedly loaded question by Fox News reporter Jacqui Heinrich. Psaki defended her noting that the Board she is heading was “a continuation of work that began at the Department of Homeland Security in 2020 under former President Trump.” She also reiterated that the Board has a mandate to protect privacy and civil rights.

None of that, however, will prevent the disinformation disseminated by right-wing propagandists and professional liars like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who tweeted “Now that the Biden regime has a Ministry of Truth, what’s next?” Or Tulsi Gabbard who tweeted that “Biden is just a front man,” asserting that Barack Obama is behind all of this. She was parroting Tucker Carlson who recently ranted about a speech Obama gave that warned against the perils of disinformation.

RELATED: OH NOES! Fox News Thinks Obama is Really Running the Government – And It’s Scaring Them Witless

It’s ironic that Republicans are so zealously opposed to the Biden administration working to counter disinformation, and falsely labeling it censorship. They are the ones who are actually passing laws to ban books, prohibit protesting, and roll back civil liberties. And they, along with their media accomplices, are the ones spreading so much disinformation about everything from COVID, to Russia, to immigration, to the economy, etc.

Perhaps the real reason they are so worried about this Disinfo Board is that they know that without disinformation they really have nothing to say.

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HAH! Jen Psaki Says Doocy’s Fox News Questions Would ‘Make Anyone Sound Like a Stupid S.O.B.’

Earlier this year President Biden held a press conference during which Peter Doocy of Fox News asked one his hallmark questions that have certified his place in the press corps as a shallow and partisan hack. It’s a role he has embraced on numerous occasions during the White House daily press briefings with Press Secretary, Jen Psaki.

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Jen Psaki, Fox News, Peter Doocy

During the Biden press conference, Doocy asked the President “Do you think inflation is a political liability in the midterms?” Biden diplomatically ignored the question whose premise was patently absurd. Of course inflation is a political liability. What did Doocy expect Biden to say?

However, a hot mic caught Biden as he muttered sarcastically under his breath “That’s a great asset – more inflation. What a stupid son of a bitch.” Naturally, this was escalated to “scandal” proportions by Fox News and other rightist media. Even though Biden later graciously called Doocy and apologized for the remark that Doocy didn’t hear.

On Friday morning Psaki was a guest on the “Pod Save America” podcast when the subject came up again in a light-hearted segment. Psaki was asked if “Peter Doocy is a stupid son of a bitch or does he just play one on tv?” She replied that…

“He works for a network that provides people with questions that, nothing personal to any individual including Peter Doocy, but might make anyone sound like a stupid son of a bitch.”

Cue the Fox News ninnies as they flop into their fainting couches. Never mind that Psaki is actually giving Doocy the benefit of a doubt by blaming his idiotic inquiries on his bosses at Fox. The wingnut InterTubes went haywire with denouncements of Psaki’s alleged incivility. It’s almost as if they have never heard of Donald Trump’s relentlessly hateful, misogynistic, and racist assaults on the media as “fake,” “stupid,” “crooked,” and “enemies of the people.”

The entire exchange with Psaki was couched in good humor. But rather than appreciate that she was actually absolving Doocy of responsibility for some truly dumb questions, Fox News bounced the idiocy right back in Doocy’s lap. The network released a statement saying that…

“In his role as White House correspondent, Peter Doocy’s job is to elicit truth from power for the American public. His questions are his own, he is a terrific reporter and we are extremely proud of his work.”

Anyone has watched more than a few minutes of Fox News knows that they have never cared about eliciting truth. Their prime directive is to spin, distort, and outright lie. That’s particularly true when it comes to the powerful conservative politicians they were created to serve. Nevertheless, Doocy’s Fox colleague, John Roberts, took to Twitter to defend him…

Okay then. Doocy is wholly responsible for his questions that make him look like a fool. If he wants that distinction, he can have it. So just for the record, let’s review some of Doocy’s questions that Fox News is so proud of…

Hopefully the debate over stupid S.O.B.’s can now be put to rest.

