The third week of release for Sarah Palin’s crockumentary, “The Undefeated,” saw its worst boxoffice performance yet. Dropping from 14 theaters last week to four this week, the film took in only $5,200 this weekend – a decline of 79%. Since its release, the million dollar production has earned a paltry $112,000 total.
Forget the press release extolling the success that sent the film to video after only two weeks in release. Never mind the ecstatic bragging by producers that the film was enjoying “overwhelming demand.” The UnDefeated flopped in a formidable fashion, despite the massive free publicity that Fox News gave the movie prior to, and during, its theatrical run. Here is a selection of the headlines from Fox that now seem pathetically quaint:
- Hannity Exclusive: Sneak Peek of New Palin Documentary ‘The Undefeated’ (5/26/11)
- Interview: Steve Bannon, the Man Who Brought Sarah Palin’s Story to the Screen (5/28/11)
- A Sneak Peek of the New Palin Documentary (6/6/11)
- New Palin Film, ‘The Undefeated,’ Getting Rave Reviews (6/6/11)
- Preview of New Documentary on Sarah Palin: ‘The Undefeated’ (6/11/11)
- RightOnline See Overwhelming Demand From Grassroots for Sneak Peek of Sarah Palin Movie Undefeated (6/15/11)
- Palin Film Debuting in Iowa Next Week (6/24/11)
- Palin Going to Iowa for “Undefeated” Premier (6/25/11)
- Palin Film Selling Out in Theaters (7/15/11)
- Palin Film Opens Strong, Theaters Packed (7/17/11)
- Palin Film to Get Wider Release (7/19/11)
- Click Here: Theaters Playing Palin’s ‘Undefeated’ (7/22/11)
- Palin’s ‘Undefeated’ Scores Success in Liberal Chicago (7/26/11)
So the losing 2008 GOP vice-presidential candidate, who quit halfway through her single term as governor, and is currently garnering single digits near the bottom of most polls for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, has now officially been defeated at the boxoffice. Apparently her loyal fans cannot be bothered to do more than reTweet her lame musings and skim through her incoherent Facebook posts. All the more reason I really hope for this:

Can we sweep her into the dust bin of history yet? Along with with people like Dan Quayle, who actually was a VP, her shelf life date is way past expiration.
she’s looking like a old granny grunt on her fox news videos. she knows she will look a lot older if she becomes president and no more money from saraPAC that she fleeces from her flock.