Trump FREAKS OUT Over Jack Smith’s Documentation of His Crimes – But Doesn’t Dispute Any of It

The incompetence and ignorance of Donald Trump has been on public display for many years (decades?) now. The monumental failures in his business affairs, political pursuits, and personal life have become legendary. However, there is one area where he has been remarkably successful: Delaying legal accountability for his multitude of crimes.

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Trump has already been convicted of 34 felonies. But that’s just the tip of his illegality iceberg. He still has 54 felony charges pending. And there are also the civil offenses that he has been found liable for, including financial fraud and sexual assault. There are so many legal quandaries that he has to sidestep that he sometimes loses track of his excuses and deflections…

SEE THIS: WHOA! Did Trump Just Admit that He’s Guilty and is Whining that He Couldn’t Make a Plea Deal?

On Wednesday the federal court in D.C. unsealed a filing by Special Counsel Jack Smith in the case involving Trump’s criminal participation in the January 6th insurrection and associated efforts to undermine democracy. The filing is a 165 page document containing damning evidence of Trump’s treasonous guilt and callous amorality.

The filing features, in part, Trump reportedly saying “So what?” after being told that Mike Pence was in danger at the Capitol; his disregard for election results, telling his daughter Ivanka that “It doesn’t matter if you won or lost the election, you still have to fight like hell;” and his staff advocating violence to prevent Joe Biden from being certified as the winner, saying to “Make them riot.”

In response to this bombshell legal brief, Trump took to his failing social media megaphone, Truth Social, to make a wholly impotent case for his innocence. There’s just one problem. He didn’t bother to actually make a case at all…

“Democrats are Weaponizing the Justice Department against me because they know I am WINNING, and they are desperate to prop up their failing Candidate, Kamala Harris. The DOJ pushed out this latest ‘hit job’ today because JD Vance humiliated Tim Walz last night in the Debate. The DOJ has become nothing more than an extension of Joe’s, and now Kamala’s, Campaign. This is egregious PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT, and should not have been released right before the Election. The Democrat Party is turning America into a Third World Country that tries to censor, harass, and intimidate their Political Opponents. What they have done to our Justice System is one of the Great, All Time, Tragedies.”

It is difficult to ignore the fact that there is nothing in that rant – or the other six posts he made on this subject – that actually claims that he’s innocent. He doesn’t even bother to dispute the factual findings in the filing. His entire defense is to just whine about alleged election interference, weaponizing government, polls, the debate, prosecutorial misconduct, and timing. All of which he manages to get completely wrong.

It is not election interference to submit legal documents in a case that has been ongoing for months. It is not weaponizing government because there is no proof of any political influence in the filing. It is preposterous to cite his debate with Kamala Harris as having anything to do with this action by the court. Likewise, it’s absurd to bring up election polls, most of which show him trailing Harris. And Trump’s allegation of prosecutorial misconduct is unsupported by any facts – or reality.

Finally, Trump’s complaint about the timing of the filing ignores the fact that the timing was all his doing. This could have been all wrapped up months ago, but for Trump seeking multiple delays that have resulted in the filing coming at this time.

The delay tactics by Trump are actually another indication of his consciousness of guilt. An innocent person would have wanted his name to be cleared as quickly as possible. But Trump knows that he’s guilty, so he has been determined to put off his inevitable convictions in the hopes of getting reelected and dispensing with the cases and/or pardoning himself.

But Trump failed to think it through. And he underestimated Smith. So now he’s crying about a variety of legally irrelevant issues that can’t possibly help him to avoid his dire future. Of course, all of this rests on Harris prevailing in November. So it’s up to the American people to turn out for the rule of law, for democracy, and for the well being of every citizen on so many other issues. LFG!


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One thought on “Trump FREAKS OUT Over Jack Smith’s Documentation of His Crimes – But Doesn’t Dispute Any of It

  1. He certainly didn’t think things through (but then he never does). In his r ant about the Dems turning the USA into a censorship party. Well, with him and this GOP, every accusation is a confession.

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