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Jen Psaki Shreds Texas Gov. Abbott’s Publicity Stunts that are Hurting Texas and America

The Republican Party of Donald Trump has become so enthralled with Dear Leader that they have abandoned any pretense to actually governing or developing policies that benefit the American people. Their entire political platform now consists solely of fawning adorations of Trump and vicious defamatory attacks on Democrats.

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Psaki Lightening

Among the most brazen and shameless Trump-fluffers is Texas governor Greg Abbott. And this week he appears to be mounting a major offensive to test just how much he can offend his constituents before they send him into a disgraced retirement. Ignoring all of the real issues that are on the minds of the citizens in his state, Abbott is pursuing a pair of pointless initiatives aimed only at generating the interest of Fox News and other rightist media hacks.

RELATED: Texas Governor Whines to Fox News, Blames Biden, After Recklessly Revoking COVID Rules

Abbott began the week by announcing that he intended to load migrants onto buses and transport them from Texas to Washington, D.C. There is, of course, no legal or administrative purpose to this policy. It would only serve to waste Texas taxpayer dollars in a petty and futile effort to embarrass President Biden. It would, however, achieve the goal of placing the migrants in a jurisdiction where they will be treated humanely according to the law and the Constitution. Which is surely not what Abbott intended.

What Abbott intended was to manufacture a publicity stunt that would dehumanize refugees from poverty and violence. And the evidence of his publicity motivation was apparent when the first bus arrived in Washington and parked in front of Fox News, as reported by John Roberts of Fox News:

White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, was asked about this ludicrous relocation program by Fox’s Peter Doocy. She replied that…

“I’m not aware of what authority the governor would be doing that under. I think it’s pretty clear this is a publicity stunt. His own office admits that a migrant would need to voluntarily be transported, and he can’t compel them to because, again, enforcement of our country’s immigration laws lies with the federal government, not a state.”

Not satisfied with humiliating himself by providing free bus rides to willing migrants, Abbott moved on to implement a costly, unpopular, and useless border inspection plan. He described this staged media affair as “enhanced safety inspections” to catch “cartels that smuggle illicit contraband and people across our southern border.” The only problem with that is his phony inspections cannot do what he said they do. His Democratic opponent for governor, Beto O’Rourke, spelled out what a fraud it was on “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell,” saying that…

“These trucks that Greg Abbott has blockaded from coming into the United States are carrying parts that are destined for factories in San Antonio where we build the Toyota Tundra and Tacoma, to factories in Ohio and Michigan and other parts of this country. It’s gonna jeopardize jobs throughout this state and throughout the United States of America, for that matter. It’s gonna increase prices at our grocery stores even higher. And it’s worsening a supply chain problem that we already had. And this didn’t have to happen.”

O’Rourke goes on to point out that Abbott’s inspections only check on things like tire pressure and how the engine runs. In fact, Abbott’s inspectors are not even permitted to look inside the cargo area for drugs or human trafficking. And this boondoggle was also addressed by Jen Psaki, who issued the following statement from the White House:

“Governor Abbott’s unnecessary and redundant inspections of trucks transiting ports of entry between Texas and Mexico are causing significant disruptions to the food and automobile supply chains, delaying manufacturing, impacting jobs, and raising prices for families in Texas and across the country.” […]

“[T]rucks are facing lengthy delays exceeding 5 hours at some border crossings and commercial traffic has dropped by as much as 60 percent. […] Abbott’s actions are impacting people’s jobs, and the livelihoods of hardworking American families. “

RELATED: Gov. Abbott and Fox News Callously Exploits Deadly Winter Storms to Attack Green New Deal

All of this just makes it more clear that Abbott and his Republican comrades are only interested in maligning their political foes and damaging the country so that they can blame the harm on Democrats. And rather than working on plausible solutions to the nation’s problems, they orchestrate publicity stunts designed to deceive the public and get them more time on Fox News.

