Toxic Trump’s Hateful 4th of July Message is – as Usual – All About Trump and Attacking His Foes

America’s annual observance of its independence is a day that is traditionally filled with gratitude and pride among friends and family. To be sure, there will be plenty of that. There will be food and festivities and fireworks in the nation’s homes, parks, and public squares. And hopefully everyone will enjoy themselves and appreciate their great good fortune.

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However, behind the celebratory surface, the nation is slogging through the muck of a presidential campaign that is tainted by the noxious presence of a convicted felon who despises much of what the country stands for. Donald Trump is not shy about disparaging the country that is, in his twisted view, a “failed nation” that is mired in corruption and led by “radicals” and “thugs” who are all determined to destroy the country, and more specifically, him.

SEE THIS: Trump’s 2024 Campaign Theme: America Sucks. Vote Trump, What the Hell Do You Have to Lose?

On this Fourth of July, Trump posted another one of his heartwarming messages in tribute to the nation he finds so deplorable on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. It was a long, incoherent mess of hostility and narcissistic maliciousness. And true to form, Trump turned the holiday into an homage to himself and his own petty grievances. It’s too long and repulsive to post in full. But a few excerpts are sufficient to give the tone of his repugnant regards…

“Happy Fourth of July to all, including to our highly incapable ‘President,’ who uses Prosecutors to go after his Political Opponent.”

Of course, despite his incessant whining, President Biden had nothing to do with with Trump’s prosecutions. And he was found guilty unanimously of 34 felonies by a jury of his peers. As for his capability, Biden’s administration is the most productive in more than 50 years. But Trump wasn’t through kvetching…

“Also, respects to our potentially new Democrat Challenger, Laffin’ Kamala Harris.”

Trump loves to make up infantile nicknames for his enemies. That’s because his emotional maturity stalled at about seven years. It’s telling that the best he could do for Vice-President Harris is a name that notes her jovial nature. Which is something that he must envy considering his rancid personality. It’s also something that the Trump cult has latched onto…

And what Trump rant would be complete without a swipe at special counsel Jack Smith?

“Someone else that I have to compliment is a Deranged Biden Prosecutor named Jack Smith, who has become a Legend in his own mind.”

You have to wonder why Trump spends so much time and money trying to avoid Smith in court, by filing repeated motions to delay the trials. If he thinks that Smith is such a loser, why wouldn’t he be anxious to face him court and clear his name. Clearly Trump is afraid because he knows that he’s guilty and will be convicted of even more felonies.

Trump has once again demonstrated that he is more concerned about himself than his country. He can’t even celebrate Independence Day without turning it into a gripe session to assuage his vengeance-driven ego. It’s a psychosis that he has exhibited for years. And it’s only getting worse.


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Terrified Trump Calls Special Counsel Jack Smith a ‘Criminal’ and Demands that He Be Arrested

The legal quagmire that is engulfing Donald Trump has been a source of debilitating anxiety for him as he spends his days in court scowling and sobbing that he is a victim of meanies in the justice system who are out to get him because he is so universally beloved. And at every opportunity he falsely accuses his “persecutors” of being controlled by the all-powerful President Biden who is somehow also a babbling incompetent.

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Trump Fear

When you’re admitting that you’re losing to someone that you malign as so racked with senility that he “can’t put two sentences together,” you’re saying more about yourself and your own weaknesses than that of your adversary. But That’s what Trump is doing every time he castigates Biden. It’s also true about Trump’s attacks on others he fears and/or hates, such as special counsel Jack Smith.

MORE HERE: Trump’s Lawyer on Fox News Accuses Jack Smith of Contempt of Court – For Doing His Job

It’s notable that Trump never defends himself with actual evidence of his innocence. Rather, he just lashes out at his foes with infantile insults and nicknames, or repeats ad nauseum his insistence that all the charges against him are hoaxes. On Saturday morning Trump posted some comments on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, that reveal just how desperately he fears the fates that await him at the hands of the law.

Specifically, on this occasion, Trump is once again aiming his noxious wrath at Smith. In one post Trump shouts in all caps “ARREST DERANGED JACK SMITH. HE IS A CRIMINAL!” Trump’s “proof” comes in the form of a link to an article by an ultra-rightist website that asserts that Smith “tampered” with evidence. Trump elaborated on that baseless allegation in another post where he wrote that…

“It has always been clear that the ‘Documents Case’ is nothing but an Election Interference Scam concocted by Crooked Joe Biden, Deranged Jack Smith, and their Hacks and Thugs. Now, Deranged Jack has admitted in a filing in front of Judge Cannon to what I have been saying happened since the Illegal RAID on my home, Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Florida – That he and his team committed blatant Evidence Tampering by mishandling the very Boxes they used as a pretext to bring this Fake Case. These deeply Illegal actions by the Politicized ‘Persecutors’ mandate that this whole Witch Hunt be DROPPED IMMEDIATELY. END THE ‘BOXES HOAXES.’ MAGA2024!”

