Fox News Attacks Kamala Harris Over Fake War on Gas Stoves and Says Democrats ‘Hate Humans’

From its inception, Fox News has had a reputation as a brazenly dishonest purveyor of right-wing propaganda and partisan lies intended to advance conservative Republican agendas and politicians. It doesn’t employ credible reporters, authenticate its stories, and has never been regarded as a legitimate journalistic enterprise.

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Fox News, Kamala Harris

Just this week Fox News reported that a car that ran through a U.S./Canada border checkpoint was a terrorist attack that proved that President Biden’s border policies were weak and responsible for this assault on the homeland. Of course, none of that was true. But even after it was revealed that there was no terrorism connection to the event, Fox News still wouldn’t retract or apologize for their panic-inducing, disinformation. They just diverted back to their routine bashing of Biden on unrelated matters.

SEE THIS: Biden Deftly Dunks Fox News Hack Peter Doocy’s Dumbass Questions About Age and Polls

In keeping with their mission to deliberately defame Biden and other Democrats, Fox News aired a segment on Friday evening that may be the most preposterous piece of bullpucky to hit the airwaves so far this year. Which given Fox’s proficiency with preposterousness is really saying something. The segment featured Lisa Boothe, sitting in for Laura Ingraham, interviewing Fox contributor Charlie Hurt about one of the nation’s most pressing, albeit utterly imaginary, problems: Vice-President Kamala Harris’ Thanksgiving tweet wherein she was seen using an “evil” gas stove that the cretins at Fox News think Biden is trying to ban.

Fox News has spent untold hours on this topic, which has been picked up by republicans with nothing better to do than whine about the “War on Gas Stoves,” or the “War on Cars,” or the “War on Hamburgers,” or the annual “War on Christmas.” Among the GOP warriors is Ted Cruz, who had a typically puerile response to Harris…

Still, Cruz’s response doesn’t begin to compete with the flaming idiocy of Hurt. His rabid outburst provides an explanation for how he must have gotten his name. He is literally painful to listen to…

Hurt: It’s so funny that people, they saw that, her tweet, they saw her stove. They rightly heckled and mocked her and made fun of her and ridiculed her, and then all of the Democrats got freaked out and jumped online and said, ‘Oh no, wait a minute, they don’t want to take away the gas stoves. That’s misinformation.’ No, they do want to take away the gas stoves and, in fact, they are taking away the gas stoves in any of the places where they control things.
Boothe: Why do they want to ban gas stoves?
Hurt: I think because they hate us, they hate humans, they hate joyfulness, they hate pies, they hate good food. They hate. They want us all to be miserable. They want us to suffer because when we’re not suffering, if we’re not suffering, we are, you know, we’re making things. We’re creating things. We’re joyful. We’re doing wonderful things. Everybody is happy. And that drives them crazy because they’re all miserable. They want all of America to be as miserable and unhappy and unloved as they are, and we are just not going to go along with it.

Hurt was outraged by Harris’ holiday greeting. He was beside himself with redundant glee saying that Harris was “heckled and mocked…and made fun of…and ridiculed.” Really? All of those? Then he invents his own characterization of Democrats as being “freaked out” by the glaring misrepresentation of Harris’ Thanksgiving tweet. He should see Trump’s Thanksgiving message to his cult…

HOLY SHIH TZU: Trump’s Heartwarming Thanksgiving Message Drips with Dread and Hate for His Legions of Enemies

However, if anyone was freaked out, it was Hurt. His overwrought reaction to this non-event is epically asinine. To suggest that Democrats hate “humans,” “joyfulness,” “pies,” and “good food,” is beyond derangement. And to elaborate by accusing all Democrats of being “miserable” and wanting the American people to “suffer” turns the lunatic dial up way past eleven. Furthermore, Hurt really needs to be more specific as to what “joyful,” “wonderful” things he and is ilk are creating when they’re happy. Is it screeds like the one he just disgorged?