That is not an agenda that the people of Texas, or America, should support. And, hopefully, they will come out in historic numbers in November to vote against the Republicans who are so determinedly working against the people.

UPDATE: Abbott has already caved in and canceled his “enhanced” inspections, likely due to the avalanche of criticism he received from both Democrats and Republicans.

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Jen Psaki Gloriously Mocks Putin’s Impotent Sanctions on Biden and Others, Including Herself

There hasn’t been much to laugh about in the three weeks since Russia launched their genocidal invasion of Ukraine. Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked aggression against a peaceful neighbor has already resulted in thousands of deaths of innocent civilians. It’s a heinous campaign of blatant war crimes that history will record with disgust for Putin, as well as those in American media and politics who have aided and abetted him, such as Tucker Carlson of Fox News and Putin’s BFF Donald Trump.

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However, on Tuesday Putin provided some unintended comic relief when his foreign ministry released a list of Americans who Russia is sanctioning “as retaliation for sweeping economic penalties from the Biden administration targeting Russian entities over the invasion of Ukraine.” Those sanctioned include…

  • President Joe Biden
  • Hunter Biden
  • Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
  • White House press secretary Jen Psaki
  • Secretary of State Antony Blinken
  • Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin
  • Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley
  • White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan
  • CIA Director Bill Burns

Notice who didn’t get sanctioned? Probably the only person who would have been hurt by the sanctions, Donald Trump. According to CBS News, those sanctioned “are prohibited from entering the country and any assets they hold there are frozen.” Consequently, this development was raised during the daily press briefing at the White House by CBS News reporter Weijia Jiang. And press secretary Jen Psaki handled it with her customary grace and a bit of snark:

Jiang: Sanctions were imposed today by Russia against yourself, President Biden, and other top U.S. officials. Do you have a response to that? And how will it impact any of you, if at all?
Psaki: I would first note that President Biden is a junior, so they may have sanctioned his dad, may he rest In peace. The second piece I would say, it won’t surprise many of you that none of us are planning tourist trips to Russia, none of us have bank accounts that we won’t be able to access. So we will forge ahead.

In addition to the welcome injection of humor, Psaki is making a significant point about how impotent Putin’s sanctions are compared to those imposed on Russia by the U.S. and European allies. Russia’s largest banks, including the Central Bank of Russia, have been cut off from the SWIFT financial messaging system. And there has also been a ban on Russian oil and gas imports into the U.S. Numerous real estate properties, yachts, and other assets have been seized. And a broad international coalition has committed to cease doing business with Russia, shutting down their manufacturing on everything from cars to computers.

In the meantime, Trump felt compelled to address this matter in a statement tweeted by his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill. He ranted incoherently that…

“Russia just sanctioned Joe Biden. While that is a terrible thing, in so many ways, perhaps it will now be explained why the Biden family received 3.5 million dollars from the very wealthy former Mayor of Moscow’s wife. During our Presidential Debate, “moderator” Chris Wallace, then of Fox, would not let me ask that question. He said it was inappropriate. Perhaps that’s why Biden has been so “slow on the draw” with Russia. This is a really bad conflict of interest that will, perhaps now, be fully and finally revealed!”

So in the wake of Russia’s pitiful sanctions, Trump thought it would be a good idea to malign America’s President and his son, Hunter. How patriotic of him. Never mind that Trump’s speculation that these sanctions might somehow “reveal” something about Hunter’s business affairs. Obviously they won’t. The allegations, which are false, have nothing whatsoever to do the sanctions.

Trump just wanted to wedge a totally unrelated obsession of his into the discussion. An obsession that has been repeatedly debunked. After years of babbling about this, there is still no evidence of any wrongdoing by Hunter Biden. Trump, on the other hand, is drowning in documented evidence of criminal activities, over which he simply can’t stop whining. No wonder he’s so cranky all the time.