There is a lot of bull manure to unpack in that posting. Let’s start with the fact that Smith never admitted to any evidence tampering. Also, there was nothing illegal about the search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago bunker. There was a lawful search warrant obtained after Trump repeatedly lied to the FBI about the classified documents he had stolen. Also, Biden had nothing whatsoever to do with any of it.

What’s more, the allegations that Trump is making are twisted misrepresentations of reality. A more factual account was reported by Politico who said that…

“Special counsel Jack Smith’s team acknowledged Friday that some evidence in the prosecution of former President Donald Trump for hoarding classified documents at his Florida home may not be in the same sequence FBI agents found it when they swept into the Mar-a-Lago compound with a search warrant in August 2022.”

In short, the contents of some of the boxes were not in the same order as the digital catalogues that were created. The verified explanation was that some of the contents had shifted during transport. In a few other cases some temporary placeholders were not removed when the permanent cover sheets were supplied. But in every case, the very same documents were in every box. Nothing was missing, and nothing had been altered. It was all minor errors on indexes that had no effect whatsoever on the evidence or the case.

So that’s what Trump is frantically yammering about that he believes warrants the arrest of Smith, and the dropping of all charges. It’s a position consistent with his aspirations of dictatorship, wherein he can incarcerate anyone he wants without justification, and be granted “total immunity” for any crime he feels like committing. Of course, all of that would be a travesty of justice and thoroughly anti-American. And it’s his fantasy of a tyrannical reign that he must never be allowed to achieve.


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Trump’s Lawyer on Fox News Accuses Jack Smith of Contempt of Court – For Doing His Job

This week a federal appeals court will hear arguments relating to Donald Trump’s claim of “presidential immunity” from some the 91 felony charges he is currently facing. It’s a peculiar legal strategy wherein Trump, unlike rational defendants, is choosing to refrain from assertions that he is innocent, in favor of a convincing the court that he is entitled to break any laws that he wants.

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Donald Trump, Wah

To assist him in this profoundly eccentric defense, Trump has assembled a crack team of attorneys, featuring former parking lot lawyer, Alina Habba. While she has little to no experience in constitutional or criminal law, she does meet Trump’s highest priority for representation: She looks good on TV. Unfortunately for Trump, that doesn’t help him to prevail in any matter of law.

SEE THIS: WTF? Trump Attorney Says He Should Be Free to Defame, Wrongfully Jail, and Incite Insurrections

On Sunday Habba joined Fox News Senior Trump-fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, for a morning mass and adoration of Dear Leader. The services began with Ava Maria offering Habba an opportunity to probe Trump’s latest assault on special counsel Jack Smith.

Bartiromo: First I want to ask you about special counsel Jack Smith. What is President Trump’s reasoning for wanting him to be held in contempt?
Habba: Because he is in contempt. He has clearly ignored the Court’s stay of the decision, the decision is completely disregarded. Just like anything, the radical left are pushing their own agenda.”

So to summarize, the reason Trump wants Smith to be held in contempt is “because he is in contempt.” Which is the same sort of legal genius that holds that a murderer is guilty because he’s guilty. Habba elaborates on her argument by raising the specter of the invisible but ever present “radical left [who] are pushing their own agenda.” Which, of course, has nothing to do with the matters before this court. She then proceeds to explain the details of the case to Bartiromo and the Fox News cult.

“What happened is there was a stay in the proceeding. That means that all actions, all activities on that case must stop until the issue of presidential immunity is addressed. That means that the president would have immunity during the time, as he was sitting president. The same immunity Biden and Obama and everybody else does.”

Habba’s analysis of the law leaves out a couple of critical factors: “Analysis” and “law.” Her assertion that a stay “means that all actions, all activities on that case must stop.” is ludicrous. A stay does not prohibit attorneys on either side from continuing to work independently on their case. Only the court proceedings are paused. If the prosecutor chooses to keep working, but the defense decides to take a break, that is entirely up to them.

Habba is also mistaken with her opinion on “presidential immunity” when she claims that a stay “means that the president would have immunity during the time.” No it doesn’t. The question of immunity, which is the very principle that resulted in the stay, has not been adjudicated and, therefore, Trump cannot be presumed to have it. Particularly the way he defines it that is so preposterously broad that it would indemnify a president from any crime, including murder. Does he really want to set that legal precedent while Joe Biden is still in the White House?

