Trump’s Latest Failure: His Pathetic Blog Shuts Down in Less than a Month

America’s Biggest Loser has notched another public failure and humiliation. Donald Trump’s much ballyhooed new “communications platform” has shut down permanently. This will not come as a surprise to anyone who actually read any of the bizarre and delusional musings posted by the twice-impeached, former reality TV game show host.

Donald Trump Circling the Drain

If you visit Trump’s blog now you will be redirected to a page where you can sign up for Trump alerts, which apparently nobody wanted. The page with posts from “The Desk of Donald Trump” has been completely removed. Although some of his postings are still available on what he calls a “news” page.

There was no announcement from the Trump camp that the blog would be discontinued. Which is typical of a malignant narcissist, and soggy snowflake, who still hasn’t been able to accept that he decisively lost the presidential election to Joe Biden. And now his well-deserved unpopularity has been affirmed. According to the Washington Post Trump canceled himself “because he didn’t like that this platform was being mocked and had so few readers.”

Trump apologists are already claiming that the blog was a temporary measure until he launched his own social media platform that would compete with Twitter and Facebook. But when the blog was announced it was heralded by Fox News in much grander terms:

“Former President Trump on Tuesday launched a communications platform, which will eventually give him the ability to communicate directly with his followers, after months of being banned from sites like Twitter and Facebook. […] The space will allow Trump to post comments, images, and videos.”

However, the blog never managed to draw much traffic. Even though Trump bragged that it was superior to Twitter and had millions of readers. That’s only if you count in Trumpian where massive numbers of dead people ‘voted’” in the 2020, and thousands and thousands of boats paraded in Jupiter.”

Stay tuned for future announcements of Trump’s upcoming failures, including his “real” social media platform, his next seditious insurrection, and his pitifully delusional reinstatement” to the presidency.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

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4 thoughts on “Trump’s Latest Failure: His Pathetic Blog Shuts Down in Less than a Month

  1. 1) Hooray!
    2) I am not surprised.

  2. BWAAAAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! This has made MY morning! Like Jerry, am not surprised either. All the obvious reasons aside, it wasn’t interactive – it was TrumpetArse trumpeting at what he perceived to be a ‘captive’ audience. Looks like it never occurred to him they’d just roll their eyes and head somewhere else in cyber-space. Not even any of his adoring Q-Anon fluffers, be they high or low, could praise him with great praise. Classic. So much for his ‘millions and millions’ of supporters.

  3. Trump couldn’t even keep his rallyists, the “cult of mediocrity”, entertained or interested enuff to read his blog?? “Ouch!” That has to hurt his oversized ego! Not even his GQP enablers in Congress either? They don’t care what he has to say on any given day, BUT they plan to run him for President again?!? What? … & subject everyone else to his crappy-ass shit to say, everyday?! Well, at least they’re still on their knees, covering his ass & kissing it too. “Grovel, you scum!”
    *Hey train wreck ~ this isn’t your station. Keep movin’!

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