Snowflakes Gaetz, Greene, et al, Flee Their Paltry Pro-Insurrection Press Conference

On Capitol Hill Tuesday morning a bipartisan committee initiated hearings on the January 6th insurrection incited by Donald Trump. The first session (which Trump to upstage) focused on the testimony of heroic police officers who were among the victims of the riotous mobs that hoped to disrupt the functions of Congress and to overturn the will of the American people. They failed.

Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene

Also on Tuesday morning, another less ethical group of representatives staged their own partisan sideshow in a pitiful attempt to draw attention away from the hearings. They also failed. However, the Republican Pro-Insurrection Caucus press conference did manage to score a mention in the congressional hearing by Sgt. Aquilino Gonell, who noted that…

We’ve got people right now in front of the Justice Department asking to release some of the very same people to be released, even though we’re testifying about the trauma and the agony and everything that happened to us. It’s pathetic, and they shouldn’t be elected officials anymore.”

The people that Sgt. Gonell was referring to at the Justice Department were the cream of the GOP’s Lunatic Brigade: Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Louis Gohmert, and Paul Gosar. They gathered together in support of the domestic terrorists who tried to shut down the U.S. Congress as it was carrying out its constitutional duty to certify the election. It did not go well for them.

First of all, it’s clear that the press didn’t appear to be particularly interested. The StormTrumpers were outnumbered by protesters and security. The protesters made sure to get their signs in front of the cameras with messages like “Pedophiles for Trump” and “Traitors and Rapists Sit down.” And a lone whistleblower added some audio activism to the affair.

Facing this handful of “intolerant leftists” (as one of the GOP shills called them) was apparently too much for the Trumpublicans. So they turned tail and bravely ran away. All the while complaining about having been “shut down.” Which is ironic considering that they didn’t care at all about their own Capitol being shut down by the cretins they were there to defend.

Notice that none of the protesters vandalized any property or assaulted anyone with flagpoles or bear mace. This is what a peaceful protest actually looks like. And it didn’t take much to send the QAnon Quartet scampering off. Greene tried to show some gumption. “To the guy that’s blowing the whistle,” she gamely declared, “we are not deterred.” Then she immediately deterred herself into her getaway car.

Gaetz was followed by a persistent reporter, Lauren Windsor, asking a perfectly relevant question. “Are you a pedophile, Congressman Gaetz” she aske at least eleven times. And with all of those opportunities, Gaetz didn’t bother to deny it even once.

This fiasco comes on the heels of another recent catastrophic political event headlined by Gaetz and Greene. They went on a national “Put America First” tour. But they forgot to put their financial house in order and, as a result

“Their campaigns and joint fundraising committee reported a combined loss of $342,000 within two months after kicking off their tour on 7 May at The Villages in Florida while pulling in less than $60,000 in contributions, according to Federal Election Commission reports reviewed by the publication.”

If this is any indication of how the 2022 congressional mid-term election is going, Republicans may be in a heap of trouble. But that is no reason for Democrats to get complacent. The future of American democracy is on the table, and those who value it need to work harder than ever to keep and expand the Democratic majorities in the House and Senate. While episodes like this are entertaining and encouraging, they must not lead to letting down our guard. The stakes have never been higher.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

‘I Watched It On TV,’ Cries Trump ‘Big Lie’ Believer at America First Rally

This is what we’re up against, folks. Friday marked the launch of the “America First Tour” headlined by Donald Trump’s most zealous fans, Matt Gaetz (who is currently the subject of a federal investigation for sex trafficking and corruption) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (who is a devoutly committed disciple of QAnon). The affair was held at a retirement community in Florida known for being a bastion of ultra-conservativism.

Fox News, QAnon Logo

CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan attended the event and interviewed some of the Deplorables gathered to cheer on the Dyspeptic Duo. In one particularly disturbing segment, O’Sullivan entered into this dialog with a couple of Trump’s true “Big Lie” believers:

Q: You guys genuinely believe the election was stolen?
A: Uh huh.
Q: If you believe that that’s true, isn’t that horrible?
A: Yes. I know it is. Is it horrible that we would even be in the situation to even think that?
Q: But it’s false.
A: No it is not. Why would they have all those ballots hidden under tables? Why did that man drive that truck all the way across state lines with ballots?
Q: The ballots under tables thing with Giuliani in Georgia, that’s all been proven to be false.
A: It has not. I watched it on TV.

Well, that settles it then. She saw it on TV. And as the whole civilized world knows, everything on TV is one hundred percent true. Why just a few days ago I saw Tucker Carlson reveal that Barack Obama is going to force you to get your kids vaccinated. Tucker wouldn’t lie, would he?

It’s a safe bet that the couple in that clip keep their television tuned to Fox News (or Newsmax, or OAN) twenty-four hours a day. And they believe every lie that they broadcast. In this case, they are referring to a thoroughly debunked story about allegedly phony ballots that were hidden under a desk at a Georgia counting facility. The charge was that these ballots were later retrieved and counted after all the observers were sent home and they were all votes for Joe Biden.

That story was feverishly spread by most of the right-wing media. Trump, of course, also included it in his delusional tales of a “stolen” election. However, the story has indeed been proven to be unequivocally false. The video they claim to have “watched on TV” shows the normal process of ballot counting with independent observers present and no irregularities whatsoever.

The problem here is that there is no way to convince the couple in the video that they have bought into a lie and are being taken for fools. They will continue to believe what they think they saw on TV, even if shown the evidence that it’s false. And they aren’t alone. They are just the latest representatives of the cult that has grown like a fungus around the lies disseminated by Fox News and their ilk.