UPDATE: Hillary Clinton had a pretty great response too:

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Fox News Hosts ‘Alternative Facts’ Fixer, Kellyanne Conway, Who Fancies Herself a Fact Checker

In these troubling times comedy may seem far afield from the bleakness besieging us in the daily news. The world appears to be awash in worry over war, disease, and the myriad burdens of everyday life. But humor, while elusive, has not deserted us entirely. It is just dwelling in unexpected places. Like the ravings of right-wing sophists on Fox News.

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Kellyanne Conway, Fox News

On Thursday nights episode of Laura Ingraham’s crudcast, she hosted Donald Trump’s former White House counselor, Kellyanne Conway. It hardly matters what the topic of the discussion was because these two fabulists couldn’t be bothered to do anything but distort reality and malign Democrats in general, and President Biden in particular. And so it was when Conway unleashed this unhinged harangue…

“Joe Biden, he has this way…Jen Psaki…of playing the blaming game, maim and shame nonsense of Washington. But it would rely on the American people believing it. And they’ve lost credibility not just in their message, in their messengers. You know, Laura, I like to say the Democrats don’t have – this administration doesn’t have – a messaging problem. They have a fact problem. And it’s reflected in the polls.”

So Biden’s blame, shame, maim, claim to fame is just more of the same from this lame dame. [See, two can play that rhyming game] But nothing could more cravenly defame [Okay, I’ll stop now] the President than a fact check by the Mistress of Alternative Facts herself. Conway coined that phrase when confronted with the blatant lies spewed by Trump’s first press secretary, Sean Spicer, about what he laughably tried to pass off as “the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period.” For the record, it wasn’t.

It is, of course, hysterical that Conway is now criticizing Biden, and his press secretary, Jen Psaki, who has distinguished herself as an eminently qualified, brilliant, and yes, honest public servant. Conway didn’t bother to back up her assertion that Biden and/or Psaki had a “fact problem.” But that’s only because there was no way she would be able to.

Conway’s specialty is making unsupported allegations on Fox News where no one will challenge her. It’s something she may have picked up from her former boss, Donald Trump, who did – and still does – the very same thing. In fact [that word again], Trump was whining much of Friday morning about an interview he did with a couple of YouTube sycophants wherein he regurgitated his “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was “rigged,” and ranted incoherently about windmills having something to do with Ukraine.

YouTube deleted the video because it violated their terms of service that clearly state that “Content that advances false claims that widespread fraud, errors, or glitches changed the outcome of the U.S. 2020 presidential election is not allowed on YouTube.”

In response to YouTube removing his lie-riddled video, Trump complained that “We don’t have a free press. This is what they do in Russia.” Then he had his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill post a rambling statement – three times – that asked “Whatever happened to free speech in our Country?”

Clearly Trump doesn’t know the meaning of the constitutional protection of a “free press,” It’s a constraint on infringements imposed by Congress. YouTube, however, is a private enterprise, and they have the freedom to set and enforce their own rules. Trump still has free speech that he can exercise on many other media platforms, including his own. Oh wait… His own platform is a scam that doesn’t even work. But other than that…

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America-Hating Fox News Roots for Trucker Convoy to Sabotage the Booming Biden Economy

For the past two years America has been struggling to stay afloat in a turbulent sea roiled be a deadly pandemic. And despite having been dealt a depressed nation (economically and emotionally) by his – sometimes malicious, sometimes incompetent – predecessor, Donald Trump, President Joe Biden’s efforts to restore the nation’s health and prosperity have been remarkably successful.