For the record, the Biden administration is not – and never has been – trying to ban gas stoves, or any of the other items or holidays that Fox News claims there is a war on. In fact, Biden’s press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, was asked about this by Fox News earlier this year. She responded with a quote by the Chair of the Consumer Product Safety Commission saying that…

“Research indicates that emissions from gas stoves can be hazardous and the CPSC is looking for ways to reduce related indoor air quality hazards…But to be clear, I am not looking to ban gas stoves and the CPSC has no proceeding to do so.”

For emphasis, Jean-Pierre added that “the President does not support banning gas stoves.” But somehow, the administration’s official reply to the question – posed by a Fox News correspondent – never got back to Fox News and the dimwits disseminating this nonsense. Or more likely, it did get back to them, but they just don’t care.

At fox News it would be an unforgivable betrayal of their commitment to distorting the “news” if they were to diverge from the far-right slant to which they have pledged their allegiance. And their contracts likely stipulate that they must always be waging a war on something, and more often than not, it’s reality.


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Trump’s Heartwarming Thanksgiving Message Drips with Dread and Hate for His Legions of Enemies

The Thanksgiving holiday is a unique occasion for American families to gather and to show their appreciation for the blessings in their lives. Unlike holidays that memorialize loss or bygone battles, it is a celebration of people and things for which we have gratitude and offers an opportunity to express it.

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Donald Trump Chicken

These feelings of warmth and harmony, however, are not shared by Donald Trump, the twice-impeached, former reality TV game show host, pathologically lying, wannabe dictator, who has been adjudicated as a rapist and fraudster, and has 91 felony charges pending.

SEE ALSO: Trump’s Uber-MAGA 2024 Campaign Message Reeks of the 3rd Reich Rhetoric of the ‘Final Battle’

Trump chose Thanksgiving to deliver the sort of virulent greeting that is the hallmark of his notoriously hostile nature. At 2:00 AM on Thanksgiving morning Trump posted the following acrimonious comment on his pitifully failing social media scam, Truth Social

“Happy Thanksgiving to ALL, including the Racist & Incompetent Attorney General of New York State, Letitia ‘Peekaboo’ James, who has let Murder & Violent Crime FLOURISH, & Businesses FLEE; the Radical Left Trump Hating Judge, a ‘Psycho,’ Arthur Engoron, who Criminally Defrauded the State of New York, & ME, by purposely Valuing my Assets at a ‘tiny’ Fraction of what they are really worth in order to convict me of Fraud before even a Trial, or seeing any PROOF, & used his Politically Biased & Corrupt Campaign Finance Violator, Chief Clerk Alison Greenfield, to sit by his side on the ‘Bench’ & tell him what to do; & Crooked Joe Biden, who has WEAPONIZED his Department of Injustice against his Political Opponent, & allowed our Country to go to HELL; & all of the other Radical Left Lunatics, Communists, Fascists, Marxists, Democrats, & RINOS, who are seriously looking to DESTROY OUR COUNTRY. Have no fear, however, we will WIN the Presidential Election of 2024, & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!”

Brings a tear to the eye doesn’t it? Except they are the sort of tears generated by shoving an ice pick in your ear. For some contrast, here is President Biden’s Thanksgiving Day message…

Notice that Trump is wholly consumed by his legal troubles. Every person he attacked is associated with his current case of financial fraud in New York. And he just rattles off a bunch of infantile insults aimed at “Peekabo” James, and “Psycho” Judge Engoron, and “Crooked” Joe Biden, and in a catch-all rant, “the other Radical Left Lunatics, Communists, Fascists, Marxists, Democrats, & RINOS.” The attack on the court’s intern as a “Corrupt Campaign Finance Violator” is particularly pathetic and completely made up.

These are the mad ravings of a seriously deranged individual. They exhibit his manic fear and paralyzing sense of victimhood. He is providing the best reasons imaginable to prohibit him from ever being considered for any position of power. And yet, there are still sickly members of his cult who think that he’s a strong leader.

It’s just incomprehensible how that can be. Particularly on Thanksgiving Day, this is how he communicates to his glassy-eyed disciples. He really needs to be locked up in a prison psyche ward for the safety of himself and the nation – and the world. That would give us all something to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving everybody.


