Wannabe Kingmaker Donald Trump’s Latest Endorsement Reveals His Big Fat Flaming Ego

Since being evicted from the White House by the American people fourteen months ago, Donald Trump has desperately struggled (and failed) to maintain some sort of relevance. For the most part he’s done that by whining about having lost to Joe Biden, someone he characterized as a “mentally deficient socialist”; relentlessly lying about the election being rigged; and holding cult rallies populated by his glassy-eyed disciples.

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Donald Trump

Another dull tool in Trump’s shed is his ability to hand out cheap endorsements for Republican candidates who adoringly kiss his … let’s say ring. He does this frequently because it costs him nothing. Meanwhile he won’t donate any of the millions of dollars he has collected from his gullible followers to help those candidates. The endorsements are all nearly identical pronouncements that the candidate loves guns, hates immigrants, and is devoted to his anti-American “America First” agenda.

This week Trump announced in a tweet (of course) that he is endorsing “Hillbilly Elegy” author, J.D. Vance, for the Senate in Ohio. And his statement outlining why he chose to back this particular candidate in a crowded Republican primary says more about Trump than Vance. As usual, to Trump everything is about Trump. For instance, Trump said that…

“Like some others, J.D. Vance may have said some not so great things about me in the past, but he gets it now, and I have seen that in spades.”

Trump is being gentle when saying that Vance said “some not so great things” about him. What Vance said was compiled nicely in an anti-Vance ad in 2021 by the conservative “Club for Growth.” The ad merely reported Vance’s own words about Trump. Such as…

“I’m a Never Trump guy. I never liked him […] As somebody who doesn’t like Trump, I might have to hold my nose and vote for Hillary Clinton […] I didn’t vote for Trump because I can’t stomach Trump. I think that he’s noxious […] Him being really outrageous and offensive.”


The ad goes on to display tweets that Vance has since deleted saying that Trump is “reprehensible,” and “an idiot.” And yet, Trump is now endorsing Vance. According to Trump, here’s why…

“This is not an easy endorsement for me to make because I like and respect some of the other candidates in the race — they’ve said great things about ‘Trump’ and, like me, they love Ohio and love our country.”

So Trump is affirming that the primary requirement for earning a Trump endorsement is that the candidates say “great things about ‘Trump’ and, like me.” That won’t surprise anyone with even the slightest familiarity with Trump and his malignant narcissism.

It is easy, however, to see why he might have had trouble settling on Vance. The field of GOP senate candidates in Ohio is a buzzing hive of Trump-fluffers, all vying for his notoriously short attention span. Among them…

  • Josh Mandel: Endorsed by Michael Flynn, Sen. Ted Cruz (TX), Sen. Mike Lee (UT), Rep. Madison Cawthorn (NC), Jenna Ellis (Trump Lawyer), Mark Levin (Fox News)
  • Jane Timken: Endorsed by Kristi Noem (governor of South Dakota), Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (WV), Sen Joni Ernst (IA), Sen. Deb Fischer (NE), Sen. Rob Portman (OH), Rep. Elise Stefanik (NY), Kellyanne Conway

Vance himself has already been endorsed by the QAnon brain trust: Sen. Josh Hawley (MO), Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA), Rep. Matt Gaetz (FL), Sebastian Gorka, Tucker Carlson (Fox News), and Donald Trump Jr. What’s more, Vance fulfills another Trump prerequisite by being a TV celebrity whose platform is wafer thin. That is, when it isn’t downright repulsive. Such as his recent declaration on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” where he said that “I gotta be honest with you, I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or the other.”

Which makes this a good time to remind people that Vance, or whoever the GOP nominee is, has a Democratic opponent, Tim Ryan, who can use your help. Trump’s endorsement of Vance included a swipe at Ryan calling him a “defective candidate” who is somehow both “weak” and “dangerous.”

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9 thoughts on “Wannabe Kingmaker Donald Trump’s Latest Endorsement Reveals His Big Fat Flaming Ego

  1. “…Meanwhile he won’t donate any of the millions of dollars he has collected from his gullible followers to help those candidates.”
    Well, of course not. He collected that money for himself & does not ‘give’ money to others, only ‘takes’ it. Giving an endorsement, which he can then take away on a whim, costs nothing ~ altho I’m sure if you asked him, he thinks it’s worth alot of money. It’s as worthless as he is.
    It’s just what he does to hear his name in the news w/o a crime attached to it!

  2. I live in Ohio and heavily blue district. Beating these Republican lunatics in this upcoming election is just as important as it was when people lined up to rid the country of Donald Trump. If we can get Tim Ryan elected it will do a whole lot to get Ohio back on track to sanity.

    • Hopefully that sentiment will spread throughout Ohio, even in the districts that aren’t heavily blue. It’s just a matter of getting the truth out.

    • I dare say, never a time when midterms more important than these are…much more at stake than usual. And we need bigger majority in Congress, to make Manchin & Sinema inconsequential. And if so, they’d best make solid U.S. Voting Rights the 1st priority, or nothing else will matter!

  3. This, from the article- “Donald Trump has desperately struggled (and failed) to maintain some sort of relevance.” He’s NOT failing at all. YOU all are STILL covering him. Still helping him remain relevant. So, it’s fair to say that he’s STILL relevant to you all. STILL matters to this site. Moving forward, maybe DON’T cover everything he farts or spews into the wind. DON’T cover every s*it he takes, as it were. Unless he’s indicted, or actually goes to jail, STOP covering every fcking thing he does or says about anything. It’s NOT helping matters.

    • This website isn’t helping Trump stay relevant. It doesn’t have that power. But as long as the mass media in this country is covering him, we need to counter his BS. Otherwise it just sits out there unchallenged. I’m not willing to give him and his cult that sort of free reign. He needs to be exposed, opposed, and ridiculed at every opportunity.

      • Exactly right! As long as those like FauxNotNews & the brainwashed cult of idiocity are out there pushing every lie he spews, there MUST BE truth to counter that. If not, there’s only lies being spoke & we cannot let that be the case!

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