Late last year Donald Trump was feverishly ranting about the election that he lost by more than seven million votes (and he still is). He insisted that he was robbed, despite being unable to produce even a sliver of evidence. He lost more than sixty lawsuits alleging voter fraud that didn’t exist.
Trump’s dissemination of that “Big Lie” eventually resulted in the deadly riots on Capitol Hill by his insurrectionist brigades who hoped to obstruct Congress from certifying the election. It also led to his banishment from many social media platforms including Twitter and Facebook.
Most Americans were relieved to be free of his noxious incoherence and lies. In fact, there was proof that his absence actually reduced misinformation online by 73%. But Trump was was crushed that he could no longer vent maniacally to his crazed cult followers. He lashed out at Twitter and Facebook, predicting that they couldn’t survive without him, claiming that he would prevail in the end. Just last week he whined that…
“I’m really getting the big word out because we’re doing releases. And every time I do a release it’s all over the place. It’s more elegant than Twitter. And Twitter now is very boring. A lot of people are leaving Twitter. […] And it’s no good anymore.”
That, of course, is certifiably delusional. And the proof of that was revealed in the most recent quarterly reports by both Twitter and Facebook. These were the first full quarters after Trump’s order into exile. Twitter reported that “they project revenue will grow by 24% in the first quarter to $1 billion.” Facebook similarly reported that “revenue jumped 48% to $26.2 billion, well above analyst expectations.” There are plenty of problems with these social media services (see my note below), but profitability isn’t one one of them.
So apparently these supposedly mortally wounded businesses are actually getting along just fine. In fact, they are thriving without Trump like never before. Consequently, they probably aren’t taking his predictions seriously. Nor are they likely to be concerned about his threat to start his own social media venture. In all likelihood, any new business that Trump launches would suffer the same fate as most of his previous businesses – humiliation and bankruptcy. Which shouldn’t bother him much because, by now, America’s Biggest Loser should be used to it.
NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.
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