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Trump’s Thanksgiving Tweets Tell America to Stuff It and Praise a Felonious Turkey He Pardoned

If there is one thing that Donald Trump is known for, it’s posting epically incoherent commentaries on social media that are simultaneously hysterical and frightening. And this Thanksgiving isn’t any different. The Whiner-in-Chief couldn’t refrain from dispensing his trademark brand of anti-American negativity when supposedly wishing the nation a happy holiday, along with self-serving inferences about how we are failing and going in the wrong direction.

Donald Trump Chicken

Past examples of Trump’s Thanksgiving tirades include the year when he was asked what he was most thankful for and he replied himself. And then there was the year that he insulted the troops for Thanksgiving (and also thanked himself). Last year Trump was too consumed with fury over his “Big Lie” about the election to celebrate Thanksgiving. This year Fox News joined the War on Thanksgiving by criticizing President Biden for wanting to spend the holiday with his family.

Despite that record of unrelenting holiday derp, Trump may have outdone himself this year. On Wednesday he posted a tweet (via his Twitter ban defying spokes-shill) that sinks fathoms below even his pathetically low standards. He babbled that…

“The Unselect Committee issued a subpoena to Bernie Kerik, an American Patriot and great former Police Commissioner of New York City, for its Jan. 6th Witch Hunt, but didn’t realize what they were demanding is a massive trove of evidence of Voter Fraud. According to Bernie’s lawyer, these documents show significant indicators of fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, but have remained hidden from the public. It is exactly what the Unselect Committee should be interested in—if this was a real investigation.

“Bernie wants to comply with the subpoena with a public hearing, and asked me to waive attorney-client privilege so Bernie can testify and provide documents, which I grant him. The Unselect Committee will not like what they asked for!”

There’s a lot to unpack in that terse discharge. Let’s begin with Trump unveiling another of his infantile nicknames that he imagines are brilliant putdowns. He calls the bipartisan Congressional Select Committee investigating his culpability for the January 6th insurrection “Unselect.” That’s the sort of wit for which he will go down in history with hapless comic trolls who never made it out of the third grade.

The subject of Trump’s Twantrum is Bernie Kerik, a Rudy Giuliani henchman who spent three years in prison after pleading guilty to eight felony charges, and was later pardoned by Trump. That’s the sort sort of cretin that Trump regards as a “patriot.”

Trump is in a tizzy because Kerik was subpoenaed by the Committee, but consoled by his delusion that Kerik has “a massive trove of evidence of Voter Fraud” that he thinks will be revealed should he testify. Of course, this Committee isn’t investigating Trump’s election “Big Lie” fantasies and is unlikely to waste time with Kerik’s alleged evidence. And Trump’s assertion that Kerik has been hoarding proof of fraud that has been “hidden from the public” for nearly a year is laughably absurd. If they actually had such evidence, why have they been keeping secret for so long?

Nevertheless, Trump is exuding confidence that this is such a dramatic turning point that he is granting Kerik a waiver of attorney-client privileges. That’s awfully generous of him. Never mind that Kerik is not an attorney and never represented Trump, so there is no such applicable privilege to waive. For the record, the Committee subpoenaed Kerik because he…

“…reportedly participated in a meeting on January 5, 2021, at the Willard Hotel in Washington D.C., in which Rudolph Giuliani, Stephen Bannon, John Eastman, and others discussed options for overturning the results of the November 2020 election such as, among other things, pressuring Vice President Pence not to certify the electoral college results.”

Kerik is disputing those allegations. Which is peculiar because he previously admitted that “his firm billed the Trump campaign more than $55,000 for rooms for the legal team [and] was later reimbursed, records show.”

So this all just more desperate noise from Trump and his minions as they try to muddy the waters with deflections and lies. If Kerik follows through on his promise to testify before the Committee, we will see if Trump’s prediction that the Committee “will not like what they asked for” comes to pass. But if history is any guide it will be Trump who doesn’t like the results.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News Hack Peter Doocy Wages War on Thanksgiving, Press Sec Jen Psaki Slaps Him Down

This week Americans across the country will be gathering to celebrate the Thanksgiving holidays with their families. It’s a longstanding tradition that brings people together for feasts and fellowship. However, it is not without controversy. And like Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, and every other traditional holiday, Fox News is convinced that there is a war on it.

