Trump is Fired Up Over ‘Massive Evidence’ of Election Fraud that Doesn’t Actually Exist

The madness of Donald Trump has not subsided in the slightest amount since his humiliating loss to Joe Biden eight months ago. In fact, he has gotten perceivably worse. In recent days he has claimed for himself the exclusive “right” to destroy America. He has admitted to pressuring the Department of Justice to “Just Say the Election Was Corrupt.” He has doubled down on his deadly, sociopathic, pro-COVID agenda.

Flaming Trump

On Sunday afternoon Trump took another step off the ledge of sanity. In another of his public whine-fests tweeted by his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (a flagrant violation of Twitter’s Terms of Service that prohibit circumventing a ban), Trump reiterated the “Big Lie” that he has been peddling to his dimwitted cult disciples for the past several months. His new claim combines his fantasy fiction about the 2020 election with his seething hatred for the free press. What follows is an annotated transcript of his lunacy marinated message (linked here for those who wish to report it).

“The New York Times, and others, always insert a clause into their stories, ‘WITHOUT EVIDENCE, that the election was decided fraudulently.’ As usual, this is FAKE NEWS.”
Appending the phrase “without evidence” is not a “clause.” It’s a statement of fact. Trump and his minions lost more than sixty court cases challenging the election due to the total absence of any supporting evidence.

“There is massive and unconditional evidence that the election was shattered with fraud and irregularities at a level that our Country has never seen before. Much of it is already public, and a great deal more is coming out in the very near future. Every time you read a statement that there is ‘no evidence of election fraud,’ about the 2020 election scam, just attribute that statement to a crooked and collusive media (they work closely together with the Radical Left Democrats) that will do anything to hide the real facts of this election fiasco.”
It is amazing how this alleged evidence is “massive” and “unconditional” (whatever that means), and occurs “at a level that our Country has never seen before,” but he can’t cite a single example of any of it. However, he instructs his devotees on how to process the fact that there isn’t any proof by simply attributing it to the “crooked” media. In other words, don’t believe lying eyes. If he really wants people to accept his claims of fraud, why doesn’t he just present some proof of it?

“After seeing the irrefutable evidence from numerous states, others are talking about doing deep forensic audits. This election was a scam and the Lamestream Media is doing everything in their power not to allow the people to see or read about what really took place. We no longer have a free and open media (they don’t cover the truth), but the word is getting out stronger than ever before.”
Once again, it is easy to refute evidence that doesn’t exist in reality. And the only states that are talking about doing audits are those with Republican legislatures who have bought into Trump’s lies. If Trump has a problem with the media not covering his alleged evidence, why doesn’t he produce it? Perhaps because it only exists in his twisted imagination?

“Even the Justice Department has no interest in the crooked and corrupt 2020 Presidential Election. They are only interested in hurting those who want to reveal how totally dishonest it was. The Justice Department should be looking at the people who rigged the election, not the Patriots of our Country who are seeking to find how our Nation was defrauded.”
For the record, Trump’s own Justice Department, with dependable sycophants like Attorney Genuflect Bill Barr, refused to validate his election fraud ranting. Barr’s opinions were eventually revealed in Jonathan Karl’s new book, Betrayal, where Barr is quoted as saying that “My suspicion all the way along was that there was nothing there. It was all bullsh**.” That, of course, triggered a Trumpian temper tantrum.

“We must also look to the future and fight for State Legislatures to reform their elections so that this will NEVER happen again. In the end, truth will WIN!”
Can’t really argue with that. Although, in Trump’s mind he’s actually proposing election “reforms” that suppress the vote, and “truths” that are flagrant distortions of reality that fit his delusional, narcissistic psychoses.

And there you have it. Trump’s tedious tirade about unprecedented levels of election fraud that doesn’t contain a single example. And yet, somehow his cult followers eat this up with a side of fries. It’s both pitiful and frightening that this can occur in a modern democratic society. We can only hope that spell wears off before the damage done is irreversible.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Wannabe Dictator Trump Admits to Pressuring DOJ to ‘Just Say the Election Was Corrupt’

It isn’t often that a criminal under investigation for serious felonies makes public statements attesting to his guilt. That would be extraordinarily stupid, as well as an indication of a psychotic degree of arrogance and narcissism. So naturally, that’s precisely what Donald Trump has done in an astonishing statement that affirms his treasonous abuse of power.