If we hope to halt the totalitarian aspirations of Trump and his Republican Autocratic Party (like the execrable Lindsey Graham who just declared that the GOP cannot “move forward” without Trump), we have to stop it at its source. And that means monitoring and challenging the propaganda dispensed by the Trumpists and their Ministry of Disinformation (aka Fox News) at every opportunity.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Has Fox News Blacklisted the Sex Scandal Plagued Trump Toady Matt Gaetz?

The political prejudices of Fox News are getting tested by current events that put the right-wing “news” network in a decidedly uncomfortable position. It was revealed last month that Republican representative Matt Gaetz (Q-FL) is under investigation by the Department of Justice for serious felonies including sex trafficking of a minor, prostitution, drug use, and financial corruption.

Fox News, Matt Gaetz

As a result of these charges, Fox News has had to adapt their ordinarily knee-jerk, pro-GOP editorial mission to keep from awkwardly aligning itself with the perversion and criminality for which Gaetz is accused. Never mind that Fox News didn’t have any trouble aligning itself with such criminality when it was committed by the serial sexual predator, Donald Trump. Gaetz isn’t Trump and doesn’t get the same measure of absolution from the Trump Ministry of Propaganda.

On March 30, 2021, Gaetz was interviewed on Fox News by Tucker Carlson. The entire segment was provided as an opportunity for Gaetz to defend himself from the allegations against him. Fox’s participation in this self-serving dialogue is hardly unexpected considering the network’s affinity for Gaetz as one of Trump’s most zealous supporters among Republicans in Congress. But even at the conclusion of that interview, Carlson exclaimed that it was “one of the weirdest interviews I’ve ever conducted.” And it would be hard to disagree.

However, that interview with Carlson was also the last time that Gaetz has appeared on Fox News, or even been the subject of any sympathetic stories. That was three weeks ago. This is the network that has shamelessly defended Derek Chauvin, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Capitol insurrectionists, the Confederate flag, QAnon, Alex Jones, and Vladimir Putin, to name a few. But they now appear to be reluctant to defend Gaetz. That says something about the depth of the muck that Gaetz is wallowing in.

Gaetz’s GOP colleagues in Congress are equally afraid to be associated with him. Only a couple of his closest friends in the House – Jim Jordan and Marjorie Taylor Greene – have bothered to stick up for him. Even Trump offered tepid support. It remains to be seen if the Fox News blackout will continue for any length of time. But the fact that they have snubbed him in this, his hour of need, is a significant rejection that has to hurt. Especially when everyone else that would be considered an ally has been running for the hills.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Puppet Matt Gaetz Parrots His Incendiary ‘They’re Coming For You’ Spiel

The old saying in political circles that warns you to stop digging if you find yourself in a hole, is being utterly ignored by Republican hothead Matt Gaetz (Q-FL). Despite his being the subject of federal investigations into sex trafficking of a minor, prostitution, drug use, and financial corruption, Gaetz is continuing to mouth off in public to the delight of his prosecutors.

Matt Gaetz, Prison

Not surprisingly, Gaetz is ranting in a manner that will be familiar to anyone who has paid attention to Donald Trump for the past five years. His oblivious defiance in the face of increasing legal peril is reminiscent of the former guy’s stubborn refusal to accept reality even after two impeachments, dozens of civil and criminal lawsuits, and numerous former associates ratting him out.

Gaetz had the audacity to deliver a speech at – where else – the Trump National Doral golf resort in Florida before a group of “Women for America First.” And if it wasn’t bad enough that an accused sex offender is speaking before an audience of women, the group was also one of the organizers of the deadly January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C.

The speech began with a shout out to his fiancée, Ginger Luckey (a stripper name if there ever was one). And it went downhill from there. In a reference to the “stop the steal,” Big Lie rhetoric that triggered the riots in the Capitol, Gaetz told the crowd that “They can never steal what America felt like under Donald Trump.” Which is true. The nation will not soon forget what it felt like to have a narcissistic, pathological lying, racist, mishandling a pandemic that took the lives of more than half a million Americans due to his negligence, incompetence, and deliberate malfeasance.

Gaetz went on to brand himself as a demagogue. “Firebrands,” he bragged, “don’t retreat. Especially when the battle for the soul of our country calls.” And then Gaetz blatantly plagiarized his Messiah-a-Lago (video below) saying that…

“When you see the leaks and the lies and the falsehoods and the smears, when you see the anonymous sources and insiders forecasting my demise, know this: They aren’t really coming for me. They’re coming for you. I’m just in the way.”

Sound familiar?

First of all, Gaetz needs to be corrected as to who “they” are coming after. It’s him, not the delusional deplorables he would like to misdirect the Feds toward. Gaetz just wants to infect his sheep with his own fear so that they fight back on his behalf. That’s the way of cowards like Gaetz and Trump.

It’s notable that the language Gaetz used is exactly the same as that Trump used back on December 18, 2019 (and several times thereafter), in an attempt to unify his cult followers in a confederacy of victimhood. It’s a tactic perfected by fascist regimes to incite “Us vs Them” divisiveness and political enmity. Trump has employed this destructive strategy from the start of his brief political career in order to inflame his glassy-eyed disciples with the hatred that seethes from his every pore.

Trump has never cared about the welfare of the nation or its people. He is only concerned with himself and how he can fleece the dimwits he’s managed to bamboozle. And Gaetz has apparently dived head first into the very same pattern of con artistry. Does he really think that strategy will bring him salvation? Well, it doesn’t matter so long as it brings in the bucks.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.