SURPRISE: Trump Turns Funeral for Lynette ‘Diamond’ Hardaway Into Another Trump Cult Rally

Two weeks ago Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway of the Trump-fluffing duo “Diamond and Silk” died at the age of 51. Along with her sister, they produced videos that were rabidly pro-Trump and often filled with flagrant falsehoods regarding COVID, Trump’s 2020 election loss, President Biden, and more.

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Diamond and Silk, Fox News

The pair of devout Trumpists navigated the farthest fringes of conservative conspiracy country. As a result of their dangerously dishonest disinformation they were exiled from Twitter and Facebook. They were even too extreme for Fox News who canceled their Fox Nation show and stopped booking them.

RELATED: Trump Threatens to ‘Look Into’ Social Media Bias of Diamond and Silk, James Woods, and Infowars

On Saturday there was a funeral service for Diamond in North Carolina. This was an important enough affair that Trump made one of the few trips away from his Mar-a-Lago bunker that he’s made in months. However, when he arrived he proceeded as if it were just another Trump cult rally.

Trump appeared to be bored and impatient for the couple of hours that he had to sit through other remembrances before his remarks. He even made reference to the the fact that he had to wait more than the fifteen minutes he was expecting to spend there. Then Trump took to the podium and behaved precisely as anyone who has seen him would have expected. Virtually the entirety of his so-called eulogy was about his favorite subject – himself. And unsurprisingly, he raged about his “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged and stolen” from him:

“How do we stop the cheating? How de we stop where you get more votes but you still don’t win? And the answer is the Republicans have to get tougher. The top people have to get tougher. And you have to really swamp ’em. There’s a level at which even they can’t produce. And so if you win big enough you can get there, and then once we’re there we’re gonna straighten it all out and get it back to where it was.”

For the record, “back to where it was” when Trump’s occupation of the White House ended was in the midst of deadly pandemic, record high unemployment, undisguised bigotry, misogyny, and xenophobia, antagonism toward democracy, and disrespect internationally.

Trump also boasted about the size of the venue he had rented to hold the anticipated massive crowd. But local reporting says there were only about 150 people in the 2,400 capacity hall. The same article noted that Silk implied that Diamond’s death was caused by the COVID vaccine, despite the duo having repeatedly claimed that they were never vaccinated and urged others to refuse.

Trump continued to deliver his tediously long rant, that was intended to pay homage to Diamond, by obsessing over immigration, inflation, and gas prices. He turned the whole eulogy into a campaign speech for his 2024 presidential aspirations promising that “We can fix so much of what’s been damaged over the last two years.” He lied profusely about immigration saying that…

I think maybe 15 million, they say three, maybe four – they have no idea how many people. They allowed their prisons to be emptied out into the United States of America. They allowed their mental institutions to be empties out into the United States of America.

Trump spoke about the national debt without mentioning that his four years in office contributed $8 trillion to it – about a quarter of the total. And he blamed an alleged stoppage of energy production for runaway inflation. Never mind that “the United States is already the world’s largest producer of oil and gas. Domestic oil production is at 90 percent of America’s all-time, pre-pandemic high, and the United States is producing more than twice as many barrels of oil per day as it produced in 2008.” And that’s in addition to record high production of renewal energy resources.

So the Hardaway family must feel so special and comforted by Trump’s outpouring of concern about himself and how badly America is doing without his “leadership.” But if they expected more from him they are terminally naïve. This is who Trump is now, always has been, and always will be. He has allegiance only to himself, and everyone else is just there to prop up his massive, yet fragile, ego.

RELATED: Loyalty? Trump Blames His Evangelical Cult Followers for His Own Failures and Electoral Fiascos

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Crybaby Trump Considers Probing Imaginary Anti-Conservative Bias Online

After ignoring the deadly risks of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic for months, Trump failed to respond with anything that remotely resembled leadership. He dismissed, and even mocked, the health experts. And he continues to pursue a strategy that is focused solely on boosting his ego and his reelection prospects, rather than on human lives. As a result, more than 1.5 million Americans have contracted the virus and nearly 100,000 have died.

