Trump is Losing to Kamala Harris, Who He Says is Dumb, Low IQ – What Does that Say About Trump?

If anyone is looking for something to praise Donald Trump for, they would find it in his extraordinary ability to praise himself for anything and everything that he might undertake. He is his own walking ego fluffer with an inexhaustible supply of narcissistic adoration. No one thinks more of Trump than Trump. Not even his glassy-eyed cult disciples who revere him as their messiah.

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Donald Trump, Mocking Disability

Consequently, Trump is incapable of processing any information that portrays him as less than omnipotent and infallible. And he envisions himself as the victor of every challenge that he encounters. That’s why he is still claiming that he won the 2020 presidential election despite the reality that he lost and that every other sentient being recognizes. It’s why he can’t accept the results of polls unless they show him beating every opponent.

SEE THIS: Polls Show Trump Losing to Kamala Harris Now, So He’s Calling them ‘Fake’ and ‘Dishonest’

Whenever Trump is confronted by negative news that triggers his anxiety, he ducks behind his shield of delusions in order to avoid the emotional trauma of exposure to his phalanx of flaws. From that defensive position Trump fires off slanderous spitballs at his foes that inevitably fall short of their target. Even worse, they often blow up in his face.

Ever since Kamala Harris took the leadership baton from President Biden, she has executed with near perfection. She has driven unprecedented enthusiasm, raised record amounts of money, and unified the Democratic base. Meanwhile, Trump has holed up in his Mar-a-Lago Bunker lobbing infantile insults (“Laffin'”, “Lyin'”, and/or “Crazy” Kamala) and distracting himself with golf and brunch buffets.

Among Trump’s desperate and impotent pejorative rants are his attempts to demean the intelligence of Vice-President Harris – a UCSF Law graduate, former Attorney General, and U.S. Senator. Trump calls her “dumb” and a “low IQ individual.” Of course, that’s what he calls everyone he doesn’t like. On the other hand, he says that Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un are “brilliant.”

There’s one problem, however, with Trump’s kindergarten taunts. (Well, a lot more than one, but we don’t have all day). Trump apparently hasn’t noticed that the person he is belittling as “dumb” is beating the pants off of him. He is losing to someone he thinks can’t put two sentences together. And, yes, he said the same thing about Biden, who also beat him four years ago.

So what does it say about Trump if he can’t prevail over people he thinks are stupid? And what does he do? He resorts to denying reality again. Just like his election denialism, he is now refuting the polls that just a few weeks ago he was hailing as evidence of his superiority. He posted on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, that…

“The NYT/Siena Poll has way over sampled Democrat voters, and way under sampled people who voted for me in 2020. The Fake News York Times insisted they do this so that it would look as bad as possible in comparison to their last poll, which was very good for me, way up, and made the very biased Times look ‘stupid,’ just like in 2016. I am actually up on the San Francisco Liberal, despite all of Crooked Media. She would DESTROY AMERICA, just like she destroyed San Francisco!”

All of that is utter nonsense. Especially the part about the Times “insisting” that they deliberately made Trump look bad. He doesn’t need anyone’s help to do that. And the people of San Francisco might be surprised to learn that their city was destroyed twenty years ago when she was elected District Attorney.

What’s more, it isn’t just the New York Times poll that shows Trump trailing. The trends in almost all the polls show him behind Harris, the woman he regards as “dumb.” Which is a striking turnaround from just a couple of week prior when those polls had Trump ahead.

No wonder Trump is losing his mind over this. But bragging that a “low IQ individual” is beating you isn’t the flex that he thinks it is. Unless, that is, he is a “low IQ individual” himself, or just a low life, failed businessman, and former reality TV game show host, with delusions of grandeur and futile authoritarian aspirations.


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2 thoughts on “Trump is Losing to Kamala Harris, Who He Says is Dumb, Low IQ – What Does that Say About Trump?

  1. Finally the news media (at least one of them) is stating the obvious. I’ve been pointing this out to magamorons on their newsmax for months. I just can’t imagine why they keep blocking me.

    • Lawrence O’Donnell is really taking after the mainstream media. Talking about the free press Trump is getting is like 2016 all over again. He says he’s never seen an industry that’s so slow at learning from its mistakes. I saw that on a Friday. Rachel Maddow was on Monday night (9 pm) and even she looked embarrassed.

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