Desperate Republicans in Georgia, having recently lost two Senate seats and the presidency to Democrats, just passed a blatantly discriminatory law whose unambiguous purpose is to suppress votes. The law will impact predominantly people of color, the poor, workers, and students.
This is a backdoor admission that the GOP can’t appeal to the concerns of voters with their policies, so they resort to obstructing citizens from exercising their Constitutional right to vote. And naturally, Fox News is supporting this abhorrent electoral tactic. On Thursday morning the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends addressed the subject, focusing on a bizarre provision in the law that prohibits anyone from offering food or water to voters waiting in line to cast their ballots.
For the record, it is Republicans who created the mess that has resulted in voters having wait for many hours to vote. The GOP made it more difficult to vote by mail. They closed precincts, but only in districts that tended to vote Democratic. The precincts that remained open were provided fewer staffers and voting machines. The results were predictable delays intended to discourage people from voting at all. This new legislation is intended to make matters even worse.
In light of that, Fox News saw fit to mock the problem that obviously isn’t affecting any of them or their privileged class. It’s an exercise in brazen callousness and elitism:
Ainsley Earhardt: The water argument is what cracks me up. Because what line have you stood in – If you go to Yankee Stadium and stand in line to get a ticket, do they serve you water? Do you care?
Brian Kilmeade: Just hot towels. That all you get.
Steve Doocy: I have been voting for over forty years and I have never thought to myself, “Okay, I have to go vote today. Will they have snacks?”
Fox & Friends mocks concerns about GA banning non-poll workers from giving voters water: "If you go to Yankee Stadium and stand in line to get a ticket, do they serve you water? Do you care? … I have never thought to myself, 'OK I'm gonna go vote today. Will they have snacks?'"
— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) April 1, 2021
Whereupon everybody shares a hearty laugh at the hardships of people that they can’t possibly relate to. The comparison to waiting in line for Yankees tickets is painfully ludicrous. Let’s set aside the fact that you buy those tickets on line. More to the point, attending a baseball game isn’t a constitutionally protected activity, the results of which will impact the lives of you, your family and your community for decades.
Doocy’s observation that he has never had to think about “snacks” when going to vote only reinforces how out of touch he is with the problems of people not in his upper crust socioeconomic class. Obviously he hasn’t had to worry about that. In his neighborhood they have plenty of polling places, and he can take whatever time he needs to go cast his vote.
The fact that these three hacks find this dilemma so hysterical is downright nauseating. They should be forced to vote in precincts that have the disadvantages that low income citizens have to deal with. They aren’t pampered TV personalities complaining about not having snacks for an hour or two. They are often elderly voters stuck in an outdoor line in November for six, eight, ten hours, or more.
Finally, returning to the comparison to getting Yankees tickets, these cretins forget that waiting for sporting events is actually a cultural activity that famously includes elaborate snacks and refreshments provided in tailgate parties. That’s still legal. But giving food or water to oppressed citizens who only want to participate in their democracy is now against the law in Georgia.
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3 white entitled twits need an attitude adjustment. ” Some George voters stood in line for 11 hours.” THAT is no laughing matter !!!!
Sadly, it IS a laughing matter to these privileged scumbags. The same sort of laughter that ignorant rednecks display whenever minorities are being abused.
And people wonder why there aren’t any conservative comedians. It’s because they think mocking people who are disadvantaged and suffering is funny.