Special Counsel Smith responded to Trump’s contempt charge saying that “the Government intends to comply with its continuing discovery obligations” so that the pretrial schedule can be resumed after the stay is resolved.

Habba also whined that Jack Smith “has continuously filed motions to inundate our team.” That complaint was specifically addressed by Smith in his response. After reiterating that the government has not violated the stay order, he says that…

“Nothing here requires any action by the defendant, and he fails to explain how the mere receipt of discovery materials that he is not obligated to review, or the early filing of Government pleadings to which he does not yet need to respond, possibly burdens him.”

While all of this was going on, Trump was busy posting rambling and incoherent comments on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. Such as his tediously repetitive claim that “The least I am entitled to is Presidential Immunity on Fake Biden Indictments!”

So if anyone is “pushing their own agenda” while the proceedings are stayed, it’s Trump. Likewise, if anyone is violating the court’s stay order, it’s Trump and Habba. At least by their own definitions. All they are really doing is revealing their fear, desperation and ignorance. This may play well among the MAGA minions, but it isn’t going to go very far in a court of law.


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Trump’s Fear and Desperation Kick Into High Gear in Bonkers Rant About the Supreme Court Appeal

The legal tribulations of Donald Trump took a turn for the worse this week as special counsel Jack Smith sought to bypass the appellate circuit courts and have the Supreme Court rule on Trump’s frivolous motion to dismiss the case involving his role in the January 6th insurrection.

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Donald Trump Angry

Trump’s ludicrous motion argues that he has universal impunity to commit any crime, due to what he calls “presidential immunity.” By his demented reckoning, he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and be legally untouchable. And the thought of anyone challenging his perverse perspective of blanket indemnity enrages him. Consequently, upon hearing about Smith’s request, Trump was predictably apoplectic, a state he achieves at surprisingly frequent intervals. Like whenever he is awake.

SEE THIS: Trump Confesses to Bouts of Rage and Gluttony After Liz Cheney Reports His Reaction to January 6

In a furious tirade delivered during a speech in Iowa (video below), Trump lashed out at Smith’s perfectly reasonable and legally astute request. And as is often the case, his own words are more damning, and demonstrative of his cognitive decline, than those of his harshest critics. They require little commentary to expose how painfully hollow and bereft of reason his rants are. He began by babbling that…

“Now they’re saying let’s rush it to the Supreme Court. We gotta rush it, rush it, rush it. They could have started three years ago. Everything – nothing changed. They could have started three years ago, but they didn’t. They started just recently with this crap. They started just recently. They could have brought this lawsuit three years ago, right after I left. It’s been three years. But they didn’t do that. And now they’re saying ‘We have to go immediately before the Supreme Court.’ This thing would have all been over with two years ago. But they waited and waited and waited.

Reminiscent of his “Russia, Russia, Russia,” rant, Trump is now yammering “rush it, rush it, rush it.” That was followed by his tedious complaint that his perceived persecutors waited too long to charge him. However, Smith was appointed more than a year ago, and the Justice Department probe began well before that. But there’s an even bigger problem with Trump’s complaint that “they could have brought this lawsuit three years ago.” Three years ago he had not yet committed some the crimes he is being charged with.

SEE ALSO: Trump is FREAKING OUT, Saying that His Trials Should Have Started Before He Committed His Crimes

Notice also that Trump is repeating himself incessantly. And not just the “rush it” rhetoric. In the brief segment above he refers four times to the “three years” that he complains went by. Psychologists might diagnose this as Palilalia, a condition that is frequently present in people suffering from neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease.

But Trump was just getting started. He continued his caterwauling…

“And then they saw I was running. And they waited and then they saw I was hot. And they filed lawsuits. These are very dishonest people. That’s called election interference. These are very – and now they’re fighting like hell because they want to try and get a guilty plea from the Supreme Court of the United States, which I can’t imagine cause you have presidential immunity.”

Trump’s assertion that a criminal prosecution is “election interference” makes no sense whatsoever. If accepted as a plausible defense it would permit a would-be murderer to announce his candidacy before committing his crime, and then be excused from prosecution until after his campaign and term in office.

Trump is also exhibiting his pitifully ignorant grasp of the law. The Supreme Court does not issue judgements of guilt or innocence. And they certainly don’t issue guilty pleas. They only ascertain whether the lower courts and/or the law were in compliance with the Constitution.

Finally, Trump reiterates his claim of presidential immunity, which he is anxious to have the courts affirm. So then why is he objecting to this question being elevated to the Supreme Court where his arguments can be heard and decided more expeditiously? On the one hand he whines that “They waited and waited and waited.” Now he’s simultaneously complaining that they are rushing it.

