Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All

Donald Trump may have just provided Democrats with the best campaign tactic to deploy against him. Not that his atrocious record in office, or his vicious hostility, or his infantile behavior, or his humiliating ignorance, or his 34 felony convictions, or his 54 other pending felony indictments, or his half-billion dollar judgment for having committed […]

Crybaby Trump Whines that ‘I Am a Political Prisoner,’ then Proves He Has No Idea What that Means

One of the most predictable personality flaws that convicted felon Donald Trump displays is his pitiful and persistent pronouncements of victimhood. For someone who is so obsessed with presenting an image of strength, he sure complains a lot about how he is so bruised and battered by his innumerable foes including those he regards as […]

CRYBABY TRUMP Says ‘The Case is Going Fine,’ While Also Whining About How Badly It’s Going

As the second week of Donald Trump’s election interference (aka hush money) case winds up, Trump is providing a bit of legal analysis for the gathering press outside the courtroom. As usual, Trump’s perspective is utterly devoid of anything resembling reason, or for that matter, reality. Click here to Tweet this article From the outset […]

Crybaby Trump is Miffed that His MAGA Cult Isn’t Storming the Courts to Protest His Persecution

On the first day of testimony in Donald Trump’s election interference (aka “hush money”) trial in New York, the defendant sat ruefully contemplating his fate. When he wasn’t nodding off, he is reported to have appeared tired and annoyed as the opening statements were delivered. Click here to Tweet this article Trump’s attorney embarked on […]

Crybaby Trump Has a New Year’s Eve Breakdown Over Former Staffers Telling the Truth About Him

Poor Donald Trump isn’t having a very happy New Year. Instead, he is spending it posting odious outbursts on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. By noon he had posted 41 comments that put his psychoses prominently on display. And that was a holiday abbreviated crop of his crackpot commentary. Click here to Tweet […]

Crybaby Trump is Whining (Again) About Having a Blue Xmas – Poor Thing

On this Christmas Day, most of the American people who celebrate it are gathering with their families, exchanging gifts, and finding gratitude for their good fortune, even when circumstances might make that difficult for some. It’s a day for accentuating the positive and giving thanks. Click here to Tweet this article That, however, does not […]

Crybaby Trump Whines About Media Accurately Reporting Low Attendance at His Cult Rallies

For as long as Donald Trump has been in public life he has been obsessed with exalting himself as the smartest, handsomest, bestest at everything that any human being ever attempted. It’s the hallmark of a malignant narcissist, which, ironically, is something that he actually has excelled at. He glorifies himself – as he would […]

Crybaby Trump Returns to the New York Courtroom Where He Whines that ‘This is a Rigged Trial’

The trial of Donald Trump for financial fraud in New York has already produced abundant evidence of his corruption and guilt. There has, in fact, already been a summary judgement that Trump lied in his financial reporting and in documents provided to banks, insurers, and tax officials. Click here to Tweet this article Nevertheless, Trump […]

Crybaby Trump’s Indictment Defense Strategy Revealed: Whine Endlessly About President Biden

In the aftermath of the news that Donald Trump has been indicted for his brazenly unlawful mishandling of sensitive national security documents, the former guy has taken affirmative steps to defend himself and defeat what he sedately – and not at all psychotically – calls “THE RADICAL LEFT MARXISTS, FASCISTS, COMMUNISTS, LUNATICS, & DERANGED MANIACS” […]

Crybaby Trump is Panicking Over the Likelihood that He is About to Be Criminally Indicted

The “stable genius” of Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump, is once again demonstrating the stability that has become the hallmark of his abhorrent personality, or lack thereof. When he isn’t throwing temper tantrums for perceived insults, he is whining about not being sufficiently praised for things he never did. And he is, after all, the most fabulous […]