Donald Trump Tyrant Dictator

Trump’s spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, released Trump’s statement in a tweet (a flagrant violation of Twitter’s Terms of Service that prohibit circumventing a ban). In the statement Trump was reacting to the recent revelation that he pressured the Department of Justice and his Acting Attorney General, Jeffrey Rosen, to “just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen.”

Notice that Trump was not asking the DOJ to establish a factual basis for saying the election was corrupt. He just wanted them to say it, despite a total lack of evidence. Then he and his fellow coup plotters in Congress (allegedly Jim Jordan and Ron Johnson) would take it from there.

More troubling is the fact that Trump’s statement didn’t deny any of the allegations. To the contrary, he affirmed that he had these wholly improper discussions with the DOJ, who told him that “much of the info you’re getting is false,” and that they “look[ed] at allegations but they do not pan out.” Undeterred, Trump persisted claiming bizarrely that “You guys may not be following the internet the way I do,” as if that admission of idiocy validated his “Big Lie.” Trump’s statement raged that…

“The corrupt and highly partisan House Democrats who run the House Oversight Committee yesterday released documents – including court findings dealing with the rigged election of 2020 – that they dishonestly described as attempting to overturn the election.

“In fact it was just the opposite. The documents were meant to uphold the integrity and honesty of elections and the sanctity of our vote. The American people want, and demand, the the President of the United States, it’s chief law enforcement officer in the country, stand with them to fight for Election Integrity and to investigate attempts to undermine our nation. Our country has just suffered an incredibly corrupt Presidential Election, and it is time for Congress and others to investigate how such corruption was allowed to take place rather than investigating those that are exposing this massive fraud on the American people.”

So Trump doesn’t dispute any of the substance of the documents that were released. He merely provides his own utterly irrational interpretation of their meaning. Fine. People – and juries – can judge for themselves what his own Justice officials were saying when he sought to coerce them into making deliberately false comments about the election. The DOJ’s contemporaneous notes, and their outright refusal to follow his orders, make clear that they didn’t accept his fictional and self-serving version of events.

Trump’s call for an investigation is laughable considering that he has already lost more than sixty court cases due to lack of evidence. Many of those cases were before judges that he appointed, including the Supreme Court. But if he wants Congress to probe the “massive fraud on the American people,” he should commit to voluntarily providing testimony under oath himself. Yeah, that’ll happen. However, he may not like the results when he is found to be responsible for the fraud, along with his Republican confederates, Fox News, and the rest of the decaying Trump Cult.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Doubles Down on His Deadly, Sociopathic, Pro-COVID Agenda

The stubborn determination of Donald Trump to see thousands more Americans suffer and die from a preventable illness is becoming harder to comprehend with each new comment he makes on the subject. Trump is already going down in history for having presided over the loss of more than 600,000 Americans due to his negligent and incompetent mismanagement of the COVID pandemic. But now he seems to be trying to put his dreadful record even farther out of reach of future genocidal leaders.

Donald Trump, Coronavirus

On Tuesday Trump released another of the alt-tweets that he has been having his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, post on his behalf since he was banned from Twitter “due to the risk of further incitement of violence.” She is doing that in clear violation of Twitter’s terms of service that prohibit attempts to circumvent a suspension, and her account should be reported and suspended for her repeated breach of Twitter rules. On this occasion, Trump reprised his pro-COVID position insisting that…

“We won’t go back. We won’t mask our children. Joe Biden and his Administration learned nothing from the last year. Brave Americans learned how to safely and responsibly live and fight back. Don’t surrender to COVID. Don’t go back! Why do Democrats distrust the science? Don’t let this happen to our children or our Country.”

So Trump has decided, once again, to completely ignore the science that is alerting us to increasing risks. He says that he doesn’t want to “go back,” but the new guidance regarding masks is based on forward looking data that the pandemic is surging due to the new Delta variant, which is infecting a much younger population, including children. In fact, it is Trump who is going backwards to the days when he dismissed the coronavirus as a hoax or the flu, which he knew at the time was a lie. That position led to unimaginable grief and hardship.