Perhaps it’s because he knows that his argument is preposterous and won’t be affirmed by a profoundly conservative court with three of his own appointees. Or maybe he’s just as riddled with dementia as many of his critics – including those who know him well – have been saying for years. Or maybe some of both.

In any case, he is proving that he is wholly unfit to serve as president, or in any other public office. And the fact that he is still the leading candidate for the Republican Party’s nomination for president tells you all you need to know about them as well.


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Trump Wants to Star in a Reality TV Version of His Trial – But He Will Regret If It Happens

The legal tribulations of Donald Trump are weighing on him heavily as the prospects of his finally being held accountable for his political and personal crime spree are too obvious for him to ignore. With each new day there is a revelation that exacerbates his fears and produces ever more unhinged reactions.

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Donald Trump TV Set

During the testimony of Trump and his criminal accomplices (Don Jr, Eric, and Ivanka) in their New York financial fraud case, America learned that the former first family was repeatedly unable to recall anything about running the business empire that they claim is evidence of their superior intellect and acumen.

SEE THIS: Deranged Donald Trump Whines that the ‘Fake’ Media Reported What Even He Admits is the Truth

What those attending the trial saw were sheepish and frightened defendants who know that they their years of getting away with cheating business associates and the government are coming to an end. Unfortunately, the rest of the country had to be satisfied with descriptions of the melodrama because video is not permitted in the courtroom.

However, Trump’s attorneys in the upcoming federal case wherein Trump is charged with election subversion have just filed a motion to waive the prohibition on cameras and allow the media to record and the report the proceedings. The motion by Trump’s remaining lawyers that haven’t been indicted or disbarred, John Lauro and Todd Blanche, assert that…

“The prosecution wishes to continue this travesty in darkness. President Trump calls for sunlight. Every person in America, and beyond, should have the opportunity to study this case firsthand and watch as, if there is a trial, President Trump exonerates himself of these baseless and politically motivated charges.” […]

“There is a high risk that proceeding behind closed doors under these circumstances would serve to further undermine confidence in the United States justice system, while continuing to prejudice President Trump’s rights.” […]

It’s true that the office of special prosecutor Jack Smith has opposed televising the trial. But not because they like darkness. They are concerned about the safety of court personnel, witnesses, and jurors. There have already been incidents of threats and assaults due to Trump’s incendiary rhetoric and intentional acts of intimidation. On the other hand, both the Democrats and the media are also lobbying for cameras in the courtroom. Those are the same parties that Trump’s lawyers accuse of wanting darkness so they can prejudice Trump’s rights.

However, Trump’s lawyers are lying in their filing when they refer to the charges against Trump as being “baseless and politically motivated.” The prosecution has already presented abundant evidence of Trump’s guilt. And there is nothing that points to any political motivations. They are also lying by characterize the trial as being “behind closed doors.” It is an open proceeding that journalists of all political persuasions are invited to attend. And like Trump himself, his attorneys are delusional when they speak of how Trump “exonerates himself.”

SEE ALSO: Trump’s Derangement Spirals Ever Downward as He Impotently Promises to Prove His Innocence

Trump’s attorneys are arguing that he wants TV coverage of the trial because it will allow the public to “hear all the evidence regarding an election that President Trump believes was rigged and stolen,” and that otherwise the public would have to rely on “biased, secondhand accounts coming from the Biden Administration and its media allies.”

First of all, this trial is not a forum for Trump to continue pushing his “Big Lie” about the 2020 election being “rigged and stolen.” That has been tried more than 60 times and found to have no merit whatsoever. This trial is about establishing Trump’s role in undermining democracy, attempting to obstruct Congress from certifying the election, and engaging in a fake elector scam.

Secondly, the media coverage of the trial is just as likely to come from the “biased, secondhand accounts” of MAGA media outlets like Fox News, Newsmax, and certainly Trump himself via his failing Truth Social scam website. As for “accounts coming from the Biden Administration,” it has thus far been completely silent about Trump’s four indictments on 91 felony charges. So that allegation is simply made up by Trump’s lawyers.

The truth is that Trump is still the same reality TV game show host that he was before he ran for president. He believes that his pumpkin-hued presence on camera is sufficient to excite the adoration of everyone in the audience. However, considering the fact that he has never had an approval rating that exceeded his disapproval, and he is less popular now than ever, he is likely to be disappointed by the widespread revulsion he generates should the trial actually be televised.

The general public is not the same as the glassy-eyed cult followers that show up at his rallies. And Trump would learn that the hard way if the trial were televised. Although that is something he probably won’t have to worry about since the rules prohibiting cameras are unlikely to be changed. And that may be another explanation for Trump’s sudden appeal for “sunlight.” He knows it won’t happen, but wants credit for asking for it. He’s the one who prefers darkness and the ability to lie in the courtroom’s hallways about actually took place.