Jen Psaki, Fox News, Peter Doocy

This year, however, it is Fox News itself that has declared a War on Thanksgiving. And the first attack was launched in the White House Press Briefing Room by Fox’s own Peter Doocy:

Doocy: The President said today, he said that he was sent here to look out for these middle-class families who are strained right now. So what should they read into his leaving now at this time of great personal financial hardship for so many to go to Nantucket for the week?
Psaki: Well, first I would say, Peter, that I hope you’re spending time with your family. I’m spending time with my family. I hope everybody in here is spending time with their families. This is a time to put politics aside, spend time with your loved ones, and talk about what you’re grateful for. I will also tell you that spending some time with this President and with past presidents, that you are President no matter where you are.

So Doocy thinks that President Biden has to answer for his desire to spend Thanksgiving with his family? He thinks that it is somehow inappropriate for the President to celebrate the holiday the same way every other American does. And he thinks that Biden can’t perform his presidential duties wherever he happens to be. According to Doocy, if Biden congregates with his family he is failing his obligations to the nation.

Press Secretary Jen Psaki replied to Doocy’s asinine inquiry by gently shredding the whole premise of his question. Then she schooled him like child about how the modern presidency is not a job that must be tied down to a particular place. He is also ignoring everything that Biden is currently doing to address the financial hardships that people are going through.

What went unsaid is that if Biden had canceled his family’s holiday plans, Doocy would have asked why the President hates Thanksgiving. It hardly matters what the facts of any circumstance are, Fox News will endeavor to construct a question that attempts to make the President look bad. If Biden walked on water, Fox News would report that he can’t swim. If he cured cancer, Fox News would report that he’s putting doctors out of work.

The knee-jerk negativity of Fox News has no boundaries for ethics or honesty. If Biden got 200 million Americans vaccinated, opened up schools and businesses, reduced unemployment to 4.6%, restored the nation’s international reputation, and passed a historic infrastructure bill that prepared America for the future, created jobs, and mitigated some of the most harmful causes of climate change, Fox News would malign him as a mentally deficient socialist.

Oh wait. Biden did do all of those things, and Fox News does attack him for it. At least Fox is consistent with their factless bashing of all things Democratic and their ultra-rightist propaganda.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Does Trump Know That Pardoning Himself Means He’s Admitting Guilt?

This Thanksgiving Donald Trump has expressed his appreciation for the holiday in his usual fashion: By watching untold hours of Fox News and other right-wing media, and tweeting furiously about how the election he lost decisively to Joe Biden was stolen from him. Anyone who thought that Trump might exhibit any traits of humanity other than those of a lying, paranoid, narcissist, is probably just as psychologically disturbed as Trump.

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Donald Trump, Prison

Among Trump’s Twitter tantrums, (twantrums?) he managed to squeeze in only two tweets (out of 46) that even acknowledged the advent of Thanksgiving. One simply said “HAPPY THANKSGIVING!” and included a link to an article about a Supreme Court ruling that “blocked New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo from enforcing attendance limits at religious services.” Or more accurately, permitted New York’s churches to serve as coronavirus super-spreaders.

In the other tweet Trump wished a happy Thanksgiving to Gen. Michael Flynn, along with a full pardon. Flynn was Trump’s traitorous National Security Advisor, who twice pleaded guilty to crimes against the United States.

So both of Trump’s Thanksgiving tweets were highly politicized and focused on himself, rather than the nation and its people. That’s especially abhorrent at a time when the people are suffering from the effects of a deadly pandemic and a record number are going hungry, being evicted, or otherwise struggling to cope in difficult times. But Trump doesn’t care about any of that so long as his wealthy pals are enjoying a rising stock market and low interest yacht loans.