What’s more, Trump’s assertion that “Joe Biden and his Administration learned nothing from the last year,” is about as far removed from reality as it can get. Biden is responsibly following the experts at the CDC. By continuing to dismiss the science, it is Trump who has learned nothing. But then, when has he ever learned anything?

Trump refers to “Brave Americans” who have “learned how to safely and responsibly live and fight back.” He must not be referring to the hundreds of thousands who are dead. Perhaps he means the approximately 100 million who have yet to get vaccinated, and who are mostly Trump supporters and Fox News viewers? They are the primary reason that the Delta variant is spreading so rapidly and necessitating the new masking guidance.

It is Trump who is going back. It is Trump who who is surrendering to COVID. It is Trump who not only distrusts, but demeans science. And it is Trump who is spreading the ignorance that will let the horrors of the past year happen all over again.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Last week Fox’s Peter Doocy asked press secretary Jen Psaki if Biden should ask Trump to join him in promoting the vaccine. Psaki replied that Trump didn’t need an “embroidered invitation.” He could have done his own PSA at any time in the past six months but chose not to.

Which makes it all the more grotesquely irresponsible that, even in this new statement by Trump, he still doesn’t bother to encourage anyone to get vaccinated. But that’s only because he simply doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Rants About Crime to Deflect From the January 6th Hearing Probing His Crimes

Tuesday morning the House of Representatives held its first hearing to investigate the January 6th insurrection incited by Donald Trump. The bipartisan committee is looking into what happened, what caused it, and what actions were taken to respond. Much is already in the public record, and most of it incriminates Trump and his Republican confederates.

Donald Trump

The committee has already been dismissed by Republicans as partisan, despite the fact that GOP House Leader, Kevin McCarthy, is the one who refused to allow three of his members to take seats on the panel. Now he’s whining about the absence of the GOP perspective that he prohibited. Meanwhile, Fox News covered portions of the hearing with a chyron that politicized and belittled the probe reading “Pelosi-Selected Committee Holds First Jan 6 Hearing.”

However, as usual it is Trump who is desperately yearning to be the center of attention. Consequently, he released another of his pseudo-tweets that is a pitifully transparent attempt to deflect from the hearings that he knows expose his guilt. Trump began…

“The fraudulent nightly network newscasts have devoted ZERO minutes to crime recently, even though crime is eating away at our cities and our Country.”

That is an easily provable lie. All of the cable and broadcast news networks have been reporting regularly on crime. Trump must be watching channels that don’t cover news, like Fox “News,” Newsmax, and OAN. He went on to babble that…

“They don’t want to talk about it because it will hurt the political narrative of the Communist Democrats.”

Trump has called Democrats “communists” before, but now he is doing it almost daily. For him it is just a handy epithet in his 3rd grade vocabulary, because he surely couldn’t define it if his life depended on it. And he went on to say…

“Just think, six months ago we had the most secure border in our history. Today, it is the least secure in our history with criminals illegally flooding into our Country-many spreading COVID into our communities-and other Countries prisons being emptied into out neighborhoods.”

There isn’t a single word in that that is true. It is merely more of Trump’s robo-talking points. Refugees at the border have a COVID positivity rate of less than 6%, lower than the Texas average. And there is no evidence whatsoever of “prisons being emptied.” Trump just makes this stuff up as he goes along.

[By the Way: It should not go without notice that Harrington’s postings are blatant violations of Twitter’s terms of service that prohibit attempts to circumvent a suspension. (more on that here). She has posted Trump’s pseudo-tweets at least 60 times just this month. Harrington’s account should be reported and suspended for her repeated breach of Twitter rules]

Trump and the Republican Cult are struggling to malign Democrats in order to avoid being held accountable for their complicity in the insurrection. Lindsey Graham went on Fox News Monday night to lie to Sean Hannity about crime. He blamed it all on Democratic states like California saying that…

“If you do this crap in South Carolina, you’ll be lucky if you go to jail. You’ll be lucky if someone doesn’t shoot you. So I say that because we’ve lost deterrence. These big Democratic cities and states have lost deterrence. People no longer feel afraid to assault someone in the street. Nobody feels afraid to go into Walmart and clean out the place because nobody in the prosecution level is gonna do a damn thing.”