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Deranged Donald Trump Whines that the ‘Fake’ Media Reported What Even He Admits is the Truth

The accelerating desperation of Donald Trump is impossible to ignore as his legal tribulations mount and his ability to respond coherently declines. The past week saw Trump and his criminally complicit clan (Don Jr, Eric, and Ivanka) testify in the financial fraud trial taking place in New York. But employing feigned ignorance is not a particularly clever defense strategy.

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Donald Trump, CNN

The Trumps took the stand reluctantly and each of these self-professed business “geniuses” claimed that they couldn’t recall significant events in their administration of Trump Organization affairs. That crudely coordinated defense relies on the argument that they are either incompetent stooges or suffering from some rare form of inbred amnesia. At least for The Donald, there is some validity to that argument.

SEE THIS: Trump Suffers Mental Collapse Over Poll that Asks About His Obviously Collapsing Mental Health

In the latest of his ongoing online harangues, Trump lashed out at his perennial media foe, CNN. But this time he was outraged that the network reported something that he conceded was true in the very same comment. The post on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, was a marvel of maliciousness and mendacity. What follows is an annotated examination of Trump’s tirade that displays a pathology that is both tormented and impotent. He began…

“Fake News CNN just did a story, leaked by Deranged Prosecutor Jack Smith and his massive team of Radical Left Lunatics, that various people saw papers and boxes at Mar-a-Lago. Of course they did! They may have been the boxes etc. that were openly and plainly brought from the White House, as is my right under the Presidential Records Act.”

Trump is appalled that CNN had the audacity to report that the boxes of classified documents he stole and hoarded at his Mar-a-Lago hotel/home were seen by “various people.” He calls it “fake news” even though he agrees that “of course” it was true. And he thinks that special counsel Jack Smith is deranged?

What Trump is referring to is a CNN report that Smith has subpoenaed several Mar-a-Lago employees with knowledge of Trump’s mishandling of the classified materials that he lied to the FBI about having. These employees can not only attest to Trump’s possession of the documents, but to his alleged attempts to hide them from authorities.

What’s more, Trump continues to use the Presidential Records Act to justify his misconduct, even though the Act explicitly states that “Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the [National] Archivist as soon as the President leaves office.” But Trump was just getting started. He continues…

“I even supplied, upon request, Security Tapes to these Election Interfering Thugs. Is this really ‘Breaking News?’ No, it’s ‘Breaking Fake News.’ But what about all of the papers, boxes, and documents found at NUMEROUS Crooked Joe Biden places, like his garage floor by his cherished Corvette, or CHINATOWN where it was just learned that boxes moved freely in and out. He doesn’t come under the Presidential Records Act because he wasn’t President at the time.”

The “breaking” news was that the Mar-a-Lago staff had been subpoenaed. And it was newsworthy enough to catch Trump’s attention and spark his seething anger. And as usual, Trump tries to divert attention from himself to his arch enemy, President Biden. What Trump fails to mention is that Biden never tried to claim that he owned the documents in question. He never lied to the FBI. He never withheld anything after authorities requested it be returned. In short, he never violated any of the many laws that Trump did. But in Trump’s mind, the greater crime is always just the act of holding him accountable for his crimes…

“Deranged Jack Smith has spent over $100,000,000 investigating me on this phony Russia, Russia, Russia, type Scam. How much $’s have they spent investigating Crooked Joe on his much bigger boxes deal?””

For the record, Smith’s investigation had only spent $9 million as of July. Trump is apparently using the same perverted math that he used to mis-value his real estate properties, which is what got him indicted for financial fraud in the first place. The Biden probe has spent less than $2 million, partly because he has been cooperating rather than obstructing, like Trump has been doing. And Trump knows what Smith’s probe has cost because he posted a comment on it at the time…

“Deranged Jack Smith, the wacko prosecutor that Corrupt Joe Biden and his Thugs stuck on me during the political campaign in which Biden is losing “BIG” (an absolute No, No!), just announced that he has spent over 9 million dollars, already, on this continuing Witch Hunt.”

The fact that Trump lies incessantly isn’t going to surprise anyone. But his openness and pitifully poor execution remains surprising if only because most people get better at things when they do them so frequently. Trump, apparently, is not only ignorant and dishonest, he’s incapable of learning. But he nevertheless remains impressed with himself and his own perception of his imaginary brilliance. He is what he would call “deranged.”


