The massive disinformation factory that we know as Fox News manufactures countless lies and propaganda messages on behalf of their benefactor in the White house, Donald Trump. It is a daily (hourly) chronicle of fake news and fluff pieces devoted to exalting Dear Leader and maligning his critics. But every now and then even they go too far and require a stern finger-wagging.
For some utterly unexplainable reason Fox News regards the minstrel show duo, Diamond and Silk, as legitimate political analysts. Fox regularly features these allegedly comic dunces in segments that pretend that their opinions and laughable presentations aren’t really as humiliating as they appear. And on Friday morning they outdid themselves with their holy-roller style rhetoric that proved nothing but what shallow losers they are (video below).
As part of their spiel, Demean and Sulk lashed out at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. In the process they referenced a badly edited video that made Pelosi appear to be intoxicated. The video has been repudiated by every legitimate news enterprise, and even some illegitimate ones like Fox News. In fact, after the D&S segment, Steve Doocy, co-host of Fox and Friends, read a denunciation of the video:
“During the Diamond and Silk segment they mentioned Nancy Pelosi. I think they … I was unfamiliar with what they were talking about. I’m looking at, there’s a story:
“‘Manipulated videos of Nancy Pelosi edited to falsely depict her as drunk spread on social media. And according to a report from the Washington Post, experts believe the original video was slowed down to 75% from the original and that her pitch was also manipulated in order to present her under the influence.’
“Not a real video. It’s doctored.”
It stretches the bounds of probability that Doocy was actually unfamiliar with the video since it has been a viral story for two days now. But at least he took the time to acknowledge that the comments by D&S were untrue. Even though he tainted the “correction” in the eyes of Fox viewers by attributing it to the Washington Post, which they all regard as “fake news.”
What Doocy left out entirely is that Donald Trump also featured the phony video in a tweet that he captioned in all caps, “PELOSI STAMMERS THROUGH NEWS CONFERENCE” So Trump not only helped to spread these repulsive lies, he elaborated on them in his own words. But for some reason this didn’t warrant a mention on Fox and Friends during a segment that explicitly chastised the use of it.
The actual Diamond and Silk segment could have been a Saturday Night Live routine without any rewriting. The main spokesperson (I think it was Silk, but does anyone really know?) slandered Pelosi saying that “She can’t even form a complete sentence without looking perplexed and confused.” And that “We’re all questioning her mental capacity. She always look like she’s a non-functioning alcoholic. She slur her words.” And that “She is deteriorating like a snowflake.”
Among other things, D&S asserted that Pelosi had “lost control of the House.” Never mind that she has presided over a remarkably productive session with over 150 bills passed. They went on to whine about the investigations of Trump’s unsavory associations with Russia and obstruction of justice. They insisted, parroting Trump, that it’s Democrats who should be investigated.
It’s political discourse like this that has earned Fox News (aka State TV) its reputation as a low brow disseminator of pseudo-news for the cognitively impaired. And what’s really sad is that Fox’s own anchors and hosts aren’t any more respectable as journalists than these two frightwig models.
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.
These two are the “oreos” Ben Carson was thinking about. They are the definition exactly.
Of course, Carbon & Onion Paper STILL claim it’s legitimate. These two are MORONS!
Diamond and Silk. It’s all an act, you can see it all over their faces. They know they aren’t actual news commentators. Fox Noise is paying them, and Diamond and Silk are laughing all the way to the bank. They probably aren’t even republicans.