Crybaby Trump Has a New Year’s Eve Breakdown Over Former Staffers Telling the Truth About Him

Poor Donald Trump isn’t having a very happy New Year. Instead, he is spending it posting odious outbursts on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. By noon he had posted 41 comments that put his psychoses prominently on display. And that was a holiday abbreviated crop of his crackpot commentary.

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Donald Trump, Snowflakes

Despite his hatred of the media that he calls “the enemy of the people,” Trump watches it almost constantly, anchoring himself to his sofa with a Diet Coke, a bucket of KFC, and his remote control. He pays particular attention to any program wherein his name is mentioned. And he takes no days off to let his rancor rest for a while. He’s a 24/7 malice machine. Not even Christmas could keep Trump from delivering one of his animus-fueled rants…

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump is Whining (Again) About Having a Blue Xmas – Poor Thing

What triggered Trump on this New Year’s Eve was an interview that aired on ABC’s “This Week” that featured three of his former White House staffers (video below). Like many of the people who know Trump best, they have come to recognize just how dangerous he is, and how destructive to American democracy another Trump term would be. As ABC News reported

“Three women who served in former President Donald Trump’s White House are now warning against a possible second Trump term, with one of them saying it could mean ‘the end of American democracy as we know it.’

“For the first time, former White House Communications Director Alyssa Farah Griffin, former White House deputy press secretary Sarah Matthews, and former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson sat down together with ABC News ‘This Week’ co-anchor Jonathan Karl to discuss their roles in speaking out against Trump in the wake of Jan. 6.

“‘Fundamentally, a second Trump term could mean the end of American democracy as we know it, and I don’t say that lightly,’ Griffin, now a co-host of ABC’s ‘The View,’ told Karl, accusing the former president of having gone to ‘historic and unconstitutional lengths’ in attempting to ‘steal a democratic election’ and to stay in power.”

It was Griffin who attracted the brunt of Trump’s anger. Of the 41 posts on Truth Social, 11 were about Griffin. Mostly they were complimentary quotes from when she was still working for him. Trump seems to think that people don’t change their minds after seeing their boss incite an insurrection, and watch with glee as his cult followers smash doors and windows to break into the Capitol, assault police officers and members of Congress, and attempt to prevent the certification of a democratic election.

Griffin’s view that another Trump term could mean “the end of American democracy” was shared by her colleagues. They all spoke about how dangerous Trump is, and his promises of “retribution” should he reoccupy the White House. They acknowledged knowing other former staffers and members of Congress who feel the same way they do, but who aren’t speaking out due to fear of Trump’s threats against them personally and professionally.

SEE ALSO: Trump Cloddishly Dodges Hannity’s Softball Questions About Whether He Would Be a Dictator

They have seen what Trump’s rabid disciples are capable of. In addition to the storming of the Capitol, many of Trump’s critics have had to hire private security to protect them from his fanatic supporters. Which makes the courage of these three women all the more commendable. All of them have received death threats and other obscene harassment. And it isn’t coincidental that Trump’s attacks are directed at women.

The new year is likely to see more of the same sort of bullying and intimidation by Trump and his minions. In fact, it is likely to become even more intense as his legal tribulations continue to unfold. He makes the very same sort of rhetorical assaults on the prosecutors, witnesses, and judges in his cases. Which may – and should – land him jail for contempt of court.

Given the abundance of evidence against him, Trump is certain to be convicted of at least some of the 91 felony charges that he is currently facing. And the prospect of that is gnawing at him day and night. That will undoubtedly produce ever more manic outbursts. Consequently, the sooner Trump is held accountable for his crimes, the better off the nation – and the world – will be. And the sooner that we all can have a truly HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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3 thoughts on “Crybaby Trump Has a New Year’s Eve Breakdown Over Former Staffers Telling the Truth About Him

  1. Does he know the ‘chicken’ he gorges on, is a type of jungle rat used to hunt land mines? McDonalds has been buying the jungle rats, since the legs and breast meat are tasty. Best thing is jungle rats do have 4 legs and thighs! Trump’s favorite parts. If he hears about how he’s been fooled, he may starve. Explains his need for diapers by the gross. This is one more Election interference media inspired anti- Trump for ‘president’, fact. Feel free to enhance rumors loudly, often, and with great insights. Lies about Trump, repeated often become Trump facts. It’s how he operates, but can not stand.

    • Well, Trump will lose weight rather quickly if he starves, once he finds out about the chicken being a type of jungle rat used to hunt landmines. I like KFC but I don’t think I’ll be going back.

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