Wannabe Messiah Trump Claims to Be Standing Up to the ‘Demonic Forces’ Destroying Our Country

How did America get to be so lucky as to have its own personal savior fighting a solitary battle against the armies of Satan who are seeking to annihilate all traces of goodness and light from a nation of blind believers? It surely is a blessing that the prospect of a dystopian future has been foiled due to the divine deeds of the deified Donald Trump.

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Donald Trump Messiah

That’s how Trump has been presenting himself and his mission ever since he descended from the heavens on a golden escalator. He views the country as being in a downward spiral that only he can prevent. America is, in his diseased mind, a hell-hole wherein its suffering citizens are too scared to venture from their besieged abodes into a world of terror and pain.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Fear Mongering Lies About ‘Streets Drenched in Blood’ Reach New Depths of Depravity

Coming to the rescue is Dear Leader Trump, who has been anointed by god to confront the evil that has enveloped the nation. And it’s a role that he takes on with pride in order to free his people from perdition and servitude. He told his cult followers at the “Pray Vote Stand” summit sponsored by the ultra-rightist Family Research Council that…

“I wanted to, and had to, stand up to the communists, the Marxists, and the atheists, and the evil and demonic forces that want to destroy our country. They’re destroying our country. I took their fire and I did it gladly. I’m protecting the people in this room, I’m protecting the people of this nation. And I have to tell you it’s not easy. But it’s something that’s such an honor to be doing.”

If anyone is a “demonic force” that is trying to “destroy our country” maybe it’s the guy who was impeached twice and is currently awaiting trial on four criminal indictments with 91 felony counts, including conspiring to overthrow the government and undermine democracy. And it’s hard to argue that you are “gladly” taking fire, when all you ever do is whine and lie and unleash hostile assaults on dedicated public servants in law enforcement, the Justice Department, the judiciary, the media, and any politician that doesn’t kiss your…let’s say ring.

As an example of Trump’s commitment to battling evil, consider his outburst on Friday at the same summit wherein he attacked special counsel Jack Smith saying that…

“He is a deranged individual and he wants to take away my First Amendment rights. They went to court to get an order that I can’t speak.”

What Trump is referring to is the special counsel’s request that the court instruct Trump to refrain from threatening and intimidating persons connected to his indictments. The motion asserted that…

“Like his previous public disinformation campaign regarding the 2020 presidential election, the defendant’s recent extrajudicial statements are intended to undermine public confidence in an institution [and] intimidate individuals — the Court, the jury pool, witnesses, and prosecutors. […] The defendant knows that when he publicly attacks individuals and institutions, he inspires others to perpetrate threats and harassment against his targets.”

It’s notable that Trump’s attack on Smith came after the special counsel’s motion. So in effect, Trump has bolstered the argument that his comments should be constrained. Also, contrary to his pathetic yelping and delusions of victimhood, Trump’s First Amendment rights are not being infringed. The Constitution doesn’t protect threats and intimidation, especially against court officers, witnesses, and potential jurors.

However, when you regard yourself as a holy warrior and disciple of god, anything you say and do is within the realm of divinity. And that is how Trump sees himself and his messianic mission. Or at least that’s how he wants his tiny klan of glassy-eyed disciples to see him. And sadly, too many of them do


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Trump Threatens ‘Weak’ Republicans in Congress: ‘We Will Put Them All In Jail Where They Belong’

The furious hostility and seething animus of Donald Trump are perhaps the most quintessential characteristics of his perverse personality. The only times that he isn’t lashing out malevolently at his perceived enemies is when he is lavishing wholly undue praise upon himself.

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The targets of Trump’s tantrums are generally Democrats and political foes, including President Biden, former President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and leaders in Congress such as Nancy Pelosi. More recently Trump has made it his mission to viciously malign the judges and prosecutors connected to his multitude of criminal indictments and felony charges of crimes against America. His behavior exposes nothing more than his festering fear of the consequences of his crimes.

SEE THIS: Trump is Flush With Fear Over His Dreadful Future and the Deluge of Justice That’s Coming

However, Trump doesn’t reserve his vile vitriol for Democrats and justice officials. He is often equally disparaging toward his confederates in the Republican Party. He regularly attacks Mitch McConnell and other insufficiently worshipful GOP representatives. On Wednesday Trump went a bit farther than his ordinary measure of malice when he posted this comment on his failing social media scam, Truth Social

“Right now Republicans in Congress and the Senate have to get tough, and put everything together in one big, neat package, because I will be President in one and a half years, and we will pick the strongest, toughest, and most respected Attorney General, and if guilty, we will put them all in jail where they belong, just as they are trying to do to me based on NOTHING.”

Trump has been whining that Republicans in Congress have been too weak with regard to defending him. He believes that the GOP in Congress have some role in reigning in the judiciary, despite the Constitution’s separation powers. He wants them to defund and otherwise hamstring the Justice Department and prosecutors investigating his criminal activities. In other words, he is promising to “weaponize” the Department of Justice.

