Allen West’s Crap Sandwich: You Want Lies With That?

GOP whackadoodle congressman Allen West has once again demonstrated the classlessness of the Republican Party. During an appearance on Fox News with Neil Cavuto, West went on another deranged rant against President Obama saying…

“Let’s be very honest and let’s put this military vernacular. If you’re feeding a person a crap sandwich with a smile, it’s still a crap sandwich. That’s what you see coming from President Obama. He said America is just a load of you know what.”

I would challenge West to document his claim that Obama ever said that America is “a load of you know what.” Obviously, that never occurred. However, West has said

  • I believe there’s about 78 to 81 members of the Democrat Party who are members of the Communist Party.
  • If Joseph Goebbels was around, he’d be very proud of the Democrat Party.
  • President Obama seems determined to punish and wipe out economic success in this country, leveling tax weapons of mass destruction on all taxpayers.
  • Barack Obama is undeserving of the title Commander-in-Chief.
  • [Obama] can take [his message] to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America.
  • You [Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz] are the most vile, unprofessional, and despicable member of the US House of Representatives.
  • Mainstream media’s is no longer reporting the news, they are propagandizing […] Goebbels is doing somersaults and back flips in his grave.

Allen West is certainly one of the most mentally unstable people who was ever elected to office. He was virtually thrown out of the military after being fined and reprimanded for engaging in torture against innocent Iraqi citizens. And now he has the gall to talk about crap sandwiches. This inane and tasteless crack was featured as the top headline story on Fox Nation this morning. I particularly enjoyed the fact that it was accompanied by an advertisement for Whataburger.

Allen West's Crap Sandwich

West’s opponent for the 18th district congressional seat in Florida is Patrick Murphy. Feel free to toss him some support. And here’s his latest ad that shows that he has a pretty good sense of humor and an eye for creative messaging.

Is Hurricane Isaac God’s Wrath On The GOP?

The Republican National Kvetch-a-Sketch™ scheduled to begin tomorrow has been set back due to the approach of Hurricane Isaac. On other occasions where natural disasters wreaked havoc on Haiti, New Orleans, or the Virginia city from where Pat Robertson broadcasts his television show, there was a deafening outcry that the reason for the tribulations was that God was angry and was punishing sinners.

So what does Robertson and his ilk have to say about the hurricane bearing down on Tampa, the second consecutive hurricane that has disrupted a Republican convention (remember Gustav in 2008)? It seems like the Lord has some issues with the GOP. But suddenly the explanations of divine intervention have come to a screeching halt. If there is one message that can be taken from this affair it is this: When the Republicans launched their War on Women they forgot that Mother Nature is a woman.

GOP War on Women

While mocking sanctimonious right-wingers and Tea-vangelicals is fair game, we should not forget that hurricanes are no laughing matter. Isaac has already resulted in fatalities in the Caribbean. And even if it misses Tampa, there is almost certainly going to be devastating damage to persons and property elsewhere before it is done.

The media, however, seems wholly focused only on how the hurricane will impact the political party goers at Mitt Romney’s coronation. If Republicans don’t take some time during their convention to acknowledge the suffering of Isaac’s victims, it will be emblematic of their notorious insensitivity toward Americans who aren’t fortunate enough to be members of Romney’s elite class.