Graham apparently knows nothing about his own state, much less California. South Carolina is currently #7 nationally for homicides (11.0 per 100,000), a ten year high. That’s more than twice the rate of California at #29 (4.5 per 100,000), a ten year low.

So using crime as a deflection from the January 6th hearings might not have been a very good idea after all. But then again, what else do they have? They could reprise the old “lock her up” chant about Hillary Clinton. Or they could complain about the dozen or so Trump associates who have been indicted on felonies. Or they could brag that Trump is only responsible for a few hundred thousand of the 600,000 dead Americans due to his negligent and incompetent mismanagement of pandemic. After you’ve been called a war criminal by Carl Bernstein, there really isn’t any place left to go.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Corona in Arizona: Trump Shill Promotes His Latest Super Spreader Rally as Virus Surges

Donald Trump will be delivering another of his cult rally rants on Saturday in Phoenix, Arizona. It’s actually just the same speech he has been giving all along – he won the 2020 election, Democrats are communists, Trump is the Messiah, etc. How anyone can listen to him more than once or twice is a mystery. His repetitive tirades are tedious in the extreme. Only a true disciple could tolerate it.

Donald Trump Rally, Sieg Heil

However, there is a profound difference in the scheduling of this particular rally, at this time, in this place. Not that Trump cares, but there happens to be a deadly pandemic in progress. And it is currently spiking significantly in Arizona. According to the Arizona Department of Health, the number of cases on July 23 (1,528) has more than quadrupled since July 17 (364), a week ago. The number of deaths has doubled so far, but fatalities always lag infections.

In this environment Trump is gathering his flock of mostly unvaccinated sheeple to a stadium where they will congregate indoors for hours without masks while the most infectious version of the coronavirus to date is running rampant. This is a COVID friendly affair that will likely produce hundreds of new cases, hospitalizations, and fatalities.

Nevertheless, Trump has been promoting the rally with the help of his spokeswoman, Liz Harrington. Harrington regularly tweets Trump’s “statements” that have taken the the place of his Twitter babbling since he was banned “due to the risk of further incitement of violence.” And he needs all the help he can get since his cult rallies are now only carried by cheesy, wingnut, wannabe networks like Newsmax and OAN:

It should not go without notice that Harrington’s postings are blatant violations of Twitter’s terms of service that prohibit attempts to circumvent a suspension. (more on that here). She has posted Trump’s pseudo-tweets at least 60 times in just the past three weeks. Harrington’s account should be reported and suspended for her repeated breach of Twitter rules.

In addition to the public health hazard that this pandemic party represents, the location was surely chosen in part because it is where crackpot conspiracy driven Republicans are conducting a fraudulent audit (aka fraudit) in order to “prove” that Trump scored a historic – albeit delusional – victory.

That effort, though, is going so badly that the Cyber Ninjas performing the fraudit just blocked the Arizona Senate’s GOP audit liaison from entering the site because he disclosed that there have been no discrepancies or irregularities found. That, of course, would contradict the lies that the Ninjas plan to tell whenever they finally complete their sham audit. But then, what’s another flurry of falsehoods after the tsunami of lies that have already blown through?

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

HYSTERICAL: Trump Slams Fox News in Massive Meltdown Over His Absurd Election Lies

The downward spiral of Donald Trump continues to spin uncontrollably into the depths of madness. The evidence is impossible to ignore. He recently filed a laughably ludicrous lawsuit against Twitter, Facebook, and Google. He posted plagiarized plugs for books by Fox News flunkies. And on Saturday morning crybaby Trump whined pitifully that the British Open snubbed his money-losing Turnberry golf course.