Donald Trump Pacifier Fox

On Saturday morning Trump returned to the pastime that has been the priority for most of his presidency: Golf. But that wasn’t until after he revealed that he is embarking on an initiative that virtually no one considers relevant or even rational. As reported in the Wall Street Journal

“…sources said the plans may include establishing a ‘White House-created commission’ that would work in conjunction with agencies like the Federal Elections Commission and Federal Communications Commission to examine bias and censorship online. A White House official told the WSJ that ‘left wing bias in the tech world is a concern that definitely needs to be addressed.’”

That’s right. Trump is suiting up to fight fictional foes and other figments of his fertile but frayed imagination. Note that the White House source explicitly states that only alleged “left wing bias” is the subject of this phony commission. That’s proof that the whole thing is a cheesy political stunt that has no credibility whatsoever. It’s just Snowflake Trump demonstrating how fragile his ego is and how determined he is to seek vengeance for his perceived delusions of persecution.

Trump, and the Paranoid Wingnut Confederacy he leads, is convinced that virtually every institution in America is biased against them. Whether it’s the Internet, the media, colleges, science, Hollywood, etc., he shivers in the wake of clandestine villains lurking under his bed. For the so-called “leader of the free world” Trump sure spends an awful lot of time whining like a colicky infant and throwing petulant tantrums.

Last week Trump tweeted that “The Radical Left is in total command & control of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google,” and that “The Administration is working to remedy this illegal situation.” Like most of Trump’s assertions of secret cabals ruling the planet from some underground bunker, Trump has no evidence to support his deranged ranting. Likewise, he is incapable of backing up his reckless accusations of illegality by citing any breach of a law that actually exists.

However, this isn’t a recent mental short-circuiting by Trump. News Corpse reported on it a year ago when Trump was defending his bootlicking sycophants, Diamond and Silk, who falsely claimed they were being censored by Facebook. They weren’t. And exactly one year ago today Trump tweeted…

The problem with the “conservative voices” Trump is advocating for was not their conservatism. It was their repeated insistence on engaging in racist hate speech and inciting violence. The aforementioned Diamond and Silk were recently booted from Fox’s Fox Nation streaming platform for spreading disinformation about the coronavirus. Their bizarre conspiracy theories included advising people to deliberately expose themselves to the virus in order to develop immunity, and warning against getting a vaccination because it was part of a plot by Bill Gates to impose population control.

These are typical of the sources Trump relies on for his policy development. He rejects science and academia in favor of crackpots with ludicrous and unfounded schemes and ultra rightist agendas. Trump adopts these lunatics and passes their dangerous blather on to his cult followers. Then he publicly whimpers and sulks about how unfairly he is treated by the liberal overlords who he believes secretly control the destiny of the world. Poor baby. It must be so hard being the weakest holder ever of the most powerful position on Earth.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Spanks Guests for Citing ‘Doctored’ Pelosi Video, Fails to Mention Trump Tweeted It

The massive disinformation factory that we know as Fox News manufactures countless lies and propaganda messages on behalf of their benefactor in the White house, Donald Trump. It is a daily (hourly) chronicle of fake news and fluff pieces devoted to exalting Dear Leader and maligning his critics. But every now and then even they go too far and require a stern finger-wagging.

Donald Trump, Fox News, Fake

For some utterly unexplainable reason Fox News regards the minstrel show duo, Diamond and Silk, as legitimate political analysts. Fox regularly features these allegedly comic dunces in segments that pretend that their opinions and laughable presentations aren’t really as humiliating as they appear. And on Friday morning they outdid themselves with their holy-roller style rhetoric that proved nothing but what shallow losers they are (video below).

As part of their spiel, Demean and Sulk lashed out at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. In the process they referenced a badly edited video that made Pelosi appear to be intoxicated. The video has been repudiated by every legitimate news enterprise, and even some illegitimate ones like Fox News. In fact, after the D&S segment, Steve Doocy, co-host of Fox and Friends, read a denunciation of the video:

“During the Diamond and Silk segment they mentioned Nancy Pelosi. I think they … I was unfamiliar with what they were talking about. I’m looking at, there’s a story:

“‘Manipulated videos of Nancy Pelosi edited to falsely depict her as drunk spread on social media. And according to a report from the Washington Post, experts believe the original video was slowed down to 75% from the original and that her pitch was also manipulated in order to present her under the influence.’