Coming from another angle, Trump is disappointed with Republicans for not more fiercely attacking President Biden and seeking his immediate impeachment. Never mind that they don’t have a shred of evidence of any wrongdoing. They have no use for evidence, particularly when it reveals their own crimes more than anything else. But that hasn’t stopped Trump from castigating them and fantasizing about their incarceration. Some recent examples include…

Any Republican that doesn’t act on Democratic fraud should be immediately primaried and get out.”

They impeach me, they indict me. And the Republicans just don’t fight the way … they’re supposed to fight.”

Biden is a Stone Cold Crook-You don’t need a long INQUIRY to prove it, it’s already proven. These lowlifes Impeached me TWICE (I WON!), and Indicted me FOUR TIMES – For NOTHING! Either IMPEACH the BUM, or fade into OBLIVION.”

Republicans better get tough and they better get smart because most of them look like a bunch of weak jerks right now.”

Republicans all, you must finally get tough. You’ve got to get tough and you’ve got to show them, when you arrest your leading political opponent, we no longer have a democracy.”

Remember, all of these Indictments, Federal, State, and Local, were conceived and generated by Crooked Joe Biden and his staff of Radical Left Lunatics and Thugs for purposes of interfering with the 2020 Presidential Election. None of these trials should be allowed to begin prior to the Election. Republicans must get tougher and smarter, FAST!”

Clearly Trump is desperate and afraid, which is driving him to bully his fellow Republicans into more forcefully supporting his delusions and quest for power. He knows what he’s done, and he knows that he’s guilty, and that he’s likely to be convicted. Yet he appears to have forgotten what he thinks about candidates who are under felony indictments. So this might be a good time to remind him.

SEE ALSO: Donald Trump: Presidential Candidates Under Felony Indictment Have ‘No Right to Be Running’


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Trump Shows Off His Ignorance and Detachment From Reality in Rabid Rants to Impeach Biden

An obviously frantic Donald Trump is unleashing a stream of bile and belligerence in the wake of a court ruling that his trial on charges of subverting democracy and attempting to stage a violent coup is now scheduled to begin on March 4, 2024. That’s just two months later than special counsel Jack Smith requested, and two years sooner than Trump did.

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Joe Biden, Donald Trump

Despite Judge Tanya Chutkan’s prior admonitions to Trump that he refrain from making threatening or intimidating comments directed to the court, prosecutors, or witnesses, Trump lashed out with hostile assaults at “Deranged Jack Smith & his team of Thugs” and a “Trump Hating Judge” He appears to be testing how far he can take his rancor before he is slapped with contempt and remanded to custody. By some measures he has already crossed that line.

RELATED: LOCK HIM UP! Trump’s Vile Lies About Judge Violate Court Orders to Cease Inflammatory Statements

Meanwhile, Trump is bloviating over past compulsions such as his pair of impeachments. In one comment posted on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, Trump complains about what he regards as a fundamental unfairness that he suffered as compared to his arch foe, President Biden. But, as usual, he gets everything wrong. Trump wrote that…


First of all, Trump did not “win” his impeachment against the “FASCHISTS” (sic). His impeachment by the House of Representatives – twice – is a permanent part of the historical record. That isn’t changed by the Senate not having convicted him and removing him from office. And for the record, a majority of the Senate voted for conviction, including seven Republicans. But that did not meet the two-thirds vote necessary for conviction.

Trump is also wrong about there not having been an impeachment inquiry. In fact, House Speaker nancy Pelosi did initiate an inquiry prior to the eventual vote on the House floor. As reported at the time

“Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Tuesday that the House of Representatives will open an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.”

What’s more, Pelosi’s formal announcement wasn’t even necessary because…

“[M]embers of the House Judiciary Committee said that they have already begun to consider passing articles of impeachment and that they are in an inquiry.”

In addition to these ravings, Trump posted a flagrant lie asserting that the special counsel “met with high officials at the White House just prior to these political SleazeBags Indicating me.” How dare those “SleazeBags” “indicate” Trump, whatever that means. Trump claims that those meetings are proof that “Biden and his Fascist Thugs” were engaging in “Election Interference.” Except that the truth is that Smith’s team was not colluding with the Biden administration. They were interviewing witnesses in the classified documents case who happened to be working in the White House, and were working there during Trump’s term.

And if that’s not enough malarkey from Trump, he also posted a comment asserting that…

“Biden is a Stone Cold Crook-You don’t need a long INQUIRY to prove it, it’s already proven. […] Either IMPEACH the BUM, or fade into OBLIVION. THEY DID IT TO US!”