Donald Trump Circling the Drain

However, that wasn’t the worst of Trump’s emotional malfunctions this week. His months long mental breakdown over having decisively lost the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden has consumed his every waking moment. Never mind that it was that lunacy that led to the deadly insurrection in Washington, D.C., on January 6th, and is likely to incite further violence on the part of his Crackpot Crusaders. Trump persists in peddling the “Big Lie” despite having no proof whatsoever.

On Friday Trump had his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, post his latest temper tantrum on Twitter, since he’s been banned for repeated, and potentially harmful, lies. The message began with a wild swing at his own Ministry of Disinformation (aka Fox News):

“Fox News and other media outlets incorrectly side with the outdated and terrible Maricopa County Election Board to report no fraud found in the Presidential Election. They spew the gross misinformation purposefully put out by the county and the Associated Press.”

Trump is referring to an article published by the Associated Press and tweeted by Fox News anchor Brett Baier. The article revealed the results of a comprehensive study of alleged election fraud in Arizona and concluded that there wasn’t any to speak of (fewer than 200 “possible” cases out of 3.4 million votes). Trump went on to make what he presented as “factual” assertions of fraud, but for which there is zero basis in the real world:

“[They] IGNORE the very important Arizona Senate’s hearing yesterday, which showed 168,000 fraudulent ballots printed on illegal paper (unofficial ballots), 74,000 mail-in ballots received that were never mailed (magically appearing ballots), 11,000 voters were added to the voter rolls AFTER the election and still voted all the access logs to the machines were wiped, and the election server was hacked during the election.”

All told, Trump’s utterly unfounded claims assert that there were more than a quarter of million fraudulent votes tallied in a race that he lost by about 11,000. All of the allegations were drawn from Republican conspiracy theorists in the Arizona Senate and their hired hoaxsters, the Cyber Ninjas.

As an example of how flagrant their fallacies are, the AP fact check debunked the claim of 168,000 allegedly fake ballots on the wrong paper, noting that they were ordinary provisional ballots that were printed and cast on election day. It’s something anyone with election experience would know. Also easily debunked was the 74,000 mail-in ballot claim, saying that the Ninjas were simply using the wrong data files and that “the claim isn’t true and represents a misunderstanding of how early voting works in Arizona.” In other words, the Ninjas, who have no experience in election audits, are idiots who don’t have the slightest idea what they’re doing.

The same failure to grasp the assignment they’ve been given taints all of the other claims in Trump’s harangue. But that didn’t stop him from accelerating the crazy. He quoted a few blatantly partisan GOP state senators to support his babbling rant. None of them offered any proof of fraud either. Just like Trump’s crack legal team that lost more than 60 cases because they couldn’t produce a scrap of evidence. This is all he has to cling to. And it only confirms just how detached from reality he and his glassy-eyed cult followers are.

It should also not go without notice that Harrington’s posting of these statements by Trump are violations of Twitter’s terms of service that prohibit attempts to circumvent a suspension. (more on that here). She has posted Trump’s pseudo-tweets 48 times in just the past two weeks. Harrington’s account should be reported and suspended for her repeated breach of Twitter rules.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Plagiarized His Plugs for Books By Bootlicking Fox News Flunkies

The Creature from Mar-a-Lago (Mar-All-Ego?) continues to demonstrate the extent of the damage to his fragile and emotionally crippled psyche. Donald Trump’s malignant narcissism has always posed a threat to America and the world as he sought to exalt himself and assault his critics with pitifully impotent insults. With each new day’s outbursts, Trump reveals the depth of his mental rot.

Donald Trump, Fox News, Fake

On Wednesday Trump’s spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, posted a couple tweets on behalf of Trump to offer praise for books that he surely hasn’t read. Harrington has to tweet for Trump because his reckless and relentless lies about COVID-19 and election fraud got him banished from much of social media. Twitter imposed their ban on January 8th, two days after Trump’s deadly insurrection on Capitol Hill, saying that “we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.”

However, this new pair of tweets expose Trump as both a self-absorbed egomaniac and a flaming plagiarist. His intention was to boost book sales for Fox News Trump-fluffers Jesse Watters and Mark Levin. However, his spiel of approval for these works of wingnut fiction were cut pasted from the publisher’s description of the books.