“Not a real video. It’s doctored.”

It stretches the bounds of probability that Doocy was actually unfamiliar with the video since it has been a viral story for two days now. But at least he took the time to acknowledge that the comments by D&S were untrue. Even though he tainted the “correction” in the eyes of Fox viewers by attributing it to the Washington Post, which they all regard as “fake news.”

What Doocy left out entirely is that Donald Trump also featured the phony video in a tweet that he captioned in all caps, “PELOSI STAMMERS THROUGH NEWS CONFERENCE” So Trump not only helped to spread these repulsive lies, he elaborated on them in his own words. But for some reason this didn’t warrant a mention on Fox and Friends during a segment that explicitly chastised the use of it.

The actual Diamond and Silk segment could have been a Saturday Night Live routine without any rewriting. The main spokesperson (I think it was Silk, but does anyone really know?) slandered Pelosi saying that “She can’t even form a complete sentence without looking perplexed and confused.” And that “We’re all questioning her mental capacity. She always look like she’s a non-functioning alcoholic. She slur her words.” And that “She is deteriorating like a snowflake.”

Among other things, D&S asserted that Pelosi had “lost control of the House.” Never mind that she has presided over a remarkably productive session with over 150 bills passed. They went on to whine about the investigations of Trump’s unsavory associations with Russia and obstruction of justice. They insisted, parroting Trump, that it’s Democrats who should be investigated.

It’s political discourse like this that has earned Fox News (aka State TV) its reputation as a low brow disseminator of pseudo-news for the cognitively impaired. And what’s really sad is that Fox’s own anchors and hosts aren’t any more respectable as journalists than these two frightwig models.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Threatens to ‘Look Into’ Social Media Bias of Diamond and Silk, James Woods, and Infowars

With all of the problems that Donald Trump is dealing with now (Mueller, Barr, Venezuela, the border, Putin, Kim) it’s odd that he would take time to push the ludicrous conspiracy theory that conservatives are being discriminated against on social media. All of the evidence shows unequivocally that there is no such bias. It’s just the infantile and self-serving whining of Trump and other right-wingers who can’t accept that they are not universally beloved by zillions.

Diamond and Silk, Fox News

The phony charge of anti-conservative treatment by websites like Twitter and Facebook is nothing new. It has been alleged by Republican politicians, Fox News hosts, and paranoid wingnuts for years. First among them is the modern minstrel duo, Diamond and Silk. They even testified before Congress for a hearing on the imaginary bias. So it is not surprising to see the Fox News “personalities” on Trump’s Twitter feed getting a boost from the President who spends countless hours watching Fox News:

Reading Trump’s praise for a couple of superfans doesn’t really deserve much attention. What’s troubling about this tweet is Trump’s threat to look into how they “have been treated so horribly by Facebook.” Exactly what authority does he think he has to “look into” that? And if that weren’t bad enough, Trump expressed the same concerns for whackjob James Woods and Infowars “correspondent” Paul Joseph Watson.

These are people whose social media contributions often exacerbate the most virulent racism that appears on the Internet. They are purposefully divisive and aren’t shy about inciting potential violence. So while Trump continues to complain that he is being misrepresented with regard to his comments about the deadly right-wing riots in Charlottesville, he nevertheless promotes people with exactly the same repugnant views. These are the cretins that he feels so compelled to defend with tweets like this, currently pinned to the top of his feed:

Indeed we do have freedom of speech, not that Trump actually gives a damn. If he did he wouldn’t repeatedly refer to the free press in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.” And if his interpretation of free speech includes “monitoring” what citizens are freely posting online, his notions about the First Amendment are closer to those of his BFF Vladimir Putin than they are to anything in the Constitution. Maybe he would like it if Fox News was held to his standards of forced balance?

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

UPDATE: On Saturday morning Trump extended his tweetstorm defending social media’s most dangerous and provocative wingnuts. His bonkers retweeting included three more posts of Infowars content. He has truly bought into the deranged conspiracy world.