There was also a retweet by Trump that made a glancing reference to Thanksgiving:

Naturally, this is just another self-serving suck up to Trump by congressional bootlicker, Matt Gaetz. However, this one features a call for Trump to pardon himself. And by retweeting it he is effectively endorsing the idea. It isn’t the first time that Trump has proposed the notion of a self-pardon. In June of 2018 he tweeted that “I have the absolute right to PARDON myself.” That, of course, has never been established as a matter of law. But since when has Trump ever cared about little things like respect for the law?

There have been, though, credible interpretations of the Constitution that maintain that there is no right for presidents to pardon themselves. According to constitutional law professor Eric Muller of the University of North Carolina, the power to “grant,” as specified in the Constitution, implies a transfer from one party to another:

“Can Donald Trump pardon himself? Perhaps, but that’s not the question the Constitution requires us to ask. Can Donald Trump grant himself a pardon? The evidence, at least according to the text of the Constitution and its original meaning, says no.”

What’s more, The acceptance of a pardon carries with it an admission of guilt. As was found in the case of Burdick v. United States:

“There are substantial differences between legislative immunity and a pardon; the latter carries an imputation of guilt and acceptance of a confession of it, while the former is noncommittal, and tantamount to silence of the witness.”

Consequently, Trump would be, in effect, confessing to the crimes that he would be accused of if he were to accept a pardon either from himself, or from Mike Pence, or anyone else. Furthermore, since a pardon would remove any risk of self-incrimination, there would no 5th Amendment right to refuse a summons to testify against himself or any of his co-conspirators.

That 5th Amendment exemption also applies to those who Trump pardons, such as Flynn, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, and any of the other accomplices to his criminal acts. And that could put him in legal jeopardy for crimes that his self-pardon didn’t cover. Which means the real fun in this circus may still be yet to come.

NOTE: News Corpse was notified by Twitter recently that its account would be suspended for repeated violations of their rules. Which is strange because it has never been cited for a single violation in 11 years and they didn’t even identify this alleged violation. They just bounced the account and its 7,000 followers. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from this website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

On This Thanksgiving Day Donald Trump is Thankful for Himself – No Really! (Video)

On this day of remembrance, Americans across the country are gathering in their homes to celebrate the good fortune they have enjoyed over the past year, and hope for more to come in the year ahead. It’a an annual event that generally asks everyone to consider the things for which they are grateful, even if times were hard, as they were for many Americans who suffered through natural disasters, devastating fires, and gruesome mass shootings.

Donald Trump Chicken

But what of America’s president, Donald Trump? He is a man so preoccupied with himself that he can barely utter a complete sentence without ragaling in his delusional awesomeness. What is Trump thankful for this Thanksgiving? Short answer: Himself, of course. And he said so in so many words (video below):

REPORTER: “What are you most thankful for, Mr. President?”
TRUMP: “For having a great family and for having made a tremendous difference in this country. I made a tremendous difference in the country. This country is so much stronger now than it was when I took office that you won’t believe. And I mean, you see it, but so much stronger that people can’t even believe it. When I see foreign leaders, they say we cannot believe the difference in strength between the United States now and the United States two years ago.”

This insane nonsense hardly needs any elaboration. Except to note that this statement was made following a photo-op phone call to troops overseas. The purpose of the call was to thank them for their service and wish them a Happy Thanksgiving. But Trump couldn’t avoid being himself. He turned the call into a political diatribe wherein he praised his border policies and insulted the judiciary.

So once again, Trump was using the troops as a prop, just like those he sent to the border to confront frightened refugees marching in an “invasion” that exists only in Trump’s cartoon brain (and on Fox News). These are the same troops that Trump refuses to visit in person the way every other president has done. Cadet Bone Spurs is obviously afraid and reports say that he fears he would be killed (fragged?) were he to make the trip. He has also said that he objects to such a gesture because he’s opposed to the troops being over there. It’s fair to assume that the troops aren’t too happy about it either, but they do their duty.

So Happy Thanksgiving everybody. And while you’re having your turkey, try to forget that our president is a chicken. Enjoy this time with your families and friends. And look forward to a future that relieves us all from the harm (and embarrassment) foisted on us by an ignorant, reckless, narcissistic “leader” who longs to be a dictator.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.