Fox News Sad

The grossly underreported “Biden Boom” is well under way, with the country experiencing the strongest two-year performance on growth, jobs, and income in decades. Former Under Secretary of Commerce, Robert Shapiro, recently summarized the unprecedented gains, including…

  • “Over the first three quarters of this year, real GDP increased at a 7.8 percent annual rate.”
  • “From January 20 to December 7, 2021, the S&P 500 Index jumped 21.7 percent.”
  • “From January through October, all wage and salary income paid by private businesses increased 2.4 percent after inflation, compared to gains of 0.3 percent for the comparable period in 2019 and 0.7 percent in 2018.”
  • “5,675,000 Americans who were unemployed when this year began had found new jobs by November.”
  • “The jobless rate fell from 6.3 percent last January to 4.2 percent in November, or by one-third over 11 months.”
  • “Oil prices have fallen by more than 20 percent over the past three weeks.”

Fox News, however, is outraged by this uplifting economic news. So they have embarked on a crusade to sabotage these achievements, and to undermine the welfare of the nation and its weary but hardy people.

The America-bashing gasbags at Fox News have been observing the allegedly anti-vaccine trucker convoys in Canada with near orgasmic glee. They have noticed that the truckers have blocked highways, disrupted commerce, and interfered with public safety services (police, fire and ambulance). And they have concluded from that that this would be just dandy for the United States.

As reported by Media Matters, “Fox hosts are extremely excited about the protests,” and that “The network devoted 10 hours and 8 minutes to the story from the first mention of the convoy we found on January 18 through February 10.” Which contrasts sharply with their coverage of Trump absconding with White House documents – many classified “Top Secret” – for which Fox devoted a single mention on Thursday.

Also neglected on Fox News was the fact that the truckers participating in the convoy do not represent the trucking industry, which has disavowed them. Nor do they represent the Canadian people, the vast majority of whom oppose the mobile protest.

Fox News has a long history of maligning popular protest movements in the U.S. They have disparaged groups such as Black Lives Matters as lawless thugs. But Foxies like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson are praising the truckers as “inspirational” and “freedom fighters.” And they are openly salivating at the prospect of building a similar AstroTurf movement here at home. Carlson told his dimwitted viewers that…

“So far, that blockade has forced Ford to shut down one of its manufacturing plants and to operate another plant with a skeleton crew. Toyota says it won’t be able to manufacture vehicles in Ontario for the rest of the week. GM has cancelled multiple shifts at its plant in Lansing, Michigan, due to parts shortages.

“So this protest is less than a week old and already it is causing deep pain to alt least on global industry. It’s hard to overstate the historical significance of what we’re watching right here. The Canadian trucker convoy is the single most successful human rights protest in a generation.”

To be clear, Carlson is thrilled that a small, unrepresentative cluster of extremist Canadian anti-vaxxers and neo-Nazis are shutting down U.S. factories and putting Americans out of work. And that is the lock-step perspective across the Fox News schedule. It is decidedly unpatriotic and harmful to Americans who have nothing to do with the policies that the truckers oppose, and who just want to provide for their families in a safe environment.

Fortunately, there are wiser and more compassionate public servants working on behalf the American people. Press Secretary Jen Psaki addressed the Canadian trucker matter on Friday morning, noting that “it has the potential to have a huge impact on workers and the American public.” But she also offered some hope going forward by observing that the truckers have not effectively cut off transportation routes, and that the Biden administration is working with Canadians to insure that commerce on both sides of the border remains uninterrupted:

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Fox Nation vs. Reality:
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Jen Psaki and (Future Speaker?) Hakeem Jeffries, Rebuke the RNC as the Republican National ‘CULT’

The Republican Party appears to be gaily goose-stepping its way toward the dustbin of history. Their seeming disregard for the enduring values that made America great – liberty, equality, and justice – is reflected in the daily demented ravings of their Dear Leader, Donald Trump, whose authoritarian aspirations are as pronounced as ever, despite his rapidly evolving irrelevancy.

Donald Trump, Fox News, QAnon

Trump has been reduced to petulantly whining about being investigated for his many crimes, and impotently issuing orders that are being resoundingly ignored. And yet the Republican Party continues to embrace him as their political messiah.

