Trump is Planning a January 6th Press Conference to Show His Disrespect for the Victims and Democracy

The malignant narcissist of Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump, has announced that he will be holding a “news” conference on January 6th, the anniversary of his insurrection against Congress. It is more than a little nauseating that the instigator of that deadly assault on Congress feels compelled to defile the memory and victims by staging what will surely be a pro-riot propaganda affair.

Donald Trump Insurrection

In his announcement, posted in a tweet (by his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill), Trump asked “Why isn’t the Unselect Committee of highly partisan political hacks investigating the CAUSE of the January 6th protest?” Setting aside his grade-school nickname for the House Select Committee, the answer to Trump’s question is simple. The committee is indeed investigating the cause of the riots. What bothers Trump is that the cause just happens to be him. Everybody knows it, including some of his closest associates who begged him to call it off while it was in progress.

But that hasn’t stopped him from spreading preposterous lies about the insurrection. In a new tweet he advances the crackpot conspiracy theory that the FBI secretly orchestrated the insurrection. That’s his affirmation of Tucker Carlson’s crocumentary “Patriot Purge,” that alleges that the whole thing was a “false flag” operation by the “Deep State.”

Trump’s tweet reprised his now tedious assertion that the “real” insurrection was November 3rd, Election Day. That’s because he has a visceral hatred for democracy and sees fair elections as antithetical to his authoritarian aspirations. His notice also repeated baseless claims that the election was “rigged,” without offering any proof whatsoever. After a year, and more than sixty court cases, Trump still can’t provide a shred of evidence.

Let’s be clear. There are only two reasons that Trump is scheduling his “Lie” conference on that day. First, to distract from the solemn observances that were previously announced by Congress and the White House. Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that there would be “an opportunity for members to share their experiences and reflections from that day, and a prayerful vigil in the evening.” White House press Secretary Jen Psaki said that “January 6th was one of the darkest days in our democracy. It was a day when our nation’s capital was under attack and I think there’s no question you’ll see us commemorate that day.” So naturally Trump wants to suppress those sympathetic expressions of compassion and condolences for those who were harmed.

The second reason that Trump has chosen that day is because he simply can’t stand not being the center of attention for even a few minutes. He feels compelled to counterprogram the news cycle so that it focuses on him and the flagrant falsehoods that he continues to disgorge. And if that means disrespecting the members of Congress who lives were threatened, and the more than 140 police officers who were assaulted, so be it. Trump couldn’t care less. He’s too preoccupied with himself and his own self-serving interests.

Hopefully the media will ignore Trump’s press conference. By all rights he should be left to grumble at an empty room, or one sparsely populated with disreputable shills from OAN, Newsmax, and Breitbart. He has nothing newsworthy to dispense, so why should any actual reporters show up? If he’s lucky a correspondent from The Daily Show will attend and ask him questions about QAnon’s vigil in Dallas for the return of JFK’s ghost.

UPDATE: Trump has chickened out of holding his “news” conference. Presumably because he is too scared that he might be asked questions. So he’s going to unload the same bullpucky at his next cult rally where no one can challenge him:

“In light of the total bias and dishonesty of the January 6th Unselect Committee of Democrats, two failed Republicans, and the Fake News Media, I am canceling the January 6th Press Conference at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday, and instead will discuss many of those important topics at my rally on January 15th, in Arizona.”

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6 thoughts on “Trump is Planning a January 6th Press Conference to Show His Disrespect for the Victims and Democracy

  1. I’m crossing my fingers that January 6 is the day the FBI shows up at his press conference to take him in to custody. I’d love to see that televised.

  2. Here’s a thought, DON’T cover this bulls*it press conference. NOT a word, not a post, NOTHING about it.

    • That would be great, also appropriate. No reason to cover Trump’s pathetic begging for attention & another chance to spread his total lies, which inspired him & his buddies to send for crowds of haters to come to DC for Jan 6th & to use mob violence to try & steal an election that Biden won, fair & square!
      Trump should be in prison & few of his GOP thugs with him. He is THE LAST PERSON who should be heard on annv. of that horrific day in the USA!
      His bullshit is as bad as ever & we know he will be lying his ass off all day; Like every other day that nasty man breathes!
      It’d be kinda’ fun to watch Trump lose his addled mind if totally ignored by the MSM press! He’d likely implode during a huge temper tantrum.

  3. That would be great, also appropriate. No reason to cover Trump’s pathetic begging for attention & another chance to spread his total lies, which inspired him & his buddies to send for crowds of haters to come to DC for Jan 6th & to use mob violence to try & steal an election that Biden won, fair & square!
    Trump should be in prison & few of his GOP thugs with him. He is THE LAST PERSON who should be heard on annv. of that horrific day in the USA!
    His bullshit is as bad as ever & we know he will be lying his ass off all day; Like every other day that nasty man breathes!
    It’d be kinda’ fun to watch Trump lose his addled mind if totally ignored by the MSM press! He’d likely implode during a huge temper tantrum.
    Instead, he’ll get the attention he so badly craves & on a somber day for reflection & where we’re at now, Trump eill instead get base riled up with his anger & lies they believe, despite there being NO evidence. He’s keeping them ready for more violence at his word! He loves to make his puppets “dance” for him, like the trained monkeys they are now!

    A Malignant Narcissist like Trump would burn the world down & happily watch it burn if he can’t have his own way! Malignant, like a cancer – & that he is/has been to this Country. He will kill it & enjoy watching the show, just like he did on Jan 6th 2021! He is a very sick asshole! His cohorts are no better.

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