For the Jesse Watters book, Trump wrote in his proxy tweet that…

“Interspersed are his thoughtful suggestions for overcoming left-wing radicalism, maintaining American democracy, moving beyond aging hippies (like his long-suffering, loving parents), saving the world from social justice warriors and the deep state—all while smirking his way through life in only the nicest way.”

That was lifted word for word from the publisher’s description as seen here on Amazon.

For the Mark Levin book, Trump wrote in his proxy tweet that…

“In American Marxism, Levin explains how the core elements of Marxist ideology are now pervasive in American society and culture—from our schools, the press, and corporations, to Hollywood, the Democratic Party, and the Biden presidency—and how it is often cloaked in deceptive labels like “progressivism,” “democratic socialism,” “social activism,” and more.”

That was also lifted word for word from the publisher’s description as seen here on Amazon.

Nowhere in the tweets were there any quotes or other indications of attribution to another source. Trump was deliberately taking full credit for the endorsements, despite the fact that any independent observer could tell that they were obviously not written by someone with Trump’s third-grade language skills. This was just another example of Trump’s shameless dishonesty.

It should also not go without notice that Harrington’s posting of these statements by Trump are violations of Twitter’s terms of service that prohibit attempts to circumvent a suspension. (more on that here). She has posted Trump’s pseudo-tweets 42 times in just the past two weeks. Harrington’s account should be reported and suspended for her repeated breach of Twitter rules.

Many of the Trump/Harrington posts contain the same lies that got Trump suspended, and worse, led directly to a violent and deadly assault in Washington, D.C., on January 6th. Now Trump is, with the assistance of Twitter and Harrington, inciting more violence that has a strong likelihood of resulting in serious harm or death. It must stop immediately.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

Trump Mangles Math in Misquote From Biden’s Voting Rights Speech to Further His Big Lie

President Joe Biden went to Philadelphia Tuesday to deliver an address (video below) on the precarious state of democracy amidst the unsettled torrents of post-Trump America. He outlined what Congress and his administration need to do in order to preserve and strengthen what remains of the nation’s voting rights as Republicans seek to suppress election access and opportunity.

Donald Trump, Snake Tongue

After having lost decisively, Donald Trump has persisted in his attempts to malign America’s electoral system as corrupt and rigged to steal the election from him. It’s a campaign that is closely aligned with the aspirations of foreign enemies like Russia to undermine faith in democracy.

Contrary to his cheesy MAGA slogan, Trump really hates America and said as much earlier Tuesday in a statement calling some of the nations greatest and most iconic cities (Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Oakland, and Baltimore) among “the most corrupt cities in the Country.” And you can add New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle to his list. You can’t love America and hate the places where most of its citizens live.

Meanwhile, Trump and his pathetic legal team have failed utterly to make a convincing case for his election fraud fantasies. But that’s only because they haven’t been able to come up with a single shred of evidence to support their ludicrous claims. That, however, hasn’t stopped Trump from peddling the “Big Lie” at every opportunity. And today’s speech by Biden was no exception.

Trump released a statement through his spokes shill, Liz Harrington, who promptly posted it on Twitter (which Trump is not permitted to do because he was banned for repeatedly propagating lies, and for which Harrington should also be banned). Trump babbled that…

“Biden just said 150 people voted in the 2020 Presidential Election (Scam!). On the assumption that he meant 150 million people, and based on the fact that I got 75 million+++, that would mean that Biden got 75 million votes, which is 6 million votes less than what they said they got. So what is that all about? Are they already conceding 6 million votes?”

The problem with Trump’s statement is that he misquoted Biden. The actual line from the speech said that “All told, more than 150 [million] Americans of every age, every race, every background, exercised their right to vote.” Trump left out the words “more than.” Consequently, his math is completely off. With the correct quote – and also correcting Trump’s dishonest claim of “75 million+++” votes (it was actually only 74.2 million), there are no missing votes and nothing is being conceded.

Trump should be familiar with the concept of rounding off numbers considering he has done so illegally for decades to either inflate his personal wealth or lower his tax burden. So this is just another typically dishonest ploy by Trump to fudge the numbers in order to gain some personal benefit. And luckily for him, his cult followers are dumb enough to believe it.

