In April fox News suddenly, and without explanation, fired their top rated primetime host, Tucker Carlson. His pink slip came within days of the $787 million settlement that Fox agreed to pay to Dominion Voting Systems for defamation and lying about nonexistent election fraud.
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Although neither Fox nor Carlson connected the two events, it is hard to imagine that they weren’t related. After all, Carlson’s private communications were revealed in texts and emails that showed him viciously disparaging Donald Trump, as well as his Fox News colleagues and bosses.
SEE THIS: In Dominion v Fox News, Network Cries ‘We Can’t Make People Think We’ve Turned Against Trump’
Now, after two months and a series of on-air auditions, Fox News has announced that they have chosen Jesse Watters to replace Carlson. It’s sign of weakness that they are relying on Watters, and his fellow Fox Newsers (Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, and Greg Gutfeld) to rescue the network despite their historically low ratings. According to their competition at CNN…
“Fox News on Monday unveiled a revamped prime-time lineup, naming a new 8 pm host to fill the void left by Tucker Carlson’s firing and shuffling its biggest stars around to boost sagging ratings as viewers rebel to protest the popular host’s dismissal.
“The right-wing network announced that Laura Ingraham will helm its 7 pm hour; Jesse Watters will move to 8 pm; Sean Hannity will remain at 9 pm; Greg Gutfeld will slide an hour earlier to 10 pm; and Trace Gallagher will anchor 11 pm.
“The new schedule — made up almost entirely of hosts who have grown in popularity by feeding their loyal conservative audience a mixture of right-wing talking points, outrage and misinformation — will take effect on July 17.”
Jesse Watters is best known for his creepy stalking of women reporters – including some at Fox News – and for advocating shooting Dr. Anthony Fauci, telling his listeners to seek out Dr. Fauci in public and, when they find him, to confront him aggressively saying, “Now you go in with the kill shot. […and tell him…] You know why people don’t trust you, don’t you? BOOM! He is dead.
For the record, what follows is a primer of the repugnant programs that Watters has presented. It provides a clear picture of what to expect in the future.
- Fox News Whines that ‘You’re Putting Donald Trump’s Life in Danger’ By Trying Him for His Crimes
- Fox News Hack FREAKS OUT Over President Biden Eating Ice Cream at a Campaign Stop
- The Trump Cult Knows He’s Guilty, So They’re All on Fox News Yammering About Planted Evidence
- Boring Biden? Fox News is Very Upset that Biden Isn’t a Hyper-Psycho Drama Queen Like Trump
- WTF? Fox News Hack Says Ukraine Isn’t a ‘Sexy’ Enough Scandal to Impeach Trump
- Trump’s Child Abuse is Politicized By Fox News Hacks in the Most Idiotic Way Possible
- Fox News Host Considers Confederate Traitors to Be ‘Revered’ American Leaders
Be prepared for more of the same lies and overt hostility as Watters takes Carlson’s place. [See Media Matters for more of Watters’ clownery] It is confirmation that Fox News has nothing else to offer their glassy-eyed viewers, and even after the Dominion debacle, they have no intention of pretending to be news enterprise. In other words, it’s monkey business as usual at Fox News.
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It’s beyond me how ANYONE could watch the vomit inducing Fox Spews. I would tend to think the average IQ of their regular viewers would be a whopping 15. Possibly even lower.
Watters may not be as bad as Tucker but still meets Fox standards for spewing propaganda.
Watters is scared of anything with four legs that isn’t furniture. Anyone being interviewed by him should bring a service animal, or tuck a hamster in their pocket, or better yet, a lab rat!