TRUMP IS TOAST: The Washington Post’s Laundry List of Trump’s Increasingly Bizarre Claims

Watching the downward spiral of Donald Trump is becoming object lesson in mental deterioration as he descends ever deeper into a bottomless pit of pathos and desperation. Ever since Kamala Harris ascended to the top of the Democratic ticket, Trump has responded with exponentially more extreme exhibits of madness. And he wasn’t exactly a portrait of sanity before that.

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Donald Trump

The media hasn’t been especially good at reporting the severity of Trump’s psychological maladies. While they spent months obsessing over President Biden’s alleged age-related defects, they ignored Trump’s far worse displays of derangement. Biden would get criticized for stuttering, but Trump would get a pass for hallucinating.

SEE THIS: Trump is Losing to Kamala Harris, Who He Says is Dumb, Low IQ – What Does that Say About Trump?

The good news is that some of the biases of the press may be starting to thaw. The Washington Post just published an article that enumerates some of Trump’s recent meanderings into the muck of his mania. The headline summarizes the substance: “Trump’s laundry list of increasingly bizarre claims.” And it doesn’t mince words describing Trump’s meltdown…

“This is bonkers, even by Trump’s own conspiratorial and falsehood-laden standards [and that] It’s difficult to truly compare the relative ridiculousness of Trump’s claims over time, but there is no question he’s pushed the envelope in new and astonishing ways.”

The Post enumerates ten of Trump’s most recent derpitudes, followed by documented fact checks. They begin with one that was just loosed a few days ago: “Harris’s rally crowds ‘DIDN’T EXIST’ and ‘nobody was there.’” Trump claimed that photos of Harris’ supporters were altered by AI, and that there was really no one at all at the event. Never mind all the live streamed video and press accounts – including by conservative media. Trump’s assertion was wholly manufactured from raw fiction.

MORE HERE: Trump’s Dementia Dives Deeper as He Regurgitates Conspiracy Theories About Kamala Harris’ Crowds

The list continued with even more preposterous assertions emanating from Trump’s corroding cranium. Among them, he accused the FBI of plotting to assassinate him. He said that Harris had only recently turned Black. He repeated his ludicrous charge that Democrats support infanticide. Here is the full list…

On Wednesday morning Trump spoke briefly to reporters after voting in the Florida primary. He was asked about the “fake” crowds claim and replied that “I can’t say what was there, who was there. I can only tell you about ours. And we have the biggest crowds ever in the history of politics. We have crowds that nobody has ever seen before.”

Except that Trump actually and explicitly did say who was there (“nobody”). And his claim that he has “the biggest crowds ever in the history of politics” is just plain delusional. However, his next comment was sort of a curious confession. He said that “We have crowds that nobody has ever seen before.” So now he’s saying that he’s the one who has nonexistent and/or invisible crowds that no one has seen?

Don’t try too hard to figure out anything that Trump says. It will only cause acute frustration and possible brain injury.


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2 thoughts on “TRUMP IS TOAST: The Washington Post’s Laundry List of Trump’s Increasingly Bizarre Claims

  1. Coo coo, coo coo, coo coo ………….. AND WEIRD! Guy musta tipped his head to one side, and all his marbles rolled out his ear.

  2. So if, Gawd forbid, Trumpler gets re-elected, and the Repugnican party decides to invoke the 25th Amendment and relieve an obviously deranged president of his duties, then we’ll be lumbered with JD Vance, a total and complete asshole woefully incapable of running an administration. Cue Mike Johnson to step in as the real power behind the throne. Christian Nationalism will have become the government of the USA.

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