Jen Psaki Draws Lame Attack By Shamelessly Dishonest Right-Wing Media Org

The desperation of the conservative propaganda machine is blowing up. They have nothing substantive for which to criticize President Biden. They failed miserably to smear his broadly popular COVID relief and stimulus plan, that even a majority of Republicans supported. And they are suffering the same fate with Biden’s infrastructure bill and their tone-deaf efforts to make it harder to vote.

Fox News, Jen Psaki

Republicans are making an epic blunder by not only opposing such highly favored policies, but by voting unanimously against them despite the public’s overwhelming support. That is going to backfire on them badly in the upcoming 2022 election cycle.

So in place of developing policies that the American people actually like, the right is frantically trying to misrepresent the positive things that Democrats are doing. For example, the radical rightists at the Media Research Center (NewsBusters) just went after Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki. They tweeted a video that they claimed showed Psaki “blame[ing] the Trump administration for the crisis at the border that has happened exclusively under Joe Biden’s watch.”

PBS White House correspondent, Yamiche Alcindor: The Family Reunification Task Force is saying as of now that they haven’t reunited any families because they’re still sorting through the system. Can you talk a minute about why they haven’t been able to reunite families. What are the concerns and challengers that are even more pronounced than what you thought they were gonna be?
Psaki: Sure. First we can’t overstate how complex this challenge is. The prior administration didn’t have have a system in place to track the children and parents who were separated. They also, of course, separated them themselves. But the task force has been in place for about two months. The focus right now, at this period of time, has been about reviewing thousands of records. And a significant number of issues have come up in these existing files, including incorrect dates and names.[…] They’ve also identified 5,600 new files that were not reviewed and have begun the process for checking those files. The task force is also working closely with the ACLU to process identified families so we can reunite them as swiftly as possible. They’ll have a full report that’s due on June 2nd.

It could not be more apparent that both the question and the eloquently delivered answer were explicitly related to the abhorrent family separation policies of the Trump administration. It had nothing to do with the alleged border “crisis” that Fox News and the GOP have been trying so hard to spin into a scandal. The family separation policies were wholly devised and implemented by Trump’s team. It was never the position of Biden, or the Obama administration either.

So the News Blusters are lying with the abandon of … well … Republicans. They have to know that what was discussed in the video that they themselves posted was about a policy that was exclusively Trump’s and that Biden had nothing to do with.

This sort of gaslighting is typical of the rightist disinformation squads. They are so bereft of a positive message, or a factual, coherent, negative take on Biden, that they have to invent controversies that exist nowhere in reality. It’s the sort of intellectual vacancy that produces weeks of ludicrous reports about the “canceling” of Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head. And it eventually descends to this depth of depravity from Fox News:

“White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki got snippy with a reporter on Wednesday who questioned why Vice President Kamala Harris had time to visit a Chicago bakery amid the lingering border crisis she has been tasked to deal with. The exchange between Psaki and New York Post reporter Steven Nelson came during a press briefing at the White House.”

Does this look “snippy” to you?

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One thought on “Jen Psaki Draws Lame Attack By Shamelessly Dishonest Right-Wing Media Org

  1. The right-wing media is not serious in any way. They are completely full of shit!

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