Trump didn’t bother to comment on anything else in Biden’s speech, even though some of it was directed squarely at him. For instance, Biden went straight after Trump’s “Big Lie” by noting the unprecedented scrutiny that this election received:

“With recount after recount after recount, court case after court case, The 2020 election was the most scrutinized election ever in American history. Challenge after challenge brought to local and state election officials, state legislatures, state and federal courts, even to the United States Supreme Court not once, but twice.

“More than 80 judges, including those appointed by my predecessor, heard the arguments. In every case neither cause nor evidence was found to undermine the national achievement of administering the historic election in the face of such extraordinary challenges. Audits, recounts were conducted in Arizona, Wisconsin. In Georgia it was recounted three times.

“It’s clear. For those who challenge the results or integrity of the election, no other election has ever been held under such scrutiny or high standards. The “Big Lie” was just that – a big lie.

“The 2020 election, it’s not hyperbole to suggest, is the most examined in the fullest expression of the will of the people in the history of this nation. This should be celebrated. It’s the example of America at its best. But instead, we continue to see an example of human nature at its worst. Something darker, more sinister.

“In America if you lose, you accept the results. We follow the Constitution. You try again. You don’t call facts “fake” and then try to bring down the American experiment just because you’re unhappy. That’s not statesmanship. That’s not statesmanship, it’s selfishness.”

Biden was actually going pretty easy on Trump. Trump’s reckless, incendiary, and brazenly un-American behavior is certainly not statesmanship. But it’s closer to treason than mere selfishness. A better example of patriotism would be for Congress to pass the “For the People Act,” and the “John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act,” as Biden implored them to do in his speech. And every America should do the same by contacting their senators and letting them how crucial this is to our country’s future.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Twitter Must Stop Letting Trump Flout Ban By Allowing His Flunkies to Tweet for Him

It has been six months since Donald Trump was banished from Twitter due to his reckless and relentless lies about election fraud. Twitter imposed the ban on January 8th, two days after Trump’s deadly insurrection on Capitol Hill, saying that “we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.”

Donald Trump, Twitter

In the six months since his suspension Trump has actually escalated his reckless rhetoric. He continues to make purposefully inflammatory comments online and at his cult rallies (where he sometimes does himself more harm than good). These remarks serve to encourage his glassy-eyed disciples to “stand by” for his prophesized political resurrection.

Trump has managed to maintain an online presence despite his exile from social media sites such as Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. Although much of it has demonstrated his infamous capacity for failure. For instance, his attempt to launch an online blog was shut down in less than a month. And GETTR, the new alt-Twitter by his former aide, Jason Miller, is off to a less than impressive start.

However, none of that has deterred the Trump camp from pursuing his aspirations of messianic tyranny. And Twitter is helping them to advance that nightmarish goal.

In lieu of tweeting, Trump has been putting out press releases with the same lie-filled histrionics that are identical to what he used to tweet. And those messages are being disseminated to the Twitter-verse by ultra-rightist pseudo media sites like Breitbart and Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN).

More troubling are the posts by Trump’s official spokesperson, Liz Harrington. Her Twitter account is rife with reposts of Trump’s press releases. In two days she tweeted his ravings at least ten times. They included promotional notices for Trump’s cult rallies, along with such dishonest and maniacal missives as…

Harrington is posting these incendiary outbursts despite Twitter’s stated policy of prohibiting anyone from attempting to circumvent a suspension. Harrington, RSBN, and others are in flagrant violation of Twitter policies that call for suspension of the violator. Twitter needs to enforce their rules without prejudice or preference. Otherwise the rules are meaningless. And in Trump’s case, potentially dangerous.

On the plus side, Harrington. like most Trump sycophants, isn’t particularly gifted with respect to smarts. One of her tweets linked to an article that she casually skimmed and reposted because it referenced the attendance at Trump’s Sarasota cult rally. What she apparently didn’t notice was that it’s lede also explicitly refuted Trump’s “Big Lie,” saying that “There has been no evidence of widespread voter fraud that would have affected the outcome of the election.”

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

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