To that end, the Republican National Committee (RNC) lashed out at a couple of their own members that were deemed to be insufficiently worshipful of Master Trump. Longtime rock-ribbed conservatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger were unceremoniously drummed out of the Party’s good graces for their roles on the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection. They were formally censured by the RNC, whose chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel, condemned them because they had the audacity to “engage in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens who engaged in legitimate political discourse.”

“Legitimate political discourse?” That’s what the GOP is calling the deadly riots on January 6th by “ordinary citizens” (aka StormTrumpers) attempting to prevent Congress from carrying out its constitutional duties. The abhorrent absurdity of that characterization did not go unnoticed by the decent denizens of Washington. Foremost among them was Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus. Following the RNC’s announcement of the censure, he spoke to reporters pointedly noting that…

“The ‘C’ in RNC doesn’t stand for committee, it stands for cult. It’s not the Republican National Committee. It’s the the Republican National Cult. That is the only way you can explain how the Grand Old Party would come to the conclusion that people who engaged in rampant mob violence, urinated, defecated, desecrated the Capitol, brutally beat up police officers, seriously injured more than 140. Police officers lost their lives as a result of the events on January 6th and the cult says that it’s ‘legitimate political discourse?’ They come to that conclusion because they continue to bend the knee to the twice impeached so-called president, Donald Trump.”

Jeffries is not the first to recognize the cult behavior of the GOP. But he is one of the highest ranking government officials to articulate it publicly and with such flair. His comments were picked up later the same day in the White House press room when a reporter asked Press Secretary Jen Psaki for the President’s reaction. That led to the following exchange…

Reporter: What are your reactions to the RNC declaring what happened on January 6th as “legitimate political discourse,” and Democrats on the Hill being very vocal about this. Hakeem Jeffries said that “The ‘C’ in RNC stands for cult.” Does the White House agree with that?
Psaki: I think it’s clear to Americans that what happened on January 6th was not “legitimate political discourse.” Storming the Capitol in an attempt to halt the peaceful transition of power is not “legitimate political discourse.” Neither is attacking and injuring over 140 police officers, smashing windows and defiling offices. It’s telling to us that some leading Republicans have rejected that characterization.”

Among the “leading Republicans” that Psaki referred to are Trump’s vice-president, Mike Pence, and the GOP Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell. Both have recently been targets of Trump’s wrath that is throwing the Party into disarray. Last week Pence told the ultra-rightist Federalist Society that “Trump is wrong” about Pence being able to overturn the election, and that “there is no idea more un-American.” And Trump blasted McConnell as an “old crow” for not backing his attempted coup.

In response to reporters’ questions about the RNC’s twisted definition of “legitimate political discourse,” and the censure of Cheney and Kinzinger, McConnell said that…

“We saw what happened. It was a violent insurrection with the purpose of trying to prevent a peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election from one administration to the next. That’s what it was. […] This issue is whether or not the RNC should be sort of singling out members of our party who may have different views from the majority. That’s not the job of the RNC.”

Without saying so explicitly, McConnell effectively affirmed Jeffries’ rendering of the Republican Party as a cult. There is simply no other explanation for an organization that adheres to a such bizarre belief system, rooted in violence and tyranny, and in defiance of all reason and rationality.

Also observing the cultish descent of the GOP was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who told reporters at her weekly news conference that…

“The Republicans seem to be having a limbo contest with themselves to see how low they can go. They seem to have reached rock bottom with their statement that what happened on January 6th was legitimate political discourse. […] I say this to Republicans all the time: Take back your party from this cult.”

In a cult there is only one authority. You must believe the cult leader no matter what your own eyes and ears may tell you. And everyone else is lying to you. That’s the Trump doctrine. And the Republican Party is fully on board. The question is, how long can such a political party endure with a platform that removed from reality?

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Fox Nation vs. Reality:
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