It’s on people! Tucker Carlson, the Senior White Nationalist at Fox News, is openly advocating violent insurrection. He is justifying his support for the ownership and use of military-style weapons by fear mongering about a tyrannical government that must be brought down by the same sort of paranoid seditionists that attacked the Capitol on January 6th.
Fox News and its Republican benefactors have been known to exploit the 2nd Amendment issue extraordinarily hard whenever there is a mass shooting. In the past week they have made it their mission to ignore the recent incidents that took the lives of 18 people. They preferred to cover petty distractions like President Biden walking up stairs. They care more about suppressing voters than suppressing killers.
On Carlson’s program Tuesday night he interviewed ammosexual Colion Noir, who once hosted a “show” on the now defunct NRA-TV. The two of them belittled the tragedy that just took place in Boulder, Colorado, while glorifying the weapon that produced the carnage. Their discussion was steeped in extremist rhetoric that sounded like the ravings of a deranged, dystopian, apocalyptic prophet (video below). For instance…
Carlson: “Why, if somebody does something horrible in Boulder, does that mean you should strip from people the single most popular sporting rifle in America? The one that commits relatively few crimes. More people are killed by a factor of five by knives than by rifles in this country. Why are they so intent on taking this one firearm away?”
Colion Noir: “Because honestly, if you really look at it, a lot of people like to undervalue what the 2nd Amendment was actually written for. It was designed to be a check against the government. A lot of people don’t like to talk about that aspect. Of course it was also there to allow us to defend ourselves. But if you think about it, the AR-15 symbolically and literally is the best defense against a tyrannical government.
Carlson starts off by dismissing the “horrible” thing that happened in Boulder as something forgettable that deserves no response. He euphemizes the AR-15 as a “sporting rifle,” despite it’s intended purpose as a human meat grinder. Where’s the sport in that? And he downplays the brutal deaths of hundreds of innocent people as a “relative few.” So long as they weren’t his relatives. Carlson also doesn’t bother to address the fact that 26% of the last 80 mass shootings were done with AR-15s.
Noir goes even further to demonstrate his utter contempt for and ignorance of the Constitution. The 2nd Amendment says absolutely nothing about a “defense against a tyrannical government.” In fact, it explicitly refers to a “well regulated Militia” that would be assembled for the benefit of the state. It’s purpose was to be prepared to fend off foreign invaders, not George Washington’s troops.
Noir went on to assert the tiresome trope that regulating assault weapons was merely a slippery slope to confiscating all firearms. And he didn’t seem to be the least bit disturbed about “another shooting that happens, which it will.” He just viewed that as the left’s opportunity to “justify further restricting our rights again.” Never mind the shattered families grieving for their dead loved ones.
What neither Carlson nor Noir understand is that their warped fantasies of battling the U.S. government would end very badly for them. Their assault weapons wouldn’t protect them very long from the Army’s drones, grenade launchers, missiles, tanks, and bombers. You have to wonder if Carlson and Noir believe citizens should be allowed to own those as well. You also have to wonder what happened to their sloganeering about “Blue Lives Matter” and “Supporting the Troops”? Because that is who these phony “patriots” are fantasizing about going to war against.
This whole discussion came dangerously close to a televised conspiracy plot for treason. It exposes these crackpots as anti-American poseurs who have orgasms dreaming of wartime adventures they’re too cowardly to ever engage in. And it is more of the insanity that drove hundreds of Trump supporters to attack Congress in an attempt to overturn an election. If they get their way, there will be further attempts to stage authoritarian coups. And the blood will be on the hands of Carlson, Noir, and Fox News.
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Tucker guest Colion Noir: "The AR-15 symbolically and literally is the best defense against a tyrannical government."
— Kat Abu (@abughazalehkat) March 24, 2021
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.
“…the single most popular sporting rifle in America? ”
When did hunting innocent humans become a sport?
If hunting humans is to be a sport, maybe we could be more selective & take out the ones doing the most damage to society. Ya’ know, like have an FBI “Most Unwanted” list.
*ucker Carlson & friends might be feeling rather nervous at that thought!
I’m not brave enough to watch Tucker because I’m afraid of feeling nauseated, so could someone bolder please compile a list of his sponsors? Then I could write to them explaining why I’m boycotting their products and advising everyone on my list to do the same.
Carlson has lost most of his major advertising. The Pillow Guy is now his biggest advertiser.
A better way to protest Carlson and all of Fox News is to UnFox My Cable Box.
Looks like The Pillow Asshole’s going out of business as soon as the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit gets resolved, so I won’t bother writing to him.
Fox arrives in our home via a pirate satellite decoder, along with every other channel in the universe, but Fox (like all the offensive evangelical channels) never gets watched here. Our access is via your excellent site and other respectable news outlets.
Thank you for doing HISTORICAL research – second amendment was also created to allow slavery
states to maintain local militias to contrl, capture and as needed kill slaves. Too long to detail here
but look through virginia history especially to get the whole story – Well done.