Putin Toady Tucker Carlson is Now Calling Jon Stewart ‘A Tool of the Regime in a Sinister Way’

The bitter feud that has long been simmering between Daily Show host, Jon Stewart, and fetid fish stick heir, Tucker Carlson, is heating up in the wake of Carlson’s latest bootlicking “interview” of Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin. And that increase in temperature isn’t helping to stem the stench of Tucker’s treasonous tendencies. Click here to […]

Jon Stewart Mercilessly Shreds Tucker Carlson’s Vile Veneration of Vladimir Putin and Russia

The return of Jon Stewart to “The Daily Show” is proving to be a stark reminder of just how much the world of media satire has been missing for the past nine years. His ability to wrap fact-filled commentaries in a humorous package with biting deliveries is unparalleled in contemporary comedy. Click here to Tweet […]

Putin Puppet Tucker Carlson a Few Days Before the Navalny Murder: ‘Every Leader Kills People’

Friday morning delivered news of the tragic death of Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader and Vladimir Putin’s most outspoken critic. Navalny’s passing in a Russian prison is heartbreaking, but not surprising. Click here to Tweet this article The death of such a prominent opponent of Putin comes at a time when the U.S. Congress […]

Tucker Carlson Snuggles Up to His Master, Vladimir Putin, in a Humiliating Parade of Propaganda

In what may be the most predictable presentation of pro-Russian propaganda of the year, former Fox News Trump-fluffer, Tucker Carlson, posted his embarrassingly obsequious “interview” of Russia’s dictator, Vladimir Putin. The two hour torture featured Carlson employing his constipated stare as his hero regurgitated well-worn talking points. Click here to Tweet this article Carlson’s adventures […]

Tucker Carlson Explains Why He’s in Moscow Sucking Up to His BFF Vladimir Putin

This week it was discovered that former Fox News Trump-fluffer, Tucker Carlson, is in Moscow, reportedly to interview the Russian dictator and MAGA hero, Vladimir Putin. It is not especially surprising that Carlson would travel to a country where journalists are routinely arrested or shoved out of windows. Although, that’s not something that he would […]

GOP is Drooling Over January 6th Video that Tucker Carlson Already Tried and Failed to Distort

Nearly three years after the violent insurrection at the Capitol that Donald Trump incited, Republicans and right-wing media are still trying to defend it as nothing more than a stroll through the park with a few thousand rampaging pals who were miffed that Congress was about to carry out their constitutional duty to certify that […]

HUH? Mike Pence Thanks Tucker Carlson for ‘Bringing Facts to the American People’ About Jan 6th

As the 2024 Republican primary season unfolds, the roster of candidates reflects just how radically the party has devolved into a bastion of lies, conspiracy theories, and the autocratic aspirations of Donald Trump and his heroes, such as Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un. Click here to Tweet this article The polls show that there […]

Tucker Carlson Disgorges a Wildly Incoherent and Hostile Anti-Biden and Anti-Democracy Diatribe

Ever since Tucker Carlson was banished from his perch at Fox News, he has been posting irregular tirades on Twitter to satisfy his egomaniacal thirst for attention and influence over his glassy-eyed disciples of wanton wingnuttery. Click here to Tweet this article Carlson’s Twantrums have been mostly venting the same hatred and division that he […]

A Primer on Jesse Watters Who is Replacing Former Fox News White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson

In April fox News suddenly, and without explanation, fired their top rated primetime host, Tucker Carlson. His pink slip came within days of the $787 million settlement that Fox agreed to pay to Dominion Voting Systems for defamation and lying about nonexistent election fraud. Click here to Tweet this article Although neither Fox nor Carlson […]