Despite not having a shred of evidence of any wrongdoing by Biden, Trump is ready to convict him without trial. And he is threatening his Republican confederates to move forward with impeachment or be cast into “OBLIVION.” Sadly, the cowardly Republicans in the House are susceptible to Trump’s threats and all to willing to go along with Trump’s totalitarian tantrums.

Finally, Trump explicitly admits that his motivations are purely for revenge because “THEY DID IT TO US!” Although what was done (four criminal indictments on 91 felony charges) was done to him on the basis of mountains of evidence and testimony, mostly from Republicans and former Trump staffers. But the Trump cult isn’t interested in those pesky things the rest of us know as facts.


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LOCK HIM UP! Trump’s Vile Lies About Judge Violate Court Orders to Cease Inflammatory Statements

Another day, another display by Donald Trump of rancid acrimony and hatred smothered in dishonesty and a determination to deceive weak-minded cultists and to foment violence. These outpourings of Trump’s dark and venomous visions serve only as futile attempts to pacify his fears and to suck funds from his glassy-eyed disciples.

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Donald Trump, Woman, Fear

Last week Trump was given a stern warning by Judge Tanya Chutkan, who presiding over his election fraud and coup attempt case in Washington, D.C. She warned him that any further “inflammatory statements” regarding the case, including those aimed at prosecutors and witnesses, would result in harsh consequences that “would force her to speed his trial on charges related to his bid to subvert the 2020 election.” Trump managed to restrain himself for a few hours, but now he is, as expected, reverting to his familiar form of infantile insults as his total lack of self control reasserts itself.

SEE THIS: OH MY: Judge Warns Trump that His ‘Inflammatory Statements’ Could Hasten His Legal Horror Story

However, after having been explicitly ordered to refrain from such rhetoric, Trump’s outbursts are now justification for sanctions by the court, which can include anything from financial penalties to incarceration. And the determination of his breach of judicial orders is not a close call. On his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, Trump raged that…

“Judge Tanya Chutkan—an Obama leftwing activist judge in DC, whose husband also got appointed by Obama as a DC judge—openly admitted she’s running election interference against Trump.”

Of course, Judge Chutkan never “admitted” any such thing. What Trump is referring to is part of her admonition last week wherein she told Trump that…

“What the defendant is currently doing — the fact that he’s running a political campaign has to yield to the orderly administration of justice. If that means he can’t say exactly what he wants to say about witnesses in this case, that’s how it has to be”

In other words, Chutkan is treating Trump like any other criminal defendant who would not be permitted to attack or intimidate people associated with the trial. She is actually being rather lenient by not subjecting him to a full-on gag order. She further noted that,,,

“Mr. Trump, like every American, has a First Amendment right to free speech. But that right is not aboslute… Defendant’s free speech is subject to the release conditions imposed at arraignment and it must yield to the orderly administration of justice.”

Undeterred by the judge’s warnings, Trump re-posted a comment that maligned the integrity of the court, saying that “Donald Trump is not going to get a fair shake in DC, the home of the swamp.” He disparaged the jury pool saying that the people of D.C. “support a double-standard of justice” and that the prosecution was a “politicized case.” And he then extended his assault to special counsel Jack Smith, saying

“How dare lowlife prosecutor, Deranged Jack Smith, break into my former Twitter account without informing me and, indeed, trying to completely hide this atrocity from me. What could he possibly find out that is not already known. Just like the early morning raid of Mar-a-Lago! Why isn’t the DOJ raiding Crooked Joe Biden, the most CORRUPT (and Incompetent!) President in the history of the United States?”

For the record, it is routine for prosecutors to seek communications by defendants that could provide evidence of wrongdoing, conspiracy, and consciousness of guilt. And such probes are rarely disclosed to the subject to prevent them from tampering with, or destroying the evidence. As for why President Biden was not the subject of raids, it is quite simply because, unlike Trump, he always cooperated with law enforcement and never lied to them as Trump did.

SEE ALSO: Crybaby Trump’s Indictment Defense Strategy Revealed: Whine Endlessly About President Biden

Trump also accused Chutkan of being a “highly partisan Judge [who] obviously wants me behind bars. VERY BIASED & UNFAIR!” His “proof” of that were comments she made in the sentencing of one of Trump’s insurrectionists, wherein she accurately described the January 6th StormTrumpers as “people who mobbed the Capitol [and] were there in fealty, in loyalty, to one man — not to the Constitution.”

Given the unequivocal ugliness of Trump’s statements, and how flagrantly they violate the court orders, Judge Chutkan should seriously consider sanctioning Trump. Failing to do so would only embolden him to engage in more attacks and intimidation. It’s long